Exemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, app):
        client_map = {
            'vm': VmClient,
            'iam': IamClient,
            'disk': DiskClient,
            'mongodb': MongodbClient,
            'mps': MpsClient,
            'streambus': StreambusClient,
            'ipanti': IpantiClient,
            'rds': RdsClient,
            'redis': RedisClient,
            'monitor': MonitorClient,
            'vpc': VpcClient,
            'xdata': XdataClient,
            'nc': NcClient,
            'oss': OssClient,

        profile_manager = ProfileManager()
        cli_config = profile_manager.load_current_profile()
        if cli_config is None:
            return None

        logger = get_logger(app.pargs.debug)

        config = Config(cli_config.endpoint, cli_config.scheme)
        credential = Credential(cli_config.access_key, cli_config.secret_key)
        if self.__service not in client_map:
            return None

        client = client_map[self.__service](credential, config, logger)
        return client
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, config, instance_data, log_level=Logger(FATAL)):
     credential = Credential(config["access_key"], config["secret_key"])
     self.client = RedisClient(credential, Config(str(config["cap_host"]), SCHEME_HTTP, 60), log_level)
     self.instance_data = instance_data
     self.config = config
     self.region_id = instance_data["region_id"]
     self.header = {'x-jdcloud-erp': base64.b64encode(config["erp"])}
Exemplo n.º 3
def setClient(conf):
    access_key = str(conf["access_key"])
    secret_key = str(conf["secret_key"])
    credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
    gw_config = Config(str(conf["gateway"]), SCHEME_HTTP)
    client = RedisClient(credential, gw_config, Logger(conf["logger_level"]))
    return client
Exemplo n.º 4
def setClient(conf):
    access_key = str(conf["access_key"])
    secret_key = str(conf["secret_key"])
    credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
    gw_config = Config(str(conf["gateway"]), SCHEME_HTTP)
    # client = MemcachedClient(credential, gw_config, Logger(ERROR))
    client = MemcachedClient(credential, gw_config)
    return client
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     access_key = '2FFA9E233949CAFA49B5CBAE9DB3A151'
     secret_key = '9D561D6F3430FA91A4899F8C546C27D0'
     self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
     config = Config('apigw-kong-internal.default.mesh.jdcloud.com:8000',
     #self.client = VmClient(self.credential, config)
     self.client = JdmeshClient(self.credential, config)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get(self, app):
        client_map = {
            'rds': RdsClient,
            'kubernetes': KubernetesClient,
            'streamcomputer': StreamcomputerClient,
            'ipanti': IpantiClient,
            'oss': OssClient,
            'redis': RedisClient,
            'deploy': DeployClient,
            'sop': SopClient,
            'function': FunctionClient,
            'portal': PortalClient,
            'clouddnsservice': ClouddnsserviceClient,
            'cps': CpsClient,
            'cdn': CdnClient,
            'streambus': StreambusClient,
            'httpdns': HttpdnsClient,
            'mps': MpsClient,
            'disk': DiskClient,
            'nc': NcClient,
            'vm': VmClient,
            'pod': PodClient,
            'ams': AmsClient,
            'jdro': JdroClient,
            'zfs': ZfsClient,
            'datastar': DatastarClient,
            'kms': KmsClient,
            'elite': EliteClient,
            'iam': IamClient,
            'iothub': IothubClient,
            'jcq': JcqClient,
            'baseanti': BaseantiClient,
            'ias': IasClient,
            'mongodb': MongodbClient,
            'live': LiveClient,
            'jdfusion': JdfusionClient,
            'vpc': VpcClient,
            'monitor': MonitorClient,
            'xdata': XdataClient,
            'cr': CrClient,

        profile_manager = ProfileManager()
        cli_config = profile_manager.load_current_profile()
        if cli_config is None:
            return None

        logger = get_logger(app.pargs.debug)

        config = Config(cli_config.endpoint, cli_config.scheme, int(cli_config.timeout))
        credential = Credential(cli_config.access_key, cli_config.secret_key)
        if self.__service not in client_map:
            return None

        client = client_map[self.__service](credential, config, logger)
        return client
Exemplo n.º 7
    def testDescribeMetrics(self):
        access_key = 'ak'
        secret_key = 'sk'
        credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
        client = MonitorClient(credential)

        params = DescribeMetricsParameters('vm')
        request = DescribeMetricsRequest(params)
        resp = client.send(request)
        self.assertTrue(resp.error is None)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testHeadBucket(self):
        access_key = 'ak'
        secret_key = 'sk'
        credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
        client = OssClient(credential)

        params = HeadBucketParameters('cn-north-1', 'bucke01')
        request = HeadBucketRequest(params)
        resp = client.send(request)
        self.assertTrue(resp.error is None)
        print resp.requestId
Exemplo n.º 9
 def setUp(self):
     access_key = 'ak'
     secret_key = 'sk'
     self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
     # 指定使用http方式访问vpc专用域名,超时为20s
     config = Config('vm.internal.cn-north-1.jdcloud-api.com', SCHEME_HTTP,
     logger = Logger(
     )  # FATAL = 0 ERROR = 1 WARN = 2 INFO = 3;如果不想输出日志,可将日志级别设置为0(FATAL);不设置logger,则默认为INFO
     self.client = VmClient(self.credential, config, logger)
Exemplo n.º 10
def attach(app, service, headers, region_id, container_id, pod_id=None):
    def handle_signal(signum, frame):
        h, w = web_socket.get_win_size()
        resize_tty(h, w, app, service, headers, region_id, container_id, pod_id=pod_id)


    profile_manager = ProfileManager()
    cli_config = profile_manager.load_current_profile()
    credential = Credential(cli_config.access_key, cli_config.secret_key)
    request = AttachRequest(service, WEBSOCKET_SCHEME, cli_config.endpoint, METHOD_GET, headers, region_id, container_id, pod_id=pod_id)

    h_o, w_o = web_socket.get_win_size()
    resize_tty(h_o, w_o, app, service, headers, region_id, container_id, pod_id=pod_id)
Exemplo n.º 11
def exec_start(app, region_id, container_id, exec_id):
    def handle_signal(signum, frame):
        h, w = web_socket.get_win_size()
        resize_tty(h, w, app, region_id, container_id, exec_id)


    profile_manager = ProfileManager()
    cli_config = profile_manager.load_current_profile()
    credential = Credential(cli_config.access_key, cli_config.secret_key)
    request = ExecStartRequest(WEBSOCKET_SCHEME, cli_config.endpoint,
                               METHOD_GET, region_id, container_id, exec_id)

    h_o, w_o = web_socket.get_win_size()
    resize_tty(h_o, w_o, app, region_id, container_id, exec_id)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, regionId, az, name, diskType,\
                 diskSizeGB, description=None, snapshotId=None, chargeSpec=None, maxCount=1):

        self.regionId = regionId
        self.az = az
        self.name = name
        # ssd or premium-hdd
        self.diskType = diskType
        # diskSizeGB: type of Integer
        self.diskSizeGB = diskSizeGB
        self.description = description
        self.snapshotId = snapshotId
        #        :param chargeMode: (Optional) 计费模式,取值为:prepaid_by_duration,postpaid_by_usage或postpaid_by_duration,prepaid_by_duration表示预付费,postpaid_by_usage表示按用量后付费,postpaid_by_duration表示按配置后付费,默认为postpaid_by_duration
        self.chargeSpec = chargeSpec
        self.maxCount = maxCount

        self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
        self.client = DiskClient(self.credential)
        print 'Client created...'
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, regionId, az, instanceType, imageId,\
                 name, password, maxCount=1, chargeSpec=None, description=None):
        self.regionId = regionId
        self.az = az
        # E.G. 'g.s1.micro'
        self.instanceType = instanceType
        self.imageId = imageId
        # instance name prefix
        self.name = name
        self.password = password
        self.maxCount = maxCount
        # Default None: postpaid_by_duration:按配置后付费
        self.chargeSpec = chargeSpec
        self.description = description
        # InstanceDiskAttachmentSpec[]
        self.dataDiskSpec = []

        self.elasticIpSpec = None

        self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
        self.client = VmClient(self.credential)
        print 'Client created...'
    def __init__(self,

        self.regionId = regionId
        self.bandwidthMbps = bandwidthMbps
        # bgp or no_bgp
        self.provider = provider
        # 指定弹性ip地址进行创建,当申请创建多个弹性ip时,必须为空
        self.elasticIpAddress = elasticIpAddress
        # 购买弹性ip数量;取值范围:[1,100]
        self.maxCount = maxCount
        self.chargeSpec = chargeSpec

        self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
        self.client = VpcClient(self.credential)
        print 'Client created...'
Exemplo n.º 15
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from jdcloud_sdk.core.credential import Credential
from jdcloud_sdk.services.vpc.client.VpcClient import *
from jdcloud_sdk.services.common.models.Filter import *
from jdcloud_sdk.services.vpc.apis.DescribeElasticIpsRequest import *
import json

access_key = 'ak'
secret_key = 'sk'
regionId = 'cn-north-1'

myCredential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
myClient = VpcClient(myCredential)

# List of all the EIP IDs
eipList = ['fip-tj98zpg0ym', 'fip-0rsd6husd2', 'fip-7quu2vwtmu']

# Filter by EIP ID
myFilter = Filter('elasticIpIds', eipList)
myParam = DescribeElasticIpsParameters(regionId)
myRequest = DescribeElasticIpsRequest(myParam)

resp = myClient.send(myRequest)
# output all the info of EIPs
print json.dumps(resp.result, indent=2)

eipID = []
# get the public IPs by order
Exemplo n.º 16
 def create_client(self, ak, sk, domain):
     access_key = ak
     secret_key = sk
     self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
     config = Config(domain, scheme=SCHEME_HTTP)
     self.client = JdmeshClient(self.credential, config)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def setUp(self):
     access_key = 'ak'
     secret_key = 'sk'
     self.credential = Credential(access_key, secret_key)
     self.client = JcqClient(self.credential)
Exemplo n.º 18
def getDiskClient(accessKey, secretKey):
    credential = Credential(accessKey, secretKey)
    logger = Logger(2)
    config = Config(timeout=1000)
    client = DiskClient(credential, logger=logger, config=config)
    return client
Exemplo n.º 19
    def get(self, app):
        client_map = {
            'rds': RdsClient,
            'kubernetes': KubernetesClient,
            'vqd': VqdClient,
            'streamcomputer': StreamcomputerClient,
            'ipanti': IpantiClient,
            'ssl': SslClient,
            'domainservice': DomainserviceClient,
            'jmr': JmrClient,
            'oss': OssClient,
            'redis': RedisClient,
            'billing': BillingClient,
            'deploy': DeployClient,
            'sop': SopClient,
            'function': FunctionClient,
            'portal': PortalClient,
            'jdccs': JdccsClient,
            'logs': LogsClient,
            'clouddnsservice': ClouddnsserviceClient,
            'cps': CpsClient,
            'cdn': CdnClient,
            'streambus': StreambusClient,
            'apigateway': ApigatewayClient,
            'httpdns': HttpdnsClient,
            'disk': DiskClient,
            'sts': StsClient,
            'nc': NcClient,
            'vm': VmClient,
            'nativecontainer': NativecontainerClient,
            'iotcore': IotcoreClient,
            'pod': PodClient,
            'ams': AmsClient,
            'jdro': JdroClient,
            'zfs': ZfsClient,
            'vod': VodClient,
            'yundingdatapush': YundingdatapushClient,
            'datastar': DatastarClient,
            'kms': KmsClient,
            'elite': EliteClient,
            'ossopenapi': OssopenapiClient,
            'iam': IamClient,
            'iothub': IothubClient,
            'sms': SmsClient,
            'jcq': JcqClient,
            'resourcetag': ResourcetagClient,
            'baseanti': BaseantiClient,
            'ias': IasClient,
            'mongodb': MongodbClient,
            'jdfusion': JdfusionClient,
            'live': LiveClient,
            'detection': DetectionClient,
            'iotlink': IotlinkClient,
            'renewal': RenewalClient,
            'yunding': YundingClient,
            'vpc': VpcClient,
            'monitor': MonitorClient,
            'xdata': XdataClient,
            'containerregistry': ContainerregistryClient,
            'partner': PartnerClient,
            'lb': LbClient,
            'industrydata': IndustrydataClient,

        profile_manager = ProfileManager()
        cli_config = profile_manager.load_current_profile()
        if cli_config is None:
            return None

        logger = get_logger(app.pargs.debug)

        config = Config(cli_config.endpoint, cli_config.scheme,
        credential = Credential(cli_config.access_key, cli_config.secret_key)
        if self.__service not in client_map:
            return None

        client = client_map[self.__service](credential, config, logger)
        return client