Exemplo n.º 1
def read_result_file(station, dt, products, program, prefixdir):
    read text-file and return PPP_Result
    mjd = jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(dt)
    fname = "%s.%d.%s.%s.txt" % (station.receiver, mjd, products, program)
    r = PPP_Result()
    with open(prefixdir + "/results/" + station.name + "/" + fname) as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith("#"):
                line = line.split()
                # 0     1       2   3       4   5   6           7           8           9           10
                # Year	Month	Day	Hour	Min	Sec	Lat(deg)	Lon(deg)	Height(m)	Clock(ns)	ZTD(m)

                epoch = datetime.datetime(int(line[0]), int(line[1]),
                                          int(line[2]), int(line[3]),
                                          int(line[4]), int(line[5]))
                lat = float(line[6])
                lon = float(line[7])
                height = float(line[8])
                clock = float(line[9])
                ztd = float(line[10])
                r.append(PPP_Point(epoch, lat, lon, height, clock, ztd))
    return r
Exemplo n.º 2
def write_result_file(ppp_result,
    """ write the ppp result out to a text file """
    ftp_tools.check_dir(prefixdir + "/results")
    ftp_tools.check_dir(prefixdir + "/results/" + ppp_result.station.name)
    first_obs = ppp_result.observations[0]
    first_obs_mjd = int(jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(first_obs.epoch))
    rapid_final = "final"
    if rapid:
        rapid_final = "rapid"
    result_file = ppp_result.station.receiver + "." + str(
        first_obs_mjd) + "." + rapid_final + "." + tag + ".txt"

    outfile = prefixdir + "/results/" + ppp_result.station.name + "/" + result_file
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
        datastring = "# " + result_file + " \n"
        for line in preamble.split('\n'):
            f.write("# %s\n" % line)

        for point in ppp_result.observations:
            f.write(str(point) + "\n")

    print " wrote results to ", outfile
Exemplo n.º 3
def diff_stations(prefixdir, station1, station2, dt, products, program):
    calculate clock difference between two stations
    Station1 PPP result is receive_clock_offset = IGST(rapid/final) - Station1
    Station2 PPP result is receive_clock_offset = IGST(rapid/final) - Station2

    Double difference Station1-Station2 gives:
    (IGST(rapid/final) - Station1) - (IGST(rapid/final) - Station2)
    Station2 - Station1
    year = dt.timetuple().tm_year
    doy = dt.timetuple().tm_yday
    mjd = jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(dt)
    # output filename
    diff_dir = prefixdir + "/results/diff/"
    fname = diff_dir + "%s.diff.%s.%d.%s.%s.txt" % (
        station1.receiver, station2.receiver, mjd, products, program)
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        print(fname, " already exists - nothing to do.")
        return  # result already exists, nothing to do

    r1 = read_result_file(station1, dt, products, program, prefixdir)
    r2 = read_result_file(station2, dt, products, program, prefixdir)
    print("diff ", station1.name, " - ", station2.name, end=' ')
    # print "diff station2 ", len(r2)
    # read_result_file( )
    # 2,x2) = bipm_ftp.COD_read_day(prefixdir, station2, year, doy, rapid)
    # print len(t1), len(t2)

    (t_diff, clock_diff) = diff(r1, r2)
    print(len(t_diff), " points")
    # print len(td), len(d)
    # print d
    # print numpy.median(d)
    # (td2,d2) = mad.remove_timeseries_outliers(td,d)
    # write_diff_file(prefixdir, station1, station2, year, doy, td2, d2)
    # print len(td2)
    return (t_diff, clock_diff)
Exemplo n.º 4
def write_result_file( ppp_result ,  preamble="" , rapid=True, tag="ppp", prefixdir=""):
    """ write the ppp result out to a text file """
    ftp_tools.check_dir(prefixdir + "/results")
    ftp_tools.check_dir(prefixdir + "/results/" + ppp_result.station.name)
    first_obs = ppp_result.observations[0]
    first_obs_mjd = int(jdutil.datetime_to_mjd( first_obs.epoch ) )
    rapid_final = "final"
    if rapid:
        rapid_final = "rapid"
    result_file = ppp_result.station.receiver +"." + str(first_obs_mjd) + "." + rapid_final + "." + tag + ".txt"
    outfile = prefixdir + "/results/" + ppp_result.station.name + "/" + result_file
    with open(outfile,'w') as f:
        datastring = "# " + result_file + " \n"
        for line in preamble.split('\n'):
            f.write( "# %s\n" % line)

        for point in ppp_result.observations:
            f.write(str(point) + "\n")

    print " wrote results to ", outfile
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, noteName, vlen, bandwidth, record):
            # inputs: time sequence of I,Q values,
            # peak, rms, Event MJD
            in_sig=[(np.complex64, int(vlen))],
        vlen = int(vlen)
        self.vlen = vlen
        self.ecount = 1
        self.record = int(record)
        self.obs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
        self.setupdir = "./"
        noteParts = noteName.split('.')
        self.noteName = noteParts[0] + '.not'
        if len(noteParts) > 2:
            print '!!! Warning, unexpected Notes File name! '
            print '!!! Using file: ', self.noteName
            if os.path.isfile(self.noteName):
                print 'Setup File       : ', self.noteName
                if os.path.isfile("Watch.not"):
                        import shutil
                        shutil.copyfile("Watch.not", self.noteName)
                        print "Created %s from file: Watch.not" % (
                        pformat = "! Create the Note file %s, and try again !"
                        print pformat % (self.noteName)
        self.obs.read_spec_ast(self.noteName)  # read the parameters

        # prepare to Event get messages
        #        print 'Registered event on input port of sink'

        #        self.set_tag_propagation_policy(gr.TPP_ALL_TO_ALL)
        #        self.set_msg_handler(pmt.intern('in_port'), self.event_handler)

        self.obs.datadir = "../events/"  # writing events not spectra
        self.obs.noteB = "Event Detection"
        if not os.path.exists(self.obs.datadir):
        nd = len(self.obs.datadir)
        if self.obs.datadir[nd - 1] != '/':
            self.obs.datadir = self.obs.datadir + "/"
            print 'DataDir          : ', self.obs.datadir
        self.obs.nSpec = 0  # not working with spectra
        self.obs.nChan = 0
        self.obs.nTime = 1  # working with time series
        self.obs.nSamples = vlen
        vlen2 = int(vlen / 2)
        self.obs.refSample = vlen2 + 1  # event is in middle of time sequence
        self.obs.ydataA = np.zeros(vlen, dtype=np.complex64)
        self.obs.xdata = np.zeros(vlen)
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.eventutc = now
        self.obs.utc = now
        self.eventmjd = jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(now)
        self.lastmjd = self.eventmjd
        self.emagnitude = 0.
        self.erms = 0.
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, vlen, mode, nsigma, sample_rate, sample_delay):
        Initialize the event class, zero sample buffer
        gr.decim_block.__init__(self, name="ra_vevent",
                                # input I/Q pairs
                                # output vector and  3 scalar values
                                out_sig=[(np.complex64, int(vlen))],
        self.vlen = int(vlen)
        if vlen < 10:
            print "ra_vevent: vector length too short:",self.vlen

        # register the event parameters 
#        self.message_port_register_out(pmt.intern('out_port'))
        print 'Registered: Event on output port'

        self.vlen2 = int(vlen/2)
        self.next = 0                  # where to place the next sample
        self.next2 = self.vlen2 + 1    # where to look for next event
        self.oneovern = 1./float(self.vlen)
        self.waitcount = self.vlen     # samples until declaring an event
        self.mode = int(mode)
        self.nsigma = float(nsigma)
        self.nsigma2 = self.nsigma*self.nsigma
        self.first_event = False       # track whether first event is found
        # vector of complex data currently stored
        self.values = np.zeros(self.vlen, dtype=np.complex64)  
        self.value2s = np.zeros(self.vlen)  # vector of magnitudes
        self.full = False
        # vector of last event found
        self.vevent = np.zeros(self.vlen, dtype=np.complex64)
        self.ecount = np.int_(0)  # count of events detected so far
        self.sample_rate = float(sample_rate)
        if self.sample_rate < 100.:
            print 'Invalid Sample Rate: ', self.sample_rate, ' Hz'
        self.delay = float(sample_delay)
        self.datetime_delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.delay)
        self.rmssum2 = 0.
        self.rms2 = 0.
        # pre compute nsigma * nsigma * rms2
        self.nsigmarms2 = self.nsigma2 * self.rms2
        # compute time offset between current time and event
        self.dt = float(self.vlen2)/self.sample_rate
        self.dutc = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.dt)
        # initialize event times
        self.eventutc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self.dutc
        self.eventmjd = np.float(jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(self.eventutc))
        # !!!!
        # Hack alert! Had to send the MJD in to parts days, including 10ths
        # Plus hours, where days and 10ths of days were subtracted
        # !!!!
        self.emagnitude = 0.            # event magnitude
        self.erms = 0.                  # event RMS
        print 'ra_event Vlen, Nsigma, dt: ', self.vlen, self.nsigma, self.dt
        if self.vlen < 16:
            print 'Not Enough samples (<16) to measure RMS: ', self.vlen
Exemplo n.º 7
    def work(self, input_items, output_items):
        Work takes the input data and computes the average peak and RMS
        inn = input_items[0]    # input complex samples
        mag2 = inn.real*inn.real + inn.imag*inn.imag  # compute magnitudes^2
        # get the number of input samples
        ns = len(inn)           # number of samples in this port
#        print 'Vevent: ', ns, inn[0], mag2[0]

        outa = output_items[0]  # all outputs in PORT 0; vector of samples
        nout = 0                # count number of output items

        # this code was optimized to remove some 'ifs' outside the main loop
        # if the buffer is already full.   The cost is that no event can
        # be detected until the buffer is full.
        if self.full:           # if buffer is already full process differently
            # run through all input samples
            for j in range(ns):
                # record the new values (maybe on top of previous
                self.values[self.next] = inn[j]
                self.value2s[self.next] = mag2[j]
                self.rmssum2 = self.rmssum2 + mag2[j]

                # now handle circular buffer and detect full buffer
                self.next = self.next + 1

                # next2 is the place to look for the last event
                self.next2 = self.next2 + 1
                if self.next2 >= self.vlen:
                    self.next2 = 0

                # determine when buffer is full.
                # Always output an event each time the buffer cycles
                # end cycling around the buffer
                if self.next >= self.vlen:
                    self.next = 0
                    # only work with squares until event is found
                    self.rms2 = self.rmssum2*self.oneovern
                    # set threshold for the next block of samples
                    self.nsigmarms2 = self.nsigma2 * self.rms2
                    self.rmssum2 = 0.   # start new sum
                    # if monitoring, output latest vector
                    if self.mode <= EVENT_MONITOR:
                        self.vevent = copy.deepcopy(self.values)
                        self.emagnitude = np.sqrt(max( self.value2s))
                        self.erms = np.sqrt(self.rms2)
                        self.eventutc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self.dutc
                        self.eventutc = self.eventutc - self.datetime_delay
                        self.eventmjd = np.float(jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(self.eventutc))
                        self.ecount = 0
                        self.lastmjd = self.eventmjd
                        self.first_event = True
                        # Tag the start of the burst (preamble)                                                                    

                    # if time to output and event
                    outa[nout] = self.vevent    # ouput vector of samples
                    nout = nout + 1

                # if event found
                if self.value2s[self.next2] > self.nsigmarms2:
                    if self.full:       # if still full
                        # an event is found!
                        self.emagnitude = np.sqrt(self.value2s[self.next2])
                        self.erms = np.sqrt(self.rms2)
                        self.eventutc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                        # offset now for middle of event
                        self.eventutc = self.eventutc - self.dutc
                        self.eventutc = self.eventutc - self.datetime_delay
                        self.eventmjd = np.float(jdutil.datetime_to_mjd(self.eventutc))
#                        print "Event Detected: %15.9f (MJD) %9.4f %8.4f" % (self.eventmjd, self.emagnitude, self.erms)
                        # deal with circular buffer in centering output event:
                        # describe event to subscribers to the sink vector
#                        self.event_msg()       # report magnitude, rms and date
                        self.ecount = self.ecount + 1   # keep event count
                        self.first_event = True
#                        print 'Event: ', self.ecount
#                        print 'Utc event: ', self.eventutc
#                        print 'Utc MJD  : %12.6f' % (self.eventmjd)
#                        print 'Utc days : %12.6f + %12.6f' % (fdays, hours)
#                        print 'Magnitude: ', self.emagnitude, ' +/- ',self.erms
                        self.init_buffer()      # start again
                # end if an event found
            # end for all input samples
            # end if buffer already full
        else:  # this is the start of the other major (un-usual) mode
            # buffer is not full, fill samples in buffer
            for j in range(ns):
            # record the new values (maybe on top of previous
                self.values[self.next] = inn[j]
                self.value2s[self.next] = mag2[j]
                self.rmssum2 = self.rmssum2 + mag2[j]

                # now handle circular buffer and detect full buffer
                self.next = self.next + 1
                # determine when buffer is full.
                # Always output an event each time the buffer cycles
                # end cycling around the buffer
                if self.next >= self.vlen:
                    self.full = True
                    self.next = 0
                    # only work with squares until event is found
                    self.rms2 = self.rmssum2*self.oneovern
                    # set threshold for the next block of samples
                    self.nsigmarms2 = self.nsigma2 * self.rms2
                    self.rmssum2 = 0.  # start new sum
                    outa[nout] = self.vevent  # ouput vector of samples
                    nout = nout + 1
                # check whether we've waited enough for buffer to fill again
                if self.waitcount <= 0:
                    self.full = True
                    self.waitcount = self.waitcount - 1
                # next2 is the place to look for the last event
                self.next2 = self.next2 + 1
                if self.next2 >= self.vlen:
                    self.next2 = 0
            # end for all samples
        # end else if not full

        if nout > 0:
            output_items[0] = outa
        return nout