def test_output_when_testing_test_that_fails(self, failing_test_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([failing_test_file], pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert isinstance(reports, list), f"Exit code: {reports}"
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "failed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("F", "red")

        # Check pytest output
        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 1 failed" in pytest_output
        assert ("""def test_that_fails():
>       raise ValueError("Intended to fail")
E       ValueError: Intended to fail""" in pytest_output)
    def test_pytest_header_output(self, failing_test_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_out = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        run_pytest([failing_test_file], pytest_out)

        # Assert
        pytest_output = pytest_out.getvalue()
        expected_log_fragments = [
            "============================= test session starts =============================",
            "Python 3.8.",
            "plugins: typeguard-2.12.0",

        for expected in expected_log_fragments:
            assert expected in pytest_output, f"{expected} not in {pytest_output}"
    def test_output_when_testing_skipped_test(self, skipped_test_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([skipped_test_file], pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert isinstance(reports, list), f"Exit code: {reports}"
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "skipped"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("s", "yellow")

        # Check pytest output
        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
    def test_output_with_successful_test(self, successful_test_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([successful_test_file], pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "passed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup(".", "green")

        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 1 passed" in pytest_output
    def test_directory_structure(self, temp_test_directory: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([temp_test_directory], pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == 2 * [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "passed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed"),

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == 2 * markup(".", "green")

        assert os.path.join("nested", "") in pytest_output
        assert "collected 2 items" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 2 passed" in pytest_output
    def test_output_with_failing_class_setup(
            self, test_with_failing_class_setup_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([test_with_failing_class_setup_file],
                             pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "failed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("E", "red")

        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 1 error" in pytest_output
    def test_output_when_testing_skipped_test_with_failing_teardown(
            self, skipped_test_with_failing_teardown_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([skipped_test_with_failing_teardown_file],
                             pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "skipped"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")
        #                                                                        ^^^^^^
        # The failing teardown method is skipped, and the actual pytest teardown passes
        # Actually, I learned it refers to class teardown, rather than test teardown
        # Test teardown is contained within "when=call"

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("s", "yellow")
    def test_output_with_failing_test_and_teardown(
            self, test_that_fails_and_teardown_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([test_that_fails_and_teardown_file],
                             pytest_output, sys_output)

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "failed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "failed")
        # The test teardown fails, and unlike when=setup, when=teardown the test teardown failing is reflected

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("F", "red") + markup("E", "red")

        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "========================= 1 failed, 1 error" in pytest_output
    def test_output_with_failing_teardown(
            self, test_with_failing_teardown_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([test_with_failing_teardown_file], pytest_output,

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "failed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")
        # Just like when=setup, when=teardown refers to class teardown rather than function teardown, so it passes^

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("F", "red")

        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 1 failed" in pytest_output
    def test_output_with_failing_setup(self,
                                       test_with_failing_setup_file: str):
        # Arrange
        pytest_output = TestStringIO()
        sys_output = TestStringIO()

        # Act
        reports = run_pytest([test_with_failing_setup_file], pytest_output,

        # Assert
        # Check reports
        assert reports == [
            TestEvent("setup", "passed"),
            TestEvent("call", "failed"),
            TestEvent("teardown", "passed")
        # The function test setup fails, but the class setup (which is what when=setup refers to) still succeeds

        # Check output
        assert sys_output == markup("F", "red")

        assert "collected 1 item" in pytest_output
        assert "============================== 1 failed" in pytest_output
 def test_partest_on_empty_file(self, temp_test_file: str):
     exit_code = run_pytest([temp_test_file])
     assert exit_code == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED