Exemplo n.º 1
def make_mesh():

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()  # jigsaw data structures
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts.geom_file = "tmp/geom.msh"  # setup jigsaw files
    opts.jcfg_file = "tmp/opts.jig"
    opts.mesh_file = "out/mesh.msh"

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"  # a simple "unit" sphere
    geom.radii = np.ones(+3)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    opts.verbosity = +1  # setup user-defined opt
    opts.optm_iter = +512
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.E-08
    opts.optm_kern = "odt+dqdx"
    #   opts.optm_kern = "cvt+dqdx"

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.icosahedron(opts, 6, mesh)  # mesh with n bisections

    #   keep = mesh.tria3["IDtag"] == +1            # only keep single face?
    #   mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[keep]

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    jigsawpy.savevtk("mesh.vtk", mesh)  # to open in paraview...

Exemplo n.º 2
    def _write_to_file(self, out_format, out_file, hfun_collector, crs):

        _logger.info(f"Writing for file ({out_format}) ...")

        # NOTE: Combined mesh from collector is always in EPSG:4326
        jig_hfun = hfun_collector.msh_t()
        dst_crs = CRS.from_user_input(crs)
        if jig_hfun.crs != dst_crs:
            _logger.info(f"Reprojecting hfun to ({crs}) ...")
            utils.reproject(jig_hfun, dst_crs)

        # TODO: Check for correct extension on out_file
        if out_format in ("jigsaw", "vtk"):
            if out_format == "jigsaw":
                savemsh(out_file, jig_hfun)

            elif out_format == "vtk":
                savevtk(out_file, jig_hfun)

        elif out_format in ['2dm', 'sms']:
            # TODO: How to specify crs in 2dm file?
            mesh = Mesh(jig_hfun)
            mesh.write(out_file, format='2dm')

            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Output type {out_format} is not supported")

Exemplo n.º 3
    def _run_cmdsaw(self):
        msg = f'_run_cmdsaw()'

        # init tmpfiles
        self.logger.debug(f'init tmpfiles')
        mesh_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmpdir, suffix='.msh')
        hmat_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmpdir, suffix='.msh')
        geom_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmpdir, suffix='.msh')
        jcfg_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmpdir, suffix='.jig')

        # dump data to tempfiles
        jigsawpy.savemsh(hmat_file.name, self.hfun)
        jigsawpy.savemsh(geom_file.name, self.geom)

        # init opts
        opts = jigsaw_jig_t()
        opts.mesh_file = mesh_file.name
        opts.hfun_file = hmat_file.name
        opts.geom_file = geom_file.name
        opts.jcfg_file = jcfg_file.name

        # additional configuration options
        opts.verbosity = self.verbosity
        opts.mesh_dims = +2  # NOTE: Hardcoded value
        opts.hfun_scal = 'absolute'
        opts.optm_tria = True  # NOTE: Hardcoded value
        opts.optm_qlim = self.optm_qlim

        if self.hmin_is_absolute_limit:
            opts.hfun_hmin = self.hmin
            opts.hfun_hmin = np.min(self.hfun.value)

        if self.hmax_is_absolute_limit:
            opts.hfun_hmax = self.hmax
            opts.hfun_hmax = np.max(self.hfun.value)

        # init outputmesh
        mesh = jigsaw_msh_t()

        # call jigsaw
        self.logger.debug('call cmdsaw')
        jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

        # cleanup temporary files
        for tmpfile in (mesh_file, hmat_file, geom_file, jcfg_file):
            del (tmpfile)

        self.__output_mesh = mesh
Exemplo n.º 4
    def geom(self):
        This is the global geom
            name = self.__geom_tmpfile.name
            geom = jigsaw_msh_t()
            loadmsh(name, geom)
            return geom

        except AttributeError:

            # jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
            if isinstance(self._geom, jigsaw_msh_t):
                self._geom.edge2 = geomesh.utils.edge2_from_msh_t(self._geom)
                geom = self._geom

            elif isinstance(self._geom, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
                msg = 'self.geom:AttributeError:(Polygon, MultiPolygon)'
                geom = self._get_geom_from_shapely()

            # RasterCollection
            elif isinstance(
                msg = 'self.geom:AttributeError:(Raster, RasterCollection)'
                geom = self._get_geom_from_raster()

                msg = f"Undefined handler for geom type {self._geom}"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)

            tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
                prefix=geomesh.tmpdir, suffix='.msh')
            savemsh(tmpfile.name, geom)
            self.__geom_tmpfile = tmpfile
            # spherical mesh
            if self._radii is not None:
                geom.radii = self._radii
                geom.mshID = self._mshID
            return geom
Exemplo n.º 5
def jigsaw_driver(cellWidth, lon, lat):
    A function for building a jigsaw mesh

    cellWidth : ndarray
        The size of each cell in the resulting mesh as a function of space

    lon, lat : ndarray
        The lon. and lat. of each point in the cellWidth array
    # Authors
    # -------
    # Mark Petersen, Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

    # setup files for JIGSAW
    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    opts.geom_file = 'mesh.msh'
    opts.jcfg_file = 'mesh.jig'
    opts.mesh_file = 'mesh-MESH.msh'
    opts.hfun_file = 'mesh-HFUN.msh'
    # save HFUN data to file
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-GRID'
    hmat.xgrid = numpy.radians(lon)
    hmat.ygrid = numpy.radians(lat)
    hmat.value = cellWidth
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)
    # define JIGSAW geometry
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    geom.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-MESH'
    geom.radii = 6371.*numpy.ones(3, float)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    # build mesh via JIGSAW!
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    opts.hfun_scal = 'absolute'
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf") 
    opts.hfun_hmin = 0.0
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.optm_qlim = 0.9375
    opts.verbosity = +1
Exemplo n.º 6
def jigsaw_gen_icos_grid(basename="mesh", level=4):

    # setup files for JIGSAW
    opts = jig.jigsaw_jig_t()
    icos = jig.jigsaw_msh_t()
    geom = jig.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts.geom_file = basename + '.msh'
    opts.jcfg_file = basename + '.jig'
    opts.mesh_file = basename + '-MESH.msh'

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 1.000E+000, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jig.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    opts.hfun_hmax = +1.
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.optm_iter = +512
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-06

    jig.cmd.icosahedron(opts, level, icos)

    return opts.mesh_file
Exemplo n.º 7
def setspac():

    spac_ocn = 30.  # regional ocn. km
    spac_1_m = 2.  # sqrt(H) ocn. km
    spac_lnd = 45.  # global land km
    spac_wbd = 5.  # watershed km
    spac_pfz = 2.  # PFZ km
    elev_pfz = 25.  # PFZ elev. thresh
    dhdx_lim = 0.0625  # |dH/dx| thresh

    fade_pos = [-75.2316, 39.1269]
    fade_len = 700.
    fade_gap = 350.

    spac = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    poly = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "opts.jig")
    opts.hfun_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    print("BUILDING MESH SPAC.")

    print("Loading elevation assets...")

    data = nc.Dataset(
        os.path.join("data", "etopo_gebco", "etopo_gebco_tiled.nc"), "r")

    zlev = np.array(data.variables["z"])

    spac.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"  # use elev. grid
    spac.radii = np.full(+3, FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.xgrid = np.array(data.variables["x"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.ygrid = np.array(data.variables["y"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.xgrid *= np.pi / +180.
    spac.ygrid *= np.pi / +180.

    xgrd, ygrd = np.meshgrid(spac.xgrid, spac.ygrid)

    grid = np.concatenate(
        (  # to [x, y] list
            xgrd.reshape((xgrd.size, +1)), ygrd.reshape((ygrd.size, +1))),

    #------------------------------------ global ocn ec-60-to-30

    print("Compute global ocean h(x)...")

    vals = \
        mdt.EC_CellWidthVsLat(spac.ygrid * 180. / np.pi)

    vals = np.reshape(vals, (spac.ygrid.size, 1))

    spac.value = np.array(np.tile(vals, (1, spac.xgrid.size)),

    #------------------------------------ region ocn "eddy" halo

    filename = os.path.join("data", "na_ocean_halo", "na_ocean_halo.geojson")

    loadgeo(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    mask = np.reshape(mask, spac.value.shape)

    mask = np.logical_and(mask, zlev <= +0.0)

    spac.value[mask] = \
        np.minimum(spac_ocn, spac.value[mask])

    #------------------------------------ coastal ocn heuristics

    mask = zlev <= +0.0

    hval = np.sqrt(np.maximum(-zlev, +0.0))
    hval = np.maximum(spac_1_m, hval / np.sqrt(+1.0) / spac_1_m)

    dist = sphdist(FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS, grid[:, 0], grid[:, 1],
                   fade_pos[0] * np.pi / 180., fade_pos[1] * np.pi / 180.)
    dist = np.reshape(dist, spac.value.shape)

    hval = blender(hval, spac.value, dist, fade_len, fade_gap)

    spac.value[mask] = \
        np.minimum(hval[mask], spac.value[mask])

    #------------------------------------ global lnd const. = 45

    print("Compute global land h(x)...")

    halo = +9  # filter islands

    zmed = median_filter(zlev, size=halo, mode="wrap")

    spac.value[zmed >= 0.0] = spac_lnd

    #------------------------------------ push watershed(s) = 5.

    print("Compute watersheds h(x)...")

    shed = np.full((grid.shape[0]), False, dtype=bool)

    filename = os.path.join("data", "NHD_H_0204_HU4_Shape", "Shape",

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    filename = os.path.join("data", "NHD_H_0205_HU4_Shape", "Shape",

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    filename = os.path.join("data", "NHD_H_0206_HU4_Shape", "Shape",

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    filename = os.path.join("data", "NHD_H_0207_HU4_Shape", "Shape",

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    filename = os.path.join("data", "NHD_H_0208_HU4_Shape", "Shape",

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    shed = np.reshape(shed, spac.value.shape)

    spac.value[shed] = \
        np.minimum(spac_wbd, spac.value[shed])

    #------------------------------------ partially flooded zone

    mask = np.logical_and(shed, zlev < elev_pfz)

    spac.value[mask] = \
        np.minimum(spac_pfz, spac.value[mask])

    #------------------------------------ push |DH/DX| threshold

    print("Impose |DH/DX| threshold...")

    spac.slope = np.full(spac.value.shape, dhdx_lim, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, spac, "precision = 9")

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, spac)

    spac.slope = \
        np.empty((+0), dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    return spac
Exemplo n.º 8
def jigsaw_driver(cellWidth,
    A function for building a jigsaw mesh

    cellWidth : ndarray
        The size of each cell in the resulting mesh as a function of space

    x, y : ndarray
        The x and y coordinates of each point in the cellWidth array (lon and lat for spherical mesh)

    on_sphere : logical
        Whether this mesh is spherical or planar

    geom_points : list of point coordinates for bounding polygon for planar mesh

    geom_edges : list of edges between points in geom_points that define the bounding polygon

    # Authors
    # -------
    # Mark Petersen, Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

    # setup files for JIGSAW
    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    opts.geom_file = 'mesh.msh'
    opts.jcfg_file = 'mesh.jig'
    opts.mesh_file = 'mesh-MESH.msh'
    opts.hfun_file = 'mesh-HFUN.msh'

    # save HFUN data to file
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    if on_sphere:
        hmat.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-GRID'
        hmat.xgrid = numpy.radians(x)
        hmat.ygrid = numpy.radians(y)
        hmat.mshID = 'EUCLIDEAN-GRID'
        hmat.xgrid = x
        hmat.ygrid = y
    hmat.value = cellWidth
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    # define JIGSAW geometry
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    if on_sphere:
        geom.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-MESH'
        geom.radii = 6371. * numpy.ones(3, float)
        geom.mshID = 'EUCLIDEAN-MESH'
        geom.vert2 = geom_points
        geom.edge2 = geom_edges
        #geom.edge2.index = geom_edges
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    # build mesh via JIGSAW!
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    opts.hfun_scal = 'absolute'
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")
    opts.hfun_hmin = 0.0
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.optm_qlim = 0.9375
    opts.verbosity = +1

Exemplo n.º 9
def getInitialMesh(topofile, meshfile, spacefile, outfile, dst_path, hfn):

    t0 = process_time()
    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(topofile, topo)
    print("Load topography grid (%0.02f seconds)" % (process_time() - t0))

    t0 = process_time()
    opts.geom_file = os.path.join(dst_path, "topology.msh")
    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(dst_path, "config.jig")
    opts.mesh_file = meshfile
    opts.hfun_file = spacefile

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371e003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = geom.radii
    hmat.xgrid = topo.xgrid * np.pi / 180.0
    hmat.ygrid = topo.ygrid * np.pi / 180.0

    # Set HFUN gradient-limiter
    hmat.value = np.full(topo.value.shape, hfn[0], dtype=hmat.REALS_t)
    hmat.value[topo.value > -1000] = hfn[1]
    hmat.value[topo.value > 0] = hfn[2]

    hmat.slope = np.full(topo.value.shape, +0.050, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)
    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)
    print("Build space function (%0.02f seconds)" % (process_time() - t0))

    t0 = process_time()
    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5e-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0e-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 3, mesh)
    print("Perform triangulation (%0.02f seconds)" % (process_time() - t0))

    t0 = process_time()
    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180.0 / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    jigsawpy.savevtk(outfile, mesh)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.mesh_file, mesh)
    print("Get unstructured mesh (%0.02f seconds)" % (process_time() - t0))

Exemplo n.º 10
def ex_3():

# DEMO-3: generate a grid based on the "HR" spacing pattern,
# developed by the FESOM team at AWI.

    dst_path = \

    src_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "files")
    dst_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "cache")

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hfun = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

#------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "eSPH.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "eSPH.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

#------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(
        3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

#------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

        src_path, "f_hr.msh"), hfun)

    hfun.value = +3. * hfun.value       # for fast example

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hfun)

#------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")       # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2                 # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01           # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

#------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

        src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

#------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(
        geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
        topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(
        apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = mesh.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_3a.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_3a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_3b.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_3b.vtk"), hfun)

Exemplo n.º 11
def waves_mesh(cfg):

    pwd = os.getcwd()
    src_path = pwd
    dst_path = pwd

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    hfun = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    init = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        str(Path(dst_path)/"geom.msh") # GEOM file

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        str(Path(dst_path)/"jcfg.jig") # JCFG file

    opts.hfun_file = \
        str(Path(dst_path)/"hfun.msh") # HFUN file

    opts.mesh_file = \
        str(Path(dst_path)/"mesh.msh") # MESH file

    opts.init_file = \
        str(Path(dst_path)/"init.msh") # INIT file

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    if cfg['coastlines']:
        print('Defining coastline geometry')
        create_coastline_geometry(cfg['shpfiles'], opts.geom_file,
        geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
        geom.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-MESH'
        geom.radii = cfg['sphere_radius'] * np.ones(3, float)
        jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

#------------------------------------ define mesh size function

    print('Defining mesh size function')

    lon_min = -180.0
    lon_max = 180.0
    dlon = cfg['hfun_grid_spacing']
    nlon = int((lon_max - lon_min) / dlon) + 1
    lat_min = -90.0
    lat_max = 90.0
    nlat = int((lat_max - lat_min) / dlon) + 1
    dlat = cfg['hfun_grid_spacing']

    xlon = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, nlon)
    ylat = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, nlat)
    print('   hfun grid dimensions: {}, {}'.format(xlon.size, ylat.size))

    define_hfunction.depth_threshold_refined = cfg['depth_threshold_refined']
    define_hfunction.distance_threshold_refined = cfg[
    define_hfunction.depth_threshold_global = cfg['depth_threshold_global']
    define_hfunction.distance_threshold_global = cfg[
    define_hfunction.refined_res = cfg['refined_res']
    define_hfunction.maxres = cfg['maxres']

    hfunction = define_hfunction.cell_widthVsLatLon(xlon, ylat,
    hfunction = hfunction / km

    hfun.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hfun.radii = np.full(3,
    hfun.xgrid = np.radians(xlon)
    hfun.ygrid = np.radians(ylat)

    hfun.value = hfunction.astype(jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    #------------------------------------ specify JIGSAW initial conditions

    print('Specifying initial fixed coordinate locations')
    create_initial_points(cfg['ocean_mesh'], xlon, ylat, hfunction,
                          cfg['sphere_radius'], opts.init_file)
    jigsawpy.loadmsh(opts.init_file, init)
    jigsawpy.savevtk(str(Path(dst_path) / "init.vtk"), init)

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    print('Limiting mesh size function gradients')
    hfun.slope = np.full(  # |dH/dx| limits

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hfun)

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hfun)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.mesh_eps1 = +.67  # relax edge error
    opts.mesh_rad2 = +1.2

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05
    opts.verbosity = 2

    #jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 3, mesh)
    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)
    if cfg['coastlines']:

#------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Writing ex_h.vtk file.")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(str(Path(dst_path) / "_hfun.vtk"), hfun)

    jigsawpy.savevtk(str(Path(dst_path) / "waves_mesh.vtk"), mesh)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(str(Path(dst_path) / "waves_mesh.msh"), mesh)

    #------------------------------------ convert mesh to MPAS format

                logger=None), 'waves_mesh.nc')

    #------------------------------------ cull mesh to ocean bounary

    if os.path.exists('./cull_waves_mesh'):
        f = open('cull_waves_mesh.nml', 'w')
        f.write("    waves_mesh_file = 'waves_mesh.nc'\n")
        f.write("    ocean_mesh_file = '" + cfg['ocean_mesh'] + "'\n")
        f.write("    waves_mesh_culled_vtk = 'waves_mesh_culled.vtk'\n")
        f.write("    waves_mesh_culled_gmsh = 'waves_mesh_culled.msh'\n")

        subprocess.call('./cull_waves_mesh', shell=True)

#------------------------------------ output ocean mesh polygons

    subprocess.call('paraview_vtk_field_extractor.py -f ' + cfg['ocean_mesh'] +
                    ' --ignore_time -v areaCell -o ' + cfg['ocean_mesh'] +

Exemplo n.º 12
def case_2_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-2: generate a regionally-refined global grid with a
    # high-resolution 37.5km patch embedded in a uniform 150km
    # background grid.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hfun = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "eSPH.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "eSPH.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hfun.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hfun.radii = geom.radii

    hfun.xgrid = np.linspace(-1. * np.pi, +1. * np.pi, 360)

    hfun.ygrid = np.linspace(-.5 * np.pi, +.5 * np.pi, 180)

    xmat, ymat = \
        np.meshgrid(hfun.xgrid, hfun.ygrid)

    hfun.value = +150. - 112.5 * np.exp(-(+1.5 * (xmat + 1.0)**2 + +1.5 *
                                          (ymat - 0.5)**2)**4)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hfun)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 3, mesh)

    scr2 = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # "quality" metric
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    #------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = mesh.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_2a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_2a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_2b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_2b.vtk"), hfun)

Exemplo n.º 13
def unstMesh(esph, infile, hfn0=100.0, hfn1=30.0, hfn2=15, tmp="tmp/"):

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts.geom_file = esph
    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(tmp, "topo.jig")
    opts.mesh_file = os.path.join(tmp, "mesh.msh")
    opts.hfun_file = os.path.join(tmp, "spac.msh")

    # define JIGSAW geometry
    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371e003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    # define spacing pattern
    jigsawpy.loadmsh(infile, topo)

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = geom.radii

    hmat.xgrid = topo.xgrid * np.pi / 180.0
    hmat.ygrid = topo.ygrid * np.pi / 180.0

    # Define grid resolution for each elevation domain
    hmat.value = np.full(topo.value.shape, hfn0, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)

    hmat.value[topo.value > -1000.0] = hfn1
    hmat.value[topo.value > 0.0] = hfn2

    # Set HFUN gradient-limiter
    hmat.slope = np.full(topo.value.shape, +0.025, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)
    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    # Make mesh using JIGSAW
    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5e-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0e-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 4, mesh)

    scr2 = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # "quality" metric
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180.0 / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    coords = (mesh.vert3["coord"] / 6.371e003) * 6378137.0

    del scr2

    return coords, mesh.tria3["index"], mesh.value
Exemplo n.º 14
def case_3_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-3: generate multi-resolution spacing, via local refi-
    # nement along coastlines and shallow ridges. Global grid
    # resolution is 150KM, background resolution is 67KM and the
    # min. adaptive resolution is 33KM.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    hraw = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hlim = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "eSPH.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "eSPH.jig")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    hraw.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hraw.radii = geom.radii

    hraw.xgrid = topo.xgrid * np.pi / 180.
    hraw.ygrid = topo.ygrid * np.pi / 180.

    hfn0 = +150.  # global spacing
    hfn2 = +33.  # adapt. spacing
    hfn3 = +67.  # arctic spacing

    hraw.value = np.sqrt(np.maximum(-topo.value, 0.0))

    hraw.value = \
        np.maximum(hraw.value, hfn2)
    hraw.value = \
        np.minimum(hraw.value, hfn3)

    mask = hraw.ygrid < 40. * np.pi / 180.

    hraw.value[mask] = hfn0

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    hlim = copy.copy(hraw)

    hlim.slope = np.full(  # |dH/dx| limits
        topo.value.shape, +0.050, dtype=hlim.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hlim)

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hlim)

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_3a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_3a.vtk"), hraw)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_3b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_3b.vtk"), hlim)

Exemplo n.º 15
def case_2_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-2: generate a regionally-refined global grid with a
    # high-resolution 37.5km patch embedded in a uniform 150km
    # background grid.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hfun = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "opts.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hfun.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hfun.radii = geom.radii

    hfun.xgrid = np.linspace(-1. * np.pi, +1. * np.pi, 360)

    hfun.ygrid = np.linspace(-.5 * np.pi, +.5 * np.pi, 180)

    xmat, ymat = \
        np.meshgrid(hfun.xgrid, hfun.ygrid)

    hfun.value = +150. - 112.5 * np.exp(-(+1.5 * (xmat + 1.0)**2 + +1.5 *
                                          (ymat - 0.5)**2)**4)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hfun)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    #   opts.optm_kern = "cvt+dqdx"

    rbar = np.mean(geom.radii)  # bisect heuristic
    hbar = np.mean(hfun.value)
    nlev = round(math.log2(rbar / math.sin(.4 * math.pi) / hbar))

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, nlev - 1, mesh)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    print("BISECT =", +nlev)

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # quality metrics!
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("OBTUSE =", +np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(tbad)))

    ndeg = jigsawpy.trideg2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TOPOL. =", +np.count_nonzero(ndeg == +6) / ndeg.size)

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    #------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = mesh.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_2a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_2a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_2b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_2b.vtk"), hfun)

Exemplo n.º 16
def case_7_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-7: generate a multi-part mesh of the (contiguous) USA
    # using state boundaries to partition the mesh. A local
    # stereographic projection is employed. The domain is meshed
    # using uniform resolution.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "us48.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "us48.msh"), geom)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_hmax = .005

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1 / 6.

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # quality metrics!
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("OBTUSE =", +np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(tbad)))

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_7a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_7a.vtk"), mesh)

Exemplo n.º 17
def jigsaw_gen_sph_grid(cellWidth,
    A function for building a jigsaw spherical mesh
    cellWidth : ndarray
        The size of each cell in the resulting mesh as a function of space
    x, y : ndarray
        The x and y coordinates of each point in the cellWidth array (lon and
        lat for spherical mesh)
    on_sphere : logical, optional
        Whether this mesh is spherical or planar
    earth_radius : float, optional
        Earth radius in meters
    # Authors
    # -------
    #by P. Peixoto in Dec 2021
    # based on MPAS-Tools file from Mark Petersen, Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

    # setup files for JIGSAW
    opts = jig.jigsaw_jig_t()
    opts.geom_file = basename + '.msh'
    opts.jcfg_file = basename + '.jig'
    opts.mesh_file = basename + '-MESH.msh'
    opts.hfun_file = basename + '-HFUN.msh'

    # save HFUN data to file
    hmat = jig.jigsaw_msh_t()

    hmat.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-GRID'
    hmat.xgrid = np.radians(x)
    hmat.ygrid = np.radians(y)
    hmat.value = cellWidth
    jig.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    # define JIGSAW geometry
    geom = jig.jigsaw_msh_t()
    geom.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-MESH'
    geom.radii = earth_radius * 1e-3 * np.ones(3, float)
    jig.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    # build mesh via JIGSAW!
    opts.hfun_scal = 'absolute'
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")
    opts.hfun_hmin = 0.0
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_iter = 500000
    opts.optm_qlim = 0.9375
    opts.optm_qtol = 1.0e-6
    opts.optm_iter = 500000
    opts.verbosity = +1
    jig.savejig(opts.jcfg_file, opts)

    #Call jigsaw
    process = subprocess.call(['jigsaw', opts.jcfg_file])

    return opts.mesh_file
Exemplo n.º 18
def case_5_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-5: generate struct. icosahedral and cubedsphere grids

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    icos = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    cube = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "opts.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 1.000E+000, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_hmax = +1.
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_iter = +512
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-06

    #   opts.optm_kern = "cvt+dqdx"

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.icosahedron(opts, +6, icos)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.cubedsphere(opts, +6, cube)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    #------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, icos.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    icos.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = icos.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        icos.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        icos.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        icos.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    icos.tria3 = icos.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_5a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_5a.vtk"), icos)

    #------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, cube.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    cube.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = cube.quad4["index"]

    zmsk = \
        cube.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        cube.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        cube.value[cell[:, 2]] + \
        cube.value[cell[:, 3]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +4.0

    cube.quad4 = cube.quad4[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_5b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_5b.vtk"), cube)

Exemplo n.º 19
def case_1_(src_path, dst_path):

# DEMO-1: generate a uniform resolution (150KM) global grid.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

#------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "eSPH.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "eSPH.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

#------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(
        3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

#------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = +150.              # uniform at 150km

    opts.mesh_dims = +2                 # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01           # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 3, mesh)

    scr2 = jigsawpy.triscr2(            # "quality" metric

#------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

        src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

#------------------------------------ a very rough land mask

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(
        geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
        topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(
        apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = mesh.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_1a.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_1a.vtk"), mesh)

Exemplo n.º 20
def ex_9():

    # DEMO-9: generate a 2-dim. grid for the Australian coastal
    # region, using scaled ocean-depth as a mesh-resolution
    # heuristic. A local stereographic projection is employed.

    dst_path = \

    src_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "files")
    dst_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "cache")

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    msph = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "proj.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "aust.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "aust.msh"), geom)

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    zlev = topo.value

    xmsk = np.logical_and(topo.xgrid > xmin, topo.xgrid < xmax)
    ymsk = np.logical_and(topo.ygrid > ymin, topo.ygrid < ymax)

    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = np.full(+3, +6371.0, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    hmat.xgrid = \
        topo.xgrid[xmsk] * np.pi / 180.
    hmat.ygrid = \
        topo.ygrid[ymsk] * np.pi / 180.

    hmin = +1.0E+01
    hmax = +1.0E+02

    hmat.value = \
        np.sqrt(np.maximum(-zlev, 0.)) / 0.5

    hmat.value = \
        np.maximum(hmat.value, hmin)
    hmat.value = \
        np.minimum(hmat.value, hmax)

    hmat.slope = np.full(hmat.value.shape,

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(hmat, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1.0E+00  # relax edge error

    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    msph = copy.deepcopy(mesh)

    jigsawpy.project(msph, proj, "inv")

    radii = np.full(+3, proj.radii, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    msph.vert3 = np.zeros((msph.vert2.size),

    msph.vert3["coord"] = \
            radii, msph.point["coord"])

    msph.vert2 = None

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9b.vtk"), hmat)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9c.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9c.vtk"), msph)

Exemplo n.º 21
        nobj, last = \
            coreshp(data, nset, eset, nobj, last)

    mesh.vert2 = np.concatenate(nset, axis=0)
    mesh.edge2 = np.concatenate(eset, axis=0)


if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

        "--src_file", dest="src_file", type=str,
        required=True, help="Input shape file to load")

        "--dst_file", dest="dst_file", type=str,
        required=True, help="Output .msh file to save")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    mesh = jigsaw_msh_t()

    loadshp(name=args.src_file, mesh=mesh)

    savemsh(name=args.dst_file, mesh=mesh)
Exemplo n.º 22
def setspac():

    spac_wbd = 2.5                      # watershed km
    spac_pfz = 1.                       # PFZ km
    elev_pfz = 25.                      # PFZ elev. thresh
    dhdx_lim = 0.0625                   # |dH/dx| thresh

    bbox = [-77.5, 37.5, -72.5, 42.5]

    spac = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    poly = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = GEOM[0]

    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "opts.jig")
    opts.hfun_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "spac.msh")

#------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    print("BUILDING MESH SPAC.")

    print("Loading elevation assets...")
    data = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(
        "etopo_gebco", "etopo_gebco_tiled.nc"), "r")

    zlev = np.array(data.variables["z"])

    spac.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"       # use elev. grid
    spac.radii = np.full(
        +3, FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.xgrid = np.array(
        data.variables["x"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.ygrid = np.array(
        data.variables["y"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    xmsk = np.logical_and.reduce((
        spac.xgrid >= bbox[0] - 1.,
        spac.xgrid <= bbox[2] + 1.

    ymsk = np.logical_and.reduce((
        spac.ygrid >= bbox[1] - 1.,
        spac.ygrid <= bbox[3] + 1.

    spac.xgrid = spac.xgrid[xmsk]       # only bbox part
    spac.ygrid = spac.ygrid[ymsk]
    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]
    spac.xgrid *= np.pi / +180.
    spac.ygrid *= np.pi / +180.

    xgrd, ygrd = np.meshgrid(spac.xgrid, spac.ygrid)

    spac.value = +10. * np.ones(
        (spac.ygrid.size, spac.xgrid.size))

    grid = np.concatenate((             # to [x, y] list
        xgrd.reshape((xgrd.size, +1)),
        ygrd.reshape((ygrd.size, +1))), axis=+1)

#------------------------------------ push watershed spacing

    print("Compute watersheds h(x)...")

    shed = np.full(
        (grid.shape[0]), False, dtype=bool)

    filename = os.path.join(
        "NHD_H_0204_HU4_Shape", "Shape", "WBDHU4.shp")

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(
        grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    shed = np.reshape(shed, spac.value.shape)

    spac.value[shed] = \
        np.minimum(spac_wbd, spac.value[shed])

#------------------------------------ partially flooded zone

    mask = np.logical_and(shed, zlev < elev_pfz)

    spac.value[mask] = \
        np.minimum(spac_pfz, spac.value[mask])

#------------------------------------ push |DH/DX| threshold

    print("Impose |DH/DX| threshold...")

    spac.slope = np.full(
        spac.value.shape, dhdx_lim, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, spac,
                     "precision = 9")

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, spac)

    spac.slope = \
        np.empty((+0), dtype=spac.REALS_t)

#------------------------------------ proj. to local 2-plane
    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()
    proj.prjID = "stereographic"
    proj.radii = FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS
    proj.xbase = PROJ_CENTRE[0] * np.pi / +180.
    proj.ybase = PROJ_CENTRE[1] * np.pi / +180.

    jigsawpy.project(spac, proj, "fwd")

    SPAC[0] = spac                      # save a "pointer"

    return spac
Exemplo n.º 23
def case_4_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-4: generate a multi-resolution mesh, via local refin-
    # ement along coastlines and shallow ridges. Global grid
    # resolution is 150KM, background resolution is 67KM and the
    # min. adaptive resolution is 33KM.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "eSPH.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "eSPH.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "ellipsoid-mesh"
    geom.radii = np.full(3, 6.371E+003, dtype=geom.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = geom.radii

    hmat.xgrid = topo.xgrid * np.pi / 180.
    hmat.ygrid = topo.ygrid * np.pi / 180.

    hfn0 = +150.  # global spacing
    hfn2 = +33.  # adapt. spacing
    hfn3 = +67.  # arctic spacing

    hmat.value = np.sqrt(np.maximum(-topo.value, 0.0))

    hmat.value = \
        np.maximum(hmat.value, hfn2)
    hmat.value = \
        np.minimum(hmat.value, hfn3)

    mask = hmat.ygrid < 40. * np.pi / 180.

    hmat.value[mask] = hfn0

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    hmat.slope = np.full(  # |dH/dx| limits
        topo.value.shape, +0.050, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, 3, mesh)

    scr2 = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # "quality" metric
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    apos = jigsawpy.R3toS2(geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"][:])

    apos = apos * 180. / np.pi

    zfun = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(topo.ygrid, topo.xgrid, topo.value)

    mesh.value = zfun(apos[:, 1], apos[:, 0], grid=False)

    cell = mesh.tria3["index"]

    zmsk = \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 0]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 1]] + \
        mesh.value[cell[:, 2]]
    zmsk = zmsk / +3.0

    mesh.tria3 = mesh.tria3[zmsk < +0.]

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_4a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_4a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_4b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_4b.vtk"), hmat)

Exemplo n.º 24
def case_5_(src_path, dst_path):

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "airfoil.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "airfoil.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "airfoil.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spacing.msh")

    #------------------------------------ compute HFUN over GEOM

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    xgeo = geom.vert2["coord"][:, 0]
    ygeo = geom.vert2["coord"][:, 1]

    xpos = np.linspace(xgeo.min(), xgeo.max(), 80)

    ypos = np.linspace(ygeo.min(), ygeo.max(), 40)

    xmat, ymat = np.meshgrid(xpos, ypos)

    fun1 = \
        +0.1 * (xmat - .40) ** 2 + \
        +2.0 * (ymat - .55) ** 2

    fun2 = \
        +0.7 * (xmat - .75) ** 2 + \
        +0.7 * (ymat - .45) ** 2

    hfun = np.minimum(fun1, fun2)

    hmin = 0.01
    hmax = 0.10

    hfun = 0.4 * np.maximum(np.minimum(hfun, hmax), hmin)

    hmat.mshID = "euclidean-grid"
    hmat.ndims = +2
    hmat.xgrid = np.array(xpos, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)
    hmat.ygrid = np.array(ypos, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)
    hmat.value = np.array(hfun, dtype=hmat.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_kern = "delfront"  # DELFRONT kernel
    opts.mesh_dims = +2

    opts.geom_feat = True
    opts.mesh_top1 = True

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    print("Saving case_5a.vtk file.")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_5a.vtk"), hmat)

    print("Saving case_5b.vtk file.")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_5b.vtk"), mesh)

Exemplo n.º 25
def case_6_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-6: generate a 2-dim. grid for the Australian coastal
    # region, using scaled ocean-depth as a mesh-resolution
    # heuristic. A local stereographic projection is employed.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "aust.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "aust.msh"), geom)

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    zlev = topo.value

    xmsk = np.logical_and(topo.xgrid > xmin, topo.xgrid < xmax)
    ymsk = np.logical_and(topo.ygrid > ymin, topo.ygrid < ymax)

    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = np.full(+3, +6371.0, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    hmat.xgrid = \
        topo.xgrid[xmsk] * np.pi / 180.
    hmat.ygrid = \
        topo.ygrid[ymsk] * np.pi / 180.

    hmin = +1.0E+01
    hmax = +1.0E+02

    hmat.value = \
        np.sqrt(np.maximum(-zlev, 0.)) / 0.5

    hmat.value = \
        np.maximum(hmat.value, hmin)
    hmat.value = \
        np.minimum(hmat.value, hmax)

    hmat.slope = np.full(hmat.value.shape,

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(hmat, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1.

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # quality metrics!
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("OBTUSE =", +np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(tbad)))

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6b.vtk"), hmat)

Exemplo n.º 26
    def _write_to_file(self, out_format, out_file, multi_polygon, crs):

        _logger.info(f"Writing for file ({out_format}) ...")

        # TODO: Check for correct extension on out_file
        if out_format == "shapefile":
            gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': multi_polygon},
            if not crs.equals(self._calc_crs):
                _logger.info(f"Project from {self._calc_crs.to_string()} to"
                             f" {crs.to_string()} ...")
                gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs)

        elif out_format == "feather":
            gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': multi_polygon},
            if not crs.equals(self._calc_crs):
                _logger.info(f"Project from {self._calc_crs.to_string()} to"
                             f" {crs.to_string()} ...")
                gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs)

        elif out_format in ("jigsaw", "vtk"):

            if not crs.equals(self._calc_crs):
                _logger.info(f"Project from {self._calc_crs.to_string()} to"
                             f" {crs.to_string()} ...")
                transformer = Transformer.from_crs(self._calc_crs,
                multi_polygon = ops.transform(transformer.transform,

            msh = jigsaw_msh_t()
            msh.ndims = +2
            msh.mshID = 'euclidean-mesh'

            coords = []
            edges = []
            for polygon in multi_polygon:
                self._linearring_to_vert_edge(coords, edges, polygon.exterior)
                for interior in polygon.interiors:
                    self._linearring_to_vert_edge(coords, edges, interior)

            msh.vert2 = np.array([(i, 0) for i in coords],
            msh.edge2 = np.array([(i, 0) for i in edges],

            if out_format == "jigsaw":
                savemsh(out_file, msh)

            elif out_format == "vtk":
                savevtk(out_file, msh)

            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Output type {out_format} is not supported")

Exemplo n.º 27
def jigsaw_driver(cellWidth,
    A function for building a jigsaw mesh

    cellWidth : ndarray
        The size of each cell in the resulting mesh as a function of space

    x, y : ndarray
        The x and y coordinates of each point in the cellWidth array (lon and
        lat for spherical mesh)

    on_sphere : logical, optional
        Whether this mesh is spherical or planar

    earth_radius : float, optional
        Earth radius in meters

    geom_points : ndarray, optional
        list of point coordinates for bounding polygon for planar mesh

    geom_edges : ndarray, optional
        list of edges between points in geom_points that define the bounding polygon

    logger : logging.Logger, optional
        A logger for the output if not stdout
    # Authors
    # -------
    # Mark Petersen, Phillip Wolfram, Xylar Asay-Davis

    # setup files for JIGSAW
    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    opts.geom_file = 'mesh.msh'
    opts.jcfg_file = 'mesh.jig'
    opts.mesh_file = 'mesh-MESH.msh'
    opts.hfun_file = 'mesh-HFUN.msh'

    # save HFUN data to file
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    if on_sphere:
        hmat.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-GRID'
        hmat.xgrid = numpy.radians(x)
        hmat.ygrid = numpy.radians(y)
        hmat.mshID = 'EUCLIDEAN-GRID'
        hmat.xgrid = x
        hmat.ygrid = y
    hmat.value = cellWidth
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    # define JIGSAW geometry
    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    if on_sphere:
        geom.mshID = 'ELLIPSOID-MESH'
        geom.radii = earth_radius * 1e-3 * numpy.ones(3, float)
        geom.mshID = 'EUCLIDEAN-MESH'
        geom.vert2 = geom_points
        geom.edge2 = geom_edges
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    # build mesh via JIGSAW!
    opts.hfun_scal = 'absolute'
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")
    opts.hfun_hmin = 0.0
    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.optm_qlim = 0.9375
    opts.verbosity = +1

    savejig(opts.jcfg_file, opts)
    check_call(['jigsaw', opts.jcfg_file], logger=logger)
Exemplo n.º 28
def ex_7():

    # DEMO-7: setup simple piecewise linear geometry definitions

    dst_path = \

    src_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "files")
    dst_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "cache")

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "pslg.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "pslg.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "euclidean-mesh"
    geom.ndims = +2
    geom.vert2 = np.array(
        [  # list of xy "node" coordinate
            ((0, 0), 0),  # outer square
            ((9, 0), 0),
            ((9, 9), 0),
            ((0, 9), 0),
            ((4, 4), 0),  # inner square
            ((5, 4), 0),
            ((5, 5), 0),
            ((4, 5), 0)

    geom.edge2 = np.array(
        [  # list of "edges" between vert
            ((0, 1), 0),  # outer square
            ((1, 2), 0),
            ((2, 3), 0),
            ((3, 0), 0),
            ((4, 5), 0),  # inner square
            ((5, 6), 0),
            ((6, 7), 0),
            ((7, 4), 0)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = +2.5E-01  # uniform at 0.250

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.geom_feat = True  # do sharp feature
    opts.mesh_top1 = True  # preserve 1-topo.

    opts.optm_qlim = +9.5E-01  # tighter opt. tol
    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_7a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_7a.vtk"), mesh)

Exemplo n.º 29
def runjgsw(mesh_path, make_bool, projector):
    RUNJGSW: main call to JIGSAW to build the triangulation.

    MESH-PATH should point to a user-defined mesh directory,
    containing the COMPOSE.py template.

    Firstly, MESH-PATH/COMPOSE.py is called to build
    user-defined geometry, initial conditions, mesh spacing
    and mesh configuration information.

    The boolean flags MAKE-BOOL control whether mesh
    information is built from scratch, or if an exitsing an
    existing file is to be used. For example, setting
    MAKE-BOOL.SPAC = FALSE relies on an existing spacing
    pattern be available in MESH-PATH/tmp/.

    This information is written to MESH-PATH/tmp/ to be
    accessed by subsequent calls to JIGSAW.

    Finally, JIGSAW is run to build the triangular mesh,
    calling either the multi-level (TETRIS) or single-level
    (JIGSAW) algorithms. Cells are assigned ID-tags via
    the polygon/regions defined in GEOM.BOUNDS.

    Returns full-dimensional and 2d-projected msh_t objects.

    # Authors: Darren Engwirda

    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mprj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    gprj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

#------------------------------------ setup via user COMPOSE

    base = \
        mesh_path.replace(os.path.sep, ".")

    if (make_bool.geom):
        geom = getattr(import_module(
            base + ".compose"), "setgeom")()

    if (make_bool.spac):
        spac = getattr(import_module(
            base + ".compose"), "setspac")()

    if (make_bool.init):
        init = getattr(import_module(
            base + ".compose"), "setinit")()

    if (make_bool.opts):
        opts = getattr(import_module(
            base + ".compose"), "setopts")()

#------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = os.path.join(
        mesh_path, "tmp", "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(
        mesh_path, "tmp", "opts.jig")

    opts.init_file = os.path.join(
        mesh_path, "tmp", "init.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = os.path.join(
        mesh_path, "tmp", "spac.msh")

    opts.mesh_file = os.path.join(
        mesh_path, "tmp", "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_tags = "precision = 9"    # less float prec.

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom,

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, spac,

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.init_file, init,

#------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    if (not hasattr(opts, "bisection")):

        opts.bisection = +0

    if (opts.bisection < +0):           # bisect heuristic

        rbar = np.mean(geom.radii)
        hbar = np.mean(spac.value)

        nlev = round(math.log2(
            rbar / math.sin(.4 * math.pi) / hbar)

        nlev = nlev - 1

        ttic = time.time()

        jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, nlev - 0, mesh)

        ttoc = time.time()

        print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))
        print("BISECT =", +nlev)

    elif (opts.bisection > +0):         # bisect specified

        nlev = opts.bisection

        ttic = time.time()

        jigsawpy.cmd.tetris(opts, nlev - 0, mesh)

        ttoc = time.time()

        print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))
        print("BISECT =", +nlev)

    else:                               # do non-recursive

        ttic = time.time()

        jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

        ttoc = time.time()

        print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

#------------------------------------ form local projections

    gprj = copy.deepcopy(geom)          # local 2d objects
    mprj = copy.deepcopy(mesh)

    if (mesh.vert3.size > +0):
        project(geom, mesh, gprj, mprj, projector)

#------------------------------------ assign IDtag's to cell

    if (geom.bound is not None and
            geom.bound.size > +0):      # tags per polygon

        imin = np.amin(geom.bound["IDtag"])
        imax = np.amax(geom.bound["IDtag"])

        for itag in range(
                imin + 0, imax + 1):

            tagcell(geom, mesh, gprj, mprj, itag)

#------------------------------------ check mesh for quality

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(            # quality metrics!

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(

    print("OBTUSE =",

    ndeg = jigsawpy.trideg2(

    print("TOPOL. =",
          +np.count_nonzero(ndeg==+6) / ndeg.size)

#------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

        mesh_path, "out", "geom.vtk"), geom)
        mesh_path, "out", "spac.vtk"), spac)
        mesh_path, "out", "init.vtk"), init)
        mesh_path, "out", "mesh.vtk"), mesh)

        mesh_path, "out", "geom_prj.vtk"), gprj)
        mesh_path, "out", "mesh_prj.vtk"), mprj)

    return geom, gprj, mesh, mprj
Exemplo n.º 30
def case_6_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-6: generate a multi-part mesh of the (contiguous) USA
    # using state boundaries to partition the mesh. A local
    # stereographic projection is employed. The domain is meshed
    # using uniform resolution.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "proj.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "us48.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "us48.msh"), geom)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_hmax = .005

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1 / 6.

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6a.vtk"), mesh)
