def calc_sha1_by_file(file_path): """ :rtype : dict :param file_path: 欲计算其sha1 hash值的文件路径 :return: lower格式的sha1 hash值 """ result = dict() result['state'] = Common.exchange_state(20000) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): result['state'] = Common.exchange_state(40401) result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'] = ''.join([ result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'], ',目标"', file_path, '"不是一个有效文件' ]) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(result)) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: try: sha1_obj = hashlib.sha1() sha1_obj.update( return sha1_obj.hexdigest() except Exception, e: result['state'] = Common.exchange_state(50004) result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'] = ''.join( [result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'], ',详细信息: ', e.message]) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(result))
def exchange_state(code): """ :rtype : dict :param code: 状态码 :return: dict格式返回状态信息 """ if not isinstance(code, int): result = Common.exchange_state(50001) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)) trunk_code = int(code / 100) if str(trunk_code) not in index_state['trunk']: result = Common.exchange_state(50002) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)) result = copy.copy(index_state['trunk'][(str(trunk_code))]) if str(code) in index_state['branch']: result['sub'] = copy.copy(index_state["branch"][(str(code))]) return result
def calc_sha1_by_fd(fd): """ :rtype : dict :param fd: 欲计算其sha1 hash值的文件描述符 :return: lower格式的sha1 hash值 """ result = dict() result['state'] = Common.exchange_state(20000) try: sha1_obj = hashlib.sha1() sha1_obj.update( sha1 = sha1_obj.hexdigest() except Exception, e: result['state'] = Common.exchange_state(50004) result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'] = ''.join( [result['state']['sub']['zh-cn'], ',详细信息: ', e.message]) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(result))
class Utils(object): exit_flag = False thread_counter = 0 @staticmethod def shell_cmd(cmd): try: exit_status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) return exit_status, str(output) except Exception as e: return -1, e.message @classmethod def signal_handle(cls, signum=0, frame=None): cls.exit_flag = True raise RuntimeError('Shutdown app!') @staticmethod def dumps2response(func): """ 视图装饰器 """ @wraps(func) def _dumps2response(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if func.func_name != 'r_before_request' and ret is None: ret = dict() ret['state'] = ji.Common.exchange_state(20000) if isinstance(ret, dict) and 'state' in ret: response = make_response() = json.dumps(ret, ensure_ascii=False) response.status_code = int(ret['state']['code']) if 'redirect' in ret and request.args.get( 'auto_redirect', 'True') == 'True': response.status_code = int(ret['redirect'].get( 'code', ret['state']['code'])) response.headers['location'] = ret['redirect'].get( 'location', request.host_url) # 参考链接: # # 变量操纵位置 werkzeug/ response.autocorrect_location_header = False return response if isinstance(ret, Response): return ret return _dumps2response @staticmethod def superuser(func): @wraps(func) def _superuser(*args, **kwargs): if not g.superuser: ret = dict() ret['state'] = ji.Common.exchange_state(40301) return ret return func(*args, **kwargs) return _superuser @staticmethod def generate_token(uid, ttl=app.config['token_ttl'], audience=None): payload = { 'iat': ji.Common.ts(), # 创建于 'nbf': ji.Common.ts(), # 在此之前不可用 'exp': ji.Common.ts() + ttl, # 过期时间 'uid': uid } if audience is not None: payload['aud'] = audience return jwt.encode(payload=payload, key=app.config['jwt_secret'], algorithm=app.config['jwt_algorithm']) @staticmethod def verify_token(token, audience=None): ret = dict() ret['state'] = ji.Common.exchange_state(20000) try: if audience is None: payload = jwt.decode(jwt=token, key=app.config['jwt_secret'], algorithms=app.config['jwt_algorithm']) else: payload = jwt.decode(jwt=token, key=app.config['jwt_secret'], algorithms=app.config['jwt_algorithm'], audience=audience) return payload except jwt.InvalidTokenError, e: logger.error(e.message) ret['state'] = ji.Common.exchange_state(41208) raise ji.JITError(json.dumps(ret))