Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_encoding_maskrcnn_results(self):
     img_array = self.create_random_img_array(128, 64)
     img_array = img_array / 255
     crafter = TorchObjectDetectionSegmenter(model_name='maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn',
                                             channel_axis=-1, confidence_threshold=0.98)
     chunks = crafter.craft(img_array)
     self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_encoding_mock_model_results(self):
        import torchvision.models.detection as detection_models
        img_array = self.create_random_img_array(128, 64)
        img_array = img_array / 255
        with patch.object(detection_models, 'fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn', return_value=MockModel()):
            crafter = TorchObjectDetectionSegmenter(channel_axis=-1, confidence_threshold=0.9,
                                                    label_name_map={0: 'zero',
                                                                    1: 'one',
                                                                    2: 'two',
                                                                    3: 'three'})
            chunks = crafter.craft(img_array)
            self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 2)
            self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['blob'].shape, (25, 20, 3))
            self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['location'], (15, 10))
            self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['meta_info'].decode(), 'one')

            self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['blob'].shape, (30, 10, 3))
            self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['location'], (10, 20))
            self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['meta_info'].decode(), 'three')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_encoding_fasterrcnn_results_real_image(self):
        from PIL import Image
        Credit for the image used in this test: 
        Photo by <a href="/photographer/createsima-47728">createsima</a> from <a href="https://freeimages.com/">FreeImages</a>
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9911105632781982 at position (541, 992) and size (67, 24)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9843265414237976 at position (496, 201) and size (104, 161)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9835659861564636 at position (524, 574) and size (77, 131)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9795390367507935 at position (539, 969) and size (66, 27)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9787288904190063 at position (530, 934) and size (74, 18)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9717466831207275 at position (517, 377) and size (82, 154)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9682216048240662 at position (532, 919) and size (70, 19)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected truck with confidence 0.964297354221344 at position (498, 702) and size (106, 169)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9574888944625854 at position (522, 1046) and size (88, 164)
        TorchObjectDete@29513[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9304793477058411 at position (536, 962) and size (70, 17)
        path = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/cars.jpg')
        img = Image.open(path)
        img = img.convert('RGB')
        img_array = np.array(img).astype('float32') / 255
        crafter = TorchObjectDetectionSegmenter(channel_axis=-1, confidence_threshold=0.9)
        chunks = crafter.craft(img_array)
        self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 10)
        self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/person-0.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['location'], (541, 992))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[0]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (67, 24, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/car-1.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['location'], (496, 201))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[1]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (104, 161, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[2]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/car-2.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[2]['location'], (524, 574))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[2]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (77, 131, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[3]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/person-3.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[3]['location'], (539, 969))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[3]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (66, 27, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[4]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/person-4.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[4]['location'], (530, 934))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[4]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (74, 18, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[5]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/car-5.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[5]['location'], (517, 377))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[5]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (82, 154, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[6]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/person-6.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[6]['location'], (532, 919))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[6]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (70, 19, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        # it missclassifies as truck (but is a fairly big car)
        self.assertEqual(chunks[7]['meta_info'].decode(), 'truck')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/car-7.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[7]['location'], (498, 702))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[7]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (106, 169, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[8]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/car-8.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[8]['location'], (522, 1046))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[8]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (88, 164, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[9]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/faster_rcnn/person-9.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[9]['location'], (536, 962))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[9]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (70, 17, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_encoding_maskrcnn_results_real_image(self):
        from PIL import Image
        Credit for the image used in this test: 
        Photo by <a href="/photographer/createsima-47728">createsima</a> from <a href="https://freeimages.com/">FreeImages</a>
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected car with confidence 0.996136486530304 at position (518, 379) and size (85, 152)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9923352599143982 at position (527, 572) and size (74, 134)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9859431982040405 at position (541, 993) and size (66, 23)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9840929508209229 at position (531, 934) and size (74, 19)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9836736917495728 at position (499, 196) and size (103, 165)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9716113805770874 at position (532, 917) and size (71, 20)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected person with confidence 0.9690250754356384 at position (539, 968) and size (68, 27)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected truck with confidence 0.9677107334136963 at position (499, 700) and size (107, 167)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9577637314796448 at position (534, 142) and size (64, 65)
        TorchObjectDete@31595[I]:detected car with confidence 0.9379956126213074 at position (521, 1037) and size (90, 175)

        path = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/cars.jpg')
        img = Image.open(path)
        img = img.convert('RGB')
        img_array = np.array(img).astype('float32') / 255
        crafter = TorchObjectDetectionSegmenter(model_name='maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn',
                                                channel_axis=-1, confidence_threshold=0.9)
        chunks = crafter.craft(img_array)

        self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 10)
        self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-0.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[0]['location'], (518, 379))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[0]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (85, 152, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-1.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[1]['location'], (527, 572))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[1]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (74, 134, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[2]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/person-2.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[2]['location'], (541, 993))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[2]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (66, 23, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[3]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/person-3.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[3]['location'], (531, 934))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[3]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (74, 19, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[4]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-4.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[4]['location'], (499, 196))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[4]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (103, 165, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[5]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/person-5.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[5]['location'], (532, 917))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[5]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (71, 20, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[6]['meta_info'].decode(), 'person')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/person-6.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[6]['location'], (539, 968))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[6]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (68, 27, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        # it missclassifies as truck (but is a fairly big car)
        self.assertEqual(chunks[7]['meta_info'].decode(), 'truck')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-7.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[7]['location'], (499, 700))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[7]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (107, 167, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[8]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-8.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[8]['location'], (534, 142))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[8]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (64, 65, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)

        self.assertEqual(chunks[9]['meta_info'].decode(), 'car')
        img = Image.open(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'imgs/mask_rcnn/car-9.png'))
        self.assertEqual(chunks[9]['location'], (521, 1037))
        # check that the shape of retrieved is the same as the expected image (was computed and stored once)
        blob = chunks[9]['blob']
        self.assertEqual((blob.shape[1], blob.shape[0]), img.size)
        self.assertEqual(blob.shape, (90, 175, 3))
        array = np.array(img)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(blob, array)