Exemplo n.º 1
def test_dict_call():
    template = '''{{ dict(x=\ndict(\na=1, b=2), y=a) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    rtype, struct = visit_call(
        call_ast, Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(call_ast)))

    expected_rtype = Dictionary(
                    'a': Number(linenos=[3], constant=True, value=1),
                    'b': Number(linenos=[3], constant=True, value=2)
            Unknown(label='a', linenos=[3]),
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[3]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_basics_2():
    template = '''
    {% if test1 %}
        {% if test2 %}
            {% set d = {'x': 123, a: z.qwerty} %}
        {% else %}
            {% set d = {'x': 456, a: z.gsom} %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if d %}
        {{ d.x }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ z.gsom }}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        Scalar(label='a', linenos=[4, 6]),
        Unknown(label='test1', linenos=[2]),
        Unknown(label='test2', linenos=[3]),
            'qwerty': Unknown(label='qwerty', linenos=[4]),
            'gsom': Scalar(label='gsom', linenos=[6, 12]),
                   linenos=[4, 6, 12]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_basics_13():
    config = Config()

    template = '''
    {% for x in xs %}
        {{ x[2] }}
        {{ x[3] }}
    {% endfor %}
    struct = infer(template, config)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
            Unknown(label=None, linenos=[]),
            Unknown(label=None, linenos=[]),
            Scalar(label=None, linenos=[3]),
            Scalar(label=None, linenos=[4]),
                   linenos=[3, 4]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_boolean_conditions_setting_1():
    template = '''
    {% if x %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ 'Hello!' if y else '' }}
    config_1 = Config()
    struct = infer(template, config_1)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[2]),
        'y': Unknown(label='y', linenos=[5]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    infer('{% if [] %}{% endif %}', config_1)  # make sure it doesn't raise

    config_2 = Config(BOOLEAN_CONDITIONS=True)
    struct = infer(template, config_2)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Boolean(label='x', linenos=[2]),
        'y': Boolean(label='y', linenos=[5]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    with pytest.raises(UnexpectedExpression) as e:
        infer('{% if [] %}{% endif %}', config_2)  # make sure this does raise
    assert str(e.value) == (
        'conflict on the line 1\n'
        'got: AST node jinja2.nodes.List of structure [<unknown>]\n'
        'expected structure: <boolean>')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_assign_1():
    template = '''{% set a = b %}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Assign)

    struct = visit_assign(ast)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[1], constant=True),
        'b': Unknown(label='b', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_compare_1():
    template = '{{ a < b < c }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Compare)
    rtype, struct = visit_compare(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[1]),
        'b': Unknown(label='b', linenos=[1]),
        'c': Unknown(label='c', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_reverse_filter():
    template = '{{ x|reverse }}'

    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))

    assert rtype == Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1])
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_unique_filter():
    template = '{{ values|unique }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)

    unknown_ctx = Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(ast))
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, unknown_ctx)
    assert rtype == Unknown(label='values', linenos=[1])
    assert struct == Dictionary({
        List(Unknown(), label='values', linenos=[1]),
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_compare_2():
    template = '{{ a + b[1] - c == 4 == x }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Compare)
    rtype, struct = visit_compare(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))
    # TODO make customizable
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[1]),
        'b': List(Unknown(linenos=[1]), label='b', linenos=[1]),
        'c': Unknown(label='c', linenos=[1]),
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ignore_all_unknown_filter():
    template = '{{ x|foo|bar|baz }}'

    cfg = config.default_config

    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast), None, cfg)

    assert rtype == Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1])
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_assignment():
    template = '''
    {% set args = ['foo'] if foo else [] %}
    {% set args = args + ['bar'] %}
    {% set args = args + (['zork'] if zork else []) %}
    f({{ args|join(sep) }});
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'foo': Unknown(label='foo', linenos=[2]),
        'zork': Unknown(label='zork', linenos=[4]),
        'sep': String(label='sep', linenos=[5])
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_if_2():
    template = '''
    {% if z > x > y %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if x == y and x == 'asd' and z == 5 %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ x }}
    struct = infer_from_ast(parse(template))
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Scalar(label='x', linenos=[2, 4, 6]),
        'y': Unknown(label='y', linenos=[2, 4]),
        'z': Unknown(label='z', linenos=[2, 4]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_1():
    template = '''
    {%- if x is undefined %}
        {{ test }}
    {%- endif %}

    {%- if y is undefined %}
        {% set y = 123 %}
    {%- endif %}

    {%- if y is defined %}
        {{ y }}
    {%- endif %}

    {%- if z is undefined %}
        {{ z }}
    {%- endif %}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        Unknown(label='x', checked_as_undefined=True, linenos=[2]),
        Scalar(label='test', linenos=[3]),
        Number(label='y', may_be_defined=True, linenos=[6, 7, 10, 11]),
        Scalar(label='z', linenos=[14, 15]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_getitem_3():
    template = '''{{ a[3] }}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Getitem)
    config = Config()
    rtype, struct = visit_getitem(ast, get_scalar_context(ast), {}, config)

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Tuple([
        ], label='a', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_filter_chaining():
    template = '''{{ (xs|first|last).gsom|sort|length }}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
                'gsom': List(Unknown(), label='gsom', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''{{ x|list|sort|first }}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Scalar(label='x', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''{{ x|first|list }}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    with pytest.raises(UnexpectedExpression):
        visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_length_filter():
    ast = parse('{{ xs|length }}').find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))
    assert rtype == Number(label='xs', linenos=[1])
    assert struct == Dictionary({
        'xs': List(Unknown(), label='xs', linenos=[1]),
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_basics_1():
    template = '''
    {% set d = {'x': 123, a: z.qwerty} %}
    {{ d.x }}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Scalar(label='a', linenos=[2]),
        'z': Dictionary(label='z', data={
            'qwerty': Unknown(label='qwerty', linenos=[2]),
        }, linenos=[2]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''
    {% set d = {'x': 123, a: z.qwerty} %}
    {{ d.x.field }}
    with pytest.raises(MergeException):

    template = '''
    {% set x = '123' %}
    {{ x.test }}
    with pytest.raises(MergeException):

    template = '''
    {% set a = {'x': 123} %}
    {% set b = {a: 'test'} %}
    with pytest.raises(MergeException):
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_basics_15():
    # 1. Accept no unknown filter (default behavior)
    config = Config()

    template = '''
    {% for item in items %}
        {{ item.attr1|lower }}
        {{ item.attr2|bar }}
    {% endfor %}

    with pytest.raises(InvalidExpression) as e:
        infer(template, config)
    assert 'line 4: unknown filter "bar"' == str(e.value)

    # 2. Accept all unknown filters
    config = Config()

    template = '''
    {% for item in items %}
        {{ item.attr1|lower }}
        {{ item.attr2|bar }}
    {% endfor %}
    struct = infer(template, config)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'items': List(Dictionary({
            'attr1': String(label='attr1', linenos=[3]),
            'attr2': Unknown(label='attr2', linenos=[4])
        }, label='item', linenos=[3, 4]), label='items', linenos=[2]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_basics_3():
    template = '''
    {% if x %}
        {% set x = '123' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set x = '456' %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ x }}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': String(label='x', linenos=[2, 3, 5, 7]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''
    {% if z %}
        {% set x = '123' %}
    {% else %}
        {% set x = '456' %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ x }}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'z': Unknown(label='z', linenos=[2]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_str_method_calls():
    template = '''{{ x.endswith(suffix) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    rtype, struct = visit_call(call_ast, get_scalar_context(call_ast))

    expected_rtype = Boolean()
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': String(label='x', linenos=[1]),
        # TODO suffix must be in struct too
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''{{ x.split(separator) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    ctx = Context(return_struct_cls=Unknown,
    rtype, struct = visit_call(call_ast, ctx)

    expected_rtype = List(String())
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        String(label='x', linenos=[1]),
        String(label='separator', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_str_method_calls():
    template = '''{{ x.endswith(suffix) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    rtype, struct = visit_call(call_ast, get_scalar_context(call_ast))

    expected_rtype = Boolean()
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': String(label='x', linenos=[1]),
        # TODO suffix must be in struct too
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '''{{ x.split(separator) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    ctx = Context(return_struct_cls=Unknown, predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(call_ast))
    rtype, struct = visit_call(call_ast, ctx)

    expected_rtype = List(String())
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': String(label='x', linenos=[1]),
        'separator': String(label='separator', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_elif():
    template = '''
    {% if kenny.sick %}
    Kenny is sick.
    {% elif kenny.dead %}
    You killed Kenny!  You bastard!!!
    {% else %}
    Kenny looks okay --- so far
    {% endif %}
    struct = infer_from_ast(parse(template))
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'kenny': Dictionary({
            'sick': Unknown(label='sick', linenos=[2]),
            'dead': Unknown(label='dead', linenos=[4]),
        },label='kenny', linenos=[2, 4]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_basics_6():
    template = '''
    {% for row in items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
    {% endfor %}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'items': List(Unknown(), label='items', linenos=[2]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_basics_9():
    template = '''
    {% set xs = items|batch(3, '&nbsp;') %}
    {{ xs[0][0] }}
    struct = infer(template)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'items': List(Unknown(), label='items', linenos=[2]),  # TODO it should be Scalar
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_length_filter():
    for filter in ('count', 'length'):
        template = '{{ xs|' + filter + ' }}'

        ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
        rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))
        assert rtype == Number(label='xs', linenos=[1])
        assert struct == Dictionary({
            List(Unknown(), label='xs', linenos=[1]),
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_ignore_some_unknown_filter():
    cfg = config.default_config
    cfg.IGNORE_UNKNOWN_FILTERS = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

    # 1. Check that it works when all the filter names are given
    template = '{{ x|foo|bar|baz }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast), None, cfg)

    assert rtype == Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1])
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct

    # 2. Check that an exception is raised for a filter whose name is not in the list
    template = '{{ x|foo|bar|baz|boz }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)
    with pytest.raises(InvalidExpression) as e:
        visit_filter(ast, get_scalar_context(ast), None, cfg)
    assert 'line 1: unknown filter "boz"' == str(e.value)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_test_2():
    template = '''{{ x is string }}'''
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Test)
    rtype, struct = visit_test(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))

    expected_struct = Dictionary({'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[1])})
    assert struct == expected_struct

    template = '{{ x is unknown_filter }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Test)
    with pytest.raises(InvalidExpression) as e:
        visit_test(ast, get_scalar_context(ast))
    assert 'line 1: unknown test "unknown_filter"' in str(e.value)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_boolean_conditions_setting_2():
    config = Config(BOOLEAN_CONDITIONS=True)

    template = '''
    {% if x == 'test' %}
    {% endif %}
    struct = infer(template, config)
    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'x': Unknown(label='x', linenos=[2]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_lipsum_call():
    template = '{{ lipsum(n) }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)

    rtype, struct = visit_call(ast, Context(predicted_struct=Unknown()))

    expected_rtype = String()
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'n': Scalar(label='n', linenos=[1]),  # TODO must be Number
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_range_call():
    template = '{{ range(n) }}'
    ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)

    rtype, struct = visit_call(ast, Context(predicted_struct=Unknown()))

    expected_rtype = List(Number())
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'n': Number(label='n', linenos=[1]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_batch_and_slice_filters():
    for filter in ('batch', 'slice'):
        template = '{{ items|' + filter + '(3, "&nbsp;") }}'
        ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)

        unknown_ctx = Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(ast))
        rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, unknown_ctx)

        expected_rtype = List(List(Unknown(), linenos=[1]), linenos=[1])
        assert rtype == expected_rtype

        expected_struct = Dictionary({
            List(Unknown(), label='items', linenos=[1]),
        assert struct == expected_struct

        scalar_ctx = Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(ast))
        with pytest.raises(UnexpectedExpression) as e:
            visit_filter(ast, scalar_ctx)
        assert str(e.value) == (
            'conflict on the line 1\n'
            'got: AST node jinja2.nodes.Filter of structure [[<unknown>]]\n'
            'expected structure: <scalar>')
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_dict_call():
    template = '''{{ dict(x=\ndict(\na=1, b=2), y=a) }}'''
    call_ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Call)
    rtype, struct = visit_call(
        call_ast, Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(call_ast)))

    expected_rtype = Dictionary({
        'x': Dictionary({
            'a': Number(linenos=[3], constant=True),
            'b': Number(linenos=[3], constant=True)
        }, linenos=[2], constant=True),
        'y': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[3]),
    }, linenos=[1], constant=True)
    assert rtype == expected_rtype

    expected_struct = Dictionary({
        'a': Unknown(label='a', linenos=[3]),
    assert struct == expected_struct
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_batch_and_slice_filters():
    for filter in ('batch', 'slice'):
        template = '{{ items|' + filter + '(3, "&nbsp;") }}'
        ast = parse(template).find(nodes.Filter)

        unknown_ctx = Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(ast))
        rtype, struct = visit_filter(ast, unknown_ctx)

        expected_rtype = List(List(Unknown(), linenos=[1]), linenos=[1])
        assert rtype == expected_rtype

        expected_struct = Dictionary({
            'items': List(Unknown(), label='items', linenos=[1]),
        assert struct == expected_struct

        scalar_ctx = Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(ast))
        with pytest.raises(UnexpectedExpression) as e:
            visit_filter(ast, scalar_ctx)
        assert str(e.value) == ('conflict on the line 1\n'
                                'got: AST node jinja2.nodes.Filter of structure [[<unknown>]]\n'
                                'expected structure: <scalar>')