Exemplo n.º 1
def make_base_grid_5D(theta,N,C,D,H,W,align_corners):
    base_grid = jt.zeros((N, D, H, W, 4), dtype=theta.dtype)
    base_grid[...,0] = linspace_from_neg_one(theta, W, align_corners)
    base_grid[...,1] = jt.unsqueeze(linspace_from_neg_one(theta, H, align_corners),-1)
    base_grid[...,2] = jt.unsqueeze(jt.unsqueeze(linspace_from_neg_one(theta, D, align_corners),-1),-1)
    base_grid[...,-1] = 1
    return base_grid
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_shadow_image(self, mus_mouth, weight, nearnN):

        fakes = 0
        for i in range(nearnN):
            w_i = weight[i]
            if w_i <= 0:
            elif w_i > 0.5:
                w_i = 0.5

            # print(i)
            mus_vec = jt.unsqueeze(mus_mouth[[i], :], 1)

            fake_image = self.net_decoder(jt.array(mus_vec))
            # fake_image = fake_image[[0],:,:,:]
            if i == 0:
                fakes = (1 - fake_image) / 2 * w_i
                fakes = fakes + (1 - fake_image) / 2 * w_i

        fakes = 1 - fakes

        fakes = fakes[0, :, :, :].detach().numpy()

        fakes = np.transpose(fakes, (1, 2, 0)) * 255.0
        fakes = np.clip(fakes, 0, 255)

        return fakes.astype(np.uint8)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def execute(self, x):                        # (N, K, C_out)
        Applies XConv to the input data.
        :param x: (rep_pt, pts, fts) where
          - rep_pt: Representative point.
          - pts: Regional point cloud such that fts[:,p_idx,:] is the feature
          associated with pts[:,p_idx,:].
          - fts: Regional features such that pts[:,p_idx,:] is the feature
          associated with fts[:,p_idx,:].
        :return: Features aggregated into point rep_pt.
        rep_pt, pts, fts = x  # b, n, c // b ,n k, c // b, n, k, d
        if fts is not None:
            assert(rep_pt.size()[0] == pts.size()[0] == fts.size()[0])  # Check N is equal.
            assert(rep_pt.size()[1] == pts.size()[1] == fts.size()[1])  # Check P is equal.
            assert(pts.size()[2] == fts.size()[2] == self.K)            # Check K is equal.
            assert(fts.size()[3] == self.cin)                          # Check C_in is equal.
            assert(rep_pt.size()[0] == pts.size()[0])                   # Check N is equal.
            assert(rep_pt.size()[1] == pts.size()[1])                   # Check P is equal.
            assert(pts.size()[2] == self.K)                             # Check K is equal.
        assert(rep_pt.size()[2] == pts.size()[3] == self.dims)          # Check dims is equal.

        N = pts.size()[0]
        P = rep_pt.size()[1]  # (N, P, K, dims)
        p_center = jt.unsqueeze(rep_pt, dim = 2)  # (N, P, 1, dims)
        # print (p_center.size()) #
        # Move pts to local coordinate system of rep_pt.
        pts_local = pts - p_center.repeat(1, 1, self.K, 1)  # (N, P, K, dims)
        # pts_local = self.pts_layernorm(pts - p_center)

        # Individually lift each point into C_mid space.
        # print (pts_local.size(), 'before size')
        pts_local = pts_local.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # N, dim, P, K
        fts_lifted0 = self.dense1(pts_local) # ?
        # print (.size(), 'after size')
        fts_lifted  = self.dense2(fts_lifted0)  # N, C_mid, P, K

        fts = fts.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        if fts is None:
            fts_cat = fts_lifted
            fts_cat = concat((fts_lifted, fts), 1)  # (N, C_mid + C_in, P, K)

        # Learn the (N, K, K) X-transformation matrix.
        X_shape = (N, P, self.K, self.K)
        # X = self.x_trans(pts_local)  # N, K*K, 1, P
        x = self.x_trans_0(pts_local)
        x = self.x_trans_1(x)
        X = self.x_trans_2(x)

        # print ('X size ', X.size())
        X = X.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)  # n p 1 k
        X = X.view(X_shape) # N, P, K, K

        # print (fts_cat.shape)
        fts_cat = fts_cat.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
        fts_X = jt.matmul(X, fts_cat) #

        # print ('fts X size =', fts_X.shape)

        fts_p = self.end_conv(fts_X).squeeze(dim = 2)
        # print ('xxxxxxxxxxx')
        # print ('result size')
        # print (fts_X.size(), fts_p.size())

        return fts_p
Exemplo n.º 4
def show_jitor(tensor):
    data = np.array(tensor.data)
    img = data[0][0]
    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    jt.flags.use_cuda = 1
    opt = TrainOptions().parse()
    feature = 'nose'

    data_loader = SingelDataLoader()
    data_loader.initialize('dataset', True, 'nose')
    model = CE_Model(opt, feature)
    model.initialize(opt, feature)


    # model.load_networ_from_file('/home/loc/Desktop/DeepFaceDrawing-Jittor/Params/AE_whole/latest_net_encoder_nose.pkl',
    #                             '/home/loc/Desktop/DeepFaceDrawing-Jittor/Params/AE_whole/latest_net_decoder_nose_image.pkl')
    in_img = data_loader.get_data(10)
    in_img = jt.unsqueeze(in_img, 0)
    generated, losses = model(feature, in_img)
Exemplo n.º 5
def getonehot(outputs, classes, batch_size):
    index = jt.argmax(outputs,1)
    y = jt.unsqueeze(index[0],1)
    onehot = jt.zeros([batch_size, classes])
    onehot.scatter_(1, y, jt.array(1.))
    return onehot