Exemplo n.º 1
def type_journeys(resp, req):
    Set the type of the journeys
    best_crit = arrival_crit if req["clockwise"] else departure_crit
    # first, we want a type for every journey. Just pick "rapid" by default.
    for j in resp.journeys:
        j.type = "rapid"

    # Then, we want something like the old types
    trip_caracs = [
        # comfort tends to limit the number of transfers and fallback
        ("comfort", trip_carac([has_no_car], [comfort_crit, best_crit, duration_crit])),
        # for car we want at most one journey, the earliest one
                [has_car, has_pt],  # We don't want car only solution, we MUST have PT
                [best_crit, transfers_crit, nonTC_crit, duration_crit],
        # less_fallback tends to limit the fallback while walking
            trip_carac([has_no_car, has_no_bike], [nonTC_crit, transfers_crit, duration_crit, best_crit]),
        # less_fallback tends to limit the fallback for biking and bss
                [has_no_car, has_bike, has_no_bss], [nonTC_crit, transfers_crit, duration_crit, best_crit]
        # less_fallback tends to limit the fallback for biking and bss
            trip_carac([has_no_car, has_bss], [nonTC_crit, transfers_crit, duration_crit, best_crit]),
        # the fastest is quite explicit
        ("fastest", trip_carac([has_no_car], [duration_crit, transfers_crit, nonTC_crit, best_crit])),
        # the non_pt journeys is the earliest journey without any public transport
        ("non_pt_walk", trip_carac([non_pt_journey, has_no_car, has_walk], [best_crit])),
        # the non_pt journey is the earliest journey without any public transport
        # only walking, biking or driving
        ("non_pt_bike", trip_carac([non_pt_journey, has_no_car, has_bike], [best_crit])),
        ("non_pt_bss", trip_carac([non_pt_journey, has_no_car, has_bss], [best_crit])),
        ("non_pt_car", trip_carac([non_pt_journey, has_car], [best_crit])),

    for name, carac in trip_caracs:
        sublist = list(filter(and_filters(carac.constraints), resp.journeys))
        best = min_from_criteria(sublist, carac.criteria)
        if best is not None:
            best.type = name

    # Finally, we want exactly one best, the ASAP one
    best = get_ASAP_journey(resp.journeys, req)
    if best is not None:
        best.type = "best"
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_best_pt_journey_connections(journeys, request):
    Returns the nb of connection of the best pt_journey
    Returns None if journeys empty
    if not journeys:
        return None
    best = get_ASAP_journey((j for j in journeys if 'non_pt' not in j.tags), request)
    return get_nb_connections(best) if best else None