Exemplo n.º 1
class TestingPipe(Pipe):
    # reads come out in the same blocks as the writes
    # ...wraps LocalPipe

    def __init__(self, layout: str, name: str = None, stream=None):
        super().__init__(name=name, layout=layout, stream=stream)

        self._pipe = LocalPipe(layout, name, stream)
        self._closed = False
        self.data_blocks: deque = deque()

    async def write(self, data):
        if self._closed:
            raise PipeError("Cannot write to a closed pipe")

    def write_nowait(self, data):
        if self._closed:
            raise PipeError("Cannot write to a closed pipe")

    def close_interval_no_wait(self):

    async def close_interval(self):

    def consume(self, rows):
        return self._pipe.consume(rows)

    def reread_last(self):

    def end_of_interval(self):
        return self._pipe.end_of_interval

    async def read(self, flatten=False):
        # first write a block to the pipe if there are any waiting
        if len(self.data_blocks) > 0:
            block = self.data_blocks.popleft()
            if block is None:
                await self._pipe.close_interval()
                await self._pipe.write(block)
        elif self._closed:
            await self._pipe.close()
        # now return the result of the inner pipe's read
        return await self._pipe.read(flatten)

    def is_empty(self):
        return self._pipe.is_empty()

    async def close(self):
        self._closed = True
 async def _run():
     LAYOUT = "float32_3"
     LENGTH = 100
     pipe = LocalPipe(layout="float32_3")
     tx_data = helpers.create_data(LAYOUT, length=LENGTH)
     # write a block and close off the pipe
     await pipe.write(tx_data)
     await pipe.close()
     # read it back
     rx_data = await pipe.read()
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(tx_data, rx_data)
     # don't consume it so you can read it agai
     # read it back again
     rx_data = await pipe.read()
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(tx_data[500:], rx_data)
     # the pipe should be empty now
     with self.assertRaises(EmptyPipeError):
         await pipe.read()