Exemplo n.º 1
def get_info(server_id, user_id):
    """Builds a string listing known user information of given user."""
    user_data = servermanager.servers_data[server_id]['users'][user_id]
    config = configmanager.config
    permissions_text = ''
    if servermanager.is_owner(user_id): # Order important here
        permissions_text = "Bot owner"
    elif servermanager.is_bot(user_id):
        permissions_text = "Literally the bot"
    elif servermanager.is_admin(server_id, user_id):
        permissions_text = "Bot admin"
    elif servermanager.is_banned(server_id, user_id):
        permissions_text = "Banned from interaction"
        permissions_text = "Standard user"
    to_return = """User information for {user_data[name]}:
ID: {user_id}
Name: {user_data[name]}
Nickname: {user_data[nickname]}
Discriminator: {user_data[discriminator]}
Aliases: {user_data[aliases]}
Permissions: {permissions_text}
Joined: {user_data[joined]}
Last seen: {user_data[last_seen]}
Last played game: {user_data[last_game]}
Color: {user_data[color]}
Status: {user_data[status]}
Avatar: {user_data[avatar]}
```""".format(user_id=user_id, user_data=user_data, permissions_text=permissions_text)
    return to_return # Placeholder if this will be modified later
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_tag_access(server_id, tag_data, tag_name, user_id, need_owner=False):
    """Ensures that the given user is author of the tag (or a bot admin) if the tag is private, otherwise throw an exception."""
    if (tag_data['private'] or need_owner) and (
            tag_data['author_id'] != user_id
            and not servermanager.is_admin(server_id, user_id)):
        tag_author = usermanager.get_name(server_id, tag_data['author_id'])
        if need_owner:
            raise bot_exception(
                "User is not the author of tag '{tag_name}', created by {tag_author}"
                .format(tag_name=tag_name, tag_author=tag_author))
            raise bot_exception(
                "The tag '{tag_name}' was made private by the author, {tag_author}"
                .format(tag_name=tag_name, tag_author=tag_author))
Exemplo n.º 3
async def get_response(message, send_typing=True):
    """Gets a response. Split up so messages can be edited."""
    # Check if the message is a valid command and the server or channel is not muted
    if (message.content
            and message.content[0] in configmanager.config['command_invokers']
            and message.author.id !=
            client.user.id):  # Valid invoker from not the bot
        is_private = (type(message.channel) is discord.PrivateChannel)
        if parser.is_command(message.content.partition(' ')[0][1:].lower(),
                             private=is_private):  # Valid command
            if is_private or (
                    not is_private
                    and  # Private - skip checks. Not private - do server checks.
                    not servermanager.is_banned(server_id=message.server.id,
                    and  # Author is not banned
                    not servermanager.is_muted(server_id=message.server.id,
                    or  # Server or channel is not muted or
                     and message.content[1:].startswith('admin')))
            ):  # Admin is unmuting bot
                    global last_responses_dictionary
                    if send_typing:
                        await client.send_typing(message.channel)
                    return await parser.parse(
                        message.server.id if not is_private else '0',
                        message.channel.id if not is_private else '0',
                        message.author.id if not is_private else '0',
                        message.author.voice_channel.id if
                        (not is_private and message.author.voice_channel) else
                        0,  # Previously type None
                except bot_exception as e:  # Something bad happened
                    return [str(e), False]
    return ['', False]
Exemplo n.º 4
async def get_response(message, send_typing=True):
    """Gets a response. Split up so messages can be edited."""
    # Check if the message is a valid command and the server or channel is not muted
    if (message.content and message.content[0] in configmanager.config['command_invokers'] and message.author.id != client.user.id): # Valid invoker from not the bot
        is_private = (type(message.channel) is discord.PrivateChannel)
        if parser.is_command(message.content.partition(' ')[0][1:].lower(), private=is_private): # Valid command
            if is_private or (not is_private and # Private - skip checks. Not private - do server checks.
                    not servermanager.is_banned(server_id=message.server.id, user_id=message.author.id) and # Author is not banned
                    (not servermanager.is_muted(server_id=message.server.id, channel_id=message.channel.id) or # Server or channel is not muted or
                    (servermanager.is_admin(message.server.id, message.author.id) and message.content[1:].startswith('admin')))): # Admin is unmuting bot
                    global last_responses_dictionary
                    if send_typing:
                        await client.send_typing(message.channel)
                    return await parser.parse(
                        message.server.id if not is_private else '0', 
                        message.channel.id if not is_private else '0',
                        message.author.id if not is_private else '0',
                        message.author.voice_channel.id if (not is_private and message.author.voice_channel) else 0, # Previously type None
                except bot_exception as e: # Something bad happened
                    return [str(e), False]
    return ['', False]
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_sound_tag_access(server_id, sound_tag_data, user_id, need_owner=False):
    """Ensures that the given user is author of the tag (or a bot admin) if the tag is private, otherwise throw an exception."""
    if (sound_tag_data['private'] or need_owner) and (sound_tag_data['author_id'] != user_id and not servermanager.is_admin(server_id, user_id)):
        tag_author = usermanager.get_name(server_id, sound_tag_data['author_id'])
        if sound_tag_data['private']:
            raise bot_exception(EXCEPT_TYPE,
                "This sound tag was made private by the author, {tag_author}".format(tag_author=tag_author))
            raise bot_exception(EXCEPT_TYPE,
                "User is not the author of sound tag '{sound_tag_name}', created by {tag_author}".format(
                sound_tag_name=sound_tag_data['name'], tag_author=tag_author))
Exemplo n.º 6
async def parse(text, server_id, channel_id, author_id, voice_channel_id, is_private=False):
    """Parses the text to separate the command, options, and arguments, and passes them into the apropriate modules."""
    is_admin = servermanager.is_admin(server_id, author_id) if not is_private else False
    text_partition, _, text = text[1:].partition(' ') # Remove invoker character
    text = text.strip()
    raw_parameters = text # Used for some functions (mostly shortcuts)
    command = text_partition.lower()
    option_invoker = configmanager.config['option_invoker']
    # Look for options
    options = []
    while text.startswith(option_invoker):
        option_partition, _, text = text[1:].partition(' ')
        text = text.strip()
        if option_partition:

    # Look for arguments
    arguments = []
    arguments_blocks = []
    while text:
        if len(arguments_blocks) < 4:
        if text.startswith('"'): # Search for end quote
                text = text[1:]
                closed_quote_index = 0
                next_quote_index = text[closed_quote_index:].index('"') # Maybe use do while?
                while text[closed_quote_index + next_quote_index - 1] == '\\': # Run until proper closed quote found
                    closed_quote_index += next_quote_index
                    text = text[:closed_quote_index - 1] + text[closed_quote_index:]
                    next_quote_index = text[closed_quote_index:].index('"')
            except ValueError:
                raise bot_exception(EXCEPT_TYPE, "An argument has an unclosed quote")
            closed_quote_index += next_quote_index
            if closed_quote_index > 0: # No null argument
                to_append = text[:closed_quote_index].strip()
                if to_append: # No empty string
                text = text[closed_quote_index + 1:].strip()
            else: # If there is a null argument, remove it
                text = text[2:].strip()
        else: # Search for next space
            argument_partition, _, text = text.partition(' ')
            text = text.strip()
    # Debug printing
    print("DEBUG:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n------".format(command, options, arguments, arguments_blocks))
    # Get proper response
    to_return = ['', False] # Text response, TTS
    get_response_function = help # Function placeholder
    # TODO: See if there is an object representation of modules
    if command in tagmanager.commands: # Tag manager
        get_response_function = getattr(tagmanager, 'get_response')
    elif command in soundtagmanager.commands: # Sound tag manager
        get_response_function = getattr(soundtagmanager, 'get_response')
    elif command in usermanager.commands: # User manager
        get_response_function = getattr(usermanager, 'get_response')
    elif command in decider.commands: # Decider
        get_response_function = getattr(decider, 'get_response')
    elif command in utilities.commands: # Utilities
        get_response_function = getattr(utilities, 'get_response')
    elif command in base_commands: # Base commands
        get_response_function = get_response
    if get_response_function != help: # Found a response function
        to_return[0] = await get_response_function(
        to_return[0] += "Sorry, I can't seem to do that right now. You should never see this, by the way. What is most likely going on is that you are hallucinating this error."
    if to_return[0] is not None and len(to_return[0]) > 1900: # Split responses up if it is too long
        to_return[0] = "```\n***Looks like the response is very large. It might look a little messed up because it's gettin' chopped up.***```\n" + to_return[0][:1900]
    return to_return