Exemplo n.º 1
def visualize_stow_contents(work_order):
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    tote_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(PKG_PATH, 'models/tote/image.jpg'))
    object_list = jsk_apc2015_common.get_object_list()
    object_imgs = {}
    for obj in object_list:
        img_path = osp.join(OLD_PKG_PATH, 'models/{obj}/image.jpg'.format(obj=obj))
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw object images on tote image
    tote_region = [[190,230],[1080,790]]
    region_h = tote_region[1][1] - tote_region[0][1]
    region_w = tote_region[1][0] - tote_region[0][0]
    max_obj_h,max_obj_w = region_h / 3, region_w / 4
    tote_x_min,tote_y_min = tote_region[0][0], tote_region[0][1]
    x_min, y_min = tote_x_min, tote_y_min
    for obj in work_order:
        obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
        scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
        scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
        scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
        obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
        obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
        x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
        tote_img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
        x_min += max_obj_w
        if x_max >= region_w :
            x_min = tote_x_min
            y_min += max_obj_h
    return tote_img
Exemplo n.º 2
def visualize_stow_contents(work_order):
    """Visualize stow contents with passed work order.

        work_order (list): objects in the stow.

        tote_img (~numpy.ndarray): image of objects over the tote.
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    rp = rospkg.RosPack()
    pkg_path = rp.get_path(PKG)
    tote_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/tote/image.jpg'))
    object_list = jsk_apc2015_common.get_object_list()
    object_imgs = {}
    pkg_path = rp.get_path('jsk_apc2015_common')
    for obj in object_list:
        img_path = osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/{obj}/image.jpg'.format(obj=obj))
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw object images on tote image
    tote_region = [[190, 230], [1080, 790]]
    region_h = tote_region[1][1] - tote_region[0][1]
    region_w = tote_region[1][0] - tote_region[0][0]
    max_obj_h, max_obj_w = region_h / 3, region_w / 4
    tote_x_min, tote_y_min = tote_region[0][0], tote_region[0][1]
    x_min, y_min = tote_x_min, tote_y_min
    for obj in work_order:
        obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
        scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
        scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
        scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
        obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
        obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
        x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
        tote_img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
        x_min += max_obj_w
        if x_max >= region_w:
            x_min = tote_x_min
            y_min += max_obj_h
    return tote_img
Exemplo n.º 3
def visualize_stow_contents(work_order):
    """Visualize stow contents with passed work order.

        work_order (list): objects in the stow.

        tote_img (~numpy.ndarray): image of objects over the tote.
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    rp = rospkg.RosPack()
    pkg_path = rp.get_path(PKG)
    tote_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/tote/image.jpg'))
    object_list = jsk_apc2015_common.get_object_list()
    object_imgs = {}
    pkg_path = rp.get_path('jsk_apc2015_common')
    for obj in object_list:
        img_path = osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/{obj}/image.jpg'.format(obj=obj))
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw object images on tote image
    tote_region = [[190, 230], [1080, 790]]
    region_h = tote_region[1][1] - tote_region[0][1]
    region_w = tote_region[1][0] - tote_region[0][0]
    max_obj_h, max_obj_w = region_h / 3, region_w / 4
    tote_x_min, tote_y_min = tote_region[0][0], tote_region[0][1]
    x_min, y_min = tote_x_min, tote_y_min
    for obj in work_order:
        obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
        scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
        scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
        scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
        obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
        obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
        x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
        tote_img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
        x_min += max_obj_w
        if x_max >= region_w:
            x_min = tote_x_min
            y_min += max_obj_h
    return tote_img
Exemplo n.º 4
def visualize_bin_contents(bin_contents, work_order=None,
    """Returns visualized image of bin contents.

        bin_contents (dict): contents of each bin.
        work_order (dict): target objects for each bin (default: ``None``).
        extra_img_paths (dict): {object_name: img_path}

        kiva_pod_img (~numpy.ndarray):
            visualized image of listed objects over the Kiva Pod image.
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    pkg_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path(PKG)
    object_img_paths = {
        obj: osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/{0}/image.jpg'.format(obj))
        for obj in get_object_list()
    if extra_img_paths is not None:
    # initialize variables
    kiva_pod_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/kiva_pod/image.jpg'))
    BIN_REGION = {
        'a': ((0, 50), (640, 610)),
        'b': ((640, 50), (1410, 610)),
        'c': ((1410, 50), (2060, 610)),
        'd': ((0, 680), (640, 1200)),
        'e': ((640, 680), (1410, 1200)),
        'f': ((1410, 680), (2060, 1200)),
        'g': ((0, 1280), (640, 1770)),
        'h': ((640, 1280), (1410, 1770)),
        'i': ((1410, 1280), (2060, 1770)),
        'j': ((0, 1850), (640, 2430)),
        'k': ((640, 1850), (1410, 2430)),
        'l': ((1410, 1850), (2060, 2430)),
    # get object images
    object_imgs = {}
    for obj, img_path in object_img_paths.items():
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw objects
    for bin, contents in bin_contents.items():
        if not contents:
            continue  # skip empty bin
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = BIN_REGION[bin]
        bin_region = kiva_pod_img[bin_pt1[1]:bin_pt2[1], bin_pt1[0]:bin_pt2[0]]
        x_num, y_num = _get_tile_shape(len(contents))
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_region.shape[:2]
        max_obj_h, max_obj_w = bin_h // y_num, bin_w // x_num
        for i_y in xrange(y_num):
            y_min = int(1. * bin_h / y_num * i_y)
            for i_x in xrange(x_num):
                x_min = int(1. * bin_w / x_num * i_x)
                if contents:
                    obj = contents.pop()
                    obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
                    scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
                    scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
                    scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
                    obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
                    obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
                    x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
                    bin_region[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
                    # highlight work order
                    if work_order and work_order[bin] == obj:
                        pt1 = (x_min + 10, y_min + 10)
                        pt2 = (x_max - 10, y_max - 10)
                        cv2.rectangle(bin_region, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # draw bin regions
    for bin, region in BIN_REGION.items():
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = region
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_pt2[1] - bin_pt1[1], bin_pt2[0] - bin_pt1[0]
        cv2.rectangle(kiva_pod_img, bin_pt1, bin_pt2, (0, 0, 255), 2)
        text_pos = (bin_pt2[0] - bin_h//2 - 100, bin_pt2[1])
        cv2.putText(kiva_pod_img, bin.upper(), text_pos,
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 10, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    return kiva_pod_img
Exemplo n.º 5
def visualize_bin_contents(bin_contents, work_order=None,
    """Returns visualized image of bin contents.

        bin_contents (dict): contents of each bin.
        work_order (dict): target objects for each bin (default: ``None``).
        extra_img_paths (dict): {object_name: img_path}

        kiva_pod_img (~numpy.ndarray):
            visualized image of listed objects over the Kiva Pod image.
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    pkg_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path(PKG)
    object_img_paths = {
        obj: osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/{0}/image.jpg'.format(obj))
        for obj in get_object_list()
    if extra_img_paths is not None:
    # initialize variables
    kiva_pod_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(pkg_path, 'models/kiva_pod/image.jpg'))
    BIN_REGION = {
        'a': ((0, 50), (640, 610)),
        'b': ((640, 50), (1410, 610)),
        'c': ((1410, 50), (2060, 610)),
        'd': ((0, 680), (640, 1200)),
        'e': ((640, 680), (1410, 1200)),
        'f': ((1410, 680), (2060, 1200)),
        'g': ((0, 1280), (640, 1770)),
        'h': ((640, 1280), (1410, 1770)),
        'i': ((1410, 1280), (2060, 1770)),
        'j': ((0, 1850), (640, 2430)),
        'k': ((640, 1850), (1410, 2430)),
        'l': ((1410, 1850), (2060, 2430)),
    # get object images
    object_imgs = {}
    for obj, img_path in object_img_paths.items():
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw objects
    for bin, contents in bin_contents.items():
        if not contents:
            continue  # skip empty bin
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = BIN_REGION[bin]
        bin_region = kiva_pod_img[bin_pt1[1]:bin_pt2[1], bin_pt1[0]:bin_pt2[0]]
        x_num, y_num = _get_tile_shape(len(contents))
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_region.shape[:2]
        max_obj_h, max_obj_w = bin_h // y_num, bin_w // x_num
        for i_y in xrange(y_num):
            y_min = int(1. * bin_h / y_num * i_y)
            for i_x in xrange(x_num):
                x_min = int(1. * bin_w / x_num * i_x)
                if contents:
                    obj = contents.pop()
                    obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
                    scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
                    scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
                    scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
                    obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
                    obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
                    x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
                    bin_region[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
                    # highlight work order
                    if work_order and work_order[bin] == obj:
                        pt1 = (x_min + 10, y_min + 10)
                        pt2 = (x_max - 10, y_max - 10)
                        cv2.rectangle(bin_region, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0), 8)
    # draw bin regions
    for bin, region in BIN_REGION.items():
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = region
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_pt2[1] - bin_pt1[1], bin_pt2[0] - bin_pt1[0]
        cv2.rectangle(kiva_pod_img, bin_pt1, bin_pt2, (0, 0, 255), 2)
        text_pos = (bin_pt2[0] - bin_h//2 - 100, bin_pt2[1])
        cv2.putText(kiva_pod_img, bin.upper(), text_pos,
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 10, (0, 0, 255), 6)
    return kiva_pod_img
Exemplo n.º 6
def visualize_bin_contents(bin_contents, work_order=None):
    from jsk_apc2015_common.util import rescale
    # initialize variables
    kiva_pod_img = cv2.imread(osp.join(PKG_PATH, 'models/kiva_pod/image.jpg'))
    BIN_REGION = {
        'a': ((0, 50), (640, 610)),
        'b': ((640, 50), (1410, 610)),
        'c': ((1410, 50), (2060, 610)),
        'd': ((0, 680), (640, 1200)),
        'e': ((640, 680), (1410, 1200)),
        'f': ((1410, 680), (2060, 1200)),
        'g': ((0, 1280), (640, 1770)),
        'h': ((640, 1280), (1410, 1770)),
        'i': ((1410, 1280), (2060, 1770)),
        'j': ((0, 1850), (640, 2430)),
        'k': ((640, 1850), (1410, 2430)),
        'l': ((1410, 1850), (2060, 2430)),
    # get object images
    object_list = get_object_list()
    object_imgs = {}
    for obj in object_list:
        img_path = osp.join(PKG_PATH, 'models/{obj}/image.jpg'.format(obj=obj))
        img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        h, w = img.shape[:2]
        if h > w:
            img = np.rollaxis(img, 1)
        object_imgs[obj] = img
    # draw objects
    for bin, contents in bin_contents.items():
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = BIN_REGION[bin]
        bin_region = kiva_pod_img[bin_pt1[1]:bin_pt2[1], bin_pt1[0]:bin_pt2[0]]
        x_num, y_num = _get_tile_shape(len(contents))
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_region.shape[:2]
        max_obj_h, max_obj_w = bin_h // y_num, bin_w // x_num
        for i_y in xrange(y_num):
            y_min = int(1. * bin_h / y_num * i_y)
            for i_x in xrange(x_num):
                x_min = int(1. * bin_w / x_num * i_x)
                if contents:
                    obj = contents.pop()
                    obj_img = object_imgs[obj]
                    scale_h = 1. * max_obj_h / obj_img.shape[0]
                    scale_w = 1. * max_obj_w / obj_img.shape[1]
                    scale = min([scale_h, scale_w])
                    obj_img = rescale(obj_img, scale)
                    obj_h, obj_w = obj_img.shape[:2]
                    x_max, y_max = x_min + obj_w, y_min + obj_h
                    bin_region[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = obj_img
                    # highlight work order
                    if work_order and work_order[bin] == obj:
                        pt1 = (x_min + 10, y_min + 10)
                        pt2 = (x_max - 10, y_max - 10)
                        cv2.rectangle(bin_region, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # draw bin regions
    for bin, region in BIN_REGION.items():
        bin_pt1, bin_pt2 = region
        bin_h, bin_w = bin_pt2[1] - bin_pt1[1], bin_pt2[0] - bin_pt1[0]
        cv2.rectangle(kiva_pod_img, bin_pt1, bin_pt2, (0, 0, 255), 2)
        text_pos = (bin_pt2[0] - bin_h//2 - 100, bin_pt2[1])
        cv2.putText(kiva_pod_img, bin.upper(), text_pos,
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 10, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    return kiva_pod_img