def graph(self, *args): # load template with open("template.json", "r") as f: template = loadJSON(f) item = self.scoutingDataLB.get(self.scoutingDataLB.curselection()) label = None # item should be a question (possibly with data (INT)) # get JSONlabel for i in template: try: if i['question'] in item: label = i['jsonLabel'] except KeyError: pass if label is None: return data = [] for key_, value_ in self.currentTeam.JSONdata.items(): for key, value in value_.items(): if key == label: data.append(value) self.__graph__(data)
def version_info(): with open(path.join(path.dirname(argv[0]), 'printsrv', 'package.json'), 'rU') as package_file: try: local_package_json = loadJSON(package_file) except ValueError: print 'WARNING: local package.json is damaged.' local_package_json = {'version': 'N/A'} return local_package_json['version']
def refreshQuestions(self): with open('template.json', 'r') as template: for i in loadJSON(template): if i['type'] == 'header' or i['type'] == 'space': continue self.questionsListBox.insert(END, i['question'])
def trainset(self,fname,tportion=0.25,epochs=50): if 'datasets/' not in fname: fname = 'datasets/' + fname if '.json' not in fname: fname = fname + '.json' f = open(fname) mlist = loadJSON(f) f.close() tportion = int(len(mlist)*max(0,min(1.0,tportion))) for k in range(epochs): print 'Training: epoch #' + str(k) for match in npchoice(mlist,tportion,replace=False): a,b = match['a'],match['b'] self.update(a,b,match['val'])
def trainset(self, fname, tportion=0.25, epochs=50): if 'datasets/' not in fname: fname = 'datasets/' + fname if '.json' not in fname: fname = fname + '.json' f = open(fname) mlist = loadJSON(f) f.close() tportion = int(len(mlist) * max(0, min(1.0, tportion))) for k in range(epochs): print 'Training: epoch #' + str(k) for match in npchoice(mlist, tportion, replace=False): a, b = match['a'], match['b'] self.update(a, b, match['val'])
def load(fname='NN-00',features=FTVEC): if 'datasets/' not in fname: fname = 'datasets/' + fname if '.json' not in fname: fname = fname + '.json' f = open(fname) data = loadJSON(f) f.close() NN = NeuralNet(features,hiddencount=data['hsize']) for i,hnode in enumerate(NN.hidden): hinfo = data['h'+str(i)] hnode.bias = hinfo['bias'] hnode.weights = hinfo['weights'] NN.output.bias = data['out']['bias'] NN.output.weights = data['out']['weights'] return NN
def load(fname='NN-00', features=FTVEC): if 'datasets/' not in fname: fname = 'datasets/' + fname if '.json' not in fname: fname = fname + '.json' f = open(fname) data = loadJSON(f) f.close() NN = NeuralNet(features, hiddencount=data['hsize']) for i, hnode in enumerate(NN.hidden): hinfo = data['h' + str(i)] hnode.bias = hinfo['bias'] hnode.weights = hinfo['weights'] NN.output.bias = data['out']['bias'] NN.output.weights = data['out']['weights'] return NN
def update(): try: with open('database.json', 'r') as f: if time() - loadJSON(f)['last_update'] < 1000: return getRet() except (FileNotFoundError, JSONDecodeError, KeyError): pass api.sync() od = dict() with open("database.json", 'w') as f: # Collaborators od['users'] = list() for collaborator in api.state['collaborators']: od['users'].append(f"{collaborator['full_name']} " f"<{collaborator['email']}> " f"(Todoist User #{collaborator['id']})") # Projects od['projects'] = dict() for project in api.state['projects']: od['projects'][project['id']] = project['name'] # Tasks od['items'] = list() for item in api.state['items']: od['items'].append(todoistitem2dict(item)) # Completed Tasks for project_id in [project['id'] for project in api.state['projects']]: for item in api.items.get_completed(project_id): od['items'].append(todoistitem2dict(item)) od['items'] = list( filter(lambda filter_item: filter_item is not None, od['items'])) od['meta'] = { 'users-count': len(od['users']), 'tasks-count': len(od['items']) } od['last_update'] = int(time()) dumpJSON(od, f) return getRet()
def main(): with open('database.json', 'r') as f: db = loadJSON(f) start = request.args.get( 'after', default=0, type=int ) perpage = request.args.get( 'perpage', default=8, type=int ) end = min([ start + perpage - 1, len(db['items']) ]) litems = db['items'] if perpage < 1 else db['items'][start:end + 1] pid = request.args.get('project', type=int) if pid is not None: litems = filter(lambda item: item['parent-project'] == pid, litems) return render_template( "infoIndex.html", currTime=lambda: strftime("%c"), litems=litems, pagination=None if perpage < 1 else { 'page': round(start / perpage) + 1, 'totalPages': max(1, ceil(len(db['items']) / perpage)), 'perpage': perpage, 'first_page_url': '/?after=%i&perpage=%i' % (0, perpage), 'last_page_url': '/?after=%i&perpage=%i' % (len(db['items']) - len(db['items']) % perpage, perpage), 'prev_page_url': '/?after=%i&perpage=%i' % (max(0, start - perpage), perpage), 'next_page_url': '/?after=%i&perpage=%i' % (end + 1 if end + 1 < len(db['items']) else start, perpage) }, timedelta2readable=lambda seconds: str(timedelta(seconds=seconds)) )
class FixedDropout(Dropout): def _get_noise_shape(self, inputs): if self.noise_shape is None: return self.noise_shape return tuple([ shape(inputs)[i] if sh is None else sh for i, sh in enumerate(self.noise_shape) ]) customObjects = {'swish': nn.swish, 'FixedDropout': FixedDropout} with open(join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), 'Settings.json'), 'r') as f: data = loadJSON(f) currentPath = join(str(data['CurrentPath'])) relativeData = join(str(data['RelativeData'])) classNames = list(array(data['ClassNames']).astype(str)) imageDimensions = list(array(data['ImageDimensions']).astype(int)) mode = str(data['Mode']) checkpointsDir = join(currentPath, 'Checkpoints') logDir = join(currentPath, 'Log') if mode == 'classification': def resize(imageDimensions): return Sequential([ CenterPadToAspectRatio(float(imageDimensions[0]) / float(imageDimensions[1]),
def getRet(): with open('database.json', 'r') as f: return loadJSON(f)
def dictFromJSONFile(fName): ''' Take a JSON file, return a dict with the information. ''' with open(fName) as f: return loadJSON(f)
def selectTeamFromList(self, teamNumber): if not tba.isOnline(): return # TODO: use team module instead # do we? idk? this whole thing has gone to crap and i cant wait to nuke it team = Team(teamNumber) self.currentTeam = team teamname = attendedEvents = "Attended events:\n" for event, record in team.attendedEvents.items(): attendedEvents += "{}:{}".format(event, record) attendedEvents += '\n' for child in self.teamInfoFrame.winfo_children(): child.destroy() header = Label(self.teamInfoFrame, text="Team " + str(teamNumber) + " : " + teamname, font=("Helvetica", 20, "bold")) header.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=9999) attendedEvents = Label(self.teamInfoFrame, text=attendedEvents) attendedEvents.grid(row=1, column=0) # setup team image img = def onImageClick(event): if system() == 'Darwin': # macOS subCall(('open', team.image)) elif system() == 'Windows': # Windows startfile(team.image) else: # linux variants subCall(('xdg-open', team.image)) # 231 x 231 is about the size of our defualt image, use that as our max size img.thumbnail((231, 231), Image.ANTIALIAS) = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) imgLabel = Label(self.teamInfoFrame, imgLabel.bind( "<Button-1>", onImageClick ) # call onImageClick when mouse1 is pressed on the image imgLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=10) # display scouting data scoutingDataFrame = Frame(self.teamInfoFrame) scoutingDataFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW) # setup scroll bars and listbox to display the data scrollx = Scrollbar(scoutingDataFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) scrolly = Scrollbar(scoutingDataFrame) self.scoutingDataLB = Listbox(scoutingDataFrame, xscrollcommand=scrollx.set, yscrollcommand=scrolly.set) self.scoutingDataLB.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.graph) scrollx.config(command=self.scoutingDataLB.xview) scrolly.config(command=self.scoutingDataLB.yview) scrollx.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=EW) scrolly.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NS) self.scoutingDataLB.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) scoutingDataFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # setup seperate box for comments because massimo wants it commentsScrollx = Scrollbar(scoutingDataFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) commentsScrolly = Scrollbar(scoutingDataFrame) commentsLB = Listbox(scoutingDataFrame, xscrollcommand=commentsScrollx.set, yscrollcommand=commentsScrolly.set) commentsScrollx.config(command=commentsLB.xview) commentsScrolly.config(command=commentsLB.yview) commentsScrollx.grid(row=3, column=0) commentsScrolly.grid(row=2, column=1) commentsLB.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=NSEW) commentsLB.insert(END, "Comments:") # load template with open("template.json", "r") as f: template = loadJSON(f) # loop though our scouting data, grab each question, and display it # categorize our data # vars for ints totals = {} increments = {} # non-ints nonInts = { } # going to be like this {question0:[data from match 1, match 2, match 3], question1:[... for key_, value_ in team.JSONdata.items(): for key, value in value_.items(): if key == "robot" or key == "match": continue if type(value) is int: try: totals[key] += value increments[key] += 1 except KeyError: totals[key] = value increments[key] = 1 else: if type(value) == bool: value = "Yes" if value else "No" try: nonInts[key].append(value) except KeyError: nonInts[key] = [value] for key, value in totals.items(): # find the question question = "" for i in template: try: if i['jsonLabel'] == key: question = i['question'] except KeyError: pass # add this question to our data output self.scoutingDataLB.insert( END, question + " : " + str(round((float(value) / increments[key]), 2))) for key, value in nonInts.items(): # find the question # this is pretty similar to the previous loop and could probably be combined but at this point idk if key != "comments": question = "" for i in template: try: if i['jsonLabel'] == key: question = i['question'] except KeyError: pass # add it to our box/output self.scoutingDataLB.insert(END, question + ":") for i in value: if i.strip() != '': if key == "comments": commentsLB.insert(END, " " + i) else: self.scoutingDataLB.insert(END, " " + i)
raise ValueError('"info" must be either "fiscal", "tickets" or "update" in {0}.'.format(PLP_FILENAME)) if plp_json_data['info'] == 'fiscal': if not 'operation' in plp_json_data: raise IndexError('Missing "operation" field in plp file {0}.'.format(PLP_FILENAME)) if plp_json_data['operation'] not in ('sale', 'refund', 'startshift', 'endshift'): raise ValueError('"operation" must be one of "sale", "refund", "startshift", "endshift" in {0}.'.format(PLP_FILENAME)) if plp_json_data['info'] == 'update': if not 'version' in plp_json_data: print('Note: Missing "version" field in plp file {0}.'.format(PLP_FILENAME)) # Detect plp file type. # If valid JSON, read file type from 'info' field, otherwise assume it's for tickets try: with open(PLP_FILENAME, 'rU') as plp_data_file: PLP_JSON_DATA = loadJSON(plp_data_file) PLP_JSON_FILENAME = PLP_FILENAME chmod(PLP_JSON_FILENAME, S_IWRITE) except ValueError: PLP_JSON_DATA = read_plp_file(PLP_FILENAME) # Backward compatible PLP_JSON_DATA['info'] = 'tickets' PLP_JSON_FILENAME = '{0}.json'.format(PLP_FILENAME) else: pass PLP_CONTENT_TYPE = PLP_JSON_DATA['info'] PLP_PRINTER_TYPE = (PLP_JSON_DATA['printerType'] if 'printerType' in PLP_JSON_DATA else PLP_CONTENT_TYPE) if PLP_PRINTER_TYPE == 'fiscal': with ioOpen(PLP_JSON_FILENAME, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
from json import load as loadJSON from os import path from sys import argv BASEDIR = path.realpath(path.dirname(argv[0])) PACKAGE_FILE_NAME = path.join(BASEDIR, 'package.json') with open(PACKAGE_FILE_NAME, 'r') as package_json_file: VERSION = loadJSON(package_json_file)['version']
def updateSort(self, question, listBox, reversed=False): listBox.delete(0, END) data = {} jsonLabel = "" isRdo = False with open('template.json') as t: template = loadJSON(t) for i in template: if i["type"] == "header" or i["type"] == "space": continue if i['question'] == question: isRdo = i['type'] == 'rdoBtn' jsonLabel = i['jsonLabel'] for file in listdir(GUI.filedir): if file.lower().endswith(".json"): with open(GUI.filedir + '\\' + file) as f: fileJson = loadJSON(f) for i in fileJson: try: robot = i['robot'] toAdd = i[jsonLabel] if isRdo: if toAdd == '': continue toAdd = int(toAdd) if robot in data: data[robot].append(toAdd) else: data[robot] = [toAdd] except KeyError: # that question isn't in this data continue # now we have to do some operations depending on what datatype we're working with # get our datatype datatype = type(data[list(data.keys())[0]][0]) newData = {} if datatype == int: # turn everything into averages for team, value in data.items(): total = 0.0 for i in value: total += i total /= len(value) newData[team] = total elif datatype == bool: # calculate our average (false = 0, true = 1, >=.5 is true) for team, value in data.items(): total = 0.0 for i in value: total += 1 if i else 0 total /= len(value) newData[team] = total * 100 sortedData = sorted(newData.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=reversed) for i in sortedData: listBox.insert(END, i)
async def getMeme(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): meme = loadJSON(request('').text) embed = discord.Embed(title=meme['title']) embed.set_image(url=meme['url']) await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)