def to_json_fields(self): json = {} for attribute in self.get_attributes(): value = self.__getattribute__( json.update({ value}) return json
def _encode_send_job(self, job): json = self._encode_base_job(job) json.update({ 'subject': job.subject, 'messageId': job.message_id }) return json
def get_homework(user_name): homeworks = Homeworks.query.filter_by(user_name=user_name).all() json = {"user_name": str(user_name)} count = 0 for homework in homeworks: class_info = Classes.query.filter_by( class_id=homework.class_id).first() hw_json = { "homework_" + str(count): [{ "homeworks_id": str(homework.homeworks_id), "Title": str(homework.homework_title), "Class": str(class_info.class_name), "Due": homework.homework_due_date.strftime("%d/%m/%y"), }] } json.update(hw_json) count += count return json, 200
def salt_api_cmd(self, **kwargs): try: timeout = kwargs["timeout"] except KeyError: timeout = 15 salt_timeout = timeout + 2 json = { "client": "local", "tgt": self.client.salt_id, "fun": kwargs["func"], "timeout": salt_timeout, "username": settings.SALT_USERNAME, "password": settings.SALT_PASSWORD, "eauth": "pam", } if "arg" in kwargs: json.update({"arg": kwargs["arg"]}) if "kwargs" in kwargs: json.update({"kwarg": kwargs["kwargs"]}) try: resp = "http://" + settings.SALT_HOST + ":8123/run", json=[json], timeout=timeout, ) except Exception: return "error" else: return resp
def do_create(self, email, password, fields=None): json = {'email': email, 'password': password} if fields is not None: json.update(fields) r ='{0}/api/profile/signup'.format(api_url), json=json, verify=api_verify_ssl) if r.status_code == 409: return None if r.status_code != 201: # not created and not exists return None #print("headers: ", r.headers) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 201) res = r.json() self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, dict)) profile_id = res.get('profile_id') self.assertTrue(isinstance(profile_id, int)) return profile_id
def _build_auth_request(self, verify=False, **kwargs): """ Build the authentication request to SMC """ json = { 'domain': self.domain } params = {} if self.credential.provider_name.startswith('lms'): params = self.credential.get_credentials() else: json.update(authenticationkey=self.credential._api_key) if kwargs: json.update(**kwargs) self._extra_args.update(**kwargs) # Store in case we need to rebuild later request = dict( url=self.credential.get_provider_entry_point(self.url, self.api_version), json=json, params=params, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, verify=verify) return request
def update_json(json, keys, new_value): for key, value in json.items(): if keys[0] in key: if keys[0] in json and isinstance(value, dict) == False: json.update({keys[0]: new_value}) break update_json(value, keys[1:], new_value)
def json(self): json = { 'trigger': self.trigger, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def get_json(self): """Create JSON data for PCI card element. :returns: JSON data for PCI card. Data for onboard card is as follows: { "@OnboardControllerIdx":1, "LANAdapter":{ }, "CNAAdapter":{ } } Data for add-on card is as follows: { "@AddOnCardIdx":1, "LANAdapter":{ }, "FCAdapter":{ }, "CNAAdapter":{ } } """ json = {self.INDEX_KEY: self.card_idx} json.update(self.adapter.get_json()) return json
def toJSON(self): json = { "__type__": self.__class__.__name__, } json.update(self.__dict__) return json
def feedbackFunc(folder_path, camera, channel, model, nonConce, average, json): latest_folder = latest_filePath(folder_path + str(camera) + '/') _, images = dataRead(latest_folder + '/') counter = 0 highResult_total = 0 for image in images: t = int(time.mktime( #predict highResult, lowResult, highResult_idx, lowResult_idx = predict_result( image, channel, model) if highResult_idx == 1: counter += 1 highResult_total += highResult nonConce_rate = counter / len(images) average_nonConce = (lambda a, b: b == 0 and 1 or a / b)(highResult_total, counter) each_jsonData = { "time": t, "rate": nonConce_rate, "value": average_nonConce } nonConce.append(nonConce_rate) average.append(average_nonConce) json.update(each_jsonData) return
def new (self, **kwargs): if kwargs['tech'] != 'none': techClass = LoadClass ('lib', 'tech', kwargs['tech'], kwargs['tech'], serverName=kwargs['serverName'], serverAlias=kwargs['serverAlias']) if techClass: techClass.hello () pathDict = self.createHostDirs (kwargs['serverName']) if pathDict != False and os.path.exists (pathDict['config']): json = Json (ClassAttr (techClass), CreatePath (pathDict['config'], Config.configFile)) json.update () print ('Хост "{}" был успешно создан с использованием шаблона "{}"'.format (kwargs['serverName'], kwargs['tech'])) if kwargs['load'].lower () == 'yes': techClass.load () if kwargs['adminer'].lower () == 'yes': techAdminerClass = LoadClass ('lib', 'tech', 'adminer', 'adminer', serverName=kwargs['serverName'], destinationFile='adminer.php') if techAdminerClass: techAdminerClass.load () else: print ('Tехнологического шаблона "{}" не существует! Укажите правильный шаблон. (к примеру: --tech=php)'.format (kwargs['tech'])) else: print ('Укажите технологический шаблон хоста (к примеру: --tech=php)') if kwargs['db'] != 'none': dbClass = LoadClass ('lib', 'db', kwargs['db'], kwargs['db'], serverName=kwargs['serverName'], dbname=kwargs['dbname']) if dbClass: dbClass.createDb () json = Json (ClassAttr (dbClass), CreatePath (Config.serverRoot, kwargs['serverName'], Config.serverDirs['config'], Config.configFile)) json.update () else: print ('Шаблонa баз данных "{}" не существует! Укажите правильный шаблон. (к примеру: --db=mysql)'.format (kwargs['tech']))
def json(self): json = {'type': self.type, 'data':} if json['name'] = if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'title': self.title, 'series': list(map(dict, self.series)), } if self.axis: json['xAxis'] = list(map(dict, self.x_axis)) or [{}] json['yAxis'] = list(map(dict, self.y_axis)) or [{}] if hasattr(self, 'legend'): json['legend'] = self.legend.json if hasattr(self, 'tooltip'): json['tooltip'] = self.tooltip.json if hasattr(self, 'toolbox'): json['toolbox'] = self.toolbox.json if hasattr(self, 'visualMap'): json['visualMap'] = list(map(dict, self.visualMap)) or [{}] if hasattr(self, 'dataZoom'): json['dataZoom'] = list(map(dict, self.dataZoom)) or [{}] if hasattr(self, 'grid'): json['grid'] = list(map(dict, self.grid)) or [{}] if hasattr(self, 'axisPointer'): json['axisPointer'] = self.axisPointer.json json.update(self.kwargs) return json
def get_json_releases(json, all, fchannels): """Returns release info in JSON format""" name = json['Package'] if all: json.update(Releases={}) for channel in fchannels.items(): releases = get_releases(channel, name) if channel[0] == "Pypi": json['Releases'].update({channel[0]: releases}) elif channel[0] == "Github": json['Releases'].update({ channel[0]: [ dict( zip([x['name'] for x in releases], [x['tarball_url'] for x in releases])) ] }) else: json['Releases'].update({ channel[0]: [ dict( zip([x['version'] for x in releases], [x['build'] for x in releases])) ] }) else: releases = get_latest_releases(fchannels, name) json.update(Latest_Releases=releases) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'trigger': self.trigger, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data""" json = { "link":, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data""" json = { "type": self.type, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def flattenDict(jDict, json): for item in jDict: if isinstance(jDict[item], (str, unicode)): json.update({item: jDict[item]}) elif isinstance(jDict[item], dict): flattenDict(jDict[item], json) elif isinstance(jDict[item], list): flattenList(jDict[item], json)
async def get(self, request): local_id = request.path_params['id'] body = await get_db(request).read_local(local_id) if not body: return JSONResp(DOC_NOT_FOUND, 404) json = {'_id': f'_local/{local_id}', '_rev': '0-1'} json.update(body) return JSONResp(json)
def flattenList(jList, json): for item in range(len(jList)): if isinstance(jList[item], (str, unicode)): json.update({item: jList[item]}) elif isinstance(jList[item], list): flattenList(jList[item], json) elif isinstance(jList[item], dict): flattenDict(jList[item], json)
def genJson(self): node_list = self.db.getNodeList() json = {} for node in node_list: temp = {} temp['name'] = node['hostname'] json.update({self.calcMAC(node['mac'].lower()): temp}) return json
def to_json(self) -> dict: """ Convert object into JSON representation. """ json = self.contract.to_json() # because NEO C# returns a string from "method" instead of sticking to a standard interface json.update({'methods': self.methods.to_json()['wildcard']}) return json
def addToList(name, hash): ''' Actualiza la lista de canciones descargadas con el nombre y hash de la nueva cancion. ''' json = jsonRead() json.update({hash: name}) return json
def to_json(self, **kwargs): json = Object.to_json(self, **kwargs) items = [ item.to_json() if isinstance(item, Object) else item for item in self.items ] json.update({"items": items}) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'code': self.code, 'msg': self.msg, 'result': self.result, } json.update(self.kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = dict(type=self.type, position=self.position, if json['name'] = if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): json = { 'type': self.type, 'data': } if is not None: json['name'] = if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'orient': self.orient, 'x': self.position[0], 'y': self.position[1] } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json_error(status_code, error_class, message, **extra): json = { 'status': status_code, 'error_class': error_class, 'message': message, } json.update(extra) response = jsonify(json) response.status_code = status_code return response
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'top': 150, 'bottom': 100, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def _encode_remind_job(self, job): json = self._encode_base_job(job) json.update({ 'subject': job.subject, 'threadId': job.thread_id, 'knownMessageIds': job.known_message_ids, 'onlyIfNoreply': job.only_if_noreply, 'disabledReply': job.disabled_reply }) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data""" json = { "type": self.type, 'min': self.min, 'max': self.max } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'data':, 'orient': self.orient, 'top': 50, } if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'type': self.type, 'data': } if json['name'] = if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { self.relation: {self.key: self.value} } if hasattr(self, 'key'): json['key'] = self.key if hasattr(self, 'key'): json['key'] = self.key json.update(self.kwargs) return json
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = dict( type=self.type, position=self.position, ) if json['name'] = if self._kwargs: json.update(self._kwargs) return json
def response_json(**kwargs): json = { "statusCode":"200", "message":"success", "navTabId":"",#"method-list", "rel":"", "callbackType":"",#"closeCurrent", "forwardUrl":"", "confirmMsg":"hello" } if kwargs: json.update(kwargs) if kwargs.has_key('message'): json.update({'statusCode':"300"}) return json
def _ajax_result(request, form, action, comment=None): # Based on django-ajaxcomments, BSD licensed. # Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Konkle and individual contributors. # # This code was extracted out of django-ajaxcomments because # django-ajaxcomments is not threadsafe, and it was refactored afterwards. success = True json_errors = {} if form.errors: for field_name in form.errors: field = form[field_name] json_errors[field_name] = _render_errors(field) success = False json = { 'success': success, 'action': action, 'errors': json_errors, } if comment is not None: context = { 'comment': comment, 'action': action, 'preview': (action == 'preview'), 'USE_THREADEDCOMMENTS': appsettings.USE_THREADEDCOMMENTS, } comment_html = render_to_string('comments/comment.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) json.update({ 'html': comment_html, 'comment_id':, 'parent_id': None, 'is_moderated': not comment.is_public, # is_public flags changes in comment_will_be_posted }) if appsettings.USE_THREADEDCOMMENTS: json['parent_id'] = comment.parent_id json_response = json.dumps(json) return HttpResponse(json_response, mimetype="application/json")
def json(self): """JSON format data.""" json = { 'title': self.title, 'series': list(map(dict, self.series)), } if self.axis: json['xAxis'] = list(map(dict, self.x_axis)) or [{}] json['yAxis'] = list(map(dict, self.y_axis)) or [{}] if hasattr(self, 'legend'): json['legend'] = self.legend.json if hasattr(self, 'tooltip'): json['tooltip'] = self.tooltip.json if hasattr(self, 'toolbox'): json['toolbox'] = self.toolbox.json if hasattr(self, 'visualMap'): json['visualMap'] = self.visualMap.json json.update(self.kwargs) return json
def get_id3_genre_id(genre_name): scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) genre_id = None with open(scriptpath + "/genre_ids.json") as genre_ids_file: try: genre_ids except: genre_ids = json.load(genre_ids_file) else: genre_ids = json.update(json.load(genre_ids_file)) if genre_name in genre_ids.keys(): genre_id = genre_ids[genre_name] elif '/' in genre_name: genre_array = genre_name.split('/') if genre_array[0] in genre_ids.keys(): genre_id = genre_ids[genre_array[0]] elif genre_array[1] in genre_ids.keys(): genre_id = genre_ids[genre_array[1]] return genre_id
def _get_json(comment): # Add whether or not the comment has been viewed. json = comment.json() json.update({'viewed': in views if user else None}) return json
def cliChange(self,json): self.validate(json) # Object ######## if self.getType() == 'object': choices = [] width = len(max([i['title'] for i in self['properties'].values()], key=len)) properties = sorted(self['properties'].iteritems(),key=lambda k:k[1]['order'] if 'order' in k[1].keys() else 0) for key,item in properties: if item.getType() in SIMPLE_TYPES: line = item.display(json[key],width=width,ident='') elif item.getType() == 'array': item_count = unicode(len(json[key])) if key in json.keys() else "0" value = '{0} managed'.format(item_count) line = ("{0:" + unicode(width)+"} - {1}").format(item['title'],value) elif item.getType() == 'hidden': continue else: value = 'Managed' line = ("{0:" + unicode(width)+"} - {1}").format(item['title'],value) choices.append(line) reponse = Prompt.promptChoice(unicode(self['title']),choices,warning='',selected=[],default = None,mandatory=True,multi=False) changed_item = properties[reponse][1] result = changed_item.cliChange(json[properties[reponse][0]]) json.update({properties[reponse][0]:result}) return json # array ######## elif self.getType() == 'array': lines = self.display(json) warning = '\n'.join(lines) choices = ['Add','Delete','Reset all'] reponse = Prompt.promptChoice('** Managed {0}'.format(self['title']),choices,warning=warning,selected=[],default = None,mandatory=True,multi=False) if reponse == 0: # Add element = self['items'].cliCreate() if element is not None: json.append(element) return json elif reponse == 1: # Delete result = Prompt.promptSingle( 'Which {0} must be deleted?'.format(self['items']['title']), choix=[self['items'].display(item) for item in json], password=False, mandatory=True, default=None, warning='' ) del json[result] return json elif reponse == 2: # Reset all del json return [] # Field ######## elif self.getType() in SIMPLE_TYPES: result = self.cliCreate() Prompt.print_question(self['title'] + ' changed!') return result # Hidden ######### elif self.getType() == 'hidden': return self['default']