Exemplo n.º 1
def data_extract():
    final_data = []
    roles = parser(roles_filename)
    sites = parser(job_sites_filename)
    for site in sites.keys():
        url = sites[site]["url"]
        item = sites[site]["item"]
        for role in roles:
            items = extract_xml_data(url, role, item)

    return final_data
Exemplo n.º 2
def runQuery():
    graphdict = {}
    client = pymongo.MongoClient(
        "mongodb+srv://gurpreet:[email protected]/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
    db = client["mydatabase"]
    doc = db["historic"]

    dic = parser('./technologies.json')
    lang = [[l, doc.find({
        "sector": l.lower()
    }).count()] for l in dic['languages']]
    db = [[l, doc.find({
        "sector": l.lower()
    }).count()] for l in dic['Databases']]
    web = [[l, doc.find({
        "sector": l.lower()
    }).count()] for l in dic['Web Technologies']]
    devops = [[l, doc.find({
        "sector": l.lower()
    }).count()] for l in dic['DevOps Tools']]

    contract = doc.find({"sector": "contract"}).count()
    fulltime = doc.find({"sector": {'$all': ['full', 'time']}}).count()

    graphdict['lang'] = lang
    graphdict['db'] = db
    graphdict['web'] = web
    graphdict['devops'] = devops
    graphdict['contract'] = contract
    graphdict['fulltime'] = fulltime
    return (graphdict)
Exemplo n.º 3
def query():
    client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://gurpreet:[email protected]/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority")

    db  = client["mydatabase"]
    doc = db["historic"]

    dic = parser('../technologies.json')
    lang = [ [l, doc.find({"sector": l.lower()}).count() ] for l in dic['languages']]
    db = [ [l, doc.find({"sector": l.lower()}).count() ] for l in dic['Databases']]
    web = [ [l, doc.find({"sector": l.lower()}).count() ] for l in dic['Web Technologies']]
    devops = [ [l, doc.find({"sector": l.lower()}).count() ] for l in dic['DevOps Tools']]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def retrieve(self):
        data_parser = parser()
        data = data_parser.parse()
        text_scraper = scraper()
        final_text = text_scraper.text_scraper()
        locations = []

        for info in data:
            if info["Value"].upper() in final_text:
                if info["Value"].upper not in locations:

        return locations
import sys
from utils import clear, generate_project, write, set_packages, get_file_loc
from json_parser import parser
from basic_templates import *

}  # key = class name, value = list of tupples (each tupple = each attribute of class), n = 8
ENUMS = []  # list of tupples (enum_name, list of enum values), n = 2
SETTINGS = {}  # key = setting, value = value

if __name__ == "__main__":
    SETTINGS, ENUMS, CLASSES = parser(sys.argv[1])

    lombok = SETTINGS["lombok"]
    root_package = SETTINGS["rootPackage"]
    root_package_path = root_package.replace(".", "/")
    collection = SETTINGS["serviceCollection"].split(":")[0]
    collection_impl = SETTINGS["serviceCollection"].split(":")[1]
    pagination = SETTINGS["pagination"]


    write(get_file_loc("mapper", "Mapper"),
          mapper_interface_template(root_package, collection, pagination))
    if (pagination):
        write(get_file_loc("dto", "PageDTO"),
              page_dto_template(root_package, lombok))

    for enum in ENUMS:
Exemplo n.º 6
    print(" 1. TRAIN ")

    print(" 2. CLASSIFY ")

    print(" 0. EXIT  ")

    menu_choice = input(" Enter an input: ")

    if menu_choice == '1':

        print(" Enter the path for dataset (ex. format = ./dataset )")

        dataset_path = input(" Enter an input: ")
        print("\n # Processing...")
        print("\n # output.csv created\n")
        print(" # Training...")
        x = dataset_path + '/output.csv'
        print("\n # Train finished\n")

        # python3 train.py ./data/consumer_complaints.csv.zip ./parameters.json

    elif menu_choice == '2':
        print(" ------------      ------------")
        print(" Choose classification method (default SVC)\n")
        print(" 1. Multinomial Naive Bayes")
        print(" 2. Linear Support Vector Clusters")
        print(" 3. Support Vector Clusters with ratio \n")