Exemplo n.º 1
def _set_attributes(ann_obj, ann, attributes, mods, undo_resp={}):
    # Find existing attributes (if any)
    existing_attr_anns = set((a for a in ann_obj.get_attributes()
                              if a.target == ann.id))

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(existing_attr_anns, ))

    # Note the existing annotations for undo
    undo_resp['attributes'] = json_dumps(dict([(e.type, e.value)
                                               for e in existing_attr_anns]))

    for existing_attr_ann in existing_attr_anns:
        if existing_attr_ann.type not in attributes:
            # Delete attributes that were un-set existed previously
            # If the value of the attribute is different, alter it
            new_value = attributes[existing_attr_ann.type]
            #log_info('ATTR: "%s" "%s"' % (new_value, existing_attr_ann.value))
            if existing_attr_ann.value != new_value:
                before = str(existing_attr_ann)
                existing_attr_ann.value = new_value
                mods.change(before, existing_attr_ann)

    # The remaining annotations are new and should be created
    for attr_type, attr_val in attributes.items():
        if attr_type not in set((a.type for a in existing_attr_anns)):
            new_attr = AttributeAnnotation(ann.id, ann_obj.get_new_id('A'),
                                           attr_type, '', attr_val)
def _set_attributes(ann_obj, ann, attributes, mods, undo_resp={}):
    # Find existing attributes (if any)
    existing_attr_anns = set((a for a in ann_obj.get_attributes()
            if a.target == ann.id))

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(existing_attr_anns, ))

    # Note the existing annotations for undo
    undo_resp['attributes'] = json_dumps(dict([(e.type, e.value)
        for e in existing_attr_anns]))

    for existing_attr_ann in existing_attr_anns:
        if existing_attr_ann.type not in attributes:
            # Delete attributes that were un-set existed previously
            # If the value of the attribute is different, alter it
            new_value = attributes[existing_attr_ann.type]
            #log_info('ATTR: "%s" "%s"' % (new_value, existing_attr_ann.value))
            if existing_attr_ann.value != new_value:
                before = unicode(existing_attr_ann)
                existing_attr_ann.value = new_value
                mods.change(before, existing_attr_ann)

    # The remaining annotations are new and should be created
    for attr_type, attr_val in attributes.iteritems():
        if attr_type not in set((a.type for a in existing_attr_anns)):
            new_attr = AttributeAnnotation(ann.id, ann_obj.get_new_id('A'),
                    attr_type, '', attr_val)
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_comment(collection, document, id, comment=None):
    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX

    # XXX what is this doing here?
    # path_split(document)[0]

    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        _set_special_comments(ann_obj, id, comment, mods, undo_resp=undo_resp)

        mods_json = mods.json_response()
        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json
Exemplo n.º 4
def _set_normalizations(ann_obj, ann, normalizations, mods, undo_resp={}):
    # Find existing normalizations (if any)
    existing_norm_anns = set(
        (a for a in ann_obj.get_normalizations() if a.target == ann.id))

    # Note the existing annotations for undo
    undo_resp['normalizations'] = json_dumps([(n.refdb, n.refid, n.reftext)
                                              for n in existing_norm_anns])

    # Organize into dictionaries for easier access
    old_norms = dict([((n.refdb, n.refid), n) for n in existing_norm_anns])
    new_norms = dict([((n[0], n[1]), n[2]) for n in normalizations])

    #Messager.info("Old norms: "+str(old_norms))
    #Messager.info("New norms: "+str(new_norms))

    # sanity check
    for refdb, refid, refstr in normalizations:
        # TODO: less aggressive failure
        assert refdb is not None and refdb.strip(
        ) != '', "Error: client sent empty norm DB"
        assert refid is not None and refid.strip(
        ) != '', "Error: client sent empty norm ID"
        # (the reference string is allwed to be empty)

    # Process deletions and updates of existing normalizations
    for old_norm_id, old_norm in list(old_norms.items()):
        if old_norm_id not in new_norms:
            # Delete IDs that were referenced previously but not anymore
            # If the text value of the normalizations is different, update
            # (this shouldn't happen on a stable norm DB, but anyway)
            new_reftext = new_norms[old_norm_id]
            if old_norm.reftext != new_reftext:
                old = str(old_norm)
                old_norm.reftext = new_reftext
                mods.change(old, old_norm)

    # Process new normalizations
    for new_norm_id, new_reftext in list(new_norms.items()):
        if new_norm_id not in old_norms:
            new_id = ann_obj.get_new_id('N')
            # TODO: avoid magic string value
            norm_type = 'Reference'
            new_norm = NormalizationAnnotation(new_id, norm_type, ann.id,
                                               new_norm_id[0], new_norm_id[1],
                                               '\t' + new_reftext)
def _set_normalizations(ann_obj, ann, normalizations, mods, undo_resp={}):
    # Find existing normalizations (if any)
    existing_norm_anns = set((a for a in ann_obj.get_normalizations()
            if a.target == ann.id))

    # Note the existing annotations for undo
    undo_resp['normalizations'] = json_dumps([(n.refdb, n.refid, n.reftext)
                                              for n in existing_norm_anns])

    # Organize into dictionaries for easier access
    old_norms = dict([((n.refdb,n.refid),n) for n in existing_norm_anns])
    new_norms = dict([((n[0],n[1]), n[2]) for n in normalizations])

    #Messager.info("Old norms: "+str(old_norms))
    #Messager.info("New norms: "+str(new_norms))

    # sanity check
    for refdb, refid, refstr in normalizations:
        # TODO: less aggressive failure
        assert refdb is not None and refdb.strip() != '', "Error: client sent empty norm DB"
        assert refid is not None and refid.strip() != '', "Error: client sent empty norm ID"
        # (the reference string is allwed to be empty)

    # Process deletions and updates of existing normalizations
    for old_norm_id, old_norm in old_norms.items():
        if old_norm_id not in new_norms:
            # Delete IDs that were referenced previously but not anymore
            # If the text value of the normalizations is different, update
            # (this shouldn't happen on a stable norm DB, but anyway)
            new_reftext = new_norms[old_norm_id]
            if old_norm.reftext != new_reftext:
                old = unicode(old_norm)
                old_norm.reftext = new_reftext
                mods.change(old, old_norm)

    # Process new normalizations
    for new_norm_id, new_reftext in new_norms.items():
        if new_norm_id not in old_norms:
            new_id = ann_obj.get_new_id('N')
            # TODO: avoid magic string value
            norm_type = u'Reference'
            new_norm = NormalizationAnnotation(new_id, norm_type,
                                               ann.id, new_norm_id[0],
def _create_span(collection, document, offsets, _type, attributes=None,
                 normalizations=None, _id=None, comment=None):

    if _offset_overlaps(offsets):
        raise SpanOffsetOverlapError(offsets)

    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    _attributes = _parse_attributes(attributes)
    _normalizations = _parse_span_normalizations(normalizations)

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(_attributes, ))

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX

    working_directory = path_split(document)[0]

    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only 
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        if _id is not None:
            # We are to edit an existing annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = _edit_span(ann_obj, mods, _id, offsets, projectconf,
                    _attributes, _type, undo_resp=undo_resp)
            # We are to create a new annotation

            #Messager.info('offsets ' + '_'.join(str(s) for s in offsets[0]) + ' _ann_by_offset ' + str(ann_obj._ann_by_offset.keys()))
            #Messager.info('Creating span collection(' + str(collection) + ') document(' + str(document) + ') offsets(' + str(offsets) + ') _type(' + str(_type) + ') exists(' + str(ann_obj.ann_exists_in_offset('_'.join(str(s) for s in offsets[0]))) + ')' )
            if ann_obj.ann_exists_in_offset('_'.join(str(s) for s in offsets[0])):
                raise SpanOffsetOverlapError([str(ann_obj.get_ann_by_offset('_'.join(str(s) for s in offsets[0]))).split()[-1]])
            if ann_obj.other_ann_exists_in_offset(offsets[0]):
                raise SpanOffsetOverlapError([], True)
                #Messager.info('offsets(' + str(offsets) + ')')
                ##Messager.info('offsets(' + str(offsets) + ') alloffsets ' + str(ann_obj._ann_offsets))

            tb_ann, e_ann = __create_span(ann_obj, mods, _type, offsets, txt_file_path,
                    projectconf, _attributes)

            undo_resp['action'] = 'add_tb'
            if e_ann is not None:
                undo_resp['id'] = e_ann.id
                undo_resp['id'] = tb_ann.id

        # Determine which annotation attributes, normalizations,
        # comments etc. should be attached to. If there's an event,
        # attach to that; otherwise attach to the textbound.
        if e_ann is not None:
            # Assign to the event, not the trigger
            target_ann = e_ann
            target_ann = tb_ann

        # Set attributes
        _set_attributes(ann_obj, target_ann, _attributes, mods,

        # Set normalizations
        _set_normalizations(ann_obj, target_ann, _normalizations, mods,

        # Set comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            _set_comments(ann_obj, target_ann, comment, mods,

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, probably we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
            Messager.error('Text span contained new-line, rejected', duration=3)

        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json
Exemplo n.º 7
        _set_normalizations(ann_obj, target_ann, _normalizations, mods,

        # Set comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            _set_comments(ann_obj, target_ann, comment, mods,

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, probably we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
            Messager.error('Text span contained new-line, rejected', duration=3)
        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json

from annotation import BinaryRelationAnnotation

def _create_equiv(ann_obj, projectconf, mods, origin, target, type, attributes,
                  old_type, old_target):

    # due to legacy representation choices for Equivs (i.e. no
    # unique ID), support for attributes for Equivs would need
    # some extra work. Getting the easy non-Equiv case first.
    if attributes is not None:
        Messager.warning('_create_equiv: attributes for Equiv annotation not supported yet, please tell the devs if you need this feature (mention "issue #799").')
        attributes = None
Exemplo n.º 8
def _create_span(collection, document, offsets, _type, attributes=None,
                 normalizations=None, _id=None, comment=None):

    if _offset_overlaps(offsets):
        raise SpanOffsetOverlapError(offsets)

    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    _attributes = _parse_attributes(attributes)
    _normalizations = _parse_span_normalizations(normalizations)

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(_attributes, ))

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX


    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        if _id is not None:
            # We are to edit an existing annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = _edit_span(ann_obj, mods, _id, offsets, projectconf,
                                       _attributes, _type, undo_resp=undo_resp)
            # We are to create a new annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = __create_span(
                ann_obj, mods, _type, offsets, txt_file_path, projectconf, _attributes)

            undo_resp['action'] = 'add_tb'
            if e_ann is not None:
                undo_resp['id'] = e_ann.id
                undo_resp['id'] = tb_ann.id

        # Determine which annotation attributes, normalizations,
        # comments etc. should be attached to. If there's an event,
        # attach to that; otherwise attach to the textbound.
        if e_ann is not None:
            # Assign to the event, not the trigger
            target_ann = e_ann
            target_ann = tb_ann

        # Set attributes
        _set_attributes(ann_obj, target_ann, _attributes, mods,

        # Set normalizations
        _set_normalizations(ann_obj, target_ann, _normalizations, mods,

        # Set comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            _set_comments(ann_obj, target_ann, comment, mods,

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, probably we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
                'Text span contained new-line, rejected',

        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json
Exemplo n.º 9
def _create_span(collection, document, start, end, _type, attributes=None,
                 normalizations=None, _id=None, comment=None):
    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    _attributes = _parse_attributes(attributes)
    _normalizations = _parse_span_normalizations(normalizations)

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(_attributes, ))

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX

    working_directory = path_split(document)[0]

    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only 
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        if _id is not None:
            # We are to edit an existing annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = _edit_span(ann_obj, mods, _id, start, end, projectconf,
                    _attributes, _type, undo_resp=undo_resp)
            # We are to create a new annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = __create_span(ann_obj, mods, _type, start, end, txt_file_path,
                    projectconf, _attributes)

            undo_resp['action'] = 'add_tb'
            if e_ann is not None:
                undo_resp['id'] = e_ann.id
                undo_resp['id'] = tb_ann.id

        # Determine which annotation attributes, normalizations,
        # comments etc. should be attached to. If there's an event,
        # attach to that; otherwise attach to the textbound.
        if e_ann is not None:
            target_ann = e_ann
            target_ann = tb_ann

        # Set annotation attributes
        _set_attributes(ann_obj, target_ann, _attributes, mods,

        # Set normalizations
        _set_normalizations(ann_obj, target_ann, _normalizations, mods,

        # Handle annotation comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            _set_comments(ann_obj, target_ann, comment, mods,

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, probably we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
            Messager.error('Text span contained new-line, rejected', duration=3)

        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json
Exemplo n.º 10
def _create_span(collection, document, start, end, _type, attributes=None,
                 normalizations=None, _id=None, comment=None):
    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    _attributes = _parse_span_attributes(attributes)
    _normalizations = _parse_span_normalizations(normalizations)

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(_attributes, ))

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX

    working_directory = path_split(document)[0]

    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only 
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        if _id is not None:
            # We are to edit an existing annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = _edit_span(ann_obj, mods, _id, start, end, projectconf,
                    _attributes, _type, undo_resp=undo_resp)
            # We are to create a new annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = __create_span(ann_obj, mods, _type, start, end, txt_file_path,
                    projectconf, _attributes)

            undo_resp['action'] = 'add_tb'
            if e_ann is not None:
                undo_resp['id'] = e_ann.id
                undo_resp['id'] = tb_ann.id

        # Determine which annotation attributes, normalizations,
        # comments etc. should be attached to. If there's an event,
        # attach to that; otherwise attach to the textbound.
        if e_ann is not None:
            target_ann = e_ann
            target_ann = tb_ann

        # Set annotation attributes
        _set_attributes(ann_obj, target_ann, _attributes, mods,

        # Set normalizations
        _set_normalizations(ann_obj, target_ann, _normalizations, mods,

        # Handle annotation comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            # We are only interested in id;ed comments
                has_id = True
            except AttributeError:
                has_id = False

            if has_id:
                # Check if there is already an annotation comment
                for com_ann in ann_obj.get_oneline_comments():
                    if (com_ann.type == 'AnnotatorNotes'
                            and com_ann.target == target_ann.id):
                        found = com_ann

                        # Note the comment in the undo
                        undo_resp['comment'] = found.tail[1:]
                    found = None

                if comment:
                    if found is not None:
                        # Change the comment
                        # XXX: Note the ugly tab, it is for parsing the tail
                        before = unicode(found)
                        found.tail = u'\t' + comment
                        mods.change(before, found)
                        # Create a new comment
                        new_comment = OnelineCommentAnnotation(
                                target_ann.id, ann_obj.get_new_id('#'),
                                # XXX: Note the ugly tab
                                u'AnnotatorNotes', u'\t' + comment)
                    # We are to erase the annotation
                    if found is not None:

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
            Messager.error('Text span contained new-line, rejected', duration=3)

        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json
Exemplo n.º 11
def _create_span(collection, document, start, end, _type, attributes=None,
        _id=None, comment=None):
    directory = collection
    undo_resp = {}

    if attributes is None:
        _attributes = {}
            _attributes =  json_loads(attributes)
        except ValueError:
            # Failed to parse attributes, warn the client
            Messager.warning((u'Unable to parse attributes string "%s" for '
                    u'"createSpan", ignoring attributes for request and '
                    u'assuming no attributes set') % (attributes, ))
            _attributes = {}

        ### XXX: Hack since the client is sending back False and True as values...
        # These are __not__ to be sent, they violate the protocol
        for _del in [k for k, v in _attributes.items() if v == False]:
            del _attributes[_del]

        # These are to be old-style modifiers without values
        for _revalue in [k for k, v in _attributes.items() if v == True]:
            _attributes[_revalue] = True

    #log_info('ATTR: %s' %(_attributes, ))

    real_dir = real_directory(directory)
    document = path_join(real_dir, document)

    projectconf = ProjectConfiguration(real_dir)

    txt_file_path = document + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX

    working_directory = path_split(document)[0]

    with TextAnnotations(document) as ann_obj:
        # bail as quick as possible if read-only 
        if ann_obj._read_only:
            raise AnnotationsIsReadOnlyError(ann_obj.get_document())

        mods = ModificationTracker()

        if _id is not None:
            # We are to edit an existing annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = _edit_span(ann_obj, mods, _id, start, end, projectconf,
                    _attributes, _type, undo_resp=undo_resp)
            # We are to create a new annotation
            tb_ann, e_ann = __create_span(ann_obj, mods, _type, start, end, txt_file_path,
                    projectconf, _attributes)

            undo_resp['action'] = 'add_tb'
            if e_ann is not None:
                undo_resp['id'] = e_ann.id
                undo_resp['id'] = tb_ann.id

        # Set annotation attributes
        if e_ann is not None:
            # Assign attributes to the event, not the trigger
            _set_attributes(ann_obj, e_ann, _attributes, mods,
            _set_attributes(ann_obj, tb_ann, _attributes, mods,

        # Handle annotation comments
        if tb_ann is not None:
            # If this is an event, we want to attach the comment to it
            if e_ann is not None:
                comment_on = e_ann
                comment_on = tb_ann

            # We are only interested in id;ed comments
                has_id = True
            except AttributeError:
                has_id = False

            if has_id:
                # Check if there is already an annotation comment
                for com_ann in ann_obj.get_oneline_comments():
                    if (com_ann.type == 'AnnotatorNotes'
                            and com_ann.target == comment_on.id):
                        found = com_ann

                        # Note the comment in the undo
                        undo_resp['comment'] = found.tail[1:]
                    found = None

                if comment:
                    if found is not None:
                        # Change the comment
                        # XXX: Note the ugly tab, it is for parsing the tail
                        before = unicode(found)
                        found.tail = u'\t' + comment
                        mods.change(before, found)
                        # Create a new comment
                        new_comment = OnelineCommentAnnotation(
                                comment_on.id, ann_obj.get_new_id('#'),
                                # XXX: Note the ugly tab
                                u'AnnotatorNotes', u'\t' + comment)
                    # We are to erase the annotation
                    if found is not None:

        if tb_ann is not None:
            mods_json = mods.json_response()
            # Hack, we had a new-line in the span
            mods_json = {}
            Messager.error('Text span contained new-line, rejected', duration=3)

        if undo_resp:
            mods_json['undo'] = json_dumps(undo_resp)
        mods_json['annotations'] = _json_from_ann(ann_obj)
        return mods_json