Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_init(self, bounds_fixture):
     assert bounds_fixture.dtype is not None
     assert judo.is_tensor(bounds_fixture.low)
     assert judo.is_tensor(bounds_fixture.high)
     assert isinstance(bounds_fixture.shape, tuple)
     assert bounds_fixture.low.shape == bounds_fixture.shape
     assert bounds_fixture.high.shape == bounds_fixture.shape
Exemplo n.º 2
 def copy(self) -> "States":
     """Crete a copy of the current instance."""
     param_dict = {
         str(name): judo.copy(val) if judo.is_tensor(val) else copy.deepcopy(val)
         for name, val in self.items()
     return States(batch_size=self.n, **param_dict)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_params_dict(self) -> StateDict:
     """Return a dictionary describing the data stored in the :class:`States`."""
     return {
         k: {"shape": v.shape, "dtype": v.dtype}
         for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
         if judo.is_tensor(v)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _ix(self, index: int):
     # TODO(guillemdb): Allow slicing
     data = {
         k: API.unsqueeze(v[index], 0) if judo.is_tensor(v) else v
         for k, v in self.items()
     return self.__class__(batch_size=1, **data)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def merge_one_name(states_list, name):
     vals = []
     for state in states_list:
         data = state[name]
         # Attributes that are not tensors are not stacked.
         if not judo.is_tensor(data):
             return data
         state_len = len(state)
         if len(data.shape) == 0 and state_len == 1:
             # Name is scalar vector. Data is typing.Scalar value. Transform to array first
             value = tensor([data]).flatten()
         elif len(data.shape) == 1 and state_len == 1:
             if data.shape[0] == 1:
                 # Name is typing.Scalar vector. Data already transformed to an array
                 value = data
                 # Name is a matrix of vectors. Data needs an additional dimension
                 value = tensor([data])
         elif len(data.shape) == 1 and state_len > 1:
             # Name is a typing.Scalar vector. Data already has is a one dimensional array
             value = data
         elif (len(data.shape) > 1 and state_len > 1
               or len(data.shape) > 1 and len(state) == 1):
             # Name is a matrix of vectors. Data has the correct shape
             value = data
             raise ValueError(
                 "Could not infer data concatenation for attribute %s  with shape %s"
                 % (name, data.shape), )
     return API.concatenate(vals)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def from_bounds_params(
        function: Callable,
        shape: tuple = None,
        high: Union[int, float, typing.Tensor] = numpy.inf,
        low: Union[int, float, typing.Tensor] = numpy.NINF,
        custom_domain_check: Callable[[typing.Tensor], typing.Tensor] = None,
    ) -> "Function":
        Initialize a function defining its shape and bounds without using a :class:`Bounds`.

            function: Callable that takes a batch of vectors (batched across \
                      the first dimension of the array) and returns a vector of \
                      typing.Scalar. This function is applied to a batch of walker \
            shape: Input shape of the solution vector without taking into account \
                    the batch dimension. For example, a two dimensional function \
                    applied to a batch of 5 walkers will have shape=(2,), even though
                    the observations will have shape (5, 2)
            high: Upper bound of the function domain. If it's an typing.Scalar it will \
                  be the same for all dimensions. If its a numpy array it will \
                  be the upper bound for each dimension.
            low: Lower bound of the function domain. If it's an typing.Scalar it will \
                  be the same for all dimensions. If its a numpy array it will \
                  be the lower bound for each dimension.
            custom_domain_check: Callable that checks points inside the bounds \
                    to know if they are in a custom domain when it is not just \
                    a set of rectangular bounds.

            :class:`Function` with its :class:`Bounds` created from the provided arguments.

        if (not (judo.is_tensor(high) or isinstance(high, (list, tuple)))
                and not (judo.is_tensor(low) or isinstance(low, (list, tuple)))
                and shape is None):
            raise TypeError(
                "Need to specify shape or high or low must be a numpy array.")
        bounds = Bounds(high=high, low=low, shape=shape)
        return Function(function=function,
Exemplo n.º 7
def split_kwargs_in_chunks(
    kwargs: Dict[str, Union[list, Tensor]],
    n_chunks: int,
    allow_size_1: bool = True
) -> Generator[Dict[str, Union[list, Tensor]], None, None]:
    """Split the kwargs passed to ``make_transitions`` in similar batches."""
    n_values = len(next(iter(
        kwargs.values())))  # Assumes all data have the same len
    chunk_size = int(numpy.ceil(n_values / n_chunks))
    for start, end in similiar_chunks_indexes(n_values,
        if start + chunk_size >= n_values - 2:  # Do not allow the last chunk to have size 1
            yield {
                k: v[start:n_values] if judo.is_tensor(v) else v
                for k, v in kwargs.items()
            yield {
                k: v[start:end] if judo.is_tensor(v) else v
                for k, v in kwargs.items()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def iteritems(self):
        Iterate the states attributes by walker.

            Tuple containing all the names of the attributes, and the values that
            correspond to a given walker.

        if self.n < 1:
            return self.vals()
        for i in range(self.n):
            values = (v[i] if judo.is_tensor(v) else v for v in self.vals())
            yield tuple(self._names), tuple(values)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, batch_size: int, state_dict: Optional[StateDict] = None, **kwargs):
        Initialize a :class:`States`.

             batch_size: The number of items in the first dimension of the tensors.
             state_dict: Dictionary defining the attributes of the tensors.
             **kwargs: The name-tensor pairs can also be specified as kwargs.

        attr_dict = self.params_to_arrays(state_dict, batch_size) if state_dict is not None else {}
        self._tensor_names = [k for k, v in attr_dict.items() if judo.is_tensor(v)]
        self._names = list(attr_dict.keys())
        self._attr_dict = attr_dict
        self._batch_size = batch_size
Exemplo n.º 10
    def split_states(self, n_chunks: int) -> Generator["States", None, None]:
        Return a generator for n_chunks different states, where each one \
        contain only the data corresponding to one walker.

        def get_chunck_size(state, start, end):
            for name in state._names:
                attr = state[name]
                if judo.is_tensor(attr):
                    return len(attr[start:end])
            return int(numpy.ceil(self.n / n_chunks))

        for start, end in judo.similiar_chunks_indexes(self.n, n_chunks):
            chunk_size = get_chunck_size(self, start, end)
            data = {k: val[start:end] if judo.is_tensor(val) else val for k, val in self.items()}
            new_state = self.__class__(batch_size=chunk_size, **data)
            yield new_state
Exemplo n.º 11
    def clone(
        will_clone: Tensor,
        compas_ix: Tensor,
        ignore: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        Clone all the stored data according to the provided arrays.

            will_clone: Array of shape (n_walkers,) of booleans indicating the \
                        index of the walkers that will clone to a random companion.
            compas_ix: Array of integers of shape (n_walkers,). Contains the \
                       indexes of the walkers that will be copied.
            ignore: set containing the names of the attributes that will not be \

        ignore = set() if ignore is None else ignore
        for name in self.keys():
            if judo.is_tensor(self[name]) and name not in ignore:
                self[name][will_clone] = self[name][compas_ix][will_clone]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def get_chunck_size(state, start, end):
     for name in state._names:
         attr = state[name]
         if judo.is_tensor(attr):
             return len(attr[start:end])
     return int(numpy.ceil(self.n / n_chunks))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(
        high: Union[Tensor, Scalar] = numpy.inf,
        low: Union[Tensor, Scalar] = numpy.NINF,
        shape: Optional[tuple] = None,
        dtype: Optional[type] = None,
        Initialize a :class:`Bounds`.

            high: Higher value for the bound interval. If it is an typing_.Scalar \
                  it will be applied to all the coordinates of a target vector. \
                  If it is a vector, the bounds will be checked coordinate-wise. \
                  It defines and closed interval.
            low: Lower value for the bound interval. If it is a typing_.Scalar it \
                 will be applied to all the coordinates of a target vector. \
                 If it is a vector, the bounds will be checked coordinate-wise. \
                 It defines and closed interval.
            shape: Shape of the array that will be bounded. Only needed if `high` and `low` are \
                   vectors and it is used to define the dimensions that will be bounded.
            dtype:  Data type of the array that will be bounded. It can be inferred from `high` \
                    or `low` (the type of `high` takes priority).

            Initializing :class:`Bounds` using  numpy arrays:

            >>> import numpy
            >>> high, low = numpy.ones(3, dtype=float), -1 * numpy.ones(3, dtype=int)
            >>> bounds = Bounds(high=high, low=low)
            >>> print(bounds)
            Bounds shape float64 dtype (3,) low [-1 -1 -1] high [1. 1. 1.]

            Initializing :class:`Bounds` using  typing_.Scalars:

            >>> import numpy
            >>> high, low, shape = 4, 2.1, (5,)
            >>> bounds = Bounds(high=high, low=low, shape=shape)
            >>> print(bounds)
            Bounds shape float64 dtype (5,) low [2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1] high [4. 4. 4. 4. 4.]

        # Infer shape if not specified
        if shape is None and hasattr(high, "shape"):
            shape = high.shape
        elif shape is None and hasattr(low, "shape"):
            shape = low.shape
        elif shape is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "If shape is None high or low need to have .shape attribute.")
        # High and low will be arrays of target shape
        if not judo.is_tensor(high):
            high = tensor(high) if isinstance(
                high, _Iterable) else API.ones(shape) * high
        if not judo.is_tensor(low):
            low = tensor(low) if isinstance(
                low, _Iterable) else API.ones(shape) * low
        self.high = judo.astype(high, dtype)
        self.low = judo.astype(low, dtype)
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
        elif hasattr(high, "dtype"):
            self.dtype = high.dtype
        elif hasattr(low, "dtype"):
            self.dtype = low.dtype
            self.dtype = type(high) if high is not None else type(low)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
                 state: Tensor,
                 observ: Tensor,
                 reward: Scalar,
                 state_dict: StateDict = None,
        Initialize a :class:`OneWalker`.

            state: Non batched numpy array defining the state of the walker.
            observ: Non batched numpy array defining the observation of the walker.
            reward: typing.Scalar value representing the reward of the walker.
            id_walker: Hash of the provided State. If None it will be calculated when the
                       the :class:`OneWalker` is initialized.
            state_dict: External :class:`typing.StateDict` that overrides the default values.
            time: Time step of the current walker. Measures the length of the path followed \
                  by the walker.
            **kwargs: Additional data needed to define the walker. Its structure \
                      needs to be defined in the provided ``state_dict``. These attributes
                      will be assigned to the :class:`EnvStates` of the :class:`Swarm`.

        self.id_walkers = None
        self.rewards = None
        self.observs = None
        self.states = None
        self.times = None
        self._observs_size = observ.shape
        self._observs_dtype = observ.dtype
        self._states_size = state.shape
        self._states_dtype = state.dtype
        self._rewards_dtype = tensor(reward).dtype
        # Accept external definition of param_dict values
        walkers_dict = self.get_params_dict()
        if state_dict is not None:
            for k, v in state_dict.items():
                if k in ["observs", "states"
                         ]:  # These two are parsed from the provided opts
                if k in walkers_dict:
                    walkers_dict[k] = v
        super(OneWalker, self).__init__(batch_size=1, state_dict=walkers_dict)
        # Keyword arguments must be defined in state_dict
        if state_dict is not None:
            for k in kwargs.keys():
                if k not in state_dict:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The provided attributes must be defined in state_dict."
                        "param_dict: %s\n kwargs: %s" % (state_dict, kwargs))
        self.observs[:] = judo.copy(observ)
        self.states[:] = judo.copy(state)
        self.rewards[:] = judo.copy(reward) if judo.is_tensor(
            reward) else copy.deepcopy(reward)
        self.times[:] = judo.copy(time) if judo.is_tensor(
            time) else copy.deepcopy(time)
        self.id_walkers[:] = (judo.copy(id_walker.squeeze()) if id_walker
                              is not None else hasher.hash_tensor(state))