Exemplo n.º 1
def add_relation(env_config, environment, verbose, log, *descriptors):
    """Add relation between relation endpoints described by `descriptors`"""
    provider = environment.get_machine_provider()
    client = yield provider.connect()
    relation_state_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
    service_state_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
    endpoint_pairs = yield service_state_manager.join_descriptors(

    if verbose:
        log.info("Endpoint pairs: %s", endpoint_pairs)

    if len(endpoint_pairs) == 0:
        raise NoMatchingEndpoints()
    elif len(endpoint_pairs) > 1:
        raise AmbiguousRelation(descriptors, endpoint_pairs)

    # At this point we just have one endpoint pair. We need to pick
    # just one of the endpoints if it's a peer endpoint, since that's
    # our current API - join descriptors takes two descriptors, but
    # add_relation_state takes one or two endpoints. TODO consider
    # refactoring.
    endpoints = endpoint_pairs[0]
    if endpoints[0] == endpoints[1]:
        endpoints = endpoints[0:1]
    yield relation_state_manager.add_relation_state(*endpoints)
    yield client.close()

    log.info("Added %s relation to all service units.",
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_relation(env_config, environment, verbose, log, *descriptors):
    """Add relation between relation endpoints described by `descriptors`"""
    provider = environment.get_machine_provider()
    client = yield provider.connect()
    relation_state_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
    service_state_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
    endpoint_pairs = yield service_state_manager.join_descriptors(*descriptors)

    if verbose:
        log.info("Endpoint pairs: %s", endpoint_pairs)

    if len(endpoint_pairs) == 0:
        raise NoMatchingEndpoints()
    elif len(endpoint_pairs) > 1:
        raise AmbiguousRelation(descriptors, endpoint_pairs)

    # At this point we just have one endpoint pair. We need to pick
    # just one of the endpoints if it's a peer endpoint, since that's
    # our current API - join descriptors takes two descriptors, but
    # add_relation_state takes one or two endpoints. TODO consider
    # refactoring.
    endpoints = endpoint_pairs[0]
    if endpoints[0] == endpoints[1]:
        endpoints = endpoints[0:1]
    yield relation_state_manager.add_relation_state(*endpoints)
    yield client.close()

    log.info("Added %s relation to all service units.",
Exemplo n.º 3
def deploy(env_config, environment, repository_path, charm_name,
           service_name, log, config_file=None, num_units=1):
    """Deploy a charm within an environment.

    This will publish the charm to the environment, creating
    a service from the charm, and get it set to be launched
    on a new machine.
    repo, charm_url = resolve(
        charm_name, repository_path, environment.default_series)

    # Validate config options prior to deployment attempt
    service_options = {}
    service_name = service_name or charm_url.name
    if config_file:
        service_options = parse_config_options(config_file, service_name)

    charm = yield repo.find(charm_url)
    charm_id = str(charm_url.with_revision(charm.get_revision()))

    provider = environment.get_machine_provider()
    placement_policy = provider.get_placement_policy()
    client = yield provider.connect()

        storage = yield provider.get_file_storage()
        service_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
        environment_state_manager = EnvironmentStateManager(client)
        yield environment_state_manager.set_config_state(
            env_config, environment.name)

        # Publish the charm to juju
        publisher = CharmPublisher(client, storage)
        yield publisher.add_charm(charm_id, charm)
        result = yield publisher.publish()

        # In future we might have multiple charms be published at
        # the same time.  For now, extract the charm_state from the
        # list.
        charm_state = result[0]

        # Create the service state
        service_state = yield service_manager.add_service_state(
            service_name, charm_state)

        # Use the charm's ConfigOptions instance to validate service
        # options.. Invalid options passed will thrown an exception
        # and prevent the deploy.
        state = yield service_state.get_config()
        charm_config = yield charm_state.get_config()
        # return the validated options with the defaults included
        service_options = charm_config.validate(service_options)

        yield state.write()

        # Create desired number of service units
        for i in xrange(num_units):
            unit_state = yield service_state.add_unit_state()
            yield place_unit(client, placement_policy, unit_state)

        # Check if we have any peer relations to establish
        if charm.metadata.peers:
            relation_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
            for peer_name, peer_info in charm.metadata.peers.items():
                yield relation_manager.add_relation_state(

        log.info("Charm deployed as service: %r", service_name)
        yield client.close()
Exemplo n.º 4
def deploy(env_config, environment, repository_path, charm_name,
           service_name, log, constraint_strs, config_file=None, upgrade=False,
    """Deploy a charm within an environment.

    This will publish the charm to the environment, creating
    a service from the charm, and get it set to be launched
    on a new machine. If --repository is not specified, it
    will be taken from the environment variable JUJU_REPOSITORY.
    repo, charm_url = resolve(
        charm_name, repository_path, environment.default_series)

    log.info("Searching for charm %s in %s" % (charm_url, repo))
    charm = yield repo.find(charm_url)
    if upgrade:
        if repo.type != "local" or charm.type != "dir":
            raise CharmError(
                "Only local directory charms can be upgraded on deploy")
        charm.set_revision(charm.get_revision() + 1)

    charm_id = str(charm_url.with_revision(charm.get_revision()))

    # Validate config options prior to deployment attempt
    service_options = {}
    service_name = service_name or charm_url.name
    if config_file:
        service_options = parse_config_options(
            config_file, service_name, charm)

    charm = yield repo.find(charm_url)
    charm_id = str(charm_url.with_revision(charm.get_revision()))

    provider = environment.get_machine_provider()
    placement_policy = provider.get_placement_policy()
    constraint_set = yield provider.get_constraint_set()
    constraints = constraint_set.parse(constraint_strs)
    client = yield provider.connect()

        yield legacy.check_constraints(client, constraint_strs)
        yield legacy.check_environment(
            client, provider.get_legacy_config_keys())
        yield sync_environment_state(client, env_config, environment.name)

        # Publish the charm to juju
        storage = yield provider.get_file_storage()
        publisher = CharmPublisher(client, storage)
        yield publisher.add_charm(charm_id, charm)
        result = yield publisher.publish()

        # In future we might have multiple charms be published at
        # the same time.  For now, extract the charm_state from the
        # list.
        charm_state = result[0]

        # Create the service state
        service_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
        service_state = yield service_manager.add_service_state(
            service_name, charm_state, constraints)

        # Use the charm's ConfigOptions instance to validate service
        # options.. Invalid options passed will thrown an exception
        # and prevent the deploy.
        state = yield service_state.get_config()
        charm_config = yield charm_state.get_config()
        # return the validated options with the defaults included
        service_options = charm_config.validate(service_options)
        yield state.write()

        # Create desired number of service units
        if (yield service_state.is_subordinate()):
            log.info("Subordinate %r awaiting relationship "
                     "to principal for deployment.", service_name)
            for i in xrange(num_units):
                unit_state = yield service_state.add_unit_state()
                yield place_unit(client, placement_policy, unit_state)

        # Check if we have any peer relations to establish
        if charm.metadata.peers:
            relation_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
            for peer_name, peer_info in charm.metadata.peers.items():
                yield relation_manager.add_relation_state(

        log.info("Charm deployed as service: %r", service_name)
        yield client.close()