Exemplo n.º 1
    def setup_kafka_config(self):
        copy the default configuration files to kafka_conf property
        defined in dist.yaml
        default_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'config'
        kafka_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf')
        # Now remove the conf included in the tarball and symlink our real conf
        # dir. we've seen issues where kafka still looks for config in
        # KAFKA_HOME/config.

        # Configure immutable bits
        kafka_bin = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'bin'
        with utils.environment_edit_in_place('/etc/environment') as env:
            if kafka_bin not in env['PATH']:
                env['PATH'] = ':'.join([env['PATH'], kafka_bin])
            env['LOG_DIR'] = self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs')

        # note: we set the advertised.host.name below to the public_address
        # to ensure that external (non-Juju) clients can connect to Kafka
        public_address = hookenv.unit_get('public-address')
        private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(
        kafka_server_conf = self.dist_config.path(
            'kafka_conf') / 'server.properties'
        service, unit_num = os.environ['JUJU_UNIT_NAME'].split('/', 1)
            kafka_server_conf, {
                'broker.id=%s' % unit_num,
                'port=%s' % self.dist_config.port('kafka'),
                'log.dirs=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_data_logs'),
                'advertised.host.name=%s' % public_address,

        kafka_log4j = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / 'log4j.properties'
            kafka_log4j, {
                'kafka.logs.dir=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs'),

        # fix for lxc containers and some corner cases in manual provider
        # ensure that public_address is resolvable internally by mapping it to the private IP
        utils.update_kv_host(private_ip, public_address)
    def trigger_puppet(self):
        # If we can't reverse resolve the hostname (like on azure), support DN
        # registration by IP address.
        # NB: determine this *before* updating /etc/hosts below since
        # gethostbyaddr will not fail if we have an /etc/hosts entry.
        reverse_dns_bad = False
        except socket.herror:
            reverse_dns_bad = True
        # We know java7 has MAXHOSTNAMELEN of 64 char, so we cannot rely on
        # java to do a hostname lookup on clouds that have >64 char fqdns
        # (gce). Force short hostname (< 64 char) into /etc/hosts as workaround.
        # Better fix may be to move to java8. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/16230171/
        # NB: do this before the puppet apply, which may call java stuffs
        # like format namenode, which will fail if we dont get this fix
        # down early.
        short_host = subprocess.check_output(['facter', 'hostname']).strip().decode()
        private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(hookenv.unit_private_ip())
        if short_host and private_ip:
            utils.update_kv_host(private_ip, short_host)

        charm_dir = hookenv.charm_dir()
        # TODO JIRA KWM: rm does not need Hdfs_init and will fail
        rm_patch = Path(charm_dir) / 'resources/patch1_rm_init_hdfs.patch'
        # TODO JIRA KWM: nm should not *need* mapred role. we could patch it
        # with nm_patch, or adjust nm charm to include mapred role. for now,
        # we're doing the latter. todo rfc from dev@bigtop list.
        # nm_patch = Path(charm_dir) / 'resources/patch2_nm_core-site.patch'
        # TODO JIRA KWM: client role needs common_yarn for yarn-site.xml
        client_patch = Path(charm_dir) / 'resources/patch3_client_role_use_common_yarn.patch'
        with chdir("{}".format(self.bigtop_base)):
            # rm patch goes first
            utils.run_as('root', 'patch', '-p1', '-s', '-i', rm_patch)
            # skip nm_patch for now since nm charm is including mapred role
            # utils.run_as('root', 'patch', '-p1', '-s', '-i', nm_patch)
            # client patch goes last
            utils.run_as('root', 'patch', '-p1', '-s', '-i', client_patch)

        # puppet apply needs to be ran where recipes were unpacked
        with chdir("{}".format(self.bigtop_base)):
            utils.run_as('root', 'puppet', 'apply', '-d',

        # Do any post-puppet config on the generated config files.
        if reverse_dns_bad:
            hdfs_site = Path('/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml')
            with utils.xmlpropmap_edit_in_place(hdfs_site) as props:
                props['dfs.namenode.datanode.registration.ip-hostname-check'] = 'false'
    def trigger_puppet(self):
        Trigger Puppet to install the desired components.
        java_version = unitdata.kv().get('java_version', '')
        if java_version.startswith('1.7.') and len(get_fqdn()) > 64:
            # We know java7 has MAXHOSTNAMELEN of 64 char, so we cannot rely on
            # java to do a hostname lookup on clouds that have >64 char FQDNs
            # (e.g., gce). Attempt to work around this by putting the (hopefully
            # short) hostname into /etc/hosts so that it will (hopefully) be
            # used instead (see http://paste.ubuntu.com/16230171/).
            # NB: do this before the puppet apply, which may call java stuffs
            # like format namenode, which will fail if we dont get this fix
            # down early.
            short_host = subprocess.check_output(['facter', 'hostname']).strip().decode()
            private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(hookenv.unit_private_ip())
            if short_host and private_ip:
                utils.update_kv_host(private_ip, short_host)

        # puppet args are bigtop-version depedent
        if self.bigtop_version == '1.1.0':
            puppet_args = [
            puppet_args = [

        # puppet apply runs from the root of the bigtop release source
        with chdir(self.bigtop_base):
            utils.run_as('root', 'puppet', 'apply', *puppet_args)

        # Do any post-puppet config on the generated config files.
        utils.re_edit_in_place('/etc/default/bigtop-utils', {
            r'(# )?export JAVA_HOME.*': 'export JAVA_HOME={}'.format(
    def trigger_puppet(self):
        Trigger Puppet to install the desired components.
        java_version = unitdata.kv().get('java_version', '')
        if java_version.startswith('1.7.') and len(get_fqdn()) > 64:
            # We know java7 has MAXHOSTNAMELEN of 64 char, so we cannot rely on
            # java to do a hostname lookup on clouds that have >64 char FQDNs
            # (e.g., gce). Attempt to work around this by putting the (hopefully
            # short) hostname into /etc/hosts so that it will (hopefully) be
            # used instead (see http://paste.ubuntu.com/16230171/).
            # NB: do this before the puppet apply, which may call java stuffs
            # like format namenode, which will fail if we dont get this fix
            # down early.
            short_host = subprocess.check_output(['facter', 'hostname']).strip().decode()
            private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(hookenv.unit_private_ip())
            if short_host and private_ip:
                utils.update_kv_host(private_ip, short_host)

        # puppet args are bigtop-version depedent
        if self.bigtop_version == '1.1.0':
            puppet_args = [
            puppet_args = [

        # puppet apply runs from the root of the bigtop release source
        with chdir(self.bigtop_base):
            utils.run_as('root', 'puppet', 'apply', *puppet_args)

        # Do any post-puppet config on the generated config files.
        utils.re_edit_in_place('/etc/default/bigtop-utils', {
            r'(# )?export JAVA_HOME.*': 'export JAVA_HOME={}'.format(
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setup_kafka_config(self):
        copy the default configuration files to kafka_conf property
        defined in dist.yaml
        default_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'config'
        kafka_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf')
        # Now remove the conf included in the tarball and symlink our real conf
        # dir. we've seen issues where kafka still looks for config in
        # KAFKA_HOME/config.

        # Similarly, we've seen issues where kafka wants to write to
        # KAFKA_HOME/logs regardless of the LOG_DIR, so make a symlink.
        default_logs = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'logs'
        kafka_logs = self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs')

        # Configure environment
        kafka_bin = self.dist_config.path('kafka') / 'bin'
        with utils.environment_edit_in_place('/etc/environment') as env:
            if kafka_bin not in env['PATH']:
                env['PATH'] = ':'.join([env['PATH'], kafka_bin])
            env['LOG_DIR'] = self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs')

        # Configure server.properties
        # note: we set the advertised.host.name below to the public_address
        # to ensure that external (non-Juju) clients can connect to Kafka
        public_address = hookenv.unit_get('public-address')
        private_ip = utils.resolve_private_address(hookenv.unit_get('private-address'))
        kafka_port = self.dist_config.port('kafka')
        kafka_server_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / 'server.properties'
        service, unit_num = os.environ['JUJU_UNIT_NAME'].split('/', 1)
        utils.re_edit_in_place(kafka_server_conf, {
            r'^broker.id=.*': 'broker.id=%s' % unit_num,
            r'^port=.*': 'port=%s' % kafka_port,
            r'^log.dirs=.*': 'log.dirs=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_data_logs'),
            r'^#?advertised.host.name=.*': 'advertised.host.name=%s' % public_address,

        # Configure producer.properties
        # note: we set the broker list host below to the public_address
        # to ensure that external (non-Juju) clients can connect to Kafka.
        # It must match our advertised.host.name from above.
        kafka_producer_conf = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / 'producer.properties'
        utils.re_edit_in_place(kafka_producer_conf, {
            r'^#?metadata.broker.list=.*': 'metadata.broker.list=%s:%s' % (public_address, kafka_port),

        # Configure log properties
        kafka_log4j = self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf') / 'log4j.properties'
        utils.re_edit_in_place(kafka_log4j, {
            r'^kafka.logs.dir=.*': 'kafka.logs.dir=%s' % self.dist_config.path('kafka_app_logs'),

        template_name = 'upstart.conf'
        template_path = '/etc/init/kafka.conf'
        if host.init_is_systemd():
            template_name = 'systemd.conf'
            template_path = '/etc/systemd/system/kafka.service'

                'kafka_conf': self.dist_config.path('kafka_conf'),
                'kafka_bin': '{}/bin'.format(self.dist_config.path('kafka'))

        # fix for lxc containers and some corner cases in manual provider
        # ensure that public_address is resolvable internally by mapping it to the private IP
        utils.update_kv_host(private_ip, public_address)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def register_provided_hosts(self):
     unit, data = any_ready_unit(self.relation_name)
     provided_hosts = json.loads(data['etc_hosts'])
     hookenv.log('Registering hosts from %s: %s' % (unit, provided_hosts))
     for ip, name in provided_hosts.items():
         utils.update_kv_host(ip, name)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def register_connected_hosts(self):
     for unit, data in self.unfiltered_data().items():
         ip = utils.resolve_private_address(data['private-address'])
         name = unit.replace('/', '-')
         utils.update_kv_host(ip, name)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def register_provided_hosts(self):
     unit, data = any_ready_unit(self.relation_name)
     provided_hosts = json.loads(data['etc_hosts'])
     hookenv.log('Registering hosts from %s: %s' % (unit, provided_hosts))
     for ip, name in provided_hosts.items():
         utils.update_kv_host(ip, name)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def register_connected_hosts(self):
     for unit, data in self.unfiltered_data().items():
         ip = utils.resolve_private_address(data['private-address'])
         name = unit.replace('/', '-')
         utils.update_kv_host(ip, name)