def enqueue(request, username, tracks, atTop): for t in tracks: q = QueueItem(who = username, what = MusicFile.objects.get(url=t['url'])) cached(q.what) try: if atTop: items = QueueItem.objects.all().order_by("index") if len(items)> 1: q.index = (items[0].index+items[1].index)/2 else: q.index = items[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue else: q.index = QueueItem.objects.order_by("-index")[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue except IndexError: # nothing else in queue q.index = 0 return status_info(request)
def enqueue(request, username, tracks, atTop): for t in tracks: q = QueueItem(who=username, what=MusicFile.objects.get(url=t['url'])) cached(q.what) try: if atTop: items = QueueItem.objects.all().order_by("index") if len(items) > 1: q.index = (items[0].index + items[1].index) / 2 else: q.index = items[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue else: q.index = QueueItem.objects.order_by( "-index")[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue except IndexError: # nothing else in queue q.index = 0 return status_info(request)
def enqueue(request, username, tracks, atTop): logger.debug("enqueue: %s", tracks) for t in tracks: q = QueueItem(who = username, what = MusicFile.objects.get(url=t['url'])) cached(q.what) try: if atTop: items = QueueItem.objects.all().order_by("index") if len(items)> 1: q.index = (items[0].index+items[1].index)/2 else: q.index = items[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue else: q.index = QueueItem.objects.order_by("-index")[0].index + 1 # only current item in queue except IndexError: # nothing else in queue q.index = 0 # Newly queued items get automagically played if the player is idle. This is only needed if they're already cached if is_cached(QueueItem.current().what) and get_status() == Status.idle: play_current(player) return status_info(request)
def play_current(player): toplay = QueueItem.current() f = cached(toplay.what) logging.debug("toplay %s", f) if f != None: song = toplay.what track = dict(artist_name=song.artist, song_title=song.title, length=int(song.trackLength), date_played=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), album=song.album, mbid="" ) logging.debug("track %s", track) post(**track) ChatItem(what="play", info=song, who=toplay.who).save() else: player.stop() ChatItem(what="stop", who=None).save()