Exemplo n.º 1
def test_remove_raises_if_no_file(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should raise a PathNotFoundError error if file to remove isn't found."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"

    with pytest.raises(PathNotFoundError):
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_remove_deletes_file(tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem) -> None:
    """It should delete a given file."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"


    assert path.exists() is False
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_write_json_raises_encode_error(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should raise a FileEncodeError if object cannot be encoded to JSON."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"

    with pytest.raises(FileEncodeError, match="ellipsis is not JSON serializable"):
        sync_filesystem.write_json(path, {"nope": ...})
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_write_json_creates_dirs_if_necessary(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should create directories as necessary to reach the path."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo" / "bar" / "baz"
    sync_filesystem.write_json(path, {"foo": "hello", "bar": 0})

    assert path.with_suffix(".json").read_text() == """{"foo": "hello", "bar": 0}"""
def test_read_json_raises_path_does_not_exist_error(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return a FileNotFoundError if file doesn't exist."""
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")

    with pytest.raises(PathNotFoundError, match="No such file or directory"):
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_write_json_encodes_and_writes_obj(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should encode and write a JSON object to a file."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"
    sync_filesystem.write_json(path, {"foo": "hello", "bar": 0})

    assert path.with_suffix(".json").read_text() == """{"foo": "hello", "bar": 0}"""
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_write_json_when_custom_encoder_raises(
    tmp_path: Path, mock_encode_json: MagicMock, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should raise a FileEncodeError if the custom encoder raises."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"
    obj = {"foo": "hello", "bar": 0}
    mock_encode_json.side_effect = Exception("oh no")

    with pytest.raises(FileEncodeError, match="oh no"):
        sync_filesystem.write_json(path, obj, encode_json=mock_encode_json)
def test_read_json_raises_parse_error(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should raise a FileParseError if file is not valid JSON."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", }""")

    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")

    with pytest.raises(FileParseError, match="Expecting property name"):
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_remove_dir_deletes_tree(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should delete a directory and all files in it."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "bar.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "baz.json").touch()


    assert tmp_path.exists() is False
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ensure_dir_creates_directory(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should ensure a directory exists."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"

    assert path.is_dir() is True

    # ensure that subsequent calls do not error
    assert path.is_dir() is True
def test_read_json_when_custom_parser_raises(
    tmp_path: Path, mock_parse_json: MagicMock, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should raise a FileParseError if the custom parser raises."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 42 }""")

    error = Exception("oh no")
    mock_parse_json.side_effect = error
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")

    with pytest.raises(FileParseError):
        sync_filesystem.read_json(path, parse_json=mock_parse_json)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_write_json_with_custom_encoder(
    tmp_path: Path, mock_encode_json: MagicMock, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should encode and write a file using a custom encoder."""
    path = tmp_path / "foo"
    obj = {"foo": "hello", "bar": 0}
    mock_encode_json.return_value = "I just met you"

    sync_filesystem.write_json(path, obj, encode_json=mock_encode_json)

    assert path.with_suffix(".json").read_text() == "I just met you"
def test_read_dir_with_empty_dir(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return an empty list with read_dir on an empty directory."""
    basenames = sync_filesystem.read_dir(tmp_path)

    assert basenames == []
def test_file_exists_returns_false_if_no_file(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return False with file_exists if no JSON files exist."""
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")
    exists = sync_filesystem.file_exists(path)

    assert exists is False
def test_ensure_dir_noops_when_dir_exists(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should do nothing with ensure_dir if the directory already exists."""
    dir_name = PurePosixPath(tmp_path)
    result = sync_filesystem.ensure_dir(dir_name)

    assert dir_name == result
def test_file_exists_returns_true_if_file_exists(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return True with file_exists if JSON file exists."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").touch()
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")
    exists = sync_filesystem.file_exists(path)

    assert exists is True
def test_ensure_dir_creates_dir(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should create a directory with ensure_dir if it doesn't exist."""
    dir_name = PurePosixPath(tmp_path) / "the_limit_does_not_exist"
    result = sync_filesystem.ensure_dir(dir_name)

    assert result == dir_name
    assert Path(dir_name).is_dir()
def test_file_exists_returns_false_if_path_is_directory(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return False with file_exists if path points to directory."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").mkdir()
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")
    exists = sync_filesystem.file_exists(path)

    assert exists is False
def test_read_json_loads_json_file_to_dict(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should read a file and load the contents into JSON."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 42 }""")

    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")
    result: ParsedObj = sync_filesystem.read_json(path)

    assert result == {"foo": "hello", "bar": 42}
def test_read_dir_with_dir_of_json_files(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should return a list of JSON basenames with read_dir."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "bar.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "baz.json").touch()
    basenames = sync_filesystem.read_dir(tmp_path)

    assert set(basenames) == set(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
def test_read_dir_walks_directories(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should ignore include files nested in directories in read_dir."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "bar").mkdir()
    (tmp_path / "bar" / "baz.json").touch()
    basenames = sync_filesystem.read_dir(tmp_path)

    assert basenames == ["foo", "bar/baz"]
def test_read_dir_ignores_non_json_and_dotfiles(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should ignore dotfiles and non-JSON files with read_dir."""
    (tmp_path / "foo.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / ".bar.json").touch()
    (tmp_path / "baz.zip").touch()
    basenames = sync_filesystem.read_dir(tmp_path)

    assert basenames == ["foo"]
def test_read_json_with_custom_parser(
    tmp_path: Path, mock_parse_json: MagicMock, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should read a file and parse into JSON using custom parser."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "this": "is crazy" }""")

    mock_parse_json.return_value = {"call me": "maybe"}
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path / "foo")
    result = sync_filesystem.read_json(path, parse_json=mock_parse_json)

    assert result == {"call me": "maybe"}
    mock_parse_json.assert_called_with("""{ "this": "is crazy" }""")
def test_read_json_dir_can_ignore_errors(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should allow reading all directory files while ignoring any errors."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 0 }""")
    Path(tmp_path / "bar.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "from the",}""")

    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path)
    files: List[Entry[ParsedObj]] = sync_filesystem.read_json_dir(
        path, ignore_errors=True

    assert files == [Entry(path=path / "foo", contents={"foo": "hello", "bar": 0})]
def test_read_json_dir_reads_multiple_files(
    tmp_path: Path, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should read a all files in a directory."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 0 }""")
    Path(tmp_path / "bar.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "from the", "bar": 1 }""")
    Path(tmp_path / "baz.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "other side", "bar": 2 }""")

    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path)
    files: List[Entry[ParsedObj]] = sync_filesystem.read_json_dir(path)

    assert len(files) == 3
    assert Entry(path=path / "foo", contents={"foo": "hello", "bar": 0}) in files
    assert Entry(path=path / "bar", contents={"foo": "from the", "bar": 1}) in files
    assert Entry(path=path / "baz", contents={"foo": "other side", "bar": 2}) in files
def test_read_json_dir_with_custom_parser(
    tmp_path: Path, mock_parse_json: MagicMock, sync_filesystem: SyncFilesystem
) -> None:
    """It should read a all files in a directory."""
    Path(tmp_path / "foo.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 0 }""")
    Path(tmp_path / "bar.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "from the", "bar": 1 }""")
    Path(tmp_path / "baz.json").write_text("""{ "foo": "other side", "bar": 2 }""")

    mock_parse_json.return_value = {"call me": "maybe"}
    path = PurePosixPath(tmp_path)
    files = sync_filesystem.read_json_dir(path, parse_json=mock_parse_json)

    assert len(files) == 3
    assert Entry(path=path / "foo", contents={"call me": "maybe"}) in files
    assert Entry(path=path / "bar", contents={"call me": "maybe"}) in files
    assert Entry(path=path / "baz", contents={"call me": "maybe"}) in files
    mock_parse_json.assert_any_call("""{ "foo": "hello", "bar": 0 }""")
    mock_parse_json.assert_any_call("""{ "foo": "from the", "bar": 1 }""")
    mock_parse_json.assert_any_call("""{ "foo": "other side", "bar": 2 }""")
Exemplo n.º 27
def sync_filesystem() -> SyncFilesystem:
    """Create a real synchronous filesystem."""
    return SyncFilesystem()