def test_remove_one_cell_beginning():
    # Notice that there isn't [0], and the output is removed
    cells_with_one_removed = [
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[1], output=None, index=0),
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[2], output=None, index=1),
    new_contents = NotebookContents(cells=cells_with_one_removed)

    opcodes = opcode_merge_cell_contents(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS, new_contents)
    assert len(opcodes) == 2
    assert [x.op_code for x in opcodes] == [OpCodes.DELETE, OpCodes.EQUAL]

    assert opcodes[0].current == (0, 1)
    assert opcodes[1].current == (1, 3)
def merge_notebooks(comm: Comm, result: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    javascript_cells = result["javascript_cells"]
    current_notebook = NotebookContents(cells=[
            # metadata=x["metadata"],
        ) for i, x in enumerate(javascript_cells)

    new_notebook = NotebookContents(
        cells=[JupyterCell(**x) for x in result["new_notebook"]])

    opcodes = opcode_merge_cell_contents(current_notebook, new_notebook)"Performing Opcodes...")

    net_shift = 0
    for op_action in opcodes:
        net_shift = perform_op_code(comm, op_action, current_notebook,
                                    new_notebook, net_shift)
def test_remove_one_cell():
    # Notice that there isn't [2], and the output is removed
    cells_with_one_removed = [
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[0], output=None),
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[1], output=None),
    new_contents = NotebookContents(cells=cells_with_one_removed)

    opcodes = opcode_merge_cell_contents(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS, new_contents)

    assert len(opcodes) == 2
    assert [x.op_code for x in opcodes] == [OpCodes.EQUAL, OpCodes.DELETE]

    assert opcodes[0].current_start_idx == 0
    assert opcodes[0].current_final_idx == 2
    assert opcodes[0].updated_start_idx == 0
    assert opcodes[0].updated_final_idx == 2
def test_reorder_multiple_values():
    first_cell = attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[1], index=0, output=None)
    second_cell = attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[0], index=1, output=None)

    new_contents = NotebookContents(cells=[first_cell, second_cell, THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[2]])
    opcodes = opcode_merge_cell_contents(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS, new_contents)
    assert len(opcodes) == 5

    assert [x.op_code for x in opcodes] == [

    assert opcodes[-1].current_final_idx == 1
    assert opcodes[-1].updated_final_idx == 0
def test_remove_one_cell_and_update_another():
    # Updated source for index=1
    modified_source = ["y = 3; y"]

    cells_with_one_removed = [
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[0], output=None, index=0),
        attr.evolve(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS.cells[1], source=modified_source, output=None, index=1),
    new_contents = NotebookContents(cells=cells_with_one_removed)

    opcodes = opcode_merge_cell_contents(THREE_CELL_CONTENTS, new_contents)
    assert [x.op_code for x in opcodes] == [OpCodes.EQUAL, OpCodes.REPLACE]

    assert opcodes[0].current == (0, 1)
    assert opcodes[0].updated == (0, 1)

    # Note: The replace takes the two cells and then replaces down to only one
    assert opcodes[1].current == (1, 3)
    assert opcodes[1].updated == (1, 2)
import attr

from jupyter_ascending.notebook.data_types import JupyterCell
from jupyter_ascending.notebook.data_types import NotebookContents
from jupyter_ascending.notebook.evolve import evolve_cell_source
from jupyter_ascending.notebook.evolve import evolve_notebook_cells
from jupyter_ascending.notebook.merge import OpCodes
from jupyter_ascending.notebook.merge import opcode_merge_cell_contents

SIMPLE_CONTENTS = NotebookContents(cells=[JupyterCell(cell_type="code", index=0, source=["x = 1; x"], output=["1"])])

THREE_CELL_CONTENTS = NotebookContents(
        JupyterCell(cell_type="code", index=0, source=["x = 1; x"], output=["1"]),
        JupyterCell(cell_type="code", index=1, source=["y = 2; y"], output=["2"]),
        JupyterCell(cell_type="code", index=2, source=["z = 3; z"], output=["3"]),

def _insert_notebook_cell(notebook: NotebookContents, new_cell: JupyterCell) -> NotebookContents:
    # TODO: Should this be moved somewhere?
    original_cells = notebook.cells

    new_cells = []
    for cell in original_cells:
        if cell.index < new_cell.index:
            if new_cell not in new_cells:
Exemplo n.º 7
def merge_cell_contents(
    current_notebook: NotebookContents, updated_notebook: NotebookContents
) -> Tuple[NotebookContents, CellMovements]:
    # TODO: change name of current_notebook to be remote notebook? some other name that makes it obvious
    if current_notebook.content_equals(updated_notebook):
        return current_notebook, CellMovements(movements=[])

    current_cell_stack = [x for x in current_notebook.cells]
    updated_cell_stack = [x for x in updated_notebook.cells]

    movements = []
    final_cells = []

    # 1. Check if we have cells that are exactly the same source
    #   We just update to the new index
    current_cells_to_remove = []
    for current_cell in current_cell_stack:
        for updated_cell in updated_cell_stack:
            if current_cell.source == updated_cell.source:

                # Create movements
                if current_cell.index != updated_cell.index:
                    movements.append(Movement(previous=current_cell.index, current=updated_cell.index))

                final_cells.append(attr.evolve(current_cell, index=updated_cell.index))

                # Remove at the end, since it's not good to modify iterators while iterating


    for cell in current_cells_to_remove:

    # 2. gather up all the differences between the remaining cells
    distancer = LevenshteinDistance

    distance_between_cells: Dict[JupyterCell, List[CellDistance]] = defaultdict(list)
    for current_cell in current_cell_stack:
        # TODO: What if all the distances are bad?
        # TODO: maybe use a different measure? like some confidence that they're the same
        for updated_cell in updated_cell_stack:
            if current_cell.source == updated_cell.source:
                assert False, f"{current_cell} / {updated_cell}::\n{final_cells}"

            distance = distancer.find_distance(current_cell.joined_source, updated_cell.joined_source)
            distance_between_cells[current_cell].append(CellDistance(distance, updated_cell))

        distance_between_cells[current_cell] = list(
            sorted(distance_between_cells[current_cell], key=distancer.sort_function)

    # 3. Find most closely related cells (so, small distance)
    #       If I run out of updated_cell_stack, then we're done. No more cells to give
    #       If I run out of current_cell_stack, then we need to delete those (however that looks).

    def find_most_likely_cell(x):
        distance = distance_between_cells[x]

        return distancer.sort_function(distance[0])

    # TODO: This might be way too many loops?
    while current_cell_stack and distance_between_cells and updated_cell_stack:
        sorted_cell_list = sorted(current_cell_stack, key=find_most_likely_cell)
        current_cell = sorted_cell_list[0]

        cell_distances = distance_between_cells.pop(current_cell)
        best_updated_cell = next(x.cell for x in cell_distances if x.cell in updated_cell_stack)

        assert current_cell in current_cell_stack

        assert best_updated_cell in updated_cell_stack

        evolved_cell = attr.evolve(current_cell, index=best_updated_cell.index, source=best_updated_cell.source)

    # Any other updated cells we have must have been inserted.
    #   We can simply insert them into the final cells
    #   (Unless there is something I missed here...)
    while updated_cell_stack:

    # Should have no more updated cells to input
    assert not updated_cell_stack

    return evolve_notebook_cells(current_notebook, final_cells), CellMovements(movements=movements)