Exemplo n.º 1
def test_header_in_html_comment():
    text = """<!--

  title: Sample header

    lines = text.splitlines()
    metadata, _, cell, _ = header_to_metadata_and_cell(lines, "")

    assert metadata == {"title": "Sample header"}
    assert cell is None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_header_to_metadata_and_cell_no_blank_line():
    text = """---
title: Sample header
Header is not followed by a blank line
    lines = text.splitlines()
    metadata, _, cell, pos = header_to_metadata_and_cell(lines, '')

    assert metadata == {}
    assert cell.cell_type == 'raw'
    assert cell.source == """---
title: Sample header
    assert cell.metadata == {'lines_to_next_cell': 0}
    assert lines[pos].startswith('Header is')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_header_to_metadata_and_cell_metadata():
    text = """---
title: Sample header
  mainlanguage: python
    lines = text.splitlines()
    metadata, _, cell, pos = header_to_metadata_and_cell(lines, '')

    assert metadata == {'mainlanguage': 'python'}
    assert cell.cell_type == 'raw'
    assert cell.source == """---
title: Sample header
    assert cell.metadata == {'lines_to_next_cell': 0}
    assert pos == len(lines)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_header_to_metadata_and_cell_metadata():
    text = """---
title: Sample header
  mainlanguage: python
    lines = text.splitlines()
    metadata, _, cell, pos = header_to_metadata_and_cell(lines, "")

    assert metadata == {"mainlanguage": "python"}
    assert cell.cell_type == "raw"
    assert (cell.source == """---
title: Sample header
    assert cell.metadata == {"lines_to_next_cell": 0}
    assert pos == len(lines)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_header_to_metadata_and_cell_blank_line():
    text = """---
title: Sample header

Header is followed by a blank line
    lines = text.splitlines()
    metadata, _, cell, pos = header_to_metadata_and_cell(lines, "")

    assert metadata == {}
    assert cell.cell_type == "raw"
    assert (cell.source == """---
title: Sample header
    assert cell.metadata == {}
    assert lines[pos].startswith("Header is")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_preferred_jupytext_formats_save(tmpdir):
    tmpdir.join(".jupytext.yml").write("preferred_jupytext_formats_save: jl:percent")
    tmp_ipynb = tmpdir.join("notebook.ipynb")
    tmp_jl = tmpdir.join("notebook.jl")

    nb = new_notebook(
        cells=[new_code_cell("1 + 1")], metadata={"jupytext": {"formats": "ipynb,jl"}}

    write(nb, str(tmp_ipynb))
    jupytext([str(tmp_ipynb), "--sync"])

    with open(str(tmp_jl)) as stream:
        text_jl = stream.read()

    # Parse the YAML header
    metadata, _, _, _ = header_to_metadata_and_cell(text_jl.splitlines(), "#")
    assert metadata["jupytext"]["formats"] == "ipynb,jl:percent"
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_jupytext_markdown_similar_to_nbconvert(nb_file):
    """Test that the nbconvert export for a notebook matches Jupytext's one"""

    nb = jupytext.read(nb_file)

    # Remove cell outputs and metadata
    for cell in nb.cells:
        cell.outputs = []
        cell.execution_count = None
        cell.metadata = {}

    md_jupytext = jupytext.writes(nb, fmt="md")

    import nbconvert

    md_nbconvert, _ = nbconvert.export(nbconvert.MarkdownExporter, nb)

    # our expectations

    # nbconvert file has no YAML header
    md_jupytext_lines = md_jupytext.splitlines()
    _, _, raw_cell, pos = header_to_metadata_and_cell(md_jupytext_lines, "")
    md_jupytext = "\n".join(md_jupytext_lines[pos:]) + "\n"
    if raw_cell is not None:
        md_jupytext = raw_cell.source + "\n\n" + md_jupytext

    # region comments are not in nbconvert
    md_jupytext = md_jupytext.replace("<!-- #region -->\n",
                                      "").replace("<!-- #endregion -->\n", "")

    # Jupytext uses HTML comments to keep track of raw cells
    md_jupytext = (md_jupytext.replace("\n<!-- #raw -->\n", "").replace(
        "<!-- #raw -->\n", "").replace("\n<!-- #endraw -->\n", ""))

    # nbconvert file may start with an empty line
    md_jupytext = md_jupytext.lstrip("\n")
    md_nbconvert = md_nbconvert.lstrip("\n")

    # Jupytext may not always have two blank lines between cells like Jupyter nbconvert
    md_jupytext = md_jupytext.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")
    md_nbconvert = md_nbconvert.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")

    jupytext.compare.compare(md_nbconvert, md_jupytext)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_save_to_percent_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_jl = 'notebook.jl'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = 'jl:percent'

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,jl'}

    # save to ipynb and jl
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read jl file
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_jl))) as stream:
        text_jl = stream.read()

    # Parse the YAML header
    metadata, _, _, _ = header_to_metadata_and_cell(text_jl.splitlines(), '#')
    assert metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,jl:percent'
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_save_to_percent_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_jl = 'notebook.jl'
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = 'jl:percent'

    nb['metadata']['jupytext_formats'] = 'ipynb,jl'

    # open python, save
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read jl file
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_jl))) as stream:
        text_jl = stream.read()

    # Parse the YAML header
    metadata, _, _ = header_to_metadata_and_cell(text_jl.splitlines(), '#')
    assert metadata['jupytext_formats'] == 'ipynb,jl:percent'