def launcher(request): wp = jp.QuasarPage() wp.tailwind = True wp.head_html = """ <link rel="stylesheet" href="^1.5/dist/base.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="^1.5/dist/components.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/typography.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="^1.5/dist/utilities.min.css" /> """ tlc = jp.Div(a=wp, classes="container mx-auto bg/gray/1") title_ = wf.dur.title_banner_("title", "Monal Insights: An advanced Imaging Solutions Company") title_(tlc, "") intro_text = """ MonalInsights specializes in solutions and technologies for satellite and microCT images. We provide end-to-end solution for ingestion, cleaning, registration, and advanced analysis of images captured in industrial (oil and gas exploration, biomedical) and institutional domains (climate change, agricultural, forest). """ wf.dur.prose_("intro", intro_text, pcp=[])(tlc, "") key_technology_topics = ["Massive Scale Image Storage and Processing Framework", "SemiSupervised based clustering and classification"] #wf.fc.StackV_() wf.fc.StackV_("keytechpanel", [ wf.dur.heading_("heading", "Key technologies", pcp=[mr/st/6]), wf.fc.StackH_("keytechbuttons", map(lambda l: wf.dur.divbutton_(l, l, l, no_action), key_technology_topics)) ] )(tlc, "") return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h3z = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center") # p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="The graphs represent review analysis") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.title.text = "Average Rating by Day" hc.options.chart.inverted = False hc.options.subtitle.text = "The graphs represent review analysis" hc.options.xAxis.labels.format = "{value}" x = day_average.index y = day_average["Rating"] hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(x) hc.options.series[0].data = list(y) hc.options.xAxis.title.text = "Date" hc.options.yAxis.title.text = "Average Rating" hc.options.series[0].name = "Average Rating" hc.options.tooltip.pointFormat = "{point.x}: {point.y}" """ x = [3, 6, 8] y = [4, 7, 9] hc.options.series[0].data = list(zip(x, y)) hc.options.series[0].data = [[3, 4], [6, 7], [8, 9]] """ return wp
def home(): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) page = jp.Div(a=wp, classes="bg-gray-200 h-screen") # jp.Div(a=page, classes="bg-gray-300") con = jp.Div(a=page, classes="bg-purple-300 m-24 p-10 rounded") line = jp.Div(a=con, classes="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4") in_1 = jp.Input(a=line, placeholder="Enter the first value", classes="form-input") in_2 = jp.Input(a=line, placeholder="Enter the second value", classes="form-input") result = jp.Div(a=line, text="Result goes here....") jp.QBtn( a=con, label="Calculate", color='purple', icon="calculator", click=sum_up, in1=in_1, in2=in_2, total=result, classes= "bg-purple-600 m-2 py-1 px-4 text-gray-800 rounded hover:bg-purple-800" ) jp.Div(a=con, text="interactive div", mouseenter=mouse_enter, mouseleave=mouse_leave) return wp
def draw_chart(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() wp.head_html = """<script src = "" > </script >\n <script src = "" > </script >\n <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" >""" panel_pltcanvas_ = cj.ChartJS_("panel_canvas", pcp=[], options=chartcfg) dbref_canvas = panel_pltcanvas_(wp, "") @wrapper def change_plt(dbref, msg): print("in chage_plt") print("in chage_plt", dbref) print("in chage_plt", #dbref_canvas.c.new_chart(, my_chart_def2) # dbref_canvas.chartjs.new_chart(my_chart_def2) #dbref_canvas.cjsbc.set_cfgattr("type", "bar") #dbref_canvas.cjsbc.set_cfgattr("options/scales/y/title/text", "bar") # await return dbref_btn = dur.button_("abtn", "abtn", "abtn", change_plt)(wp, "") def act(): dbref_canvas.chartjs.new_chart(my_chart_def2) pass wp.act = act return wp
def serve(cls, req): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) div = jp.Div(a=wp, classes="bg-gray-200 h-screen") jp.Div(a=div, text="Instant English Dictionary", classes="text-4xl m-2") jp.Div(a=div, text="Get the definition of any English word as you type.", classes="text-lg") input_div = jp.Div(a=div, classes="grid grid-cols-2") output_div = jp.Div(a=div, classes="m-2 p-2 text-lg border-2 h-40") input_box = jp.Input( a=input_div, placeholder="Type in a word here...", outputdiv=output_div, classes= "m-2 bg-gray-100 border-2 border-gray-200 rounded w-64 focus:bg-white " "focus:outline-none focus:border-purple-500") input_box.on("input", cls.get_definition) # jp.Button(a=input_div, text="Get definition", # classes="border-2 border-purple-500 rounded focus:outline-none " # "focus:border-red-500", click=cls.get_definition, outputdiv=output_div, inputbox=input_box) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text=center q-pa-md") p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis") return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage(dark=True) hc1 = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=aapl_chart) hc1.options.xAxis.categories = list(df_mon.index) hc1.options.series[0].data = list(df_mon["High"]) return wp
def serve(cls, req): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) lay = layout.DefaultLayout(a=wp) container = jp.QPageContainer(a=lay) div = jp.Div(a=container, classes="bg-gray-200 h-screen") jp.Div(a=div, text="Instant English Dictionary", classes="text-4xl m-2") jp.Div( a=div, text="Get the definition of any English word instantly as you type." ) input_div = jp.Div(a=div, classes="grid grid-cols-2") output_div = jp.Div(a=div, classes="m-2 p-2 text-lg border-2 h-40") input_box = jp.Input( a=input_div, placeholder="Type in a word...", outputdiv=output_div, classes= "m-2 bg-gray-100 border-2 border-gray2 rounded w-64 focus:outline-none " "focus:border-purple-500 focus:bg-white py-2 px-4") input_box.on('input', cls.get_definition) return wp
def pydeck_demo(request): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True, title='Uber NYC Pickups') wp.decks = {} slider_div = jp.Div(a=wp, classes='flex ml-4', style='width: 50%; margin-top: 20px') jp.Div(text='Select hour of pickup:', a=slider_div, classes='pt-3 text-xl font-bold ') s1 = jp.Span(classes='ml-6 mt-1', style='width: 50%', a=slider_div) jp.QSlider(classes='w-64', min=0, max=23, a=s1, label=True, label_always=True, markers=True, step=1, snap=True, color='red', change=slider_change) deck_div = jp.Div(classes='flex ml-2', a=wp) hour_data = data[data[DATE_TIME].dt.hour == int(0)] deck = map_deck(hour_data, midpoint[0], midpoint[1], zoom_level_main) all_div = jp.Div(a=deck_div) wp.all_caption = jp.Div(text='All New York City from 0:00 to 1:00', a=all_div, style='margin: 10px;', classes='text-xl font-bold') wp.decks['main'] = jp.PyDeckFrame( a=all_div, deck=deck, style='margin: 10px; height: 400px; width: 450px', transition_duration=0.5) for airport, coords in airports.items(): airport_deck = map_deck(hour_data, coords[0], coords[1], zoom_level_airports) airport_div = jp.Div(a=deck_div) jp.Div(text=f'{airport} Airport', a=airport_div, style='margin: 10px;', classes='text-xl font-bold') wp.decks[airport] = jp.PyDeckFrame( a=airport_div, deck=airport_deck, style='margin: 10px; height: 400px; width: 250px', transition_duration=0.5) if _has_altair: chart = create_histogram(0) wp.histogram_caption = jp.Div( text='Breakdown of rides per minute between 0:00 and 1:00', a=wp, style='margin-left: 30px;', classes='text-xl font-bold') wp.histogram = jp.AltairChart(chart=chart, a=wp, style='padding: 10px; width: 100%;') return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h4 text-center q-pa-md") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) month_crs_series = [{'name':course_name, 'data':[r for r in month_avg_crs[course_name]]} for course_name in month_avg_crs.columns] hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_avg_crs.index) hc.options.series = month_crs_series return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h1 text-right text-bold q-pa-sm") p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="There graphs represent course reviedw analysis", classes='q-mt-xl') return wp
def serve(cls, req): # Build the web page add layout and place this page in container wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) lay = layout.DefaultLayout(a=wp) container = jp.QPageContainer(a=lay) # classes for input boxes and labels input_class = "m-2 bg-gray-200 border-2 border-gray-200 rounded py-2 px-4 " \ "focus:outline-none focus:border-purple-500 focus:bg-white" label_class = "m-2 py-2 px-4" # create container box for the app con = jp.Div(a=container, classes="bg-purple-300 p-10 m-10 rounded") # two lines of titles jp.Div(a=con, text="Flatmates Bill", classes="text-4xl m-2") jp.Div(a=con, text="Get the amount of a bill two flatmates owe based on days in the house", classes="text-lg") # four lines for the input boxes and button l_fm1 = jp.Div(a=con, classes="grid grid-cols-4") l_fm2 = jp.Div(a=con, classes="grid grid-cols-4") l_bill = jp.Div(a=con, classes="grid grid-cols-4") # div for output output_div = jp.Div(a=con, classes="m-2 p-2 text-lg border-2 h-10") l_btn = jp.Div(a=con, classes="grid grid-cols-2") # boxes where input is typed jp.Div(a=l_fm1, text="1st Flatmate's name", classes=label_class) i_fm1_name = jp.Input(a=l_fm1, value="Martin", classes=input_class) jp.Div(a=l_fm1, text="days in the house", classes=label_class) i_fm1_days = jp.Input(a=l_fm1, value="28", classes=input_class) jp.Div(a=l_fm2, text="2nd Flatmate's name", classes=label_class) i_fm2_name = jp.Input(a=l_fm2, value="Will", classes=input_class) jp.Div(a=l_fm2, text="days in the house", classes=label_class) i_fm2_days = jp.Input(a=l_fm2, value="25", classes=input_class) jp.Div(a=l_bill, text="Bill amount", classes=label_class) i_bill_amt = jp.Input(a=l_bill, value="120", classes=input_class) jp.Div(a=l_bill, text="Bill period", classes=label_class) i_bill_period = jp.Input(a=l_bill, placeholder="e.g.: February 2021", classes=input_class) jp.Button(a=l_btn, text="calculate", click=cls.get_results, classes="bg-purple-700 rounded p-2 m-2", fm1_name=i_fm1_name, fm2_name=i_fm2_name, fm1_days=i_fm1_days, fm2_days=i_fm2_days, bill_amt=i_bill_amt, bill_period=i_bill_period, outputdiv=output_div) jp.Button(a=l_btn, text="generate PDF", click=cls.get_results, classes="bg-purple-700 rounded p-2 m-2", fm1_name=i_fm1_name, fm2_name=i_fm2_name, fm1_days=i_fm1_days, fm2_days=i_fm2_days, bill_amt=i_bill_amt, bill_period=i_bill_period, outputdiv=output_div) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(weekday_average.index.get_level_values(0)) hc.options.series[0].data = list(round(weekday_average['Rating'],2)) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(share.index) hc_data = [{"name":v1, "y":v2 } for v1,v2 in zip(share.index,share)] hc.options.series[0].data = hc_data return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() # We are creating a Quasar page object instance. Will return that instance. h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of the happiest day of the week", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") # H1 Element p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent which day people are the happiest", classes="text-body1") # p Element hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc_data = [{"name":course, "y":ratings} for course,ratings in zip(share.index, share)] hc.options.series[0].data = hc_data return wp
def app(): # QDiv is another component of JustPy. wp = jp.QuasarPage( ) # We are creating a Quasar page object instance. Will return that instance. h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") # H1 Element p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis", classes="text-body1") # p Element return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=contents) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_average_courses.index) hc.options.series = [] for i in range(len(month_average_courses["Rating"].columns)): hc.options.series.append({}) hc.options.series[i]["name"] = month_average_courses.columns[i] hc.options.series[i]["data"] = list(month_average_courses["Rating"].iloc[:, i]) hc.options.legend.floating = False return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc_data = [{"name": v1, "y": v2} for v1, v2 in zip(share.index, share)] hc.options.series[0].data = hc_data return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.title.text = "Average Rating by Day" hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(day_average.index) hc.options.series[0].data = list(day_average['Rating']) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_average_crs.index) hc_data = [{'name': v1, 'data': [v2 for v2 in month_average_crs[v1]]} for v1 in month_average_crs.columns] hc.options.series = hc_data return wp
def not_found_404(request): wp = jp.QuasarPage() banner = jp.parse_html(''' <q-banner class="bg-warning text-white"> <div class="text-h6">Impossible de trouver la page</div> <div class="text-subtitle2">Erreur 404 : la page demandée n'existe pas</div> </q-banner> ''', a=wp) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Happiness across Weekdays", classes="text-h4 text-center q-pa-md") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) x = [avg_rating_weekday.index[i][1] for i in range(7)] print(x) y = list(avg_rating_weekday['Rating']) print(y) hc.options.xAxis.categories = x hc.options.series[0].name = "all courses" hc.options.series[0].data = y return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") # H1 Element p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis", classes="text-body1") # p Element hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_average_crs.index) hc_data = [ {"name": course, "data": [rating for rating in month_average_crs[course]]} for course in month_average_crs.columns ] hc.options.series = hc_data return wp
def serve(cls, req): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) lay = xp.DefaultLayout(a=wp, view="hHh lpR fFf") page_container = jp.QPageContainer(a=lay) div = jp.Div(a=page_container, classes="bg-gray-200 h-screen p-2") jp.Div(a=div, text="This is the Home page!", classes="text-4xl m-2") jp.Div(a=div, text=""" afdgdfglk ;lsdfgldkfl; ;fmdfsjg;ij; kjsdoiugfjdsfdk """, classes="text-lg") return wp
def serve(cls, req): wp = jp.QuasarPage(tailwind=True) lay = layout.DefaultLayout(a=wp) container = jp.QPageContainer(a=lay) con = jp.Div(a=container, classes="bg-purple-300 m-24 p-10 rounded") jp.Div(a=con, text="This is the home page", classes="text-4xl m-2") jp.Div(a=con, text=""" This website was created by Martin Slater, 18th February 2021 using JustPy and Tailwind CSS """, classes="text-lg") return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h4 text-center q-pa-md") hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(week_average.index) hc.options.series[0].data = list(week_average['Rating']) hc2 = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def2) hc2.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_average.index) hc2.options.series[0].data = list(month_average['Rating']) return wp
def hint_test(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() d = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md q-gutter-lg", style="max-width: 300px", a=wp) input1 = jp.QInput(a=d, label='My Field', hint="This is my hint.") s1 = jp.QSelect( label='Select Company', a=d, color='orange', clearable=True, standout=True, bottom_slots=True, counter=True, hint='My hint', options=['Google', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Apple', 'Oracle']) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h1 text-right text-bold q-pa-sm") p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="There graphs represent course reviedw analysis", classes='q-mt-xl') hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.title.text = "Average Rating by Day" hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(week_average.index) hc.options.series[0].data = list(week_average['Rating']) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() h1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="Analysis of Course Reviews", classes="text-h3 text-center q-pa-md") # H1 Element p1 = jp.QDiv(a=wp, text="These graphs represent course review analysis", classes="text-body1") # p Element hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=chart_def) hc.options.xAxis.categories = list(month_average.index) hc.options.series[0].data = list(month_average['Rating']) return wp
def app(): wp = jp.QuasarPage() hc = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, options=contents) total = 0 for i in share: total += i percent = [] for i in range(len(share)): percent.append(share[i] * 100 / total) hc.options.series[0].data = [] names = share.index for i in range(len(percent)): d = {"name": names[i], "y": percent[i]} hc.options.series[0].data.append(d) hc.options.title.text = "Percent ratings for each course" return wp