Exemplo n.º 1
def test_msa_configuration_multiple_returns():
    Test the get_open_msa_slits function.
    # Test 4: One row is skipped, should be acceptable.
    msa_meta_id = 16
    msaconfl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits')
    dither_position = 1
    slitlet_info = nirspec.get_open_msa_slits(msaconfl, msa_meta_id, dither_position,
                                              slit_y_range=[-.5, .5])
    ref_slit1 = trmodels.Slit(59, 8651, 1, 256, 24, -2.85, 5.15, 4, 1, '11x1011', '95065_1', '2122',
                              0.13000000000000003, -0.31716078999999997, -0.18092266)
    ref_slit2 = trmodels.Slit(60, 11573, 1, 258, 32, -2.85, 4, 4, 2, '11x111', '95065_2', '172',
                              0.70000000000000007, -0.31716078999999997, -0.18092266)
    _compare_slits(slitlet_info[0], ref_slit1)
    _compare_slits(slitlet_info[1], ref_slit2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_msa_configuration_all_background():
    Test the get_open_msa_slits function.

    # Test 3:  No non-background, not acceptable.
    msa_meta_id = 14
    msaconfl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits')
    dither_position = 1
    slitlet_info = nirspec.get_open_msa_slits(msaconfl, msa_meta_id, dither_position,
                                              slit_y_range=[-.5, .5])
    ref_slit = trmodels.Slit(57, 8646, 1, 251, 24, -2.85, .55, 4, 0, '11x', 'background_57', 'bkg_57',
                             0, -0.5, -0.5)
    _compare_slits(slitlet_info[0], ref_slit)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_msa_configuration_row_skipped():
    Test the get_open_msa_slits function.

    # Test 4: One row is skipped, should be acceptable.
    msa_meta_id = 15
    msaconfl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits')
    dither_position = 1
    slitlet_info = nirspec.get_open_msa_slits(msaconfl, msa_meta_id, dither_position,
                                              slit_y_range=[-.5, .5])
    ref_slit = trmodels.Slit(58, 8646, 1, 251, 24, -2.85, 5.15, 4, 1, '11x1011', '95065_1', '2122',
                             0.130, -0.31716078999999997, -0.18092266)
    _compare_slits(slitlet_info[0], ref_slit)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_msa_configuration_normal():
    Test the get_open_msa_slits function.

    # Test 1: Reasonably normal as well
    msa_meta_id = 12
    msaconfl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits')
    dither_position = 1
    slitlet_info = nirspec.get_open_msa_slits(msaconfl, msa_meta_id, dither_position,
                                              slit_y_range=[-.5, .5])
    ref_slit = trmodels.Slit(55, 9376, 1, 251, 26, -5.15, 0.55, 4, 1, '1111x', '95065_1', '2122',
                             0.13, -0.31716078999999997, -0.18092266)
    _compare_slits(slitlet_info[0], ref_slit)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_functional_fs_msa(mode):
    #     """
    #     Compare Nirspec instrument model with IDT model for FS and MSA.
    #     """
    if mode == 'fs':
        model_file = 'fixed_slits_functional_ESA_v4_20180618.txt'
        hdul = create_nirspec_fs_file(grating='G395H', filter='F290LP')
        im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)
        refs = create_reference_files(im)
        pipeline = nirspec.create_pipeline(im,
                                           slit_y_range=[-0.55, 0.55])
        w = wcs.WCS(pipeline)
        im.meta.wcs = w
        # Use slit S200A1
        slit_wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 'S200A1')

    if mode == 'msa':
        model_file = 'msa_functional_ESA_v2_20180620.txt'
        hdul = create_nirspec_mos_file(grating='G395H', filt='F290LP')
        im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)
        refs = create_reference_files(im)
        slit = trmodels.Slit(name=1,
        open_slits = [slit]
        pipeline = nirspec.slitlets_wcs(im, refs, open_slits)
        w = wcs.WCS(pipeline)
        im.meta.wcs = w
        slit_wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 1)

    ins_file = get_file_path(model_file)
    ins_tab = table.Table.read(ins_file, format='ascii')

    # Setup the test
    slitx = [0] * 5
    slity = [-.5, -.25, 0, .25, .5]
    lam = np.array([2.9, 3.39, 3.88, 4.37, 5]) * 10**-6

    # Slit to MSA absolute
    slit2msa = slit_wcs.get_transform('slit_frame', 'msa_frame')
    msax, msay, _ = slit2msa(slitx, slity, lam)

    assert_allclose(slitx, ins_tab['xslitpos'])
    assert_allclose(slity, ins_tab['yslitpos'])
    assert_allclose(msax, ins_tab['xmsapos'])
    assert_allclose(msay, ins_tab['ymaspos'])

    # Coordinates at Collimator exit
    # Applies the Collimator forward transform to MSa absolute coordinates
    with datamodels.open(refs['collimator']) as col:
        colx, coly = col.model.inverse(msax, msay)
    assert_allclose(colx, ins_tab['xcoll'])
    assert_allclose(coly, ins_tab['ycoll'])

    # After applying direcitonal cosines
    dircos = trmodels.Unitless2DirCos()
    xcolDircosi, ycolDircosi, z = dircos(colx, coly)
    assert_allclose(xcolDircosi, ins_tab['xcolDirCosi'])
    assert_allclose(ycolDircosi, ins_tab['ycolDirCosi'])

    # MSA to GWA entrance
    # This runs the Collimator forward, Unitless to Directional cosine, and
    # 3D Rotation. It uses the corrected GWA tilt value
    with datamodels.DisperserModel(refs['disperser']) as disp:
        disperser = nirspec.correct_tilt(disp, im.meta.instrument.gwa_xtilt,
    collimator2gwa = nirspec.collimator_to_gwa(refs, disperser)
    x_gwa_in, y_gwa_in, z_gwa_in = collimator2gwa(msax, msay)
    assert_allclose(x_gwa_in, ins_tab['xdispIn'])
    assert_allclose(y_gwa_in, ins_tab['ydispIn'])

    # Slit to GWA out
    slit2gwa = slit_wcs.get_transform('slit_frame', 'gwa')
    x_gwa_out, y_gwa_out, z_gwa_out = slit2gwa(slitx, slity, lam)
    assert_allclose(x_gwa_out, ins_tab['xdispLaw'])
    assert_allclose(y_gwa_out, ins_tab['ydispLaw'])

    # CAMERA entrance (assuming direction is from sky to detector)
    angles = [
        disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'], disperser['theta_z'],
    rotation = trmodels.Rotation3DToGWA(angles,
    dircos2unitless = trmodels.DirCos2Unitless()
    gwa2cam = rotation.inverse | dircos2unitless
    x_camera_entrance, y_camera_entrance = gwa2cam(x_gwa_out, y_gwa_out,
    assert_allclose(x_camera_entrance, ins_tab['xcamCosi'])
    assert_allclose(y_camera_entrance, ins_tab['ycamCosi'])

    # at FPA
    with datamodels.CameraModel(refs['camera']) as camera:
        x_fpa, y_fpa = camera.model.inverse(x_camera_entrance,
    assert_allclose(x_fpa, ins_tab['xfpapos'])
    assert_allclose(y_fpa, ins_tab['yfpapos'])

    # at SCA These are 0-based , the IDT results are 1-based
    slit2sca = slit_wcs.get_transform('slit_frame', 'sca')
    x_sca_nrs1, y_sca_nrs1 = slit2sca(slitx, slity, lam)
    # At NRS2
    with datamodels.FPAModel(refs['fpa']) as fpa:
        x_sca_nrs2, y_sca_nrs2 = fpa.nrs2_model.inverse(x_fpa, y_fpa)
    # expect 1 pix difference
    wvlns_on_nrs1 = slice(2)
    wvlns_on_nrs2 = slice(2, 4)
    assert_allclose(x_sca_nrs1[wvlns_on_nrs1] + 1, ins_tab['i'][wvlns_on_nrs1])
    assert_allclose(y_sca_nrs1[wvlns_on_nrs1] + 1, ins_tab['j'][wvlns_on_nrs1])
    assert_allclose(x_sca_nrs2[wvlns_on_nrs2] + 1, ins_tab['i'][wvlns_on_nrs2])
    assert_allclose(y_sca_nrs2[wvlns_on_nrs2] + 1, ins_tab['j'][wvlns_on_nrs2])

    # at oteip
    slit2oteip = slit_wcs.get_transform('slit_frame', 'oteip')
    x_oteip, y_oteip, _ = slit2oteip(slitx, slity, lam)
    assert_allclose(x_oteip, ins_tab['xOTEIP'])
    assert_allclose(y_oteip, ins_tab['yOTEIP'])

    # at v2, v3 [in arcsec]
    slit2v23 = slit_wcs.get_transform('slit_frame', 'v2v3')
    v2, v3, _ = slit2v23(slitx, slity, lam)
    v2 /= 3600
    v3 /= 3600
    assert_allclose(v2, ins_tab['xV2V3'])
    assert_allclose(v3, ins_tab['yV2V3'])