Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, wcs, wcsinfo):

        wcs : GWCS
            A `GWCS` object.

        wcsinfo : dict
            A dictionary containing reference angles of ``JWST`` instrument
            provided in the ``wcsinfo`` property of ``JWST`` meta data.

            This dictionary **must contain** the following keys and values:

            'v2_ref' : float
                V2 position of the reference point in arc seconds.

            'v3_ref' : float
                V3 position of the reference point in arc seconds.

            'roll_ref' : float
                Roll angle in degrees.

        if TPCorr is None:
            raise ImportError("The 'jwst' package must be installed in order "
                              "to correct JWST WCS.")

        valid, message =  self._check_wcs_structure(wcs)
        if not valid:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported WCS structure: {}".format(message))

        v2_ref = wcsinfo['v2_ref']
        v3_ref = wcsinfo['v3_ref']
        roll_ref = wcsinfo['roll_ref']

        self._wcsinfo = {'v2_ref': v2_ref, 'v3_ref': v3_ref,
                         'roll_ref': roll_ref}

        # perform additional check that if tangent plane correction is already
        # present in the WCS pipeline, it is of TPCorr class and that
        # its parameters are consistent with reference angles:
        frms = wcs.available_frames
        if 'v2v3corr' in frms:
            self._v23name = 'v2v3corr'
            self._tpcorr = deepcopy(
                wcs.pipeline[frms.index('v2v3corr') - 1][1]
            self._default_tpcorr = None
            if not isinstance(self._tpcorr, TPCorr):
                raise ValueError("Unsupported tangent-plance correction type.")

            # check that transformation parameters are consistent with
            # reference angles:
            v2ref = self._tpcorr.v2ref.value
            v3ref = self._tpcorr.v3ref.value
            roll = self._tpcorr.roll.value
            eps_v2 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v2_ref).eps
            eps_v3 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v3_ref).eps
            eps_roll = 10.0 * np.finfo(roll_ref).eps
            if not (np.isclose(v2_ref, v2ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v2) and
                    np.isclose(v3_ref, v3ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v3) and
                    np.isclose(roll_ref, roll, rtol=eps_roll)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "WCS/TPCorr parameters 'v2ref', 'v3ref', and/or 'roll' "
                    "differ from the corresponding reference values."

            self._v23name = 'v2v3'
            self._tpcorr = None
            self._default_tpcorr = TPCorr(
                v2ref=v2_ref / 3600.0, v3ref=v3_ref / 3600.0, roll=roll_ref,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'

Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_correction(self, matrix=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], shift=[0, 0], meta=None,
        Sets a tangent-plane correction of the GWCS object according to
        the provided liniar parameters. In addition, this function updates
        the ``meta`` attribute of the `JWSTgWCS` object with the values
        of keyword arguments except for the argument ``meta`` which is
        *merged* with the *attribute* ``meta``.

        matrix : list, numpy.ndarray
            A ``2x2`` array or list of lists coefficients representing scale,
            rotation, and/or skew transformations.

        shift : list, numpy.ndarray
            A list of two coordinate shifts to be applied to coordinates
            *before* ``matrix`` transformations are applied.

        meta : dict, None, optional
            Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields.

        **kwargs : optional parameters
            Optional parameters for the WCS corrector. `JWSTgWCS` ignores these
            arguments (except for storing them in the ``meta`` attribute).

        frms = self._wcs.available_frames

        # if original WCS did not have tangent-plane corrections, create
        # new correction and add it to the WCs pipeline:
        if self._tpcorr is None:
            self._tpcorr = TPCorr(
                v2ref=self._wcsinfo['v2_ref'] / 3600.0,
                v3ref=self._wcsinfo['v3_ref'] / 3600.0,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'
            idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name)
            pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline)
            pf, pt = pipeline[idx_v2v3]
            pipeline[idx_v2v3] = (pf, deepcopy(self._tpcorr))
            frm_v2v3corr = deepcopy(pf)
            frm_v2v3corr.name = 'v2v3corr'
            pipeline.insert(idx_v2v3 + 1, (frm_v2v3corr, pt))
            self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, name=self._owcs.name)
            self._v23name = 'v2v3corr'

            # combine old and new corrections into a single one and replace
            # old transformation with the combined correction transformation:
            tpcorr2 = self._tpcorr.__class__(
                v2ref=self._tpcorr.v2ref, v3ref=self._tpcorr.v3ref,
                roll=self._tpcorr.roll, matrix=matrix, shift=shift,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'

            self._tpcorr = tpcorr2.combine(tpcorr2, self._tpcorr)

            idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name)
            pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline)
            pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1] = (pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1][0],
            self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, name=self._owcs.name)

        # reset definitions of the transformations from detector/world
        # coordinates to the tangent plane:

        # save linear transformation info to the meta attribute:
        self._meta['matrix'] = matrix
        self._meta['shift'] = shift
        if meta is not None:
Exemplo n.º 3
    """ A class for holding ``JWST`` ``gWCS`` information and for managing
    tangent-plane corrections.

    def __init__(self, wcs, wcsinfo):

        wcs : GWCS
            A `GWCS` object.

        wcsinfo : dict
            A dictionary containing reference angles of ``JWST`` instrument
            provided in the ``wcsinfo`` property of ``JWST`` meta data.

            This dictionary **must contain** the following keys and values:

            'v2_ref' : float
                V2 position of the reference point in arc seconds.

            'v3_ref' : float
                V3 position of the reference point in arc seconds.

            'roll_ref' : float
                Roll angle in degrees.

        if TPCorr is None:
            raise ImportError("The 'jwst' package must be installed in order "
                              "to correct JWST WCS.")

        valid, message =  self._check_wcs_structure(wcs)
        if not valid:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported WCS structure: {}".format(message))

        v2_ref = wcsinfo['v2_ref']
        v3_ref = wcsinfo['v3_ref']
        roll_ref = wcsinfo['roll_ref']

        self._wcsinfo = {'v2_ref': v2_ref, 'v3_ref': v3_ref,
                         'roll_ref': roll_ref}

        # perform additional check that if tangent plane correction is already
        # present in the WCS pipeline, it is of TPCorr class and that
        # its parameters are consistent with reference angles:
        frms = wcs.available_frames
        if 'v2v3corr' in frms:
            self._v23name = 'v2v3corr'
            self._tpcorr = deepcopy(
                wcs.pipeline[frms.index('v2v3corr') - 1][1]
            self._default_tpcorr = None
            if not isinstance(self._tpcorr, TPCorr):
                raise ValueError("Unsupported tangent-plance correction type.")

            # check that transformation parameters are consistent with
            # reference angles:
            v2ref = self._tpcorr.v2ref.value
            v3ref = self._tpcorr.v3ref.value
            roll = self._tpcorr.roll.value
            eps_v2 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v2_ref).eps
            eps_v3 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v3_ref).eps
            eps_roll = 10.0 * np.finfo(roll_ref).eps
            if not (np.isclose(v2_ref, v2ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v2) and
                    np.isclose(v3_ref, v3ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v3) and
                    np.isclose(roll_ref, roll, rtol=eps_roll)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "WCS/TPCorr parameters 'v2ref', 'v3ref', and/or 'roll' "
                    "differ from the corresponding reference values."

            self._v23name = 'v2v3'
            self._tpcorr = None
            self._default_tpcorr = TPCorr(
                v2ref=v2_ref / 3600.0, v3ref=v3_ref / 3600.0, roll=roll_ref,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'


    def _update_transformations(self):
        # define transformations from detector/world coordinates to
        # the tangent plane:
        detname = self._wcs.pipeline[0][0].name
        worldname = self._wcs.pipeline[-1][0].name

        self._world_to_v23 = self._wcs.get_transform(worldname, self._v23name)
        self._v23_to_world = self._wcs.get_transform(self._v23name, worldname)
        self._det_to_v23 = self._wcs.get_transform(detname, self._v23name)
        self._v23_to_det = self._wcs.get_transform(self._v23name, detname)

        self._det_to_world = self._wcs.__call__
        self._world_to_det = self._wcs.invert

    def ref_angles(self):
        """ Return a ``wcsinfo``-like dictionary of main WCS parameters. """
        return {k: v for k, v in self._wcsinfo.items()}

    def set_correction(self, matrix=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], shift=[0, 0], meta=None,
        Sets a tangent-plane correction of the GWCS object according to
        the provided liniar parameters. In addition, this function updates
        the ``meta`` attribute of the `JWSTgWCS` object with the values
        of keyword arguments except for the argument ``meta`` which is
        *merged* with the *attribute* ``meta``.

        matrix : list, numpy.ndarray
            A ``2x2`` array or list of lists coefficients representing scale,
            rotation, and/or skew transformations.

        shift : list, numpy.ndarray
            A list of two coordinate shifts to be applied to coordinates
            *before* ``matrix`` transformations are applied.

        meta : dict, None, optional
            Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields.

        **kwargs : optional parameters
            Optional parameters for the WCS corrector. `JWSTgWCS` ignores these
            arguments (except for storing them in the ``meta`` attribute).

        frms = self._wcs.available_frames

        # if original WCS did not have tangent-plane corrections, create
        # new correction and add it to the WCs pipeline:
        if self._tpcorr is None:
            self._tpcorr = TPCorr(
                v2ref=self._wcsinfo['v2_ref'] / 3600.0,
                v3ref=self._wcsinfo['v3_ref'] / 3600.0,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'
            idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name)
            pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline)
            pf, pt = pipeline[idx_v2v3]
            pipeline[idx_v2v3] = (pf, deepcopy(self._tpcorr))
            frm_v2v3corr = deepcopy(pf)
            frm_v2v3corr.name = 'v2v3corr'
            pipeline.insert(idx_v2v3 + 1, (frm_v2v3corr, pt))
            self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, name=self._owcs.name)
            self._v23name = 'v2v3corr'

            # combine old and new corrections into a single one and replace
            # old transformation with the combined correction transformation:
            tpcorr2 = self._tpcorr.__class__(
                v2ref=self._tpcorr.v2ref, v3ref=self._tpcorr.v3ref,
                roll=self._tpcorr.roll, matrix=matrix, shift=shift,
                name='tangent-plane linear correction'

            self._tpcorr = tpcorr2.combine(tpcorr2, self._tpcorr)

            idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name)
            pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline)
            pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1] = (pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1][0],
            self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, name=self._owcs.name)

        # reset definitions of the transformations from detector/world
        # coordinates to the tangent plane:

        # save linear transformation info to the meta attribute:
        self._meta['matrix'] = matrix
        self._meta['shift'] = shift
        if meta is not None:

    def _check_wcs_structure(self, wcs):
        if wcs is None or wcs.pipeline is None:
            return False, "Either WCS or its pipeline is None."

        frms = wcs.available_frames
        nframes = len(frms)

        if nframes < 3:
            return False, "There are fewer than 3 frames in the WCS pipeline."

        if frms.count(frms[0]) > 1 or frms.count(frms[-1]) > 1:
            return (False, "First and last frames in the WCS pipeline must "
                    "be unique.")

        if frms.count('v2v3') != 1:
            return (False, "Only one 'v2v3' frame is allowed in the WCS "

        idx_v2v3 = frms.index('v2v3')
        if idx_v2v3 == 0 or idx_v2v3 == (nframes - 1):
            return (False, "'v2v3' frame cannot be first or last in the WCS "

        nv2v3corr = frms.count('v2v3corr')
        if nv2v3corr == 0:
            return True, ''
        elif nv2v3corr > 1:
            return (False, "Only one 'v2v3corr' correction frame is allowed "
                    "in the WCS pipeline.")

        idx_v2v3corr = frms.index('v2v3corr')
        if idx_v2v3corr != (idx_v2v3 + 1) or idx_v2v3corr == (nframes - 1):
            return (False, "'v2v3corr' frame is not in the correct position "
                    "in the WCS pipeline.")

        return True, ''

    def det_to_world(self, x, y):
        Convert pixel coordinates to sky coordinates using full
        (i.e., including distortions) transformations.

        ra, dec = self._det_to_world(x, y)
        return ra, dec

    def world_to_det(self, ra, dec):
        Convert sky coordinates to image's pixel coordinates using full
        (i.e., including distortions) transformations.

        x, y = self._world_to_det(ra, dec)
        return x, y

    def det_to_tanp(self, x, y):
        Convert detector (pixel) coordinates to tangent plane coordinates.

        tpc = self._default_tpcorr if self._tpcorr is None else self._tpcorr
        v2, v3 = self._det_to_v23(x, y)
        x, y = tpc.v2v3_to_tanp(v2, v3)
        return x, y

    def tanp_to_det(self, x, y):
        Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates.

        tpc = self._default_tpcorr if self._tpcorr is None else self._tpcorr
        v2, v3 = tpc.tanp_to_v2v3(x, y)
        x, y = self._v23_to_det(v2, v3)
        return x, y

    def world_to_tanp(self, ra, dec):
        Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates.

        tpc = self._default_tpcorr if self._tpcorr is None else self._tpcorr
        v2, v3 = self._world_to_v23(ra, dec)
        x, y = tpc.v2v3_to_tanp(v2, v3)
        return x, y

    def tanp_to_world(self, x, y):
        Convert tangent plane coordinates to world coordinates.

        tpc = self._default_tpcorr if self._tpcorr is None else self._tpcorr
        v2, v3 = tpc.tanp_to_v2v3(x, y)
        ra, dec = self._v23_to_world(v2, v3)
        return ra, dec