Exemplo n.º 1
def payload_add_space_to_value(jwt_string):
    Adds a space at the end of the value stored in the payload.

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        for key, value in payload.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(value, basestring):

            payload_copy = payload.copy()
            payload_copy[key] = value + ' '
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload_copy, signature)

    if isinstance(payload, list):
        for i, item in enumerate(payload):
            if not isinstance(item, basestring):

            payload_copy = payload[:]
            payload_copy[i] = item + ' '
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload_copy, signature)
Exemplo n.º 2
def header_kid_file_url(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "ac2b63faefcf8362f4c528e7c78433879387016b"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "file://b61078397833487c7e825c4f2638fcfeaf36b2ca"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    # When the JWT is signed using hashes, there is no kid
    if 'kid' not in header:

    header['kid'] = 'file://' + header['kid']
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 3
def header_kid_remove(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "ac2b63faefcf8362f4c528e7c78433879387016b"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "RS256",

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

        del header['kid']
    except KeyError:
        # When the JWT is signed using hashes, there is no kid

    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 4
def header_alg_none_empty_sig(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "none",
          "typ": "JWT"

    We also remove the signature

    Exactly as described in https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    header['alg'] = 'none'
    signature = ''
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 5
def header_typ_remove(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "HS256",

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

        del header['typ']
    except KeyError:
        # Some JWT implementations, such as the one used by Google, doesn't
        # send the typ header parameter

    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 6
def header_typ_binary_decode_error(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "HS256",
          "typ": "\xc3\xb1"

    In some languages (like python) encoding and decoding strings can be hard
    and trigger UnicodeDecodeErrors. Try this in a python console:

        >>> str(u'\xc3\xb1')
        UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(128)

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    header['typ'] = '\xc3\xb1'
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 7
def header_kid_reverse(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "ac2b63faefcf8362f4c528e7c78433879387016b"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "b61078397833487c7e825c4f2638fcfeaf36b2ca"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

        header['kid'] = header['kid'][::-1]
    except KeyError:
        # When the JWT is signed using hashes, there is no kid

    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 8
def all_empty(jwt_string):
    Completely removes all fields

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    yield encode_jwt('', '', '')
Exemplo n.º 9
def signature_zero(jwt_string):

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, '\0')
Exemplo n.º 10
def payload_remove(jwt_string):
    Completely removes the payload

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    yield encode_jwt(header, '', signature)
Exemplo n.º 11
def header_is_a_list(jwt_string):
    Change header type to a list: boom!

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    yield encode_jwt([], payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 12
def signature_reverse(jwt_string):
    Reverse the signature string

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    signature = signature[::-1]
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 13
def payload_remove_key_value(jwt_string):
    Removes the key/value pairs stored in the payload.

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        for key in payload:
            payload_copy = payload.copy()
            del payload_copy[key]
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload_copy, signature)

    if isinstance(payload, list):
        for item in payload:
            payload_copy = payload[:]
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload_copy, signature)
Exemplo n.º 14
def payload_null_iss(jwt_string):
    Sets the iss attribute to null

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        payload['iss'] = None
        yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 15
def payload_exp_string(jwt_string):
    Sets the exp attribute to a string

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        if 'exp' in payload:
            payload['exp'] = str(payload['exp'])
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 16
def payload_reverse_aud(jwt_string):
    Sets the aud attribute to the reversed string of the original

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        if 'aud' in payload:
            payload['aud'] = payload['aud'][::-1]
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 17
def payload_iss_empty(jwt_string):
    Sets the exp attribute to an empty string

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        if 'iss' in payload:
            payload['iss'] = ''
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 18
def payload_remove_iss(jwt_string):
    Removes the iss attribute from the payload (if it exists)

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        if 'iss' in payload:
            del payload['iss']
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 19
def header_alg_all_possible_values(jwt_string):
    JWT RFC says that these are all the valid values for the alg field:

        HS256	HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm
        HS384	HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
        HS512	HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
        RS256	RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm
        RS384	RSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm
        RS512	RSA using SHA-512 hash algorithm
        ES256	ECDSA using P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm
        ES384	ECDSA using P-384 curve and SHA-384 hash algorithm
        ES512	ECDSA using P-521 curve and SHA-512 hash algorithm

    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "...",
          "typ": "JWT"

    Where ... will be each of the valid values for the alg field.

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    original_alg = header['alg']
    valid_algs = VALID_ALGS[:]

    # We want to yield different things, if we don't remove the original
    # alg we'll be yielding the exact same JWT
    if original_alg in valid_algs:

    for alg in valid_algs:
        header['alg'] = alg
        yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 20
def header_alg_remove(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "typ": "JWT"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    del header['alg']
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 21
def header_kid_none(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "ac2b63faefcf8362f4c528e7c78433879387016b"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "RS256",
          "kid": "none"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    header['kid'] = 'none'
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 22
def header_typ_invalid(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "alg": "HS256",
            "typ": "JWT"

    The result will look like:
          "alg": "HS256",
          "typ": "invalid"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
    header['typ'] = 'invalid'
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 23
def payload_iss_change_one_letter(jwt_string):
    Sets the iss attribute to a slightly modified version of the original
    Only change the first letter to the letter a.

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :yield: The different JWT as string
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if isinstance(payload, dict):
        if 'iss' in payload:
            aud = list(payload['iss'])

            if aud[0] != 'a':
                aud[0] = 'a'
                aud[0] = 'b'

            payload['iss'] = ''.join(aud)
            yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 24
def header_x5u_remove(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "x5u": "key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    The result will look like:
            "alg": "RS256"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)
        del header['x5u']
        yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 25
def header_x5u_url(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "x5u": "key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    The result will look like:
            "x5u": "https://localhost/key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if 'x5u' not in header:

    header['x5u'] = 'http://localhost/' + header['x5u']
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 26
def header_x5u_self_reference(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "x5u": "key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    The result will look like:
            "x5u": "/./key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if 'x5u' not in header:

    header['x5u'] = '/./' + header['x5u']
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 27
def header_x5u_file_url_root(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "x5u": "key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    The result will look like:
            "x5u": "file:///",
            "alg": "RS256"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if 'x5u' not in header:

    header['x5u'] = 'file:///'
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)
Exemplo n.º 28
def header_jku_dev_null(jwt_string):
    If the header looks like:
            "jku": "key-1.cer",
            "alg": "RS256"

    The result will look like:
            "jku": "/dev/null",
            "alg": "RS256"

    :param jwt_string: The JWT as a string
    :return: The fuzzed JWT
    header, payload, signature = decode_jwt(jwt_string)

    if 'jku' not in header:

    header['jku'] = '/dev/null'
    yield encode_jwt(header, payload, signature)