Exemplo n.º 1
def read(name):
    """Read given file and split it in normalized chunks.

    :param name: Path to the file to split in chunks.
    :type name: python:str

    :returns: A three items tuple with the chunk start index, the chunk length
              and the chunk data.
    :rtype: ~typing.Tuple[python:int, python:int, python:bytes]

    fp_idx = 0  # Current position in the file.
    remain = bytearray()  # Data remaining from the chunking process.
    buffer = bytearray(c.GHASH_CHUNK_HI)  # Buffer to keep file data.

    with open(name, 'rb') as fp:
        while True:
            # Load up to :data:`~kado.constants.GHASH_CHUNK_HI` file data into
            # the buffer.
            read_bytes = fp.readinto(buffer)
            if read_bytes == 0:
                # No more data? We're getting out of here.

            # We prepend remaining data from previous iteration before chopping.
            buffer = remain + buffer
            # Keep in mind read data can be lower than actual buffer size.
            bf_end = read_bytes + len(remain)

            # :func:`~kado.utils.ghash.chop` will cut all given data, however
            # the last chunk may not be the end of the file and we may still
            # have some more data to read.
            # Therefore, we keep the last chunk aside looking for a potential
            # bigger chunk.
            ck_idx = 0
            for ck_start, ck_end, ck_data in iterator.onexlast(
                yield fp_idx + ck_start, fp_idx + ck_end, bytes(ck_data)
                ck_idx = ck_end

            # Saving the last chunk of data for the next iteration.
            remain = buffer[ck_idx:bf_end]
            buffer = bytearray(c.GHASH_CHUNK_HI - len(remain))

            # Raising our file index.
            fp_idx += ck_idx

        # We're done reading the file, chopping remaining data.
        if remain:
            for ck_start, ck_end, ck_data in chop(remain):
                yield fp_idx + ck_start, fp_idx + ck_end, bytes(ck_data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_onexlast_string_empty(self):
        """Given an empty string no items should be returned."""
        TEST_DATA = ''
        EXPECTED = ''

        self.assertEqual(''.join(iterator.onexlast(TEST_DATA)), EXPECTED)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_onexlast_list_two(self):
        """A two item list should return one item."""
        TEST_DATA = [1, 2]
        EXPECTED = [1]

        self.assertEqual(list(iterator.onexlast(TEST_DATA)), EXPECTED)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_onexlast_list_empty(self):
        """Given an empty list no items should be returned."""
        TEST_DATA = []
        EXPECTED = []

        self.assertEqual(list(iterator.onexlast(TEST_DATA)), EXPECTED)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_onexlast_string_two(self):
        """A two item string should return one item."""
        TEST_DATA = '12'
        EXPECTED = '1'

        self.assertEqual(''.join(iterator.onexlast(TEST_DATA)), EXPECTED)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_onexlast_string_one(self):
        """A one character strin should return no item."""
        TEST_DATA = '1'
        EXPECTED = '1'

        self.assertEqual(''.join(iterator.onexlast(TEST_DATA)), EXPECTED)