Exemplo n.º 1
    def _send_broker_unaware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Attempt to send a broker-agnostic request to one of the available
        brokers. Keep trying until you succeed.
        hosts = set()
        for broker in self.brokers.values():
            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            hosts.add((host, broker.port, afi))

        hosts = list(hosts)

        for (host, port, afi) in hosts:
                conn = self._get_conn(host, port, afi)
            except ConnectionError:
                log.warning("Skipping unconnected connection: %s:%s (AFI %s)",
                            host, port, afi)
            request = encoder_fn(payloads=payloads)
            future = conn.send(request)

            # Block
            while not future.is_done:

            if future.failed():
                log.error("Request failed: %s", future.exception)

            return decoder_fn(future.value)

        raise KafkaUnavailableError('All servers failed to process request: %s' % hosts)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _maybe_connect(self, node_id):
        """Idempotent non-blocking connection attempt to the given node id."""
        with self._lock:
            broker = self.cluster.broker_metadata(node_id)
            conn = self._conns.get(node_id)

            if conn is None:
                assert broker, 'Broker id %s not in current metadata' % node_id

                log.debug("Initiating connection to node %s at %s:%s",
                          node_id, broker.host, broker.port)
                host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
                cb = functools.partial(WeakMethod(self._conn_state_change), node_id)
                conn = BrokerConnection(host, broker.port, afi,
                self._conns[node_id] = conn

            # Check if existing connection should be recreated because host/port changed
            elif conn.disconnected() and broker is not None:
                host, _, __ = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
                if conn.host != host or conn.port != broker.port:
                    log.info("Broker metadata change detected for node %s"
                             " from %s:%s to %s:%s", node_id, conn.host, conn.port,
                             broker.host, broker.port)

                    # Drop old connection object.
                    # It will be recreated on next _maybe_connect
                    return False

            elif conn.connected():
                return True

            return conn.connected()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _send_broker_unaware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Attempt to send a broker-agnostic request to one of the available
        brokers. Keep trying until you succeed.
        hosts = set()
        for broker in self.brokers.values():
            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            hosts.add((host, broker.port, afi))

        hosts = list(hosts)

        for (host, port, afi) in hosts:
                conn = self._get_conn(host, port, afi)
            except ConnectionError:
                log.warning("Skipping unconnected connection: %s:%s (AFI %s)",
                            host, port, afi)
            request = encoder_fn(payloads=payloads)
            future = conn.send(request)

            # Block
            while not future.is_done:

            if future.failed():
                log.error("Request failed: %s", future.exception)

            return decoder_fn(future.value)

        raise KafkaUnavailableError(
            'All servers failed to process request: %s' % hosts)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _send_consumer_aware_request(self, group, payloads, encoder_fn,
        Send a list of requests to the consumer coordinator for the group
        specified using the supplied encode/decode functions. As the payloads
        that use consumer-aware requests do not contain the group (e.g.
        OffsetFetchRequest), all payloads must be for a single group.


        group: the name of the consumer group (str) the payloads are for
        payloads: list of object-like entities with topic (str) and
            partition (int) attributes; payloads with duplicate
            topic+partition are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        broker = self._get_coordinator_for_group(group)

        # Send the list of request payloads and collect the responses and
        # errors
        responses = {}
        request_id = self._next_id()
        log.debug('Request %s to %s: %s', request_id, broker, payloads)
        request = encoder_fn(client_id=self.client_id,

        # Send the request, recv the response
            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi)
            conn.send(request_id, request)

        except ConnectionError as e:
                'ConnectionError attempting to send request %s '
                'to server %s: %s', request_id, broker, e)

            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        # No exception, try to get response

            # decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
            # send a response.  This probably only applies to
            # ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
            if decoder_fn is None:
                    'Request %s does not expect a response '
                    '(skipping conn.recv)', request_id)
                for payload in payloads:
                    topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = None
                return []

                response = conn.recv(request_id)
            except ConnectionError as e:
                    'ConnectionError attempting to receive a '
                    'response to request %s from server %s: %s', request_id,
                    broker, e)

                for payload in payloads:
                    topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

                _resps = []
                for payload_response in decoder_fn(response):
                    topic_partition = (payload_response.topic,
                    responses[topic_partition] = payload_response
                log.debug('Response %s: %s', request_id, _resps)

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Group a list of request payloads by topic+partition and send them to
        the leader broker for that partition using the supplied encode/decode


        payloads: list of object-like entities with a topic (str) and
            partition (int) attribute; payloads with duplicate topic-partitions
            are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        # Connection errors generally mean stale metadata
        # although sometimes it means incorrect api request
        # Unfortunately there is no good way to tell the difference
        # so we'll just reset metadata on all errors to be safe
        refresh_metadata = False

        # For each broker, send the list of request payloads
        # and collect the responses and errors
        payloads_by_broker = self._payloads_by_broker(payloads)
        responses = {}

        def failed_payloads(payloads):
            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                responses[(topic_partition)] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        # For each BrokerConnection keep the real socket so that we can use
        # a select to perform unblocking I/O
        connections_by_future = {}
        for broker, broker_payloads in six.iteritems(payloads_by_broker):
            if broker is None:

            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
                conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi)
            except ConnectionError:
                refresh_metadata = True

            request = encoder_fn(payloads=broker_payloads)
            future = conn.send(request)

            if future.failed():
                refresh_metadata = True

            if not request.expect_response():
                for payload in broker_payloads:
                    topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = None

            connections_by_future[future] = (conn, broker)

        conn = None
        while connections_by_future:
            futures = list(connections_by_future.keys())

            # block until a socket is ready to be read
            sockets = [
                for future, (conn, _) in six.iteritems(connections_by_future)
                if not future.is_done and conn._sock is not None
            if sockets:
                read_socks, _, _ = select.select(sockets, [], [])

            for future in futures:

                if not future.is_done:
                    conn, _ = connections_by_future[future]

                _, broker = connections_by_future.pop(future)
                if future.failed():
                    refresh_metadata = True

                    for payload_response in decoder_fn(future.value):
                        topic_partition = (str(payload_response.topic),
                        responses[topic_partition] = payload_response

        if refresh_metadata:

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _send_consumer_aware_request(self, group, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Send a list of requests to the consumer coordinator for the group
        specified using the supplied encode/decode functions. As the payloads
        that use consumer-aware requests do not contain the group (e.g.
        OffsetFetchRequest), all payloads must be for a single group.
        group: the name of the consumer group (str) the payloads are for
        payloads: list of object-like entities with topic (str) and
            partition (int) attributes; payloads with duplicate
            topic+partition are not supported.
        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments
        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes
        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        retries = 0
        broker = None
        while not broker:
                broker = self._get_coordinator_for_group(group)
            except (GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError, GroupLoadInProgressError) as e:
                if retries == CONSUMER_OFFSET_TOPIC_CREATION_RETRIES:
                    raise e
            retries += 1

        # Send the list of request payloads and collect the responses and
        # errors
        responses = {}

        def failed_payloads(payloads):
            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi)
        except ConnectionError:

            request = encoder_fn(payloads=payloads)
            # decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
            # send a response.  This probably only applies to
            # ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
            future = conn.send(request)

            while not future.is_done:
                for r, f in conn.recv():

            if future.failed():

            elif not request.expect_response():

                for payload_response in decoder_fn(future.value):
                    topic_partition = (str(payload_response.topic),
                    responses[topic_partition] = payload_response

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _send_consumer_aware_request(self, group, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Send a list of requests to the consumer coordinator for the group
        specified using the supplied encode/decode functions. As the payloads
        that use consumer-aware requests do not contain the group (e.g.
        OffsetFetchRequest), all payloads must be for a single group.


        group: the name of the consumer group (str) the payloads are for
        payloads: list of object-like entities with topic (str) and
            partition (int) attributes; payloads with duplicate
            topic+partition are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        broker = self._get_coordinator_for_group(group)

        # Send the list of request payloads and collect the responses and
        # errors
        responses = {}
        request_id = self._next_id()
        log.debug('Request %s to %s: %s', request_id, broker, payloads)
        request = encoder_fn(client_id=self.client_id,
                             correlation_id=request_id, payloads=payloads)

        # Send the request, recv the response
            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi)
            conn.send(request_id, request)

        except ConnectionError as e:
            log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to send request %s '
                        'to server %s: %s', request_id, broker, e)

            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        # No exception, try to get response

            # decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
            # send a response.  This probably only applies to
            # ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
            if decoder_fn is None:
                log.debug('Request %s does not expect a response '
                          '(skipping conn.recv)', request_id)
                for payload in payloads:
                    topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = None
                return []

                response = conn.recv(request_id)
            except ConnectionError as e:
                log.warning('ConnectionError attempting to receive a '
                            'response to request %s from server %s: %s',
                            request_id, broker, e)

                for payload in payloads:
                    topic_partition = (payload.topic, payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

                _resps = []
                for payload_response in decoder_fn(response):
                    topic_partition = (payload_response.topic,
                    responses[topic_partition] = payload_response
                log.debug('Response %s: %s', request_id, _resps)

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Group a list of request payloads by topic+partition and send them to
        the leader broker for that partition using the supplied encode/decode


        payloads: list of object-like entities with a topic (str) and
            partition (int) attribute; payloads with duplicate topic-partitions
            are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        # Connection errors generally mean stale metadata
        # although sometimes it means incorrect api request
        # Unfortunately there is no good way to tell the difference
        # so we'll just reset metadata on all errors to be safe
        refresh_metadata = False

        # For each broker, send the list of request payloads
        # and collect the responses and errors
        payloads_by_broker = self._payloads_by_broker(payloads)
        responses = {}

        def failed_payloads(payloads):
            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                responses[(topic_partition)] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        # For each BrokerConnection keep the real socket so that we can use
        # a select to perform unblocking I/O
        connections_by_future = {}
        for broker, broker_payloads in six.iteritems(payloads_by_broker):
            if broker is None:

            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
                conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi)
            except ConnectionError:
                refresh_metadata = True

            request = encoder_fn(payloads=broker_payloads)
            future = conn.send(request)

            if future.failed():
                refresh_metadata = True

            if not request.expect_response():
                for payload in broker_payloads:
                    topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = None

            connections_by_future[future] = (conn, broker)

        conn = None
        while connections_by_future:
            futures = list(connections_by_future.keys())

            # block until a socket is ready to be read
            sockets = [
                for future, (conn, _) in six.iteritems(connections_by_future)
                if not future.is_done and conn._sock is not None]
            if sockets:
                read_socks, _, _ = select.select(sockets, [], [])

            for future in futures:

                if not future.is_done:
                    conn, _ = connections_by_future[future]

                _, broker = connections_by_future.pop(future)
                if future.failed():
                    refresh_metadata = True

                    for payload_response in decoder_fn(future.value):
                        topic_partition = (str(payload_response.topic),
                        responses[topic_partition] = payload_response

        if refresh_metadata:

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _send_consumer_aware_request(self, group, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Send a list of requests to the consumer coordinator for the group
        specified using the supplied encode/decode functions. As the payloads
        that use consumer-aware requests do not contain the group (e.g.
        OffsetFetchRequest), all payloads must be for a single group.


        group: the name of the consumer group (str) the payloads are for
        payloads: list of object-like entities with topic (str) and
            partition (int) attributes; payloads with duplicate
            topic+partition are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        retries = 0
        broker = None
        while not broker:
                broker = self._get_coordinator_for_group(group)
            except (GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError, GroupLoadInProgressError) as e:
                if retries == CONSUMER_OFFSET_TOPIC_CREATION_RETRIES:
                    raise e
                retries += 1

        # Send the list of request payloads and collect the responses and
        # errors
        responses = {}

        def failed_payloads(payloads):
            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
            conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi, broker.nodeId)
        except ConnectionError:

            request = encoder_fn(payloads=payloads)
            # decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
            # send a response.  This probably only applies to
            # ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
            expect_response = (decoder_fn is not None)
            future = conn.send(request, expect_response=expect_response)

            while not future.is_done:

            if future.failed():

            elif not expect_response:

                for payload_response in decoder_fn(future.value):
                    topic_partition = (str(payload_response.topic),
                    responses[topic_partition] = payload_response

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn):
        Group a list of request payloads by topic+partition and send them to
        the leader broker for that partition using the supplied encode/decode


        payloads: list of object-like entities with a topic (str) and
            partition (int) attribute; payloads with duplicate topic-partitions
            are not supported.

        encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body,
            must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as
            keyword arguments

        decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects.
            The response objects must be object-like and have topic
            and partition attributes


        List of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads
        # encoders / decoders do not maintain ordering currently
        # so we need to keep this so we can rebuild order before returning
        original_ordering = [(p.topic, p.partition) for p in payloads]

        # Connection errors generally mean stale metadata
        # although sometimes it means incorrect api request
        # Unfortunately there is no good way to tell the difference
        # so we'll just reset metadata on all errors to be safe
        refresh_metadata = False

        # For each broker, send the list of request payloads
        # and collect the responses and errors
        payloads_by_broker = self._payloads_by_broker(payloads)
        responses = {}

        def failed_payloads(payloads):
            for payload in payloads:
                topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                responses[topic_partition] = FailedPayloadsError(payload)

        futures_by_connection = {}
        selector = selectors.DefaultSelector()

        for broker, broker_payloads in six.iteritems(payloads_by_broker):
            if broker is None:

            host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(broker.host)
                conn = self._get_conn(host, broker.port, afi, broker.nodeId)
            except ConnectionError:
                refresh_metadata = True

            request = encoder_fn(payloads=broker_payloads)
            # decoder_fn=None signal that the server is expected to not
            # send a response.  This probably only applies to
            # ProduceRequest w/ acks = 0
            expect_response = (decoder_fn is not None)
            if expect_response:
                selector.register(conn._sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, conn)
            future = conn.send(request, expect_response=expect_response)

            if future.failed():
                log.error("Request failed: %s", future.exception)
                refresh_metadata = True

            if not expect_response:
                for payload in broker_payloads:
                    topic_partition = (str(payload.topic), payload.partition)
                    responses[topic_partition] = None

            futures_by_connection[conn] = (future, broker)

        timeout = self.timeout
        while futures_by_connection:
            start_time = time.time()

            ready = selector.select(timeout)

            for key, _ in ready:

                conn = key.data
                future, _ = futures_by_connection[conn]
                while not future.is_done:
                _, broker = futures_by_connection.pop(conn)

                if future.failed():
                    log.error("Request failed: %s", future.exception)
                    refresh_metadata = True

                    for payload_response in decoder_fn(future.value):
                        topic_partition = (str(payload_response.topic),
                        responses[topic_partition] = payload_response

            timeout -= time.time() - start_time
            if timeout < 0:
                log.error("%s requests timed out.", len(futures_by_connection))
                for _, broker in six.itervalues(futures_by_connection):
                    refresh_metadata = True

        if refresh_metadata:

        # Return responses in the same order as provided
        return [responses[tp] for tp in original_ordering]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def load_metadata_for_topics(self, *topics, **kwargs):
        """Fetch broker and topic-partition metadata from the server.
        Updates internal data: broker list, topic/partition list, and
        topic/parition -> broker map. This method should be called after
        receiving any error.
        Note: Exceptions *will not* be raised in a full refresh (i.e. no topic
        list). In this case, error codes will be logged as errors.
        Partition-level errors will also not be raised here (a single partition
        w/o a leader, for example).
            *topics (optional): If a list of topics is provided,
                the metadata refresh will be limited to the specified topics
            ignore_leadernotavailable (bool): suppress LeaderNotAvailableError
                so that metadata is loaded correctly during auto-create.
                Default: False.
            UnknownTopicOrPartitionError: Raised for topics that do not exist,
                unless the broker is configured to auto-create topics.
            LeaderNotAvailableError: Raised for topics that do not exist yet,
                when the broker is configured to auto-create topics. Retry
                after a short backoff (topics/partitions are initializing).
        if 'ignore_leadernotavailable' in kwargs:
            ignore_leadernotavailable = kwargs['ignore_leadernotavailable']
            ignore_leadernotavailable = False

        if topics:

        resp = self.send_metadata_request(topics)

        log.debug('Updating broker metadata: %s', resp.brokers)
        log.debug('Updating topic metadata: %s',
                  [topic for _, topic, _ in resp.topics])

        if not self._specific_broker:
            self.brokers = dict([(nodeId,
                                  BrokerMetadata(nodeId, host, port, None))
                                 for nodeId, host, port in resp.brokers])
            for nodeId, host, port in resp.brokers:
                if str(host) + ':' + str(port) == self._specific_broker:
                    self.brokers = {
                        nodeId: BrokerMetadata(nodeId, host, port, None)

            if not self.brokers:
                h, p, a = get_ip_port_afi(self._specific_broker)
                self.brokers = {1010: BrokerMetadata(1010, h, p, None)}
#            raise ReplicaNotAvailableError("%s" % self._specific_broker)

        for error, topic, partitions in resp.topics:
            # Errors expected for new topics
            if error:
                error_type = kafka.errors.kafka_errors.get(error, UnknownError)
                if error_type in (UnknownTopicOrPartitionError,
                    log.error('Error loading topic metadata for %s: %s (%s)',
                              topic, error_type, error)
                    if topic not in topics:
                    elif (error_type is LeaderNotAvailableError):
                        #                    elif (error_type is LeaderNotAvailableError and
                        #                          ignore_leadernotavailable):
                raise error_type(topic)

            self.topic_partitions[topic] = {}
            for error, partition, leader, _, _ in partitions:

                self.topic_partitions[topic][partition] = leader

                # Populate topics_to_brokers dict
                topic_part = TopicPartition(topic, partition)

                # Check for partition errors
                if error:
                    error_type = kafka.errors.kafka_errors.get(
                        error, UnknownError)

                    # If No Leader, topics_to_brokers topic_partition -> None
                    if error_type is LeaderNotAvailableError:
                        log.error('No leader for topic %s partition %d', topic,
                        self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = None

                    # If one of the replicas is unavailable -- ignore
                    # this error code is provided for admin purposes only
                    # we never talk to replicas, only the leader
                    elif error_type is ReplicaNotAvailableError:
                            'Some (non-leader) replicas not available for topic %s partition %d',
                            topic, partition)

                        raise error_type(topic_part)

                # If Known Broker, topic_partition -> BrokerMetadata
                if leader in self.brokers:
                    self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = self.brokers[leader]

                # If Unknown Broker, fake BrokerMetadata so we don't lose the id
                # (not sure how this could happen. server could be in bad state)
                    self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = BrokerMetadata(
                        leader, None, None, None)