Exemplo n.º 1
class ZooKeeperAuthorizerTest(Test):
    """Tests that the ZooKeeper-based Authorizer works wth both ZooKeeper-based and KRaft clusters.
    Alters client quotas, making sure it works.
    Rolls Kafka with an authorizer.
    Alters client quotas, making sure it fails.
    Adds ACLs with super-user broker credentials.
    Alters client quotas, making sure it now works again.
    Removes ACLs.

    Note that we intend to have separate test explicitly for the
    KRaft-based replacement for the ZooKeeper-based authorizer.

    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(ZooKeeperAuthorizerTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)

        self.topic = "test_topic"
        # setup ZooKeeper even with KRaft
        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=1)
        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=1, zk=self.zk,
                                  topics={self.topic: {"partitions": 1, "replication-factor": 1}},
                                  controller_num_nodes_override=1, allow_zk_with_kraft=True)
    def setUp(self):
        # start ZooKeeper even with KRaft
        self.acls = ACLs(self.test_context)

    def test_authorizer(self, metadata_quorum):
        broker_security_protocol = "SSL"
        broker_principal = "User:CN=systemtest"
        client_security_protocol = "SASL_PLAINTEXT"
        client_sasl_mechanism = 'GSSAPI'
        client_principal = "User:client"
        self.kafka.interbroker_security_protocol = broker_security_protocol
        self.kafka.security_protocol = client_security_protocol
        self.kafka.client_sasl_mechanism = client_sasl_mechanism
        if self.kafka.quorum_info.using_kraft:
            controller_quorum = self.kafka.controller_quorum
            controller_quorum.controller_security_protocol = broker_security_protocol
            controller_quorum.intercontroller_security_protocol = broker_security_protocol

        # alter client quotas
        node = self.kafka.nodes[0]
        alter_client_quotas_cmd = "%s --entity-name foo --entity-type clients --alter --add-config consumer_byte_rate=10000" % \
               (self.kafka.kafka_configs_cmd_with_optional_security_settings(node, force_use_zk_connection=False))
        alter_client_quotas_cmd_log_msg = "Running alter client quotas command with client/non-broker credentials...\n%s" % alter_client_quotas_cmd


        # set authorizer, restart with broker as super user
        if (metadata_quorum == quorum.remote_kraft):
            # we need to explicitly reconfigure/restart any remote controller quorum
            self.kafka.logger.info("Restarting Remote KRaft Controller with authorizer and broker principal as super user")
            controller_quorum = self.kafka.controller_quorum
            controller_quorum.authorizer_class_name = KafkaService.ACL_AUTHORIZER
            controller_quorum.server_prop_overrides = [["super.users", broker_principal]] # for broker to work with an authorizer
        self.kafka.logger.info("Restarting Kafka with authorizer and broker principal as super user")
        self.kafka.authorizer_class_name = KafkaService.ACL_AUTHORIZER
        self.kafka.server_prop_overrides = [["super.users", broker_principal]] # for broker to work with an authorizer

        # the alter client quotas command should now fail
            self.logger.info("Expecting this to fail: %s" % alter_client_quotas_cmd_log_msg)
            raise Exception("Expected alter client quotas command to fail with an authorization error, but it succeeded")
        except RemoteCommandError as e:
            if "ClusterAuthorizationException: Cluster authorization failed." not in str(e):
                self.logger.error("Expected alter client quotas command to fail with an authorization error, but it failed with some other issue")
                raise e
            self.logger.info("alter client quotas command failed with an authorization error as expected")

        # add ACLs
        self.logger.info("Adding ACLs with broker credentials so that alter client quotas command will succeed")
        self.acls.add_cluster_acl(self.kafka, client_principal, force_use_zk_connection=False,
                                  additional_cluster_operations_to_grant=['AlterConfigs'], security_protocol=broker_security_protocol)

        # the alter client quotas command should now succeed again

        # remove ACLs
        self.logger.info("Removing ACLs with broker credentials so ensure this operation works")
        self.acls.remove_cluster_acl(self.kafka, client_principal, additional_cluster_operations_to_remove=['AlterConfigs'],