Exemplo n.º 1
def loadlns(fname: Union[str, Path],
            mode: str = 'r',
            strip: bool = True) -> List[str]:
    with open(fname, mode) as f:
        lns = f.readlines()
    lns = smap(lns, lambda x: x.rstrip('\n'))
    if strip: lns = drop(lns, lambda x: x.strip() == '')
    return lns
Exemplo n.º 2
    def onload(self, removefile: bool = False) -> Table:
        if not isinstance(self._dmatx, np.memmap): logging.warning('Table not offloaded, skip'); return self

        mdmatx = np.memmap(self._memmap.file, dtype = self._memmap.dtype, mode = 'r', shape = self._memmap.shape)
        self._dmatx = np.array(mdmatx)
        del mdmatx

        if removefile: self._memmap.file.unlink()
        self._memmap = None
        return self
Exemplo n.º 3
def load(fname: Union[str, Path], *, mode: str = 'r',
         skips: Optional[int] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, strip: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[List[str]]:
    with open(fname, mode) as f:
        if available(skips) and skips > 0:
            for _ in range(skips): next(f)
        tb = csv.reader(f, **kwargs)
        if strip: tb = drop(tb, lambda x: len(x) == 0 or (len(x) == 1 and x[0].strip() == ''))
        if available(comment): tb = drop(tb, lambda x: x[0].startswith(comment))
        tb = l(tb)
    return tb
Exemplo n.º 4
    def loadhdf(cls, fname: Union[str, Path]) -> Table:
        hdf = ptb.open_file(fname, mode = 'r')

        darr = hdf.root.DataMatx.read()
        if darr.dtype.kind == 'S': darr = np.array(darr, dtype = str)
        meta = [(n, getattr(hdf.root.DataMatx.attrs, n)) for n in hdf.root.DataMatx.attrs._f_list('user')]

        rnam = np.array(hdf.root.RowNames.read(), dtype = str) if hasattr(hdf.root, 'RowNames') else None
        cnam = np.array(hdf.root.ColNames.read(), dtype = str) if hasattr(hdf.root, 'ColNames') else None
        ridx = StructuredArray.fromhtable(hdf.root.RowIndex) if hasattr(hdf.root, 'RowIndex') else None
        cidx = StructuredArray.fromhtable(hdf.root.ColIndex) if hasattr(hdf.root, 'ColIndex') else None

        return Table(darr, rownames = rnam, colnames = cnam, rowindex = ridx, colindex = cidx, metadata = meta)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def loadrdata(cls, fname: Union[str, Path], dataobj: str, *,
                  ridxobj: Optional[str] = None, cidxobj: Optional[str] = None, transposed: bool = True) -> Table:
        if missing(rw): raise RuntimeError('RWrapper not available for this installation')

        dm, rn, cn = np.array(rw.r[dataobj]), rw.run(f'rownames({dataobj})'), rw.run(f'colnames({dataobj})') # stupid numpy conversion
        rn = None if rn is rw.null else np.array(rn)
        cn = None if cn is rw.null else np.array(cn)

        def _parseidx(iname):
            idx = rw.r[iname]
            return zip(idx.dtype.names, zip(*idx))
        ri = _parseidx(ridxobj) if available(ridxobj) else None
        ci = _parseidx(cidxobj) if available(cidxobj) else None

        if transposed: dm, rn, cn, ri, ci = dm.T, cn, rn, ci, ri
        ntab = Table(dm, rownames = rn, colnames = cn, rowindex = ri, colindex = ci)
        return ntab
Exemplo n.º 6
def load(fname: Union[str, Path], mode: str = 'r') -> str:
    with open(fname, mode) as f:
        txt = f.read()
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 7
 def loadhdf(cls, fname: Union[str, Path]) -> StructuredArray:
     with tb.open_file(fname, mode='r') as hdf:
         arr = cls.fromhtable(hdf.root.StructuredArray)
     return arr