Exemplo n.º 1
def get_audio_energy(path, filename, fps):
  full_path = path + filename
  time, data = audio_to_array(full_path)
  sample_rate = sndfile(full_path).samplerate()
  total_frames = 0
  avg_e = 0.0
  for i in xrange(0, len(time), int(sample_rate / fps)):
    data[i] = abs(data[i])
    total_frames = total_frames + 1
    avg_e = avg_e + data[i]

  avg_e = avg_e / total_frames
  t = []
  for i in xrange(0, len(time), int(sample_rate / fps)):

  r = kaiser.convolve_kaiser(70, 5, t)
  energy = []
  max_r = max(r)
  for i in range(len(r)):
    v = r[i] / max_r * 100.0 * (1.0 - avg_e)

  return energy
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_audio_energy_ffmpeg(path, filename, fps):
  full_path = path + filename
  reader = pf.FFMpegReader()
  reader.open(full_path, pf.TS_AUDIO)

  audio_track = reader.get_tracks()[0]
  smp_rate = audio_track.get_samplerate()
  smp_in_frame = smp_rate / fps
  count = 0
  fno = 1
  s = 0
  result = []
  max_value = 1
    while True:
      frame = audio_track.get_next_frame()
      for f in frame:
        d = abs((f[0] + f[1]) / 2)
        s = s + d
        count = count + 1
        if count >= smp_in_frame:
          if max_value < s:
            max_value = s
          fno = fno + 1
          count = 0
          s = 0
  except IOError:
    print "Energy complete"

  avg_e = 0.0
  t = []
  for i in result:
    v = float(i) / max_value
    avg_e = avg_e + v

  avg_e = avg_e / fno
  print avg_e,

  r = kaiser.convolve_kaiser(70, 5, t)
  energy = []
  max_r = max(r)

  for i in range(len(r)):
    v = r[i] / max_r * 100.0 * (1.0 - avg_e)

  return energy
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_arousal(video_path, video_file, audio_path, audio_file):
  print "Calculating arousal for file", video_path, video_file
  fps = shot_motion.get_fps(video_path, video_file)
  print "FPS:", fps
  print "Shots and motions started"
  rhythm, motion = shot_motion.get_shot_motion(video_path, video_file)
  print "Shots and motions completed"
  print "Audio energy started"
  e = energy.get_audio_energy_ffmpeg(audio_path, audio_file, fps)

  print "Audio energy completed"
  a = []
  for i in range(len(rhythm)):
    v = (rhythm[i] + motion[i] + e[i]) / 3
  arousal = kaiser.convolve_kaiser(150, 5, a)
  return a, arousal
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_shot_motion(path, filename, verbose=False):
    fullpath = path + filename

    # psyco.full()
    total_histo_size = 0

    # create ffmpeg reader instance
    reader = pf.FFMpegReader()
    # open media file with PIL support
    reader.open(fullpath, pf.TS_VIDEO_PIL)
    # get video track
    video_track = reader.get_tracks()[0]
    fps = video_track.get_fps()
    idx = 0  # frame index
    histo = []
    motion_vecs = []

    print "Extracting shots and motions from", path, filename

        last_frame = None
        histo_size = 0
        while True:
            frame = video_track.get_next_frame()
            idx = idx + 1
            # Compare current frame and the last frame for histogram change
            h2 = frame.histogram()

            mv = video_track.get_current_frame_motion_vectors()
            m = calc_motion_val(mv, frame.size)

            # Compute motion vectors
            if math.isnan(m):
                m = calc_motion_val(mv, frame.size, True)


            if last_frame == None:
                last_frame = frame
                for i in h2:
                    histo_size += i

            h1 = last_frame.histogram()

            r = float(histo_change(h1, h2)) / histo_size / 2
            last_frame = frame

    except IOError:
        print "Frame read completed"
    print "Detecting shots..."
    shots = detect_shots(histo, fps)

    print "Calculating shot change rate..."
    rhythm = calc_shot_change_rate(shots, idx)

    ret_rhythm = kaiser.convolve_kaiser(70, 5, rhythm)
    ret_motion = kaiser.convolve_kaiser(70, 5, motion_vecs)

    return ret_rhythm, ret_motion