Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(update_interval)

        self.bus = SMBus(1)
        self.utmconv = utmconv()
        self.recording = False

        self.main_mode = ""
        self.sub_mode = ""
        self.lat = 0
        self.lon = 0
        self.alt = 0
        self.mission_idx = 0
        self.mission_len = 0
        self.new_imu_reading = False
        self.new_vel_reading = False

        dt = 1/update_interval
        self.state = np.zeros((4,1), float)
        self.kalman = kalman.KalmanFilter(self.state, dt)
        # self.state = np.zeros((6,1), float)
        # self.kalman = kalman3.KalmanFilter(self.state, dt)
        # self.state = np.zeros((9,1), float)
        # self.kalman = kalman_acc3.KalmanFilter(self.state, dt)

        self.local_position_ned = np.array([0,0,0])
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0
        self.vz = 0
        self.ax = 0
        self.ay = 0
        self.az = 0
        self.filtered_pos = np.empty((0,2), float)
        self.local_position_landing = Point()
        self.landing_target = np.array([0,0,0])
        self.landing_coords = Point(1.17, 0.75, 0)

        self.data = np.empty((0,4), float)   
        self.local_data = np.empty((0,3), float)
        # self.filtered_data = np.empty((0,3), float)
        self.filtered_data = np.empty((0,2), float)
        self.rotation_matrix = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]])

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        package_path = rospack.get_path("precision_landing")
        self.data_path = package_path + "/data/"

        rospy.Subscriber("/mavlink_pos", mavlink_lora_pos, self.on_drone_pos)
        rospy.Subscriber("/telemetry/mission_info", telemetry_mission_info, self.on_mission_info)
        rospy.Subscriber("/telemetry/heartbeat_status", telemetry_heartbeat_status, self.on_heartbeat_status)
        rospy.Subscriber("/telemetry/imu_data_ned", telemetry_imu_ned, self.on_imu_data)
        rospy.Subscriber("/telemetry/local_position_ned", telemetry_local_position_ned, self.on_local_pos)
        self.sensor_data_pub    = rospy.Publisher("/landing/sensor_data", precland_sensor_data, queue_size=0)
        self.landing_target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/telemetry/set_landing_target", telemetry_landing_target, queue_size=0)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, x, y, label, team):
     self.label = label
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.isAlreadyLabaled = True
     self.team = team  #Which team 1 or 2
     self.kalmanFilter = kalman.KalmanFilter()
     self.kalmanFilter.updatePosition((self.x, self.y))
     self.historyRemember = 200
     self.historyPoints = []
     self.isAlreadyLabaled = False
Exemplo n.º 3
def apply_kalman(split_dfs):
    import kalman
    for run in split_dfs:
        KFilter = kalman.KalmanFilter(0.008, 0.1)
        cur_df = split_dfs[run]
        num_vals = cur_df.shape[0]
        for i, row in cur_df.iterrows():
            row['rss'] = KFilter.filter(row['rss'])
    full_df = pd.concat(split_dfs.values())
    return full_df
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setKalman(self, now_cood, p_1, p_2, p_3, o_walk, o_range, r):
     '''[Kalman Filterのパラメータ設定]
         now_cood ([list]): [現在地の座標]
         p_1 ([mat]): [基地局1の座標]
         p_2 ([mat]): [基地局2の座標]
         p_3 ([mat]): [基地局3の座標]
         o_walk ([int]): [状態モデルの誤差分散]
         o_range ([int]): [観測モデルの誤差分散]
     self.kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(now_cood[0], now_cood[1], p_1, p_2, p_3)
     self.kf.setModel(o_walk, o_range, r)
Exemplo n.º 5
def initialize_kalman_filter():
    A = np.eye(3)
    def B(x, u):
        v, w = u
        dx = v*math.cos(x[2] + w/2.)
        dy = v*math.sin(x[2] + w/2.)
        dtheta = w
        return np.matrix([dx, dy, dtheta]).transpose()
    D = np.eye(3)
    R = np.matrix([[0.1, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0], [0, 0, 0.05]])
    Q = R

    return kalman.KalmanFilter(A, B, D, R, Q)
 def kalman_filter(y, forecast_period, F=None, H=None, Q=None, R=None):
     dt = 1.0/60
     F = np.array([[1, dt, 0], [0, 1, dt], [0, 0, 1]])
     H = np.array([1, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
     Q = np.array([[0.05, 0.05, 0.0], [0.05, 0.05, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
     R = np.array([0.5]).reshape(1, 1)
     yfit = []
     ypred = []
     kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(F, Q, H, R)
     for mu in kf.mus:
     for _ in range(forecast_period):
     yfit = np.asarray(yfit).reshape((-1, 1))
     ypred = np.asarray(ypred).reshape((-1, 1))
     return yfit, ypred
Exemplo n.º 7
def robotFilter(robot, U_a, Y_a, X_a):
    global errorA
    global errorW
    shapeY = Y_a.shape
    init_X = np.zeros((6, 1))
    P = np.zeros((6, 6))
    dt = robot.dt
    phi = 10.0
    Q = np.matrix([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 10000.0 * dt * phi, 0, -1.0 * dt * phi, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 5.e-2, 0, 0, 0],
                       0, -1.0 * dt * phi, 0, 1.00020100163329 * dt * phi,
                       -0.0100995766634669 * dt * phi,
                       -0.000100498325008375 * dt * phi
                       0, 0, 0, -0.0100995766634669 * dt * phi,
                       2.01002500336671 * dt * phi,
                       0.0200994975041875 * dt * phi
                       0, 0, 0, -0.000100498325008375 * dt * phi,
                       0.0200994975041875 * dt * phi, 1.0001 * dt * phi
    # Q=robot.F((0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0),(0,0))
    R = np.matrix([[errorA**2, 0.0], [0.0, errorW**2]])
    kfilter = kalman.KalmanFilter(robot, P, Q, R)
    X_f = np.zeros((6, 1))
    for index in range(shapeY[1]):
        U = np.matrix([[U_a.item(0, index)], [U_a.item(1, index)]])
        Y = np.matrix([[Y_a.item(0, index)], [Y_a.item(1, index)]])
        X = kfilter.update(Y)
        X_f = np.concatenate((X_f, X), axis=1)
    X_f_l = X_f.tolist()
    plotting(X_f_l, X_a)
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():

  er_sum = 0
  num = 0

  dis_deviceA = 0
  dis_deviceB = 0
  dis_deviceC = 0

  c = np.mat([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
  p_1 = np.mat([[AP_A_X], [AP_A_Y]])
  p_2 = np.mat([[AP_B_X], [AP_B_Y]])
  p_3 = np.mat([[AP_C_X], [AP_C_Y]])

  draw = drawing.drawing()
  draw = setDraw(draw)

  # 歩いていると仮定した場合
  for i in range(POINT_NUM):
    truePosition = selectPosition(i + 1)
    draw.drawCircle(truePosition[0][0], truePosition[1][0], 100, "#050A11", True)'''

  if filter == 1:
      kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(TRUE_POSITION_1_X, TRUE_POSITION_1_Y, p_1, p_2, p_3)
      #kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(0, 0, p_1, p_2, p_3)
      kf.setModel(o_walk=O_WALK, o_range=O_RANGE)
      #kf.setModel(O_WALK, O_RANGE, r)
  elif filter == 2:
      bf = bayesian.BaysianFilter(POINT_1_GRID, p_i, sigma_range)
  elif filter == 3:
      bkm = bkmixture.BKmixture(p_i)
      bkm.setKalman([TRUE_POSITION_1_X, TRUE_POSITION_1_Y], p_1, p_2, p_3, O_WALK, O_RANGE, r)
      bkm.setBayesian(sigma_range, map_path)

  with open(write_path + write_file + '8' + '.csv', mode='w') as fw:
     with open(read_path + read_file + 'A' + '.csv', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:
      for line in f:
          data = line.split(',')
          distanceMm = int(data[0])
          getID = int(data[4])
          #truenum = int(data[5])

          if getID == DEVICE_A_ID:
            dis_deviceA = calibration(getID, distanceMm)
          elif getID == DEVICE_B_ID:
            dis_deviceB = calibration(getID, distanceMm)
          elif getID == DEVICE_C_ID:
            dis_deviceC = calibration(getID, distanceMm)

          if dis_deviceA != 0 and dis_deviceB != 0 and dis_deviceC != 0:
            Z = np.mat([[dis_deviceA], [dis_deviceB], [dis_deviceC]])
            time = 0
            if filter == 1:
              x = kf.getStatus()
            elif filter == 2:
              grid = 1
              was_grid = 0
              for key in range(8):
                was_grid = grid
                x, grid = bf.update(Z)
                if grid != was_grid:
                  time += 1
                print(str(grid) + ',' + str(was_grid))
            elif filter == 3:
              x, grid = bkm.estimate(Z)

            dis_deviceA = 0
            dis_deviceB = 0
            dis_deviceC = 0
            #er = error(x, num + 1)
            #er_sum += er
            fw.write(str(int(x[0, 0])) + ',' + str(int(x[1, 0])) + ',' + str(time) + ',' + '\n')
            mod = num % 8
            if mod == 0:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#EDAD0B", True)
            elif mod == 1:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#C7243A", True)
            elif mod == 2:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#D8E212", True)
            elif mod == 3:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#23AC0E", True)
            elif mod == 4:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#0086AB", True)
            elif mod == 5:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#3261AB", True)
            elif mod == 6:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#5D639E", True)
            elif mod == 7:
              draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#A52175", True)
            num += 1

  for num in range(POINT_NUM):
    filename = FILE_NAME
    truePosition = selectPosition(num + 1)
    print("now:" + str(now_grid))
    print("position:" + str(truePosition))
    draw.drawCircle(truePosition[0, 0], truePosition[1, 0], 100, "#050A11", True)
    if filter == 1:
      #kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(truePosition[0, 0], truePosition[1, 0], p_1, p_2, p_3)
      kf = kalman.KalmanFilter(0, 0, p_1, p_2, p_3)
      kf.setModel(O_WALK, O_RANGE, r)
    elif filter == 2:
      bf = bayesian.BaysianFilter(now_grid, p_i, sigma_range)
      # bf.readMap('/Users/andy/Wifi_rtt/mapInfo.json')
    elif filter == 3:
      bkm = bkmixture.BKmixture(p_i)
      bkm.setKalman([truePosition[0, 0], truePosition[1, 0]], p_1, p_2, p_3, O_WALK, O_RANGE, r)
      bkm.setBayesian(sigma_range, map_path)

    with open(write_path + write_file + str(num+1) + '.csv', mode='w') as fw:
     with open(read_path + read_file + str(num+1) + '.csv', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:
      for line in f:
          data = line.split(',')
          distanceMm = int(data[0])
          getID = int(data[4])
          #truenum = int(data[5])

          if getID == DEVICE_A_ID:
            dis_deviceA = calibration(getID, distanceMm)
          elif getID == DEVICE_B_ID:
            dis_deviceB = calibration(getID, distanceMm)
          elif getID == DEVICE_C_ID:
            dis_deviceC = calibration(getID, distanceMm)
          if dis_deviceA != 0 and dis_deviceB != 0 and dis_deviceC != 0:
            Z = np.mat([[dis_deviceA], [dis_deviceB], [dis_deviceC]])
            if filter == 1:
              x = kf.getStatus()
            elif filter == 2:
              grid = 1
              was_grid = 0
              for key in range(5):
                was_grid = grid
                x, grid = bf.update(Z)
                print(str(grid) + ',' + str(was_grid))
            elif filter == 3:
              x, grid = bkm.estimate(Z)
            dis_deviceA = 0
            dis_deviceB = 0
            dis_deviceC = 0
            er = error(x, num + 1)
            er_sum += er
            fw.write(str(x[0, 0]) + ',' + str(x[1, 0]) + ',' + str(er) + ',' + '\n')
            draw.drawCircle(x[0, 0], x[1, 0], 100, "#EDAD0B", True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pt_y = []
	age = 0

	dt = 1.0/30
	A = np.array([[1, dt, 0], [0, 1, dt], [0, 0, 1]])
	H = np.array([1, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
	Q = np.array([[0.05, 0.05, 0.0], [0.05, 0.05, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
	R = np.array([0.5]).reshape(1, 1)

	kf = dict()
	for i in range(6):
		kf[i] = kalman.KalmanFilter(A = A, H = H, Q = Q, R = R)

	avm_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/pub_avm_image', Image)
	front_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/gmsl_camera/port_0/cam_0/image_raw', Image)
	angle_pub = rospy.Publisher('/lane_angle', Float64, queue_size=1)
	ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([avm_sub, front_sub], 10, 0.1, allow_headerless=True)

Exemplo n.º 10
N = 100
dt = .1

xvState = np.zeros((N,2)) # N rows by 2 cols
t = np.zeros(N) # 1D vector
x0v0 = np.array([100,0])
A = np.array([[1,dt],[0,1]])
u =  np.transpose(np.array([[0,g*dt]])) # 2x1 col vec
xvState[0] = x0v0
modelFreeFall = kalman.ProcessModel(A,np.eye(2),u,xvState , 0.8)
oldState = modelFreeFall.state[0].reshape((2,1))
z = np.zeros((N,2))
H = np.eye(2)
measurementNoise = 0.9
sensor = kalman.MeasurementModel(2*H,measurementNoise,z)
kalman = kalman.KalmanFilter(np.zeros((2,2)))
stateEstimates = []
detP = []

for i in range(1,N):
    oldState = modelFreeFall.state[i-1].reshape((2,1))
    modelFreeFall.state[i] = np.transpose(modelFreeFall.calcNewState(oldState))
    trueState = modelFreeFall.state[i].reshape((2,1))
    measure = sensor.calcNewMeasurement(trueState)

Exemplo n.º 11
import cv2 as cv
import params as prm
import util as util
import kalman

kalman = kalman.KalmanFilter()  #Se inicializa la clase del filtro de Kalman

#cap = cv.VideoCapture(cv.samples.findFile("videoPeq2.mp4"))
cap = cv.VideoCapture(cv.samples.findFile("gido_completo.mp4"))
#cap = cv.VideoCapture(cv.samples.findFile("pendulo_tobi.mp4"))
#cap = cv.VideoCapture(cv.samples.findFile("car.mp4"))   #DESCOMENTAR LINEAS DE ABAJO
#cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)

#for i in range(250):            #DESCOMENTAR PARA EL VIDEO CAR
# frame = cap.read()         #(tiene un titulo al principio)

lower_thr, upper_thr = [], []

if prm.COLOR_ALGORITHM is True:
    prev, prev_gray, x, y, w, h, lower_thr, upper_thr = util.captureROI(
        cap)  #Se captura por primera vez la seleccion del usuario
    prev, prev_gray, x, y, w, h = util.captureROI(cap)
prev = util.space_translate(
    x, y, prev
)  #Se aplica la trasformacion de las coordenadas de las features del espacio
#de la seleccion al espacio del frame.
frame_num = 0
error = False
dyn_h = h
dyn_w = w