def _cfgjson2dict(self, config_json): """ Returns the provided config as dict if a json object or returns the object if it already is a dict. """ if isinstance(config_json, str) or isinstance(config_json, unicode_type): log.debug("Received config as string:\n {}".format(config_json)) if (not config_json.strip()) or config_json.strip() == '""': log.debug("String empty, returning empty dict.") raise Return({}) try: cfg = json.loads(config_json) except: log.error("Error parsing json") raise FailReply( "Cannot handle config string {} - Not valid json!".format( config_json)) elif isinstance(config_json, dict): log.debug("Received config as dict") cfg = config_json else: raise FailReply( "Cannot handle config type {}. Config has to bei either json formatted string or dict!" .format(type(config_json))) log.debug("Got cfg: {}, {}".format(cfg, type(cfg))) raise Return(cfg)
def set(self, config_json): """ Add the config_json to the current config. Input / output data streams will be filled with default values if not provided. The configuration will be rejected if no corresponding value is present in the default config. A warnign is emitted on type changes. The final configuration is stored in self._config for access in derived classes. Returns: katcp reply object [[[ !configure ok | (fail [error description]) ]]] """ log.debug("Updating configuration: '{}'".format(config_json)) cfg = yield self._cfgjson2dict(config_json) try: newcfg = updateConfig(self._config, cfg) # yield self.check_config(newcfg) self._config = newcfg log.debug("Updated config: '{}'".format(self._config)) except FailReply as E: log.error("Check config failed!") raise E except KeyError as error: raise FailReply("Unknown configuration option: {}".format( str(error))) except Exception as error: raise FailReply("Unknown ERROR: {}".format(str(error)))
def deprovision(self): log.debug("Deprovision {}".format(self.__provisioned)) if self.__provisioned: try: provision_playbook = yaml.load(open(self.__provisioned, 'r')) except Exception as E: log.error(E) raise FailReply( "Error in deprovisioning, cannot load file: {}".format(E)) try: subplay_futures = [] log.debug( "Executing playbook as {} seperate subplays in parallel". format(len(provision_playbook))) for play in provision_playbook: subplay_futures.append( self.__ansible_subplay_executioner( play, "--tags=stop")) yield subplay_futures except Exception as E: raise FailReply( "Error in deprovisioning thrown by ansible {}".format(E)) self.__controller = {} self.__eddDataStore._products.flushdb() self.__eddDataStore._dataStreams.flushdb() self.__provisioned = None self._provision_sensor.set_value("Unprovisioned") self._configuration_graph.set_value("") self._config = self._default_config.copy()
def measurement_prepare(self, config_json=""): """ """ log.debug("Received measurement prepare ... ") try: cfg = json.loads(config_json) except: log.error("Error parsing json") raise FailReply( "Cannot handle config string {} - Not valid json!".format( config_json)) log.debug("Sending measurement_prepare to {} products: {}".format( len(self.__controller.keys()), "\n - ".join(self.__controller.keys()))) futures = [] for cid, controller in self.__controller.items(): if cid in cfg: log.debug("Sending measurement_prepare to {} with {}".format( cid, cfg[cid])) futures.append(controller.measurement_prepare(cfg[cid])) else: log.debug("Sending measurement_prepare to {} with {}".format( cid, "")) futures.append(controller.measurement_prepare({})) yield futures
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): log.debug("Decorator managed state change {} -> {}".format( self.state, target)) if self.state not in allowed: log.warning( "State change to {} requested, but state {} not in allowed states! Doing nothing." .format(target, self.state)) return if waitfor: waiting_since = 0 while (self.state != waitfor): log.warning( "Waiting since {}s for state {} to start state change to {}, current state {}. Timeout: {}s" .format(waiting_since, waitfor, target, self.state, timeout)) if waiting_since > timeout: raise RuntimeError( "Waiting since {}s to assume state {} in preparation to change to {}. Aborting." .format(waiting_since, waitfor, target)) yield sleep(1) waiting_since += 1 if self.state in abortwaitfor: raise FailReply( "Aborting waiting for state: {} due to state: {}". format(waitfor, self.state)) if intermediate: self.state = intermediate try: if timeout: yield with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout), func(self, *args, **kwargs)) else: yield func(self, *args, **kwargs) except StateChange as E: self.state = str(E) except Exception as E: self.state = error raise E else: self.state = target
def _loadBasicConfig(self, basic_config_file): """ Actually loads the basic configuration, called by provision and load basic configuarion requests. """ try: with open(basic_config_file) as cfg: basic_config = json.load(cfg) except Exception as E: raise FailReply("Error reading config {}".format(E)) log.debug("Read basic config: {}".format( json.dumps(basic_config, indent=4))) basic_config = self.__sanitizeConfig(basic_config) yield self._installController(basic_config['products']) # Retrieve default configs from products and merge with basic config to # have full config locally. self._config = self._default_config.copy() self._config["products"] = {} for product in basic_config['products'].values(): log.debug("Retrieve basic config for {}".format(product["id"])) controller = self.__controller[product["id"]] log.debug("Checking basic config {}".format( json.dumps(product, indent=4))) yield controller.set(product) cfg = yield controller.getConfig() log.debug("Got: {}".format(json.dumps(cfg, indent=4))) cfg['data_store'] = self._default_config['data_store'] self._config["products"][cfg['id']] = cfg self._configUpdated()
def capture_start(self, config_json=""): """@brief start the dspsr instance then turn on dada_junkdb instance.""""Starting EDD backend") if self.state != "ready": raise FailReply( "pipleine state is not in state = ready, but in state = {} - cannot start the pipeline" .format(self.state)) #return self.state = "starting" try: mkrecvheader_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) log.debug("Creating mkrec header file: {}".format( mkrecvheader_file.write(mkrecv_header) # DADA may need this mkrecvheader_file.write("NBIT {}\n".format( self._config["input_bit_depth"])) mkrecvheader_file.write("HEAP_SIZE {}\n".format( self.input_heapSize)) mkrecvheader_file.write("\n#OTHER PARAMETERS\n") mkrecvheader_file.write("samples_per_block {}\n".format( self._config["samples_per_block"])) mkrecvheader_file.write( "\n#PARAMETERS ADDED AUTOMATICALLY BY MKRECV\n") mkrecvheader_file.close() for i, k in enumerate(self._config['enabled_polarizations']): cfg = self._config.copy() cfg.update(self._config[k]) if not self._config['dummy_input']: numa_node = self._config[k]['numa_node'] physcpu = ",".join(numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['cores'][4:9]) cmd = "taskset {physcpu} mkrecv_nt --quiet --header {mkrecv_header} --idx1-step {samples_per_heap} --dada-key {dada_key} \ --sync-epoch {sync_time} --sample-clock {sample_clock} \ --ibv-if {ibv_if} --port {port_rx} {mcast_sources}".format(, physcpu=physcpu, **cfg) mk = ManagedProcess( cmd, stdout_handler=self._polarization_sensors[k] ["mkrecv_sensors"].stdout_handler) else: log.warning( "Creating Dummy input instead of listening to network!" ) cmd = "dummy_data_generator -o {dada_key} -b {input_bit_depth} -d 1000 -s 0".format( **cfg) mk = ManagedProcess(cmd) self.mkrec_cmd.append(mk) self._subprocessMonitor.add(mk, self._subprocess_error) except Exception as e: log.error("Error starting pipeline: {}".format(e)) self.state = "error" else: self.state = "running" self.__watchdogs = [] for i, k in enumerate(self._config['enabled_polarizations']): wd = SensorWatchdog( self._polarization_sensors[k]["input-buffer-total-write"], 20, self.watchdog_error) wd.start() self.__watchdogs.append(wd)
def configure(self, config_json): """@brief destroy any ring buffer and create new ring buffer.""" """ @brief Configure the EDD CCritical PFB @param config_json A JSON dictionary object containing configuration information @detail The configuration dictionary is highly flexible. An example is below: """"Configuring EDD backend for processing") log.debug("Configuration string: '{}'".format(config_json)) if self.state != "idle": raise FailReply( 'Cannot configure pipeline. Pipeline state {}.'.format( self.state)) # alternatively we should automatically deconfigure #yield self.deconfigure() self.state = "configuring" # Merge retrieved config into default via recursive dict merge def __updateConfig(oldo, new): old = oldo.copy() for k in new: if isinstance(old[k], dict): old[k] = __updateConfig(old[k], new[k]) else: old[k] = new[k] return old if isinstance(config_json, str): cfg = json.loads(config_json) elif isinstance(config_json, dict): cfg = config_json else: self.state = "idle" # no states changed raise FailReply( "Cannot handle config type {}. Config has to bei either json formatted string or dict!" .format(type(config_json))) try: self._config = __updateConfig(DEFAULT_CONFIG, cfg) except KeyError as error: self.state = "idle" # no states changed raise FailReply("Unknown configuration option: {}".format( str(error))) cfs = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4)"Received configuration:\n" + cfs) self._edd_config_sensor.set_value(cfs) # calculate input buffer parameters self.input_heapSize = self._config["samples_per_heap"] * self._config[ 'input_bit_depth'] / 8 nHeaps = self._config["samples_per_block"] / self._config[ "samples_per_heap"] input_bufferSize = nHeaps * (self.input_heapSize)'Input dada parameters created from configuration:\n\ heap size: {} byte\n\ heaps per block: {}\n\ buffer size: {} byte'.format(self.input_heapSize, nHeaps, input_bufferSize)) # calculate output buffer parameters nSlices = max( self._config["samples_per_block"] / self._config['fft_length'], 1) nChannels = self._config['fft_length'] / 2 # on / off spectrum + one side channel item per spectrum output_bufferSize = nSlices * 2 * nChannels * self._config[ 'output_bit_depth'] / 8 output_heapSize = output_bufferSize #output_bufferSize rate = output_bufferSize * float( self._config['sample_clock'] ) / self._config[ "samples_per_block"] # in spead documentation BYTE per second and not bit! rate *= self._config[ "output_rate_factor"] # set rate to (100+X)% of expected rate self._output_rate_status.set_value(rate / 1E9)'Output parameters calculated from configuration:\n\ spectra per block: {} \n\ nChannels: {} \n\ buffer size: {} byte \n\ heap size: {} byte\n\ rate ({:.0f}%): {} Gbps'.format( nSlices, nChannels, output_bufferSize, output_heapSize, self._config["output_rate_factor"] * 100, rate / 1E9)) self._subprocessMonitor = SubprocessMonitor() for i, k in enumerate(self._config['enabled_polarizations']): numa_node = self._config[k]['numa_node'] # configure dada buffer bufferName = self._config[k]['dada_key'] yield self._create_ring_buffer(input_bufferSize, 64, bufferName, numa_node) ofname = bufferName[::-1] # we write nSlice blocks on each go yield self._create_ring_buffer(output_bufferSize, 64, ofname, numa_node) # Configure + launch # here should be a smarter system to parse the options from the # controller to the program without redundant typing of options physcpu = numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['cores'][0] cmd = "taskset {physcpu} pfb --input_key={dada_key} --inputbitdepth={input_bit_depth} --fft_length={fft_length} --ntaps={ntaps} -o {ofname} --log_level={log_level} --outputbitdepth={output_bit_depth} --output_type=dada".format( dada_key=bufferName, ofname=ofname, heapSize=self.input_heapSize, numa_node=numa_node, physcpu=physcpu, **self._config) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) cudaDevice = numa.getInfo()[self._config[k] ["numa_node"]]["gpus"][0] cli = ManagedProcess(cmd, env={"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": cudaDevice}) self._subprocessMonitor.add(cli, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(cli) cfg = self._config.copy() cfg.update(self._config[k]) if self._config["output_type"] == 'dada': mksend_header_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) mksend_header_file.write(mksend_header) mksend_header_file.close() timestep = input_bufferSize * 8 / cfg['input_bit_depth'] physcpu = ",".join(numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['cores'][1:4]) cmd = "taskset {physcpu} mksend --header {mksend_header} --nthreads 3 --dada-key {ofname} --ibv-if {ibv_if} --port {port_tx} --sync-epoch {sync_time} --sample-clock {sample_clock} --item1-step {timestep} --item2-list {polarization} --item3-list {fft_length} --item4-list {ntaps} --item6-list {sample_clock} --item5-list {sync_time} --rate {rate} --heap-size {heap_size} {mcast_dest}".format(, timestep=timestep, ofname=ofname, polarization=i, nChannels=nChannels, physcpu=physcpu, rate=rate, heap_size=output_heapSize, **cfg) elif self._config["output_type"] == 'disk': cmd = "dada_dbnull -z -k {}".format(ofname) if not os.path.isdir("./{ofname}".format(ofname=ofname)): os.mkdir("./{ofname}".format(ofname=ofname)) cmd = "dada_dbdisk -k {ofname} -D ./{ofname} -W".format( ofname=ofname, **cfg) else: log.warning("Selected null output. Not sending data!") cmd = "dada_dbnull -z -k {}".format() log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) mks = ManagedProcess(cmd) self._subprocessMonitor.add(mks, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(mks) self._subprocessMonitor.start() self.state = "ready"
def configure(self, config_json): """ Configure the Skarab PFb Pipeline Args: config_json A JSON dictionary object containing configuration information """"Configuring EDD backend for processing") log.debug("Configuration string: '{}'".format(config_json)) yield self.set(config_json) # Convert arbitrary output parts to input list iplist = [] for l in self._config["output_data_streams"].values(): iplist.extend(ip_utils.ipstring_to_list(l["ip"])) output_string = ip_utils.ipstring_from_list(iplist) output_ip, Noutput_streams, port = ip_utils.split_ipstring( output_string) port = set( [l["port"] for l in self._config["output_data_streams"].values()]) if len(port) != 1: raise FailReply("Output data streams have to stream to same port") # update sync tim based on input for l in self._config["output_data_streams"].values(): l["sync_time"] = self._config["input_data_streams"][ "polarization_0"]["sync_time"] self._configUpdated() cfs = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4)"Final configuration:\n" + cfs) if self._config["skip_device_config"]: log.warning( "Skipping device configuration because debug mode is active!") raise Return log.debug("Setting firmware string") self._client.setFirmware( os.path.join(self._config["firmware_directory"], self._config['firmware'])) log.debug("Connecting to client") self._client.connect() if self._config['force_program']: log.debug("Forcing reprogramming") yield self._client.program() yield self._client.initialize() yield self._client.configure_inputs( self._config["input_data_streams"]["polarization_0"]["ip"], self._config["input_data_streams"]["polarization_1"]["ip"], int(self._config["input_data_streams"]["polarization_0"]["port"])) yield self._client.configure_output(output_ip, int(port.pop()), Noutput_streams, self._config["channels_per_group"], self._config["board_id"]) yield self._client.configure_quantization_factor( self._config["initial_quantization_factor"]) yield self._client.configure_fft_shift( self._config["initial_fft_shift"])
def configure(self, config_json): """ Configure the EDD VLBi pipeline Args: config_json A JSON dictionary object containing configuration information """"Configuring EDD backend for processing") log.debug("Configuration string: '{}'".format(config_json)) yield self.set(config_json) cfs = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4)"Final configuration:\n" + cfs) self.__numa_node_pool = [] # remove numa nodes with missing capabilities for node in numa.getInfo(): if len(numa.getInfo()[node]['gpus']) < 1: log.debug("Not enough gpus on numa node {} - removing from pool.".format(node)) continue elif len(numa.getInfo()[node]['net_devices']) < 1: log.debug("Not enough nics on numa node {} - removing from pool.".format(node)) continue else: self.__numa_node_pool.append(node) log.debug("{} numa nodes remaining in pool after cosntraints.".format(len(self.__numa_node_pool))) if len(self._config['input_data_streams']) > len(self.__numa_node_pool): raise FailReply("Not enough numa nodes to process {} polarizations!".format(len(self._config['input_data_streams']))) self._subprocessMonitor = SubprocessMonitor() #ToDo: Check that all input data streams have the same format, or allow different formats for i, streamid in enumerate(self._config['input_data_streams']): # calculate input buffer parameters stream_description = self._config['input_data_streams'][streamid] stream_description["dada_key"] = ["dada", "dadc"][i] self.add_input_stream_sensor(streamid) self.input_heapSize = stream_description["samples_per_heap"] * stream_description['bit_depth'] / 8 nHeaps = self._config["samples_per_block"] / stream_description["samples_per_heap"] input_bufferSize = nHeaps * (self.input_heapSize)'Input dada parameters created from configuration:\n\ heap size: {} byte\n\ heaps per block: {}\n\ buffer size: {} byte'.format(self.input_heapSize, nHeaps, input_bufferSize)) final_payloads, final_fpss, final_framens = EDD_VDIF_Frame_Size(stream_description['sample_rate']) if self._config['payload_size'] == 'auto': payload_size = final_payloads[-1] else: payload_size = int(self._config['payload_size'])'Possible frame payload sizes (add 32 for framesize):') for k in range(final_payloads.size): if payload_size == final_payloads[k]: M = "*" else: M = " "' {}{:5.0f} byte {:8.0f} frames per sec {:6.3f} nsec/frame'.format(M, final_payloads[k], final_fpss[k], final_framens[k])) if payload_size not in final_payloads: log.warning("Payload size {} possibly not conform with VDIF format!".format(payload_size)) # calculate output buffer parameters size_of_samples = ceil(1. * self._config["samples_per_block"] * 2 / 8.) # byte for two bit mode number_of_packages = ceil(size_of_samples / float(payload_size)) output_buffer_size = number_of_packages * (payload_size + self._config['vdif_header_size']) integration_time = self._config["samples_per_block"] / float(stream_description["sample_rate"]) self._integration_time_status.set_value(integration_time) rate = output_buffer_size/ integration_time # in spead documentation BYTE per second and not bit! rate *= self._config["output_rate_factor"] # set rate to (100+X)% of expected rate self._output_rate_status.set_value(rate / 1E9)'Output parameters calculated from configuration:\n\ total size of data samples: {} byte\n\ number_of_packages: {}\n\ size of output buffer: {} byte\n\ rate ({:.0f}%): {} Gbps'.format(size_of_samples, number_of_packages, output_buffer_size, self._config["output_rate_factor"]*100, rate / 1E9)) numa_node = self.__numa_node_pool[i] log.debug("Associating {} with numa node {}".format(streamid, numa_node)) # configure dada buffer bufferName = stream_description['dada_key'] yield self._create_ring_buffer(input_bufferSize, 64, bufferName, numa_node) ofname = bufferName[::-1] # we write nSlice blocks on each go yield self._create_ring_buffer(output_buffer_size, 8, ofname, numa_node) # Configure + launch physcpu = numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['cores'][0] thread_id = self._config['thread_id'][streamid] station_id = self._config['thread_id'][streamid] cmd = "taskset -c {physcpu} VLBI --input_key={dada_key} --speadheap_size={heapSize} --thread_id={thread_id} --station_id={station_id} --payload_size={payload_size} --sample_rate={sample_rate} --nbits={bit_depth} -o {ofname} --log_level={log_level} --output_type=dada".format(ofname=ofname, heapSize=self.input_heapSize, numa_node=numa_node, physcpu=physcpu, thread_id=thread_id, station_id=station_id, payload_size=payload_size, log_level=self._config['log_level'], **stream_description) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) cudaDevice = numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['gpus'][0] cli = ManagedProcess(cmd, env={"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": cudaDevice}) self._subprocessMonitor.add(cli, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(cli) cfg = self._config.copy() cfg.update(stream_description) ip_range = [] port = set() for key in self._config["output_data_streams"]: if streamid in key: ip_range.append(self._config["output_data_streams"][key]['ip']) port.add(self._config["output_data_streams"][key]['port']) if len(port)!=1: raise FailReply("Output data for one plarization has to be on the same port! ") if self._config["output_type"] == 'network': physcpu = ",".join(numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['cores'][1:2]) fastest_nic, nic_params = numa.getFastestNic(numa_node)"Sending data for {} on NIC {} [ {} ] @ {} Mbit/s".format(streamid, fastest_nic, nic_params['ip'], nic_params['speed'])) cmd = "taskset -c {physcpu} vdif_send --input_key {ofname} --if_ip {ibv_if} --dest_ip {mcast_dest} --port {port_tx} --max_rate {rate}".format(ofname=ofname, physcpu=physcpu, ibv_if=nic_params['ip'], mcast_dest=" ".join(ip_range), port_tx=port.pop(), rate=rate) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) elif self._config["output_type"] == 'disk': ofpath = os.path.join(cfg["output_directory"], ofname) log.debug("Writing output to {}".format(ofpath)) if not os.path.isdir(ofpath): os.makedirs(ofpath) cmd = "dada_dbdisk -k {ofname} -D {ofpath} -W".format(ofname=ofname, ofpath=ofpath, **cfg) else: log.warning("Selected null output. Not sending data!") cmd = "dada_dbnull -z -k {}".format(ofname) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) mks = ManagedProcess(cmd, env={"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": cudaDevice}) self._subprocessMonitor.add(mks, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(mks) self._subprocessMonitor.start()
def configure(self, config_json): """ Configure the EDD gated spectrometer Args: config_json: A JSON dictionary object containing configuration information """"Configuring EDD backend for processing") log.debug("Configuration string: '{}'".format(config_json)) yield self.set(config_json) cfs = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4)"Final configuration:\n" + cfs) self.__numa_node_pool = [] # remove numa nodes with missing capabilities for node in numa.getInfo(): if len(numa.getInfo()[node]['gpus']) < 1: log.debug( "Not enough gpus on numa node {} - removing from pool.". format(node)) continue elif len(numa.getInfo()[node]['net_devices']) < 1: log.debug( "Not enough nics on numa node {} - removing from pool.". format(node)) continue else: self.__numa_node_pool.append(node) log.debug("{} numa nodes remaining in pool after constraints.".format( len(self.__numa_node_pool))) if len(self.__numa_node_pool) == 0: if self._config['nonfatal_numacheck']: log.warning("Not enough numa nodes to process data!") self.__numa_node_pool = numa.getInfo().keys() else: raise FailReply("Not enough numa nodes to process data!") self._subprocessMonitor = SubprocessMonitor() if len(self._config['input_data_streams']) != 2: raise FailReply("Require 2 polarization input, got {}".format( len(self._config['input_data_streams']))) log.debug("Merging ip ranges") self.stream_description = copy.deepcopy( self._config['input_data_streams'].items()[0][1]) self.stream_description["ip"] += ",{}".format( self._config['input_data_streams'].items()[1][1]["ip"]) log.debug("Merged ip ranges: {}".format(self.stream_description["ip"])) self.input_heapSize = self.stream_description[ "samples_per_heap"] * self.stream_description['bit_depth'] // 8 nHeaps = self._config["samples_per_block"] // self.stream_description[ "samples_per_heap"] input_bufferSize = nHeaps * (self.input_heapSize + 64 // 8)'Input dada parameters created from configuration:\n\ heap size: {} byte\n\ heaps per block: {}\n\ buffer size: {} byte'.format(self.input_heapSize, nHeaps, input_bufferSize)) # calculate output buffer parameters nSlices = max( self._config["samples_per_block"] // 2 // self._config['fft_length'] // self._config['naccumulate'], 1) nChannels = self._config['fft_length'] // 2 + 1 # on / off spectrum + one side channel item per spectrum output_bufferSize = nSlices * (8 * (nChannels * 32 // 8 + 2 * 8)) output_heapSize = nChannels * 32 // 8 integrationTime = self._config['fft_length'] * self._config[ 'naccumulate'] / (float(self.stream_description["sample_rate"])) self._integration_time_status.set_value(integrationTime) rate = output_heapSize / integrationTime # in spead documentation BYTE per second and not bit! rate *= self._config[ "output_rate_factor"] # set rate to (100+X)% of expected rate self._output_rate_status.set_value(rate / 1E9)'Output parameters calculated from configuration:\n\ spectra per block: {} \n\ nChannels: {} \n\ buffer size: {} byte \n\ integrationTime : {} s \n\ heap size: {} byte\n\ rate ({:.0f}%): {} Gbps'.format( nSlices, nChannels, output_bufferSize, integrationTime, output_heapSize, self._config["output_rate_factor"] * 100, rate / 1E9)) numa_node = self.__numa_node_pool[0] log.debug("Associating with numa node {}".format(numa_node)) # configure dada buffer yield self._create_ring_buffer(input_bufferSize, 64, self.__dada_key, numa_node) ofname = self.__dada_key[::-1] # we write nSlice blocks on each go yield self._create_ring_buffer(output_bufferSize, 8 * nSlices, ofname, numa_node) ## specify all subprocesses self.__coreManager = CoreManager(numa_node) self.__coreManager.add_task("gated_spectrometer", 1) N_inputips = 0 for p in self.stream_description["ip"].split(','): N_inputips += len(ipstring_to_list(p)) log.debug("Found {} input ips".format(N_inputips)) if not self._config["dummy_input"]: self.__coreManager.add_task("mkrecv", N_inputips + 1, prefere_isolated=True) if self._config["output_type"] == "network": self.__coreManager.add_task("mksend", 2) # Configure + launch cmd = "taskset -c {physcpu} gated_spectrometer --nsidechannelitems=1 --input_key={dada_key} --speadheap_size={heapSize} --selected_sidechannel=0 --nbits={bit_depth} --fft_length={fft_length} --naccumulate={naccumulate} -o {ofname} --log_level={log_level} --output_format=Stokes --input_polarizations=Dual --output_type=dada".format( dada_key=self.__dada_key, ofname=ofname, heapSize=self.input_heapSize, numa_node=numa_node, bit_depth=self.stream_description['bit_depth'], physcpu=self.__coreManager.get_coresstr('gated_spectrometer'), **self._config) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) cudaDevice = numa.getInfo()[numa_node]['gpus'][0] gated_cli = ManagedProcess(cmd, env={"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": cudaDevice}) log.debug("Visble Cuda Device: {}".format(cudaDevice)) self._subprocessMonitor.add(gated_cli, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(gated_cli) cfg = self._config.copy() cfg.update(self.stream_description) cfg["dada_key"] = self.__dada_key ip_range = [] port = set() for key in self._config["output_data_streams"]: ip_range.append(self._config["output_data_streams"][key]['ip']) port.add(self._config["output_data_streams"][key]['port']) if len(port) != 1: raise FailReply("Output data has to be on the same port! ") if self._config["output_type"] == 'network': mksend_header_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) mksend_header_file.write(_mksend_header) mksend_header_file.close() nhops = len(ip_range) timestep = cfg["fft_length"] * cfg["naccumulate"] #select network interface fastest_nic, nic_params = numa.getFastestNic(numa_node) heap_id_start = 0 #2 * i # two output spectra per pol"Sending data on NIC {} [ {} ] @ {} Mbit/s".format( fastest_nic, nic_params['ip'], nic_params['speed'])) cmd = "taskset -c {physcpu} mksend --header {mksend_header} --heap-id-start {heap_id_start} --dada-key {ofname} --ibv-if {ibv_if} --port {port_tx} --sync-epoch {sync_time} --sample-clock {sample_rate} --item1-step {timestep} --item4-list {fft_length} --item6-list {sync_time} --item7-list {sample_rate} --item8-list {naccumulate} --rate {rate} --heap-size {heap_size} --nhops {nhops} {mcast_dest}".format(, heap_id_start=heap_id_start, timestep=timestep, ofname=ofname, nChannels=nChannels, physcpu=self.__coreManager.get_coresstr('mksend'), integrationTime=integrationTime, rate=rate, nhops=nhops, heap_size=output_heapSize, ibv_if=nic_params['ip'], mcast_dest=" ".join(ip_range), port_tx=port.pop(), **cfg) log.debug("Command to run: {}".format(cmd)) elif self._config["output_type"] == 'disk': ofpath = os.path.join(cfg["output_directory"], ofname) log.debug("Writing output to {}".format(ofpath)) if not os.path.isdir(ofpath): os.makedirs(ofpath) cmd = "dada_dbdisk -k {ofname} -D {ofpath} -W".format( ofname=ofname, ofpath=ofpath, **cfg) else: log.warning("Selected null output. Not sending data!") cmd = "dada_dbnull -z -k {}".format(ofname) mks = ManagedProcess(cmd, env={"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": cudaDevice}) self._subprocessMonitor.add(mks, self._subprocess_error) self._subprocesses.append(mks) self._subprocessMonitor.start()
def provision(self, description): """ Provision the EDD using the provided provision description. Args: description: description of the provision. This has to be a string of format - ::`NAME` to load NAME.json and NAME.yml, or - ::`NAME1.yml;NAME2.json` to load different yml / json configs """ os.chdir(self.__edd_ansible_git_repository_folder) log.debug("Provision description {} from directory {}".format( description, os.getcwd())) if description.startswith('"'): description = description.lstrip('"') description = description.rstrip('"') descr_subfolder = "provison_descriptions" if ";" in description: description = description.split(';') if description[0].endswith("yml"): playbook_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description[0]) basic_config_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description[1]) else: playbook_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description[1]) basic_config_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description[0]) else: playbook_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description + ".yml") basic_config_file = os.path.join(descr_subfolder, description + ".json") log.debug("Loading provision description files: {} and {}".format( playbook_file, basic_config_file)) if not os.path.isfile(playbook_file): raise FailReply( "cannot find playbook file {}".format(playbook_file)) if not os.path.isfile(basic_config_file): raise FailReply( "cannot find config file {}".format(basic_config_file)) try: provision_playbook = yaml.load(open(playbook_file, 'r')) except Exception as E: log.error(E) raise FailReply( "Error in provisioning, cannot load file: {}".format(E)) try: subplay_futures = [] log.debug("Executing playbook as {} seperate subplays in parallel". format(len(provision_playbook))) self.__provisioned = playbook_file self._provision_sensor.set_value(playbook_file) for play in provision_playbook: subplay_futures.append( self.__ansible_subplay_executioner(play)) yield subplay_futures except Exception as E: raise FailReply( "Error in provisioning thrown by ansible {}".format(E)) yield self._loadBasicConfig(basic_config_file)
def configure(self, config_json): """ Configure the EDD backend Args: config_json: A JSON dictionary object containing configuration information """"Configuring EDD backend for processing")"Resetting data streams") #TODo: INterface? Decide if this is always done #self.__eddDataStore._dataStreams.flushdb() log.debug("Received configuration string: '{}'".format(config_json)) try: cfg = json.loads(config_json) except: log.error("Error parsing json") raise FailReply( "Cannot handle config string {} - Not valid json!".format( config_json)) if not self.__provisioned: log.debug("Not provisioned. Using full config.") # Do not use set here, as there might not be a basic config from # provisioning cfg = self.__sanitizeConfig(cfg) self._config = cfg else: yield EDDPipeline.set(self, cfg) yield self._installController(self._config['products']) cfs = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4) log.debug("Starting configuration:\n" + cfs) # Data streams are only filled in on final configure as they may # require data from the configure command of previous products. As example, the packetizer # data stream has a sync time that is propagated to other components # The components are thus configured following the dependency tree, # which is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) log.debug("Build DAG from config") dag = nx.DiGraph() for product, product_config in self._config['products'].items(): log.debug("Adding node: {}".format(product)) dag.add_node(product) if "input_data_streams" in product_config: for stream in value_list(product_config["input_data_streams"]): if not stream["source"]: log.warning( "Ignoring stream without source for DAG from {}". format(product)) continue source_product = stream["source"].split(":")[0] if source_product not in self._config['products']: raise FailReply( "{} requires data stream of unknown product {}". format(product, stream["source"])) log.debug("Connecting: {} -> {}".format( source_product, product)) dag.add_edge(source_product, product) log.debug("Checking for loops in graph") try: cycle = nx.find_cycle(dag) FailReply("Cycle detected in dependency graph: {}".format(cycle)) except nx.NetworkXNoCycle: log.debug("No loop on graph found") pass graph = "\n".join( [" {} --> {}".format(k[0], k[1]) for k in dag.edges()])"Dependency graph of products:\n{}".format(graph)) self._configuration_graph.set_value(graph) configure_results = {} configure_futures = [] @coroutine def __process_node(node): """ Wrapper to parallelize configuration of nodes. Any Node will wait for its predecessors to be done. """ #Wait for all predecessors to be finished log.debug("DAG Processing {}: Waiting for {} predecessors".format( node, len(list(dag.predecessors(node))))) for pre in dag.predecessors(node): log.debug('DAG Processing {}: waiting for {}'.format( node, pre)) while not pre in configure_results: # python3 asyncio coroutines would not run until awaited, # so we could build the graph up front and then execute it # without waiting yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5) log.debug('DAG Processing {}: Predecessor {} done.'.format( node, pre)) if not configure_results[pre]: log.error( 'DAG Processing {}: fails due to error in predecessor {}' .format(node, pre)) configure_results[node] = False raise Return log.debug('DAG Processing {}: Predecessor {} was successfull.'. format(node, pre)) log.debug("DAG Processing {}: All predecessors done.".format(node)) try: log.debug( "DAG Processing {}: Checking input data streams for updates." .format(node)) if "input_data_streams" in self._config['products'][node]: log.debug( 'DAG Processing {}: Update input streams'.format(node)) for stream in value_list(self._config['products'][node] ["input_data_streams"]): product_name, stream_name = stream["source"].split(":") stream.update(self._config['products'][product_name] ["output_data_streams"][stream_name]) log.debug('DAG Processing {}: Set Final config'.format(node)) yield self.__controller[node].set( self._config['products'][node]) log.debug( 'DAG Processing {}: Staring configuration'.format(node)) yield self.__controller[node].configure() log.debug( "DAG Processing {}: Getting updated config".format(node)) cfg = yield self.__controller[node].getConfig() log.debug("Got: {}".format(json.dumps(cfg, indent=4))) self._config["products"][node] = cfg except Exception as E: log.error( 'DAG Processing: {} Exception cought during configuration:\n {}:{}' .format(node, type(E).__name__, E)) configure_results[node] = False else: log.debug( 'DAG Processing: {} Successfully finished configuration'. format(node)) configure_results[node] = True log.debug("Creating processing futures") configure_futures = [__process_node(node) for node in dag.nodes()] yield configure_futures self._configUpdated() log.debug("Final configuration:\n '{}'".format( json.dumps(self._config, indent=2))) failed_prcts = [ k for k in configure_results if not configure_results[k] ] if failed_prcts: raise FailReply("Failed products: {}".format( ",".join(failed_prcts)))"Updating data streams in database") for productname, product in self._config["products"].items(): log.debug(" - Checking {}".format(productname)) if "output_data_streams" in product and isinstance( product["output_data_streams"], dict): for stream, streamcfg in product["output_data_streams"].items( ): key = "{}:{}".format(productname, stream) self.__eddDataStore.addDataStream(key, streamcfg)"Successfully configured EDD") raise Return("Successfully configured EDD")