Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_zero_timeout(self):
        # Rather than pass '0' through as a timeout to
        # socket.create_connection, create_tcp_connection should raise
        # socket.error. This is because the socket library treats '0' as an
        # indicator to create a non-blocking socket.
        from kazoo.handlers.utils import create_tcp_connection, socket, time

        # Simulate no time passing between calls to check the current time.
        with patch.object(time, 'time', return_value=time.time()):
            with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
                create_tcp_connection(socket, ('', 2181), timeout=0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_slow_connect(self):
        # Currently, create_tcp_connection will raise a socket timeout if it
        # takes longer than the specified "timeout" to create a connection.
        # In the future, "timeout" might affect only the created socket and not
        # the time it takes to create it.
        from kazoo.handlers.utils import create_tcp_connection, socket, time

        # Simulate a second passing between calls to check the current time.
        with patch.object(time, 'time', side_effect=range(10)):
            with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
                create_tcp_connection(socket, ('', 2181), timeout=0.5)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_timeout_arg(self):
        from kazoo.handlers import utils
        from kazoo.handlers.utils import create_tcp_connection, socket, time

        with patch.object(socket, 'create_connection') as create_connection:
            with patch.object(utils, '_set_default_tcpsock_options'):
                # Ensure a gap between calls to time.time() does not result in
                # create_connection being called with a negative timeout
                # argument.
                with patch.object(time, 'time', side_effect=range(10)):
                    create_tcp_connection(socket, ('', 2181),

                for call_args in create_connection.call_args_list:
                    timeout = call_args[0][1]
                    assert timeout >= 0, 'socket timeout must be nonnegative'
Exemplo n.º 4
 def create_connection(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return utils.create_tcp_connection(socket, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def create_connection(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return utils.create_tcp_connection(socket, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_negative_timeout(self):
     from kazoo.handlers.utils import create_tcp_connection, socket
     with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
         create_tcp_connection(socket, ('', 2181), timeout=-1)