def add_silence_to_video(input: str, output: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool: 'ffmpeg -f lavfi -y -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000 -i ' + sh.path(input) + ' -c:v copy -c:a aac -shortest ' + sh.path(output), debug=debug) return path.exists(output)
def flip_video_vertical(path_in: str, path_out: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -vf vflip -c:a copy {}'.format(path_in, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def reencode( path_in: str, path_out: str, fps: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None, sar: Optional[str] = None, resolution: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False ) -> bool: ''' resolution and sar should be given in the following format: "x:y" fps should be lower than the original value so frames don't freeze ''' cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i {}'.format(path_in) if fps or sar: cmd_filter = '' if fps: cmd_filter += 'fps={}'.format(fps) if resolution: if len(cmd_filter) > 0: cmd_filter += ',' cmd_filter += 'scale={}'.format(resolution) if sar: if len(cmd_filter) > 0: cmd_filter += ',' cmd_filter += 'setsar={}'.format(sar) cmd += ' -filter:v ' + cmd_filter'{} {}'.format(cmd, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def concat_videos_copy(in_paths: List[str], out_path: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool: if len(in_paths) == 0: return False elif len(in_paths) == 1: sh.cp(in_paths[0], out_path) return True temp_txt_path = path.join(kpath.folder_path_of_file(out_path), '__temp_list.txt') temp_txt_content = '' for in_path in in_paths: if len(temp_txt_content) > 0: temp_txt_content += '\n' temp_txt_content += 'file \'' + in_path + '\'' with open(temp_txt_path, 'w') as f: f.write(temp_txt_content)'ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i ' + sh.path(temp_txt_path) + ' -c copy ' + sh.path(out_path), debug=debug) kpath.remove(temp_txt_path) return path.exists(out_path)
def create_video_from_images(input_folder: str, output_file_path: str, seconds_per_image: float = 3.0, file_base_name: str = 'image', file_extension: str = '.jpg', debug: bool = False) -> bool: start_number = 0 while True: first_image_path = path.join( input_folder, file_base_name + '{:03d}'.format(start_number) + file_extension) if path.exists(first_image_path): break start_number += 1'ffmpeg -y -framerate ' + str(1.0 / seconds_per_image) + ' -start_number ' + '{:03d}'.format(start_number) + ' -i ' + path.join(input_folder, file_base_name + '%03d' + file_extension) + ' -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" ' + output_file_path, debug=debug) return path.exists(output_file_path)
def concat_videos_reencode(in_paths: List[str], out_path: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool: if len(in_paths) == 0: return False elif len(in_paths) == 1: sh.cp(in_paths[0], out_path) return path.exists(out_path) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y' for path_ in in_paths: cmd += ' -i ' + sh.path(path_) cmd += ' -filter_complex "' for i in range(len(in_paths)): cmd += '[{}:v] [{}:a] '.format(i, i) cmd += 'concat=n={}:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" '.format( len(in_paths)) + sh.path(out_path), debug=debug) return path.exists(out_path)
def convert_video_to_16_9(in_path: str, out_path: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool: w, h = ffprobe.video_resolution(in_path) if h is None or w is None: return False if h == 1080 and w == 1920: sh.cp(in_path, out_path) return True if w / h < 16 / 9: 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + sh.path(in_path) + " -vf 'split[original][copy];[copy]scale=1920:-1,setsar=1:1,crop=h=1080,gblur=sigma=75[blurred];[original]scale=-1:1080[original_resized];[blurred][original_resized]overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2' " + sh.path(out_path), debug=debug) else: 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + sh.path(in_path) + " -vf 'split[original][copy];[copy]scale=-1:1080,setsar=1:1,crop=w=1920,gblur=sigma=75[blurred];[original]scale=1920:-1[original_resized];[blurred][original_resized]overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2' " + sh.path(out_path), debug=debug) return path.exists(out_path)
def trim( in_path: str, out_path: str, start_seconds: float = 0, stop_seconds: Optional[float] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, reencode: bool = False, debug: bool = False ) -> bool: """PASS EITHER 'stop_seconds' OR 'duration' IF BOTH PASSED, 'duration' will be taken as preference """ if stop_seconds is None and duration is None: print('Either, \'stop_seconds\' should e passed or \'duration\'') return False if duration is None: duration = stop_seconds - start_seconds 'ffmpeg -y -ss {} -i {} -t {} {} {}'.format(__seconds_to_time_str(start_seconds), sh.path(in_path), __seconds_to_time_str(duration), '-c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero' if reencode else '-async 1', sh.path(out_path)), debug=debug ) return path.exists(out_path)
def get_audio_from_video(path_in: str, path_out: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -vn -acodec copy {}'.format(path_in, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def create_video_from_image(image_path: str, output_file_path: str, duration: float = 3.0, fps: float = 30.0, debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -framerate ' + str(fps) + ' -i ' + image_path + ' -t ' + str(duration) + ' -pix_fmt yuv420p ' + output_file_path, debug=debug)
def reencode_aac( path_in: str, path_out: str, debug: bool = False ) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -codec:a aac {}'.format(path_in, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def ts_to_mp4( path_in: str, path_out: str, debug: bool = False ) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -acodec copy -vcodec copy {}'.format(path_in, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def loop(in_path: str, out_path: str, length_seconds: float, debug: bool = False):'ffmpeg -y -stream_loop -1 -i ' + sh.path(in_path) + ' -t ' + str(length_seconds) + ' ' + sh.path(out_path), debug=debug) return path.exists(out_path)
def reduce_audio_volume(path_in: str, path_out: str, volume: str = '0.25', debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -filter:a "volume={}" {}'.format( path_in, volume, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def mix_audios(audio_path_1: str, audio_path_2: str, path_out: str, duration: str = 'longest', debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -i {} -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration={} {}'. format(audio_path_1, audio_path_2, duration, path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def reencode_mp3( path_in: str, path_out: str, debug: bool = False ) -> bool: 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + path_in + ' -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 ' + path_out, debug=debug ) return path.exists(path_out)
def remove_audio( input: str, output: str, debug: bool = False ) -> bool: 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + sh.path(input) + ' -c copy -an ' + sh.path(output), debug=debug ) return path.exists(output)
def __create_scene(in_path: str, out_path: str, start_ts: str, duration: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool:'ffmpeg -y -ss {} -t {} -i {} {} -async 1'.format( start_ts, duration, in_path, out_path), debug=debug) return os.path.exists(out_path)
def __create_timestamp_file(in_path: str, out_path: str, threshold: float, debug: bool = False) -> bool: 'ffmpeg -y -i {} -filter:v "select=\'gt(scene,{})\',showinfo" -f null - 2> {}' .format(in_path, threshold, out_path), debug=debug) return os.path.exists(out_path)
def concat(in_paths: List[str], out_path: str, debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[Optional[List[ConcatSongElement]], Optional[int]]: song_elements = [] total_len = 0 for p in in_paths: len_s = soxi.get_len(p) song_elements.append(ConcatSongElement(p, total_len, total_len + len_s)) total_len += len_s'sox {} {}'.format(' '.join([sh.path(p) for p in in_paths]), sh.path(out_path)), debug=debug) return (song_elements, total_len) if os.path.exists(out_path) else (None, None)
def mix_audios(audio_path_1: str, audio_path_2: str, path_out: str, duration: Optional[str] = 'longest', debug: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i {} -i {} -filter_complex amix=inputs=2'.format( audio_path_1, audio_path_2) if duration: cmd += ':duration={}'.format(duration) cmd += ' ' + path_out, debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def add_audio_to_video(input_a: str, input_v: str, output: str, reencode: bool = False, debug: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + sh.path(input_v) + ' -i ' + sh.path(input_a) if not reencode: cmd += ' -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0' cmd += ' -shortest ' + sh.path(output), debug=debug) return path.exists(output)
def add_silence_to_video(input: str, output: str, sample_rate: int = 48000, duration: str = 'shortest', debug: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = 'ffmpeg -f lavfi -y -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate={} -i {} -c:v copy -c:a aac '.format( sample_rate, sh.path(input)) if duration == 'shortest': cmd += '-shortest ' cmd += sh.path(output), debug=debug) return path.exists(output)
def get_stats(path: str, debug: bool = False) -> Optional[SoxStats]: try: return SoxStats('sox {} -n stat'.format(path), debug=debug)) except Exception as e: if debug: print(e) return None
def mix_multiple_audios(audio_paths: List[str], path_out: str, duration: Optional[str] = 'longest', debug: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = 'ffmpeg -y' for audio_path in audio_paths: cmd += ' -i ' + sh.path(audio_path) cmd += ' -filter_complex amix=inputs=' + str(len(audio_paths)) if duration: cmd += ':duration={}'.format(duration) cmd += ' ' + path_out, debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def get_duration(video_path: str) -> float: res = 'ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 ' + sh.path(video_path) ) try: return float(res.strip()) except: return 0
def rotate_video(path_in: str, path_out: str, times_90_degrees: int, debug: bool = False) -> bool: times_90_degrees = times_90_degrees % 4 rot_val = 1 if times_90_degrees > 0 else 2 if times_90_degrees == 0: sh.cp(path_in, path_out) else:'ffmpeg -y -i {} -vf "{}" {}'.format( sh.path(path_in), ','.join([ 'transpose={}'.format(rot_val) for _ in range(times_90_degrees) ]), sh.path(path_out)), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)
def get_size(video_path: str) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: res = 'ffprobe -v error -show_entries stream=width,height -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 {}'.format(video_path) ).strip() try: comps = [c.split('=')[1] for c in res.split('\n')] return (int(comps[0]), int(comps[1])) except: return None
def get_frame(at_second: float, p_video_in: str, p_img_out: str, debug: bool = False) -> bool: res ='ffmpeg -ss {} -i {} -frames:v 1 {}'.format( at_second, p_video_in, p_img_out), debug=debug) if debug: print(res) return path.exists(p_img_out)
def modify_audio( path_in: str, path_out: str, channels: Optional[int] = None, # 2 audio_rate: Optional[int] = None, # 44100 bit_rate: Optional[int] = None, # 133 debug: bool = False) -> bool: cmd = 'ffmpeg -y -i {}'.format(path_in) if channels: cmd += ' -ac {}'.format(channels) if audio_rate: cmd += ' -ar {}'.format(audio_rate) if bit_rate: cmd += ' -ab {}'.format(bit_rate) cmd += ' {}'.format(path_out), debug=debug) return path.exists(path_out)