Exemplo n.º 1
def signif_cube(fluxcube, varcube,wave1,wave2,outfile=None):
    nbhdu, errhdu = kt.narrowband(fluxcube,wave1,wave2,varcube=varcube)
    signifdat = nbhdu.data/np.sqrt(errhdu.data)
    newhdu = nbhdu.copy()
    newhdu.data = signifdat
    if outfile is not None:
        fits.writeto(data=newhdu.data, header=newhdu.header,
                     filename=outfile, overwrite=True)
    return newhdu
Exemplo n.º 2
def median_continuum_subtract(cubefile, contwave1, contwave2,
                              linewave1, linewave2, outfile=None):
    """Find continuum by median flux value and subtract from line regiom
    from astropy.io import fits
    medhdu = kt.narrowband(cubefile, contwave1, contwave2, mode='median')
    linehdu = kt.slice_cube(cubefile, linewave1, linewave2)

    dat = linehdu.data - medhdu.data
    sumdat = np.sum(dat,axis=0)

    medhdu.data = sumdat
    if outfile is not None:
            fits.writeto(data=medhdu.data, header=medhdu.header,
                         filename=outfile, overwrite=True)
            #medhdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    return medhdu
Exemplo n.º 3
def addWcsRtModel(inp,
                  center=('12 36 19.811', '+62 12 51.831'),

    ### Load in the model file
    inpdat = fits.open(inp)
    rtcube = DataCube(inp, include_wcs=False)
    rtcube.wavelength = inpdat[2].data
    rtcube.data = inpdat[1].data
    wavearr = rtcube.wavelength

    ### Load in the reference file if necessary
    if not isinstance(ref, DataCube):
        refcube = DataCube(ref)
        refcube = inp
    refdat = refcube.data
    refwave = refcube.wavelength
    nbhdu = transform.narrowband(refcube, 4000., 5000.)
    refnb = nbhdu.data
    refwcs = WCS(nbhdu.header)

    ### Rearrange the cube
    newdat = np.transpose(rtcube.data, axes=[2, 1, 0])

    ### Get the pixel scale in the spectral dimension
    diff = wavearr[1:] - wavearr[:-1]
    if not np.all(diff == diff[0]):
        raise ValueError('Wavelength array not uniformly sampled')
    spectral_scale = diff[0]

    ### Set scale and reference positions
    wave1 = wavearr[0] * (1. + zgal)
    spectral_scale *= (1. + zgal)

    ### Get the bright pixel from reference cube
    brightpix, brightcoords = utils.bright_pix_coords(refnb, refwcs)

    ### Create the new WCS
    newwcs = WCS(naxis=3)
    spatscaledeg = spatial_scale * cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(zgal) / 3600.
    if center is not None:
        cencoords = SkyCoord(center[0], center[1], unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        cencoords = brightcoords
    newwcs.wcs.crpix = np.array([150.5, 150.5, 1])
    newwcs.wcs.crval = np.array([cencoords.ra.deg, cencoords.dec.deg, wave1])
    newwcs.wcs.cdelt = np.array([8.0226e-6, 8.0226e-6, spectral_scale])
    newwcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg', 'Angstrom']
    newwcs.wcs.ctype = ('RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN', 'VAC')
    rotangle = np.radians(PA)  # Assuming PA given in degrees
    psmat = np.array([[
        newwcs.wcs.cdelt[0] * np.cos(rotangle),
        -newwcs.wcs.cdelt[1] * np.sin(rotangle), 0.
                          newwcs.wcs.cdelt[0] * np.sin(rotangle),
                          newwcs.wcs.cdelt[1] * np.cos(rotangle), 0.
                      ], [0., 0., 1.]])
    newwcs.wcs.cd = psmat

    newhdu = newwcs.to_fits()
    newhdu[0].header['PC3_3'] = spectral_scale
    newhdu[0].data = newdat

    newhdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
def addWcsRtModel(inp,
                  spatial_scale_xy=[0.679, 0.290],
                  center=('12 36 19.811', '+62 12 51.831'),

    ### Load in the model file
    inpdat = fits.open(inp)
    rtcube = DataCube(inp, include_wcs=False)
    rtcube.wavelength = inpdat[2].data
    rtcube.data = inpdat[1].data
    wavearr = rtcube.wavelength

    ### Load in the reference file if necessary
    if not isinstance(ref, DataCube):
        refcube = DataCube(ref)
        refcube = inp
    refdat = refcube.data
    refwave = refcube.wavelength
    nbhdu = transform.narrowband(refcube, 4000., 5000.)
    refnb = nbhdu.data
    refwcs = WCS(nbhdu.header)

    ### Rearrange the cube and find brightest pixel
    newdat = np.transpose(rtcube.data, axes=[2, 1, 0])
    sumdat = np.sum(newdat, axis=0)
    maxdat = np.max(sumdat)
    brightmodpix = np.where(sumdat == maxdat)

    ### Get the pixel scale in the spectral dimension
    diff = wavearr[1:] - wavearr[:-1]
    if not np.all(np.abs(diff - diff[0]) < 1e-3):
        import pdb
        raise ValueError('Wavelength array not uniformly sampled')
    spectral_scale = diff[0]

    ### Set scale and reference position in model
    wave1 = wavearr[0] * (1. + zgal)
    spectral_scale *= (1. + zgal)

    ### Get the bright pixel from reference cube
    brightpix, brightcoords = utils.bright_pix_coords(refnb, refwcs)

    ### Create the new WCS
    newwcs = WCS(naxis=3)

    if center is not None:
        cencoords = SkyCoord(center[0], center[1], unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        cencoords = brightcoords
    # coordinates are (y, x, lam) and '1' indexed in FITS files
    newwcs.wcs.crpix = np.array(
        [brightmodpix[1][0] + 1, brightmodpix[0][0] + 1, 1])
    newwcs.wcs.crval = np.array([cencoords.ra.deg, cencoords.dec.deg, wave1])
    newwcs.wcs.cdelt = np.array([
        spatial_scale_xy[0] / 3600., spatial_scale_xy[1] / 3600.,
    newwcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg', 'Angstrom']
    newwcs.wcs.ctype = ('RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN', 'VAC')
    rotangle = np.radians(PA)  # Assuming PA given in degrees
    psmat = np.array([[
        newwcs.wcs.cdelt[0] * np.cos(rotangle),
        -newwcs.wcs.cdelt[1] * np.sin(rotangle), 0.
                          newwcs.wcs.cdelt[0] * np.sin(rotangle),
                          newwcs.wcs.cdelt[1] * np.cos(rotangle), 0.
                      ], [0., 0., 1.]])
    newwcs.wcs.cd = psmat

    newhdu = newwcs.to_fits()
    newhdu[0].header['PC3_3'] = spectral_scale
    newhdu[0].data = newdat

    newhdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)