def get_diagnose_paths(subpaths): ''' return path objects needed for each BLiPP section ''' diagnose_paths = [] for section in subpaths: path_name = '%'.join([section[0].selfRef, section[-1].selfRef]) if path_name in self.unisrt.paths['existing']: path = self.unisrt.paths['existing'][path_name][0]# arbitrarily pick 0 path.status = 'ON' path.healthiness = 'unknown' path.renew_local(path_name) else: tmp = list(section) data = { "directed": True, "$schema": "", "src": tmp.pop(0).selfRef, "hops": [], "dst": tmp.pop(-1).selfRef, "healthiness": "unknown", "performance": "unknown", "status": "ON", } for item in tmp: data['hops'].append({'href': item.selfRef, 'rel': 'full'}) path = models.path(data, self.unisrt, True) diagnose_paths.append(path) self.unisrt.pushRuntime('paths') return diagnose_paths
def update_paths(self): ''' 1. retrieve hopip measurement results 2. map to/create interface objects 3. construct links and paths ''' def get_ipport(hop, rt, uc): ''' input: a list of ip string at this hop (step) output: a list of L3 port object at this hop (step) ''' if len(hop) > 1: return [get_ipport([ip_str], self.unisrt, meta_obj.currentclient) for ip_str in hop] hop = hop[0] if hop == '*': return None elif hop in self.unisrt.ipports['existing']: return self.unisrt.ipports['existing'][hop] else: # not been posted to unis yet, still in ['new'], no selfRef, L2 port node info etc. l3 = ipport({ 'address': { 'type': 'ipv4', 'address': hop } }, rt, uc, True) return l3 def form_paths(a_to_z, z_to_a): ''' input: hops of two directions output: replace hops via links if possible for i in a_to_z: if not type(i) is list: print i.address else: print '[' for j in i: try: print j.address except AttributeError, e: print '*' print ']' print '--------------------' for i in reversed(z_to_a): if not type(i) is list: print i.address else: print '[' for j in i: try: print j.address except AttributeError, e: print '*' print ']' ''' def evaluate(p1, p2, v1, v2): ''' evaluate how possible to IPs are on a same network, consider factors: 1. ip distance 2. sequence relative location 3. divide evenly ''' if type(v1) is list: return max([evaluate(v1_, v2) for v1_ in v1]) if type(v2) is list: return max([evaluate(v1, v2_) for v2_ in v2]) ret = 0 # equation for ip distances, most weighted if v1.address == '*' or v2.address == '*': # * means unknown ip similarity, neutral ret += 0 else: pass # equation for sequence relative location -- p1 and p2 should be at similar portion along the path if abs(p1 - p2) == 0: ret += 100000000 # equation to encourage p1 and p2 to be closer to 50% if p1 == 0.5 and p2 == 0.5: ret += 100000000 return ret def best_cut_match(s1, s2): ''' recursively binary-divide two ip sequences at the best match ip output: [index of the s2 sequence that matches 1st s1 element the best, ... 2nd element the best, 3rd, ...] ''' maximum = -sys.maxint threshold = 100000000 the_i1 = None the_i2 = None for i1, v1 in enumerate(s1): for i2, v2 in enumerate(s2): score = evaluate(float(i1)/float(len(s1)), float(i2)/float(len(s2)), v1, v2) if score < threshold: # too low to be considered as a match pass elif score > maximum: maximum = score the_i1 = i1 the_i2 = i2 if not the_i1 and not the_i2: # these two sequences (this segment along the path) cannot be matched up return [None for _ in s1] head = best_cut_match(s1[0 : the_i1], s2[0 : the_i2]) tail = best_cut_match(s1[the_i1 + 1 : -1], s2[the_i2 + 1 : -1]) head.append(the_i2) head.extend(tail) return head match_result = best_cut_match(a_to_z, list(reversed(z_to_a))) # now use the match results to populate link objects and replace ipport objects wherever possible for i, v in enumerate(match_result): if v: l = (a_to_z[i], z_to_a[len(z_to_a) - v - 1]) a_to_z[i] = l z_to_a[len(z_to_a) - v - 1] = l else: pass return while True: meta_traceroute = filter(lambda x: x.eventType == TRACEROUTE, self.unisrt.metadata['existing'].values()) paths_raw = {} # loop 1: for each path, get all IPs extracted, mapped and their corresponding objects created for meta_obj in meta_traceroute: # obtain IPs from each traceroute hops = meta_obj.currentclient.get('/data/' + str([0] # TODO: should query the newest one record # IP string to interface objects hop_objs = [get_ipport(hop, self.unisrt, meta_obj.currentclient) for hop in hops['value']] # construct raw paths paths_raw[(meta_obj.measurement.src, meta_obj.measurement.dst)] = { 'hop_objs': hop_objs, 'uc': meta_obj.currentclient } # loop 2: for each path, synthesize links and paths from bi-directional traffics temp = paths_raw.keys() for ends in paths_raw.keys(): if (ends[1], ends[0]) in temp: # here is an assumption: always run traceroute between pairs of end hosts # use the sister traceroute result to match the ends of links paths = form_paths(paths_raw[(ends[0], ends[1])]['hop_objs'], paths_raw[(ends[1], ends[0])]['hop_objs']) raw_path_dict = { "schema": "/path", "hops": [ ] } map(lambda x: path(x), paths) temp.remove((ends[0], ends[1])) temp.remove((ends[1], ends[0])) # update unis self.unisrt.pushRuntime(['ipport', 'link', 'path']) time.sleep(600)
def prep_test(tmp, unisrt): from kernel.models import port, measurement, path test_port1 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port1", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_port2 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port2", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_port3 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port3", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_port4 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port4", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_port5 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port5", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_port6 = { "$schema": "", "capacity": -42, "name": "eth1:1", "selfRef": "", "urn": "", "id": "test_port6", "nodeRef": "", "properties": { "ipv4": { "type": "ipv4", "address": "" } } } test_measurement1 = { "$schema": "", "selfRef": "", "service": "", "eventTypes": [ "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" ], "configuration": { "status": "ON", "regex": "^\\s*\\d+.*(?P<hopip>\\(.*\\))", "collection_schedule": "builtins.simple", "probe_module": "traceroute_probe", "src": "", "use_ssl": False, "dst": "", "reporting_params": 3, "reporting_tolerance": 10, "collection_ttl": 1500000, "command": "traceroute", "schedule_params": { "every": 120 }, "collection_size": 100000, "ms_url": "", "eventTypes": { "hopip": "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" }, "unis_url": "", "reporting tolerance": 10, "name": "traceroute-" }, "id": "test_measurement1" } test_measurement2 = { "$schema": "", "selfRef": "", "service": "", "eventTypes": [ "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" ], "configuration": { "status": "ON", "regex": "^\\s*\\d+.*(?P<hopip>\\(.*\\))", "collection_schedule": "builtins.simple", "probe_module": "traceroute_probe", "src": "", "use_ssl": False, "dst": "", "reporting_params": 3, "reporting_tolerance": 10, "collection_ttl": 1500000, "command": "traceroute", "schedule_params": { "every": 120 }, "collection_size": 100000, "ms_url": "", "eventTypes": { "hopip": "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" }, "unis_url": "", "reporting tolerance": 10, "name": "traceroute-" }, "id": "test_measurement2" } test_measurement3 = { "$schema": "", "selfRef": "", "service": "", "eventTypes": [ "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" ], "configuration": { "status": "ON", "regex": "^\\s*\\d+.*(?P<hopip>\\(.*\\))", "collection_schedule": "builtins.simple", "probe_module": "traceroute_probe", "src": "", "use_ssl": False, "dst": "", "reporting_params": 3, "reporting_tolerance": 10, "collection_ttl": 1500000, "command": "traceroute", "schedule_params": { "every": 120 }, "collection_size": 100000, "ms_url": "", "eventTypes": { "hopip": "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" }, "unis_url": "", "reporting tolerance": 10, "name": "traceroute-" }, "id": "test_measurement3" } test_measurement4 = { "$schema": "", "selfRef": "", "service": "", "eventTypes": [ "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" ], "configuration": { "status": "ON", "regex": "^\\s*\\d+.*(?P<hopip>\\(.*\\))", "collection_schedule": "builtins.simple", "probe_module": "traceroute_probe", "src": "", "use_ssl": False, "dst": "", "reporting_params": 3, "reporting_tolerance": 10, "collection_ttl": 1500000, "command": "traceroute", "schedule_params": { "every": 120 }, "collection_size": 100000, "ms_url": "", "eventTypes": { "hopip": "ps:tools:blipp:linux:net:traceroute:hopip" }, "unis_url": "", "reporting tolerance": 10, "name": "traceroute-" }, "id": "test_measurement4" } test_path1 = { "directed": True, "src": "", "selfRef": "", "$schema": "", "dst": "", "healthiness": "good", "status": "ON", "performance": "unknown", "id": "56e0af42e779895f5f9ca088" } test_path2 = { "directed": True, "src": "", "selfRef": "", "$schema": "", "dst": "", "healthiness": "good", "status": "ON", "performance": "unknown", "id": "56e0af42e779895f5f9ca088" } test_path3 = { "directed": True, "src": "", "selfRef": "", "$schema": "", "dst": "", "healthiness": "good", "status": "ON", "performance": "unknown", "id": "56e0af42e779895f5f9ca088" } test_path4 = { "directed": True, "src": "", "selfRef": "", "$schema": "", "dst": "", "healthiness": "good", "status": "ON", "performance": "unknown", "id": "56e0af42e779895f5f9ca088" } from kernel.models import measurement if tmp == 1: port(test_port1, unisrt, False) port(test_port2, unisrt, False) port(test_port3, unisrt, False) port(test_port4, unisrt, False) port(test_port5, unisrt, False) port(test_port6, unisrt, False) path(test_path1, unisrt, False) path(test_path2, unisrt, False) path(test_path3, unisrt, False) path(test_path4, unisrt, False) measurements = [measurement(test_measurement1, unisrt, True)] elif tmp == 2: measurements = [measurement(test_measurement2, unisrt, True)] elif tmp == 3: measurements = [measurement(test_measurement3, unisrt, True)] elif tmp == 4: measurements = [measurement(test_measurement4, unisrt, True)] return [measurements, {'every': 120, 'duration': 10, 'num_tests': 1}]