Exemplo n.º 1
def test_longpoll_awaken_roles(params_from_base_test_setup, sg_conf_name):

    cluster_conf = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_config"]
    cluster_topology = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_topology"]
    mode = params_from_base_test_setup["mode"]

    sg_conf = sync_gateway_config_path_for_mode(sg_conf_name, mode)
    sg_admin_url = cluster_topology["sync_gateways"][0]["admin"]
    sg_url = cluster_topology["sync_gateways"][0]["public"]

    log_info("sg_conf: {}".format(sg_conf))
    log_info("sg_admin_url: {}".format(sg_admin_url))
    log_info("sg_url: {}".format(sg_url))

    cluster = Cluster(config=cluster_conf)

    admin_role = "admin_role"
    admin_channel = "admin_channel"

    admin_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="admin", password="******", channels=[], roles=[admin_role])
    adam_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="adam", password="******", channels=[], roles=[])
    traun_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="traun", password="******", channels=[], roles=[])
    andy_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="andy", password="******", channels=[], roles=[])
    sg_db = "db"

    client = MobileRestClient()

    # Create a role on sync_gateway
    client.create_role(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, name=admin_role, channels=[admin_channel])

    # Create users with no channels or roles
    admin_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                    name=admin_user_info.name, password=admin_user_info.password, roles=[admin_role])

    adam_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                   name=adam_user_info.name, password=adam_user_info.password)

    traun_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                    name=traun_user_info.name, password=traun_user_info.password)

    andy_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                   name=andy_user_info.name, password=andy_user_info.password)

    # change feed wakes for role add

    # Get starting sequence of docs, use the last seq to progress past any _user docs.
    adam_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=adam_auth)
    traun_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=traun_auth)
    andy_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=andy_auth)

    # Add doc with channel associated with the admin role
    admin_doc = client.add_docs(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, number=1, id_prefix="admin_doc", auth=admin_auth, channels=[admin_channel])
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=admin_doc, auth=admin_auth)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as ex:
        # Start changes feed for 3 users from latest last_seq
        adam_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=adam_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=adam_auth)
        traun_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=traun_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=traun_auth)
        andy_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=andy_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=andy_auth)

        # Wait for changes feed to notice there are no changes and enter wait. 2 seconds should be more than enough

        # Make sure the changes future is still running and has not exited due to any new changes, the feed should be caught up
        # and waiting
        assert not adam_changes_task.done()
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        adam_auth = client.update_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                       name=adam_user_info.name, password=adam_user_info.password, roles=[admin_role])

        traun_auth = client.update_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                        name=traun_user_info.name, password=traun_user_info.password, roles=[admin_role])

        andy_auth = client.update_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                       name=andy_user_info.name, password=andy_user_info.password, roles=[admin_role])

        adam_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert 1 <= len(adam_changes["results"]) <= 2
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "admin_doc_0" or adam_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "_user/adam"

        traun_changes = traun_changes_task.result()
        assert 1 <= len(traun_changes["results"]) <= 2
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "admin_doc_0" or traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "_user/traun"

        andy_changes = andy_changes_task.result()
        assert 1 <= len(andy_changes["results"]) <= 2
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "admin_doc_0" or andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "_user/andy"

    # Check that the user docs all show up in changes feed
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/adam", auth=adam_auth)
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/traun", auth=traun_auth)
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/andy", auth=andy_auth)

    # Check that the admin doc made it to all the changes feeds
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=admin_doc, auth=adam_auth)
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=admin_doc, auth=traun_auth)
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=admin_doc, auth=andy_auth)

    # At this point, each user should have a changes feed that is caught up for the next section

    # change feed wakes for channel add to role

    abc_channel = "ABC"
    abc_pusher_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="abc_pusher", password="******", channels=[abc_channel], roles=[])

    abc_pusher_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, name=abc_pusher_info.name,
                                         password=abc_pusher_info.password, channels=abc_pusher_info.channels)

    # Add doc with ABC channel
    client.add_docs(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, number=1, id_prefix="abc_doc", auth=abc_pusher_auth, channels=[abc_channel])

    # Get latest last_seq for next test section
    adam_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=adam_auth)
    traun_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=traun_auth)
    andy_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=andy_auth)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as ex:
        # Start changes feed for 3 users from latest last_seq
        adam_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=adam_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=adam_auth)
        traun_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=traun_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=traun_auth)
        andy_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=andy_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=andy_auth)

        # Wait for changes feed to notice there are no changes and enter wait. 2 seconds should be more than enough

        # Make sure the changes future is still running and has not exited due to any new changes, the feed should be caught up
        # and waiting
        assert not adam_changes_task.done()
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        # Update admin role to include ABC channel
        # Since adam, traun, and andy are assigned to that role, they should wake up and get the 'abc_pusher_0' doc
        client.update_role(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, name=admin_role, channels=[admin_channel, abc_channel])

        adam_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert len(adam_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "abc_doc_0"

        traun_changes = traun_changes_task.result()
        assert len(traun_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "abc_doc_0"

        andy_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert len(andy_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "abc_doc_0"
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_remove_add_channels_to_doc(params_from_base_test_setup, sg_conf_name):

    cluster_config = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_config"]
    topology = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_topology"]
    mode = params_from_base_test_setup["mode"]

    sg_url = topology["sync_gateways"][0]["public"]
    sg_admin_url = topology["sync_gateways"][0]["admin"]
    sg_db = "db"

    sg_conf = sync_gateway_config_path_for_mode(sg_conf_name, mode)

    cluster = Cluster(cluster_config)

    client = MobileRestClient()

    admin_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo("admin", "pass", channels=["A", "B"], roles=[])
    a_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo("a_user", "pass", channels=["A"], roles=[])

    admin_user_auth = client.create_user(

    a_user_auth = client.create_user(
        url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, name=a_user_info.name, password=a_user_info.password, channels=a_user_info.channels

    a_docs = client.add_docs(
        url=sg_url, db=sg_db, number=50, id_prefix="a_doc", auth=admin_user_auth, channels=admin_user_info.channels

    # Build dictionay of a_docs
    a_docs_id_rev = {doc["id"]: doc["rev"] for doc in a_docs}
    assert len(a_docs_id_rev) == 50

    # Wait for all docs to show up in changes
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(sg_url, sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/a_user", auth=a_user_auth)
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(sg_url, sg_db, expected_docs=a_docs, auth=a_user_auth)

    # Get changes for 'a_user'
    a_user_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, auth=a_user_auth, feed="normal")

    # 'a_user' should get 50 'a_doc_*' doc and 1 '_user/a_user' doc
    assert len(a_user_changes["results"]) == 51

    # Remove Channels from doc

    # Copy a_docs_id_rev to dictionary to scratch off values
    remove_docs_scratch_off = a_docs_id_rev.copy()
    assert len(remove_docs_scratch_off) == 50

    # Use admin user to update the docs to remove 'A' from the channels property on the doc and add 'B'
    client.update_docs(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, docs=a_docs, number_updates=1, auth=admin_user_auth, channels=["B"])

    # Longpoll loop requires due to the delay that changes take to permeate to the client
    changes_timeout = 10
    start = time.time()
    last_seq = a_user_changes["last_seq"]
    while True:

        # If take longer than 10 seconds, fail the test
        if time.time() - start > changes_timeout:
            raise keywords.exceptions.TimeoutException("Could not find all expected docs in changs feed")

        # We found everything, exit loop!
        if remove_docs_scratch_off == {}:
            log_info("All expected docs found to be removed")

        # Get changes for 'a_user' from last_seq
        a_user_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=last_seq, auth=a_user_auth, timeout=10)
        assert len(a_user_changes["results"]) > 0

        # Loop over changes found and perform the following
        #   1. Check that the docs is flagged with 'removed'
        #   2. Cross off the doc fromt the the 'remove_docs_scratch_off'
        for change in a_user_changes["results"]:
            assert change["removed"] == ["A"]
            assert change["changes"][0]["rev"].startswith("2-")
            # This will blow up if any change is not found in that dictionary
            del remove_docs_scratch_off[change["id"]]

        # Update last_seq
        last_seq = a_user_changes["last_seq"]

    # Issue changes request from 'last_seq' and verify that the changes are up to date and returns no results
    a_user_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=last_seq, auth=a_user_auth, feed="normal")
    assert len(a_user_changes["results"]) == 0

    # Add Channels to doc

    # Copy the a_docs_id_rev dictionary for scratch ovee
    add_docs_scratch_off = a_docs_id_rev.copy()
    assert len(add_docs_scratch_off) == 50

    # Use admin user to update the docs to add ['A'] back to document channels
    client.update_docs(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, docs=a_docs, number_updates=1, auth=admin_user_auth, channels=["A"])

    # Longpoll loop requires due to the delay that changes take to permeate to the client
    changes_timeout = 10
    start = time.time()
    last_seq = a_user_changes["last_seq"]
    while True:

        # If take longer than 10 seconds, fail the test
        if time.time() - start > changes_timeout:
            raise keywords.exceptions.TimeoutException("Could not find all expected docs in changs feed")

        # We found everything, exit loop!
        if add_docs_scratch_off == {}:
            log_info("All expected docs found to be removed")

        # Get changes for 'a_user' from last_seq
        a_user_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=last_seq, auth=a_user_auth, timeout=10)
        assert len(a_user_changes["results"]) > 0

        # Loop over changes found and perform the following
        #   1. Check that the docs has a 3rd gen rev prefix
        #   2. Cross off the doc fromt the the 'add_docs_scratch_off'
        for change in a_user_changes["results"]:
            assert change["changes"][0]["rev"].startswith("3-")
            # This will blow up if any change is not found in that dictionary
            del add_docs_scratch_off[change["id"]]

        # Update last_seq
        last_seq = a_user_changes["last_seq"]

    # Issue changes request from 'last_seq' and verify that the changes are up to date and returns no results
    a_user_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=last_seq, auth=a_user_auth, feed="normal")
    assert len(a_user_changes["results"]) == 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_longpoll_awaken_channels(params_from_base_test_setup, sg_conf_name):

    cluster_conf = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_config"]
    cluster_topology = params_from_base_test_setup["cluster_topology"]
    mode = params_from_base_test_setup["mode"]

    sg_conf = sync_gateway_config_path_for_mode(sg_conf_name, mode)
    sg_admin_url = cluster_topology["sync_gateways"][0]["admin"]
    sg_url = cluster_topology["sync_gateways"][0]["public"]

    log_info("sg_conf: {}".format(sg_conf))
    log_info("sg_admin_url: {}".format(sg_admin_url))
    log_info("sg_url: {}".format(sg_url))

    cluster = Cluster(config=cluster_conf)

    adam_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="adam", password="******", channels=["NBC", "ABC"], roles=[])
    traun_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="traun", password="******", channels=[], roles=[])
    andy_user_info = userinfo.UserInfo(name="andy", password="******", channels=[], roles=[])
    sg_db = "db"
    doc_id = "adam_doc_0"

    client = MobileRestClient()

    adam_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                   name=adam_user_info.name, password=adam_user_info.password, channels=adam_user_info.channels)

    traun_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                    name=traun_user_info.name, password=traun_user_info.password, channels=traun_user_info.channels)

    andy_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                   name=andy_user_info.name, password=andy_user_info.password, channels=andy_user_info.channels)

    # changes feed wakes with Channel Access via Admin API

    # Get starting sequence of docs, use the last seq to progress past any _user docs.
    adam_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=adam_auth)
    traun_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=traun_auth)
    andy_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=andy_auth)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as ex:

        # Start changes feed for 3 users
        adam_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=adam_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=adam_auth)
        traun_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=traun_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=traun_auth)
        andy_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=andy_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=andy_auth)

        # Wait for changes feed to notice there are no changes and enter wait. 2 seconds should be more than enough

        # Make sure the changes future is still running and has not exited due to any new changes, the feed should be caught up
        # and waiting
        assert not adam_changes_task.done()
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        # Add add a doc for adam with "NBC" and "ABC" channels
        # Add one doc, this should wake up the changes feed
        adam_add_docs_task = ex.submit(client.add_docs, url=sg_url, db=sg_db,
                                       number=1, id_prefix="adam_doc",
                                       auth=adam_auth, channels=adam_user_info.channels)

        # Wait for docs adds to complete
        adam_docs = adam_add_docs_task.result()
        assert len(adam_docs) == 1

        # Assert that the changes feed woke up and that the doc change was propagated
        adam_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert len(adam_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["id"] == doc_id

        # Verify that the changes feed is still listening for Traun and Andy
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        # Update the traun and andy to have one of adam's channels
        update_traun_user_task = ex.submit(client.update_user, url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                           name=traun_user_info.name, password=traun_user_info.password, channels=["NBC"])
        traun_auth = update_traun_user_task.result()

        update_andy_user_task = ex.submit(client.update_user, url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db,
                                          name=andy_user_info.name, password=andy_user_info.password, channels=["ABC"])
        andy_auth = update_andy_user_task.result()

        # Make sure changes feed wakes up and contains at least one change, 2 may be possible if the _user doc is included
        # Make sure the first change is 'adam_doc'
        traun_changes = traun_changes_task.result()
        assert 1 <= len(traun_changes["results"]) <= 2
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "adam_doc_0" or traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "_user/traun"

        andy_changes = andy_changes_task.result()
        assert 1 <= len(andy_changes["results"]) <= 2
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "adam_doc_0" or andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "_user/andy"

    # Block until user docs are seen
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/adam", auth=adam_auth)
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/traun", auth=traun_auth)
    client.verify_doc_id_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_doc_id="_user/andy", auth=andy_auth)

    # Make sure that adams doc shows up in changes due to the fact that the changes feed may be woken up with a _user doc above
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=adam_docs, auth=adam_auth)
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=adam_docs, auth=traun_auth)
    client.verify_docs_in_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, expected_docs=adam_docs, auth=andy_auth)

    # changes feed wakes with Channel Removal via Sync function

    # Get latest last_seq for next test section
    adam_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=adam_auth)
    traun_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=traun_auth)
    andy_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=andy_auth)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as ex:

        # Start changes feed for 3 users from latest last_seq
        adam_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=adam_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=adam_auth)
        traun_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=traun_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=traun_auth)
        andy_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=andy_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=andy_auth)

        # Wait for changes feed to notice there are no changes and enter wait. 2 seconds should be more than enough

        # Make sure the changes future is still running and has not exited due to any new changes, the feed should be caught up
        # and waiting
        assert not adam_changes_task.done()
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        # Remove the channels property from the doc
        client.update_doc(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, doc_id=doc_id, auth=traun_auth, channels=[])

        # All three changes feeds should wake up and return one result
        adam_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert len(adam_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["removed"] == ["ABC", "NBC"]

        traun_changes = traun_changes_task.result()
        assert len(traun_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["removed"] == ["NBC"]

        andy_changes = andy_changes_task.result()
        assert len(andy_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["removed"] == ["ABC"]

    # Verify that users no longer can access the doc
    for user_auth in [adam_auth, traun_auth, andy_auth]:
        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as excinfo:
            client.get_doc(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, doc_id=doc_id, auth=user_auth)
        assert "403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:" in excinfo.value.message

    # changes feed wakes with Channel Grant via Sync function

    # Get latest last_seq for next test section
    adam_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=adam_auth)
    traun_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=traun_auth)
    andy_changes = client.get_changes(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=0, feed="normal", auth=andy_auth)

    admin_auth = client.create_user(url=sg_admin_url, db=sg_db, name="admin", password="******", channels=["admin"])

    channel_grant_doc_id = "channel_grant_with_doc_intially"

    # Add another doc with no channels
    channel_grant_doc_body = document.create_doc(doc_id=channel_grant_doc_id, channels=["admin"])
    client.add_doc(url=sg_url, db=sg_db, doc=channel_grant_doc_body, auth=admin_auth)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as ex:
        # Start changes feed for 3 users from latest last_seq
        adam_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=adam_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=adam_auth)
        traun_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=traun_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=traun_auth)
        andy_changes_task = ex.submit(client.get_changes, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, since=andy_changes["last_seq"], timeout=10, auth=andy_auth)

        # Wait for changes feed to notice there are no changes and enter wait. 2 seconds should be more than enough

        # Make sure the changes future is still running and has not exited due to any new changes, the feed should be caught up
        # and waiting
        assert not adam_changes_task.done()
        assert not traun_changes_task.done()
        assert not andy_changes_task.done()

        # update the grant doc to have channel for all users
        update_task = ex.submit(client.update_doc, url=sg_url, db=sg_db, doc_id=channel_grant_doc_id, auth=admin_auth, channels=["admin", "ABC", "NBC"])
        updated_doc = update_task.result()
        assert updated_doc["rev"].startswith("2-")

        # Verify that access grant wakes up changes feed for adam, traun, and Andy
        adam_changes = adam_changes_task.result()
        assert len(adam_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "channel_grant_with_doc_intially"
        assert adam_changes["results"][0]["changes"][0]["rev"].startswith("2-")

        traun_changes = traun_changes_task.result()
        assert len(traun_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "channel_grant_with_doc_intially"
        assert traun_changes["results"][0]["changes"][0]["rev"].startswith("2-")

        andy_changes = andy_changes_task.result()
        assert len(andy_changes["results"]) == 1
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["id"] == "channel_grant_with_doc_intially"
        assert andy_changes["results"][0]["changes"][0]["rev"].startswith("2-")