Exemplo n.º 1
def get_input(t21file):
    import kf
    f = kf.kffile(t21file)
    inp = f.read('General', 'Input').tolist()
    #print inp

    d_sections = ['units', 'atoms', 'fragments', 'qmmm']
    d_keys = []

    do = True
    newinp = []
    for line in inp:
        if not line.split():
        if not do:
            if 'end' == line.lower().split()[0]:
                do = True
        if line.lower().split()[0] in d_sections:
            do = False
        if line.lower().split()[0] in d_keys:
    #print newinp

    return newinp
Exemplo n.º 2
    def before_run(self):
        import kf

        f = kf.kffile('refdens.t41')
        if self._refdens.nspin == 2:
            values = self._refdens['alpha'].get_values()
            f.writereals('SCF', 'Density_A',
                         values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
            values = self._refdens['beta'].get_values()
            f.writereals('SCF', 'Density_B',
                         values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
            values = self._refdens.get_values()
            f.writereals('SCF', 'Density',
                         values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))

        if self._startpot is not None:
            f = kf.kffile('startpot.t41')
            if self._refdens.nspin == 2:
                if self._startpot.nspin == 2:
                    values = self._startpot['alpha'].get_values()
                        'Potential', 'Total_A',
                        values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
                    values = self._startpot['beta'].get_values()
                        'Potential', 'Total_B',
                        values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
                    values = self._startpot.get_values()
                        'Potential', 'Total_A',
                        values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
                        'Potential', 'Total_B',
                        values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
                values = self._startpot.get_values()
                f.writereals('Potential', 'Total',
                             values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_tape41(self, filename, section, variable):
        import kf

        f = kf.kffile(filename)

        f.writereals(section, variable, self.values)
def GetCPTypes(T21FileName):
	TypeList = []
	T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
	Types = T21.stringData("Properties","CP code number for (Rank,Signatu")
	Types = Types.split('\n')
	Types = Types[3:len(Types)-1]
	for i in Types:
		for j in i.split():
	return TypeList
Exemplo n.º 5
    def before_run(self):
        import kf


        f = kf.kffile('embpot.t41')
        if self._embpot.nspin == 2:
            raise PyAdfError("IMPORTEMBPOT not implemented for nspin=2")
            values = self._embpot.get_values()
            f.writereals('Potential', 'EmbeddingPot',
                         values.reshape((values.size, ), order='Fortran'))
def GetDataFromT41(T41FileName):
	T41Data = {}
	T41VarStrs = ['Density']
	for i in ['X','Y','Z']:
		T41VarStrs.append('DensityGrad' + i)
	for i in ['XX','XY','XZ','YY','YZ','ZZ']:
		T41VarStrs.append('DensityHess' + i)
	T41 = kf.kffile(T41FileName)
	for i in T41VarStrs:
		T41Data[i] = T41.read('SCF', i)
	return T41Data
Exemplo n.º 7
def GetAtomInfo(T21FileName):
    global AtomInfoList
    T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
    NumAtoms = len(T21.read("Properties","Bader atomic charges"))
    for InfoType in AtomInfoList:
        if InfoType['collect']:
            tmp = T21.read("Properties",InfoType['kf_name'])
            InfoType['data'] = []
            for i in range(NumAtoms):
                for j in range(i, NumAtoms * len(InfoType['name']), NumAtoms):
def GetCPCoords(T21FileName):
	T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
	FullList = T21.read("Properties", "CP coordinates")
	NumCPs = T21.read("Properties","CP number of")
	CoordList = []
	for i in range(NumCPs):
		tmp = np.empty([3])
		k = 0
		for j in range(i,NumCPs * 3,NumCPs):
			tmp[k] = FullList[j]
			k += 1
	return CoordList
Exemplo n.º 9
    def write_tape10(cls, grid, filename='TAPE10'):
        Write a TAPE10 file containing the gridpoints.
        f = kf.kffile(filename)

        lblock = 128
        if grid.npoints % lblock == 0:
            dummypoints = 0
            dummypoints = lblock - (grid.npoints % lblock)
        npoints_total = grid.npoints + dummypoints
        nblock = npoints_total / lblock

        f.writeints('General', 'nspin', 1)

        f.writeints("Points", "nblock", nblock)
        f.writeints("Points", "lblock", lblock)
        f.writeints("Points", "nmax", npoints_total)
        f.writeints("Points", "Equivalent Blocks", 1)

        f.writeints("Points", "Length of Blocks", [lblock] * nblock)

        data = numpy.zeros((npoints_total, 4))
        data[:grid.npoints, :3] = grid.get_coordinates(bohr=True)
        data[:grid.npoints, 3] = grid.get_weights()

        outdata = numpy.zeros((nblock, lblock * 4))

        for iblock in range(nblock):
            ipoint = lblock * iblock

            # get one block of points
            block = data[ipoint:ipoint + lblock, :]
            # points have to be written in Fortran ordering !
            block = block.flatten(True)

            outdata[iblock, :] = block

        outdata = outdata.flatten()

        f.writereals('Points', 'Data', outdata)
Exemplo n.º 10
def GetCPEigVals(T21FileName):
    from numpy import linalg as la
    T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
    Hess = T21.read("Properties", "CP density Hessian at")
    NumCPs = T21.read("Properties","CP number of")
    EigValList = []
    for i in range(NumCPs):
        tmp = np.empty([6])
        k = 0
        for j in range(i, NumCPs * 6, NumCPs):
            tmp[k] = Hess[j]
            k += 1
        EVal, tmp1 = la.eigh(GetFullHess(tmp))
    return EigValList
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_geometry(t21file):

    import kf
    f = kf.kffile(t21file)
    geom = f.read('Geometry', 'xyz InputOrder').tolist()
    atomtype = f.read('Geometry', 'atomtype').tolist()
    atomindex = f.read('Geometry', 'fragment and atomtype index').tolist()
    atomorder = f.read('Geometry', 'atom order index').tolist()
    natom = int(f.read('Geometry', 'nr of atoms'))
    NAO = int(f.read('Basis', 'naos'))

    geometry = []
    for iatom in range(natom):
        index = atomorder[iatom] - 1
        atype = atomindex[natom + index] - 1
        el = atomtype[atype].strip()
            el, geom[3 * iatom + 0], geom[3 * iatom + 1], geom[3 * iatom + 2]
    return geometry, NAO
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_smat(filename):

    import kf
    f = kf.kffile(filename)
    NAO = f.read('Basis', 'naos')
    Smat = f.read('Matrices', 'Smat')

    # Smat is lower triangular matrix, len is NAO*(NAO+1)/2
    ao_ovl = makermatrix(NAO, NAO)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    for el in Smat:
        ao_ovl[x][y] = el
        ao_ovl[y][x] = el
        x += 1
        if x > y:
            x = 0
            y += 1
    return NAO, ao_ovl
Exemplo n.º 13
def GetCPInfo(T21FileName):
    from numpy import linalg as la
    global CPInfoList, CPEigVals, CPEigVecs
    T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
    NumCPs = T21.read("Properties","CP number of")
    for i in [CPEigVals,CPEigVecs]:
        if i['collect']: i['data'] = []
    for InfoType in CPInfoList:
        if InfoType['collect']:
            tmp = T21.read("Properties",InfoType['kf_name'])
            InfoType['data'] = []
            for i in range(NumCPs):
                for j in range(i, NumCPs * len(InfoType['name']), NumCPs):
                if 'Hessian' in InfoType['kf_name']:
                    EVal, EVec = la.eigh(GetFullHess(InfoType['data'][i]))
                    CPEigVecs['data'].append([EVec[y,x] for x in range(3) for y in range(3)])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_result_from_tape(self,
        Get a specific variable from a tape.

        @param section: the section on tape to be read
        @type  section: str

        @param variable: the variable on tape to be read
        @type  variable: str

        @param tape: the number of the tape to use, default is 21
        @type  tape: int

        @param always_array: always return a numpy array, even if these have only one element
        @type  always_array: bool

        @returns: the contents of the variable as read.
        @rtype:   depends on the variable to be read

        f = kf.kffile(self.get_tape_filename(tape))
        result = f.read(section, variable)

        if result is None:
            raise PyAdfError("Variable " + section + "%" + variable +
                             " not found in tape file")

        if (not always_array) and (len(result) == 1):
            result = result[0]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_dets_from_tape21(filename, mults, wfthres, nfrozen):

    print '%-40s' % '  importing ...', datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

    # get all info from TAPE21
    import kf
    f = kf.kffile(filename)

    nspin = int(f.read('ActiveFrag', 'nspin'))
    if nspin == 1:
        restr = True
        restr = False

    print '%-40s' % '  getting general info ...', datetime.datetime.now(
    ) - starttime
    # get general infos
    if restr:
        if 1 in mults:
            extrmults = ['S', 'T']
            extrmults = ['T']
        gsmult = 1
        extrmults = ['S']
        #get gsmult
        occ_A = f.read('A', 'froc_A').tolist()
        occ_B = f.read('A', 'froc_B').tolist()
        nA = sum(occ_A)
        nB = sum(occ_B)
        ndiff = int(nA - nB)
        gsmult = ndiff + 1
    nstates_to_extract = [0 for i in range(max(mults))]
    if not restr or 1 in mults:
        n = int(f.read('Excitations SS A', 'nr of excenergies'))
        nstates_to_extract[gsmult - 1] = n
    if restr and 3 in mults:
        n = int(f.read('Excitations ST A', 'nr of excenergies'))
        if n:
            nstates_to_extract[2] = n
    inp = f.read('General', 'Input')
    tda = False
    for line in inp:
        if 'tda' in line.lower():
            tda = True

    lhybrid = f.read('General', 'lhybrid')[0]
    occ_A = f.read('A', 'froc_A').tolist()
    occ_A = [int(i) for i in occ_A]
    if restr:
        nocc_A = sum(occ_A) / 2
        nvir_A = len(occ_A) - nocc_A
        nocc_A = sum(occ_A)
        nvir_A = len(occ_A) - nocc_A
        NMO_B = int(f.read('A', 'nmo_B'))
        occ_B = f.read('A', 'froc_B').tolist()
        occ_B = [int(i) for i in occ_B]
        nocc_B = sum(occ_B)
        nvir_B = len(occ_B) - nocc_B

    # make step vectors (0:empty, 1:alpha, 2:beta, 3:docc)
    if restr:
        m = {0: 0, 2: 3}
        occ_A = [m[i] for i in occ_A]
        m = {0: 0, 1: 2}
        occ_B = [m[i] for i in occ_B]

    occ_A = tuple(occ_A)
    if not restr:
        occ_B = tuple(occ_B)

    #print occ_A
    #print nocc_A,nvir_A
    #if not restr:
    #print occ_B
    #print nocc_B,nvir_B

    print '%-40s' % '  processing eigenvectors ...', datetime.datetime.now(
    ) - starttime
    # get eigenvectors
    eigenvectors = {}
    for imult, mult in enumerate(mults):
        print '%-40s' % ('    Multiplicity: %i' %
                         (mult)), datetime.datetime.now() - starttime
        eigenvectors[mult] = []
        if mult == gsmult:
            # add ground state
            if restr:
                key = tuple(occ_A[nfrozen:])
                key = tuple(occ_A[nfrozen:] + occ_B[nfrozen:])
            eigenvectors[mult].append({key: 1.0})
        for istate in range(nstates_to_extract[mult - 1]):
            print '%-40s' % ('      State: %i' %
                             (istate + 1)), datetime.datetime.now() - starttime
            print '%-40s' % '        Reading ...', datetime.datetime.now(
            ) - starttime
            section = 'Excitations S%s A' % extrmults[imult]
            key = 'eigenvector %i' % (istate + 1)
                eig = f.read(section, key).tolist()
            except AttributeError:
                print 'No eigenvectors found in file %s!' % (filename)
            if lhybrid and not tda:
                key = 'left eigenvector %i' % (istate + 1)
                eigl = f.read(section, key).tolist()
                for i in range(len(eig)):
                    eig[i] = (eig[i] + eigl[i]) / 2.
            # make dictionary
            print '%-40s' % '        Converting ...', datetime.datetime.now(
            ) - starttime
            dets = {}
            if restr:
                for iocc in range(nocc_A):
                    for ivirt in range(nvir_A):
                        index = iocc * nvir_A + ivirt
                        dets[(iocc, ivirt, 1)] = eig[index]
                for iocc in range(nocc_A):
                    for ivirt in range(nvir_A):
                        index = iocc * nvir_A + ivirt
                        dets[(iocc, ivirt, 1)] = eig[index]
                # beta excitation
                for iocc in range(nocc_B):
                    for ivirt in range(nvir_B):
                        index = iocc * nvir_B + ivirt + max(
                            nvir_A, nvir_B) * max(nocc_A, nocc_B)
                        dets[(iocc, ivirt, 2)] = eig[index]
            # truncate vector
            print '%-40s' % '        Truncating vector ...', datetime.datetime.now(
            ) - starttime
            norm = 0.
            for k in sorted(dets, key=lambda x: dets[x]**2, reverse=True):
                if norm > wfthres:
                    del dets[k]
                norm += dets[k]**2
            # create strings
            print '%-40s' % '        Making determinants ...', datetime.datetime.now(
            ) - starttime
            dets2 = {}
            if restr:
                for iocc, ivirt, dummy in dets:
                    if mult == 1:
                        # alpha excitation
                        key = list(occ_A)
                        key[iocc] = 2
                        key[nocc_A + ivirt] = 1
                        dets2[tuple(key)] = dets[(iocc, ivirt,
                                                  dummy)] / math.sqrt(2.)
                        # beta excitation
                        key[iocc] = 1
                        key[nocc_A + ivirt] = 2
                        dets2[tuple(key)] = dets[(iocc, ivirt,
                                                  dummy)] / math.sqrt(2.)
                    elif mult == 3:
                        key = list(occ_A)
                        key[iocc] = 1
                        key[nocc_A + ivirt] = 1
                        dets2[tuple(key)] = dets[(iocc, ivirt, dummy)]
                for iocc, ivirt, dummy in dets:
                    if dummy == 1:
                        key = list(occ_A + occ_B)
                        key[iocc] = 0
                        key[nocc_A + ivirt] = 1
                        dets2[tuple(key)] = dets[(iocc, ivirt, dummy)]
                    elif dummy == 2:
                        key = list(occ_A + occ_B)
                        key[nocc_A + nvir_A + iocc] = 0
                        key[nocc_A + nvir_A + nocc_B + ivirt] = 2
                        dets2[tuple(key)] = dets[(iocc, ivirt, dummy)]
            # remove frozen core
            print '%-40s' % '        Removing frozen core ...', datetime.datetime.now(
            ) - starttime
            dets3 = {}
            for key in dets2:
                problem = False
                if restr:
                    if any([key[i] != 3 for i in range(nfrozen)]):
                        problem = True
                    if any([key[i] != 1 for i in range(nfrozen)]):
                        problem = True
                    if any([
                            key[i] != 2
                            for i in range(nocc_A + nvir_A, nocc_A + nvir_A +
                        problem = True
                if problem:
                    print 'WARNING: Non-occupied orbital inside frozen core!'
                if restr:
                    key2 = key[nfrozen:]
                    key2 = key[nfrozen:nocc_A + nvir_A] + key[nocc_A + nvir_A +
                dets3[key2] = dets2[key]
            # append

    print '%-40s' % '  formatting eigenvectors ...', datetime.datetime.now(
    ) - starttime
    strings = {}
    for imult, mult in enumerate(mults):
        filename = os.path.join('dets.%i' % mult)
        strings[filename] = format_ci_vectors(eigenvectors[mult])

    return strings
Exemplo n.º 16
        elif isinstance(content, str):
            print 'Content %s cannot be written to file!' % (content)
    except IOError:
        print 'Could not write to file %s!' % (filename)

# ======================================================================= #

filename = 'TAPE15'
filename = sys.argv[1]
file1 = kf.kffile(filename)
NAO = int(file1.read('Basis', 'naos'))
Smat = file1.read("Matrices", "Smat")
npart_a = file1.read("A", "npart")
npart = npart_a.tolist()

Full_Smat = [[0. for i in range(NAO)] for j in range(NAO)]
x = 0
y = 0
for el in Smat:
    x1 = npart.index(x + 1)
    y1 = npart.index(y + 1)
    Full_Smat[x1][y1] = el
    Full_Smat[y1][x1] = el
    x += 1
    if x > y:
Exemplo n.º 17
def main():
    import ast
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    global T21BaseName, ScriptDir, CurrentDir, CPInfoList, AtomInfoList
#     InputFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Haiiro\\Dropbox\\EclipseWin\\Python\\CPGobbler\\input.txt"
#     InputFilePath = "/Users/Haiiro/Safe/CP_Gobbler/input.txt"
    InputFilePath = "/Users/Haiiro/ADFdata/input.txt"
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        InputFilePath = sys.argv[1]

    InputFile = open(InputFilePath, 'r')
    InputFileContents = InputFile.readlines()
    ScriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    InputDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(InputFilePath))
    FileNum = 0
    CurrentDir = os.path.dirname(InputFilePath)
    OutBRCCSVName = CurrentDir + SubDir + "/CPs.csv"
    OutNCSVName = CurrentDir + SubDir + "/BaderAtoms.csv"
    if IsWindows:
        subprocess.Popen('mkdir "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
        subprocess.Popen('mkdir -p "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
    BRCHeaders = "Filename,InCP#,CP#,CP Rank,CP Type,"
    NHeaders = "Filename,InCP#,CP#,x,y,z,"
    FirstCP = True
    FirstBaderAtom = True
    for aLine in InputFileContents:
        FileNum += 1
        if len(aLine) > 0 and aLine[0] == '#':
        print "Running file " + str(FileNum) + " of " + str(len(InputFileContents))
        aLine = aLine.split('\t')
        if len(aLine) > 1:
            InputT21FileName = aLine[0]
            TargetCPs = ast.literal_eval(aLine[1])
            AllCPs = (TargetCPs[0] < 0)
            if AllCPs: print "Getting all CP information"
            T21BaseName = os.path.basename(InputT21FileName)
            CurrentDir = os.path.dirname(InputT21FileName)
            if not os.path.exists(CurrentDir):
                if IsWindows:
                    InputT21FileName = InputDir + '\\' + T21BaseName
                    InputT21FileName = InputDir + '/' + T21BaseName
            if '?' in InputT21FileName or '*' in InputT21FileName:
                if IsWindows:
                    T21FileNames = subprocess.Popen("dir /b " + InputT21FileName, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
                    T21FileNames = subprocess.Popen('ls ' + InputT21FileName, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
                T21FileNames = T21FileNames.split('\n')
                T21FileNames = [InputT21FileName]
            OrigCPCoords = []
            OrigCPTypes = []
            for T21FileName in T21FileNames:
                if len(T21FileName) > 2:
                    if IsWindows:
                        T21FileName = (CurrentDir + '\\' + T21FileName).replace('\r','')
                    if os.path.exists(T21FileName):
                        T21BaseName = os.path.basename(T21FileName)
                        if '.' in T21BaseName:
                            T21BaseName = T21BaseName.rpartition('.')[0]
                        print "Full file path: %s" % T21FileName
                        T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
                        RunType = T21.stringData("General", "runtype")
                        print "Run type: %s" % RunType
                        ExitStatus = T21.stringData("General", "termination status")
                        if not 'NORMAL TERMINATION' in ExitStatus:
                            print "T21 file reports abnormal termination: %s. skipping..." % ExitStatus
                        NumCPs = T21.read("Properties", "CP number of")
                        if NumCPs is None or NumCPs <= 0:
                            print "No CPs found, skipping..."
                        CPCoords = GetCPCoords(T21FileName)
                        CPTypes = GetCPTypes(T21FileName)
#                         CPEigVals = GetCPEigVals(T21FileName)
                        T21 = kf.kffile(T21FileName)
#                         CPDens = T21.read("Properties", "CP density at")
#                         BaderCharges = T21.read("Properties", "Bader atomic charges")
                        if AllCPs:
                            NumCPs = T21.read("Properties", "CP number of")
                            TargetCPs = [i+1 for i in range(NumCPs)]
                        AtomOrderIndex = T21.read("Geometry","atom order index")
                        NumAtoms = len(AtomOrderIndex) / 2
                        if len(OrigCPCoords) == 0: OrigCPCoords = CPCoords
                        if len(OrigCPTypes) == 0: OrigCPTypes = CPTypes
                        for CPNum in TargetCPs:
                            CurCPNum = GetCPsFromCoords(CPNum, CPCoords, CPTypes, OrigCPCoords, OrigCPTypes) if not AllCPs else CPNum
                            CurCPType = CPTypes[CurCPNum-1]
                            print "Getting CP " + str(CurCPNum) + " from " + T21BaseName
                            if FirstCP:
                                FirstCP = False
                                if IsWindows:
                                    subprocess.Popen('mkdir "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
                                    subprocess.Popen('mkdir -p "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
                                CPCSV = open(OutBRCCSVName, 'a')
                                for i in CPInfoList:
                                    if i['collect']:
                                        for j in i['name']:
                                            CPCSV.write(j + ',')
                                        if 'Hessian' in i['kf_name']:
                                            if CPEigVals['collect']:
                                                for j in CPEigVals['name']:
                                                    CPCSV.write(j + ',')
                                            if CPEigVecs['collect']:
                                                for j in CPEigVecs['name']:
                                                    CPCSV.write(j + ',')
                            for i in [T21FileName,CPNum,CurCPNum,CPRankInd[CPTypes[CurCPNum-1]-1],CPTypeInd[CPTypes[CurCPNum-1]-1]]:
                                CPCSV.write(str(i) + ",")
                            for i in CPInfoList:
                                if i['collect']:
                                    for j in i['data'][CurCPNum-1]:
                                        CPCSV.write(str(j) + ",")
                                    if 'Hessian' in i['kf_name']:
                                            if CPEigVals['collect']:
                                                for j in CPEigVals['data'][CurCPNum-1]:
                                                    CPCSV.write(str(j) + ',')
                                            if CPEigVecs['collect']:
                                                for j in CPEigVecs['data'][CurCPNum-1]:
                                                    CPCSV.write(str(j) + ',')
#                                 for i in CPCoords[CurCPNum-1]:
#                                     CPCSV.write(str(i) + ",")
#                                 CPCSV.write(str(CPDens[CurCPNum-1]) + ",")
#                                 for i in CPEigVals[CurCPNum-1]:
#                                     CPCSV.write(str(i) + ",")
                            if CurCPType == 1:
                                if FirstBaderAtom:
                                    FirstBaderAtom = False
                                    if IsWindows:
                                        subprocess.Popen('mkdir "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
                                        subprocess.Popen('mkdir -p "' + CurrentDir + SubDir + '"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()                                    
                                    BACSV = open(OutNCSVName, 'a')
                                    for i in AtomInfoList:
                                        if i['collect']:
                                            for j in i['name']:
                                                BACSV.write(j + ',')
#                                 Fetch the input atom number of the current nuclear CP.
#                                 I guess this isn't necessary, so it's commented out.
#                                 AtomNum = AtomOrderIndex[CurCPNum-1 + NumAtoms]
                                AtomNum = CurCPNum
                                for i in [T21FileName,CPNum,AtomNum]:
                                    BACSV.write(str(i) + ",")
                                for i in CPCoords[CurCPNum-1]:
                                    BACSV.write(str(i) + ",")
                                for i in AtomInfoList:
                                    if i['collect']:
                                        for j in i['data'][AtomNum-1]:
                                            BACSV.write(str(j) + ",")
#                                 BACSV.write(str(CPDens[CurCPNum-1]) + ",")
#                                 BACSV.write(str(BaderCharges[CurCPNum-1]) + ",")
    if not FirstCP:
    if not FirstBaderAtom:
    print "Finished"
Exemplo n.º 18
def KFextract():

    kf15Path = glob.glob('*.t15')
    print kf15Path
    kf21Path = glob.glob('*.t21')
    print kf21Path
    if len(kf15Path) != 1 or len(kf21Path) != 1:
        print 'One and only one of t15 and t21 files allowed in directory!'
    # <======================================================================>
    # DebugFlag Hook:
    # Use the kfwrapper which dumps everything or you can use kffile
    # silently. Don't change kf cause that is provided (and supported) by
    # ADF directly:
    debugFlag = True
    if debugFlag :
        kf15 = kfwrapper.kffileWrapper(kf15Path[0])
        kf21 = kfwrapper.kffileWrapper(kf21Path[0])
        kf15 = kf.kffile(kf15Path[0])
        kf21 = kf.kffile(kf21Path[0])
    # <======================================================================>
    Symmetry_symlab = kf15.read ('Symmetry', 'bb')  # Read the names of the KS orbitals
    print Symmetry_symlab

    moList = []  # Will contain an array of MOs
    irrepList = [] # Will contain an array of info associated with the symmetry
    # <======================================================================>
    # Extract the data from the key files associated with each KS orbital
    # Eash KS Symmetry (irrep includes:
    # - symmetry name (irrepName)
    # - the expansion coefficients for duplicate atoms (e.g. 1/sqrt(2))
    # .... (SFO_proto)
    # - list of bas functions that support the symmetry (npart)
    # Each KS Orbital (mo) includes:
    # - unique symmetry index associated with the sym array
    # - symmetry name (irrepName)
    # - instance ID within symmetry name and spin
    # - spin A or B 
    # - energy in eV (escale .. converted from AU in key file) 
    # - coefficients in terms of Lowdins (Eigen-Low)
    # - occupancy (froc)
    # <======================================================================>
    irrepID = 0
    for irrepName in Symmetry_symlab:
        irrepID = irrepID + 1
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # First extract the bulk data
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Array of SFOs associated with this irrep
        SFO_proto = kf15.read(irrepName, 'SFO_proto') # SFO expansion coeff
        SFO_nofr = kf15.read(irrepName, 'nofr') # fragment indices
        SFO_nofrs = kf15.read(irrepName, 'nofrs') # SFO indices within fragment
        SFO_nrcoef = kf15.read(irrepName, 'nrcoef') # number of coeff for symmetry
        irrepList.append(ADF.Irrep(irrepName, SFO_proto, SFO_nofr, SFO_nofrs, SFO_nrcoef))  # <==== irrep 
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # The expansion of this KS MO in Lowdin orbitals
        EigenLow_A = kf15.read(irrepName, 'Eigen-Low_A') 
        EigenLow_B = kf15.read(irrepName, 'Eigen-Low_B')  
        # The number of MOs associated with this symmetry
        nmo_A = kf15.read(irrepName, 'nmo_A')
        nmo_B = kf15.read(irrepName, 'nmo_B')
        # The energy eigenvalue associated with this MO
        escale_A = kf21.read (irrepName, 'escale_A')
        escale_B = kf21.read (irrepName, 'escale_B')
        # The electronic occupancy of this MO
        froc_A = kf21.read(irrepName,'froc_A')
        froc_B = kf21.read(irrepName,'froc_B')
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Now, for each KS orbital, build an mo instance by spin type A/B
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        moInst = 1
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        for moIndex in range(nmo_A):
            strt = moIndex*nmo_A
            end = strt + nmo_A

            moList.append(ADF.KSOrbital(irrepID, moInst,  # <==== KS MO
            moInst = moInst + 1
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        moInst = 1
        for moIndex in range(nmo_B):
            strt = moIndex*nmo_B
            end = strt + nmo_B
            moList.append(ADF.KSOrbital(irrepID, moInst, # <=============
            moInst = moInst + 1
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # <======================================================================>
    # Extract the information about the SFOs from the fragment files
    # Each sfo includes:
    # - the sfo symmetry name e.g. P:x (ftyp_symlab)
    # - the sfo atom type (e.g. H, O, Pu) (ftyp_atomtyp)
    # - list of bas functions that support the symmetry (npart) 
    # ... linked to the same in the sym array above
    # <======================================================================>
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # read the number of fragment types .. really the number of different
    # atoms since each atom has a unique fragment file in our implementation
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ntyp = kf21.read('Geometry', 'ntyp') 
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    fragList = []
    fragID = 0
    # Loop through each fragment type
    # Each fragment type is associated with one atom type
    # If that changes, then this extraction code probably won't work
    for fragTypeIndex in range(ntyp):
        fragID = fragID + 1
        # Probably works as long as the number of frags is less than 10
        ftyp_str = 'Ftyp '+str(fragTypeIndex + 1)  
        # Atomic Label Pu,H,O,etc.
        ftyp_atomtype =  kf21.read(ftyp_str, 'atomtype') 
        # Symbolic label - the SFO label like P:x, D:xy etc.
        ftyp_symlab = kf21.read(ftyp_str, 'bb')
        # The number of orbitals for each SFO
        # ADF says size of the fock matrix but doesn't make sense
        ftyp_norb = kf21.read(ftyp_str, 'norb')
        ftyp_nfrag = kf21.read(ftyp_str, 'nfrag')
        # Force a fragment instance for each atom
        # eventhough they are the same type
        for n in range(ftyp_nfrag):
            fragList.append(ADF.Frag(ftyp_atomtype[0], ftyp_symlab, ftyp_norb))
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    sfoGlobalID = 1
    for ks in moList:
        sfoGlobalID = ks.link(irrepList, fragList, sfoGlobalID)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    for f in fragList:
    # <======================================================================>
    # Read in the property list for the appropriate SFO's to keep
    # <======================================================================>
    pl = Plist.AtomicOrbitalPlist()
    aoList = pl.aoList
    nStates = aoList.nStates
    sfoPlist = SFOPropertyList()

    # <======================================================================>
    nKSOrbitals = len(moList)
    print 'Number of KS Orbitals = ', nKSOrbitals
    Hdft = np.mat(np.zeros((nKSOrbitals, nKSOrbitals), float))
    moIndex = 0
    Uo =  np.mat(np.zeros((nStates, nKSOrbitals), float))
    Uks =  np.mat(np.zeros((nKSOrbitals, nKSOrbitals), float))
    Occ = np.zeros((nKSOrbitals), float)

    for mo in moList:

        # <====================== Energy Matrix =================================>
        irrep = irrepList[mo.irrepID - 1]
        Hdft[moIndex,moIndex] = mo.escale
        print 'E(', irrep.irrepName, '.', mo.instance,'.', mo.spin, ') = ', mo.escale, '(', mo.occ, ')'

        # <====================== Occupation List =================================>
        Occ[moIndex] = mo.occ

        # <======================================================================>
        moIndex = moIndex + 1
        # End for mo in moList

    moIndex = 0
    row = 0
    for moIndex, mo in enumerate(moList):
        coeffIndex = 0
        nrcoefIndex = 0
        count = 0
        irrep = irrepList[mo.irrepID - 1]

        # <======================================================================>
        for fragID, sfoFragID, SFO_proto in zip(irrep.nofr,

            # ADF doesnt print out each coefficient if they are the same
            # move to next coefficients or reset back to reuse previous ones
            if count == 0:
                count = irrep.nrcoef[nrcoefIndex]
                nrcoefIndex = nrcoefIndex + 1
                coeffIndex = saveCoeffIndex

            count = count - 1

            # ADF indexes each fragment file ...
            # but it doesn't index each SFO
            f = fragList[fragID - 1]
            sfo = f.sfoList[sfoFragID - 1]

            saveCoeffIndex = coeffIndex

            # <======================================================================>
            # Loop thru the sfo's
            # norb - multiple SFOs per SFO, as it were
            # <======================================================================>
            for norb in range(sfo.norb):
                # Generate a unique ID associated with the atomic orbital
                [rowO, rowKS]  = sfoPlist.validSFO(aoList, f, fragID, sfo, norb+1, mo.spin)
                #print rowO, rowKS, f.atomtype, fragID, sfo.sym, norb+1, mo.spin
                if (rowO >= 0):
                    Uo[rowO,moIndex] = SFO_proto*mo.eigenLow[coeffIndex]
                    #print 'Uo[', rowO,'(', f.atomtype, fragID, sfo.sym, norb+1,'),',moIndex,'] = ', Uo[rowO,moIndex]

                if (rowKS == -1):
                    raise(KohnShamError('rowKS is not valid!'))

                Uks[rowKS,moIndex] =  SFO_proto*mo.eigenLow[coeffIndex]
                #print 'Uks[', rowKS,'(', f.atomtype, fragID, sfo.sym, norb+1,'),',moIndex,'] = ', Uks[rowKS,moIndex]

                coeffIndex = coeffIndex + 1

            # <======================================================================>
            # end of sfo loop - looping thru the atomic orbitals
            # <======================================================================>

        # <======================================================================>
        # end of frag loop 
        # <======================================================================>

    # <======================================================================>
    # end of mo loop ... looping through the KS orbitals
    # <======================================================================>

    Nks = np.multiply(np.resize(Occ, Uo.shape), np.multiply(Uo,Uo.conjugate())).sum()
    print 'Nks = ', Nks

    f = open('Uo.pkl', 'w')
    pickle.dump(Uo, f)
    f = open('Uks.pkl', 'w')
    pickle.dump(Uks, f)
    f = open('Occ.pkl', 'w')
    pickle.dump(Occ, f)
    f = open('Hdft.pkl', 'w')
    pickle.dump(Hdft, f)
    f = open('Nks.pkl', 'w')
    pickle.dump(Nks, f)
    #f = open('irrep.pkl', 'w')
    #pickle.dump(irrep, f)
    #f = open('mo.pkl', 'w')
    #pickle.dump(mo, f)
    #f = open('frag.pkl', 'w')
    #pickle.dump(frag, f)

Exemplo n.º 19
def get_MO_from_tape21(filename, nfrozen):

    print '%-40s' % '  importing ...', datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

    # get all info from TAPE21
    import kf
    f = kf.kffile(filename)

    print '%-40s' % '  getting info ...', datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

    nspin = int(f.read('ActiveFrag', 'nspin'))
    if nspin == 1:
        restr = True
        restr = False
    NAO = int(f.read('Basis', 'naos'))
    npart = f.read('A', 'npart').tolist()
    NMO_A = int(f.read('A', 'nmo_A'))
    mocoef_A = f.read('A', 'Eigen-Bas_A').tolist()
    if not restr:
        NMO_B = int(f.read('A', 'nmo_B'))
        mocoef_B = f.read('A', 'Eigen-Bas_B').tolist()

    # prepare npart
    for i in range(len(npart)):
        npart[i] -= 1

    print '%-40s' % '  building matrices ...', datetime.datetime.now(
    ) - starttime

    # build MO matrices
    MO_A = [[0. for iao in range(NAO)] for imo in range(NMO_A)]
    iao = 0
    imo = 0
    for i, el in enumerate(mocoef_A):
        iao1 = npart[iao]
        MO_A[imo][iao1] = el
        iao += 1
        if iao >= NAO:
            iao = 0
            imo += 1

    if not restr:
        MO_B = [[0. for iao in range(NAO)] for imo in range(NMO_B)]
        iao = 0
        imo = 0
        for i, el in enumerate(mocoef_B):
            iao1 = npart[iao]
            MO_B[imo][iao1] = el
            iao += 1
            if iao >= NAO:
                iao = 0
                imo += 1

    if restr:
        NMO = NMO_A - nfrozen
        NMO = NMO_A + NMO_B - 2 * nfrozen

    print '%-40s' % '  formatting ...', datetime.datetime.now() - starttime

    # make string
    string = '''2mocoef
MO-coefficients from ADF
 %i   %i
''' % (NAO, NMO)
    x = 0
    for imo, mo in enumerate(MO_A):
        if imo < nfrozen:
        for c in mo:
            if x >= 3:
                string += '\n'
                x = 0
            string += '% 6.12e ' % c
            x += 1
        if x > 0:
            string += '\n'
            x = 0
    if not restr:
        x = 0
        for imo, mo in enumerate(MO_B):
            if imo < nfrozen:
            for c in mo:
                if x >= 3:
                    string += '\n'
                    x = 0
                string += '% 6.12e ' % c
                x += 1
            if x > 0:
                string += '\n'
                x = 0
    string += 'orbocc\n(*)\n'
    x = 0
    for i in range(NMO):
        if x >= 3:
            string += '\n'
            x = 0
        string += '% 6.12e ' % (0.0)
        x += 1

    return string
Exemplo n.º 20
 def startDocument(self):
     self.variables = []
     self.outfile = kffile(self.data_tape)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def pack_results(self, fileid):
        Pack a TAPE21 results file of an FDE job.

        This will reduce the size of a FDE TAPE21 file by
        only keeping the ActiceFragment section and related
        essential information. All information about frozen
        fragments will be deleted. This is useful for manual
        freeze-and-thaw calculations with many subsystems,
        where this packing can reduce the size of the stored
        files significantly.

        @param fileid: The results ID for the coresponding job.
        @type  fileid: int

        if self._ispacked[fileid]:

        import subprocess
        from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
        import kf

        fn = self.get_results_filename(fileid, 21)

        os.rename(fn, fn + ".orig")

        if kf.kffile.env is None:
            env = os.environ
            env = kf.kffile.env

        toc = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(env['ADFBIN'], 'dmpkf'), fn + ".orig", '--xmltoc'],
                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env).communicate()[0]
        dom = parseString(toc)

        f = kf.kffile(fn + ".orig")
        atomtypeIndices = f.read('ActiveFrag', 'atomtypeIndices')

        keepsections = ['General', 'Properties', 'Num Int Params', 'LinearScaling',
                              'Geometry%nr of fragmenttypes']
        keepsections_if_exist = ['Total Energy', 'Energy']

        for section in dom.getElementsByTagName('section'):
            secname = section.getAttribute('id')
            if secname in keepsections_if_exist:
            for i in atomtypeIndices:
                if secname.startswith('Atyp%3i' % i):
                # fixme: use a more general format expression
                elif secname.startswith('Atyp%4i' % i):
                elif secname.startswith('Atyp%5i' % i):
            if secname.startswith('ActiveFrag'):

        subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(env['ADFBIN'], 'cpkf'), fn + ".orig", fn] + keepsections,
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env).wait()

        os.remove(fn + ".orig")
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.kf = kf.kffile(filename)
     print 'Using ', filename