Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_poseInference(self):
        mot1 = self.backend.randomMotion()
        mot2 = self.backend.randomMotion()
        pose1 = motions.PoseSpec(pose=pBA, motion=mot1)
        pose2 = motions.PoseSpec(pose=pCB, motion=mot2)

        model = motions.PosesSpec(name='test', poses=[pose1, pose2])
        inspector = motions.ConnectedFramesInspector(model)
        self.assertTrue(inspector.hasRelativePose(frA, frC))

        posespec = inspector.getPoseSpec(targetFrame=frC, referenceFrame=frA)
        A_ct_B = toCoordinateTransform(pose1)
        B_ct_C = toCoordinateTransform(pose2)
        A_ct_C = toCoordinateTransform(posespec)  # to be tested

        A_X_B = self.backend.asMatrix(A_ct_B)
        B_X_C = self.backend.asMatrix(B_ct_C)
        A_X_C = self.backend.asMatrix(A_ct_C)

            self.backend.equal_matrix(self.backend.mult_matrix(A_X_B, B_X_C),
Exemplo n.º 2
def convert(kindslFile, params={}):
    global __currentParams
    __currentParams = params
    robin = dsl.modelFromFile(kindslFile)

    links = ODict()
    joints = ODict()
    kpairs = []

    allBodies = [robin.base] + robin.links

    for linkin in allBodies:
        name = linkin.name
        link = robmodel.connectivity.Link(name)
        links[name] = link

    for jointin in robin.joints:
        name = jointin.name
        joint = robmodel.connectivity.Joint(
            name, jointTypeStr[jointin.__class__.__name__])
        joints[name] = joint

    for parentin in allBodies:
        for childSpec in parentin.childrenList.children:
            childin = childSpec.link
            jointin = childSpec.joint

            parent = links[parentin.name]
            child = links[childin.name]
            joint = joints[jointin.name]

            kpairs.append(robmodel.connectivity.KPair(joint, parent, child))

    connectivityModel = robmodel.connectivity.Robot(robin.name, links, joints,

    numbering = {}
    numbering[robin.base.name] = 0
    for linkin in robin.links:
        numbering[linkin.name] = linkin.num

    ordering = {'robot': robin.name, 'nums': numbering}
    orderedModel = robmodel.ordering.Robot(connectivityModel, ordering)

    # FRAMES and POSES
    userFrames = []
    for linkin in allBodies:
        for fr in linkin.frames:
            frame = primitives.Frame(fr.name)
            attach = primitives.Attachment(entity=frame,
    framesModel = robmodel.frames.RobotDefaultFrames(orderedModel, userFrames)

    poses = []
    for jointin in robin.joints:
        motion_link_to_joint = linkFrameToOtherFrameInKinDSL(jointin.refFrame)
        joint = joints[jointin.name]
        link = orderedModel.predecessor(joint)

        frame_joint = framesModel.framesByName[joint.name]
        frame_link = framesModel.framesByName[link.name]
        pose = primitives.Pose(target=frame_joint, reference=frame_link)
        poses.append(PoseSpec(pose, motion_link_to_joint))

    for linkin in allBodies:
        for fr in linkin.frames:
            motion_link_to_user = linkFrameToOtherFrameInKinDSL(fr.transform)
            frame_link = framesModel.framesByName[linkin.name]
            frame_user = framesModel.framesByName[fr.name]
            pose = primitives.Pose(target=frame_user, reference=frame_link)
            poses.append(PoseSpec(pose, motion_link_to_user))

    posesModel = motions.PosesSpec(robin.name, poses)
    geometryModel = robmodel.geometry.Geometry(orderedModel, framesModel,

    inertiadict = {}
    inertiaBodies = robin.links
    if robin.base.__class__.__name__ == 'FloatingRobotBase':
        inertiaBodies = allBodies

    for linkin in inertiaBodies:
        ipin = linkin.bodyInertia
        #TODO support the inertia properties in the user-frame
        frame = framesModel.framesByName[linkin.name]
        mass = exprValue(ipin.mass)
        com = inertia.CoM(frame,
        im = inertia.IMoments(frame,

        inertiadict[linkin.name] = inertia.BodyInertia(mass, com, im)

    inertiaModel = inertia.RobotLinksInertia(connectivityModel, framesModel,

    return connectivityModel, orderedModel, framesModel, geometryModel, inertiaModel
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, robot, frames, axes):
        self.poseSpecByJoint = {}
        self.poseSpecByPose = {}
        self.jointToSymVar = {}
        self.symVarToJoint = {}

        for joint in robot.joints.values():
            i = robot.jointNum(joint)
            succ = robot.successor(joint)
            succFrame = frames.linkFrames[succ]
            jointFrame = frames.jointFrames[joint]
            pose = Pose(target=succFrame, reference=jointFrame)
            axis = axes[joint.name]
            # So, we have the pose of the link (successor) frame relative to the joint frame

            symname = "q{0}".format(i - 1)
            qvar = numeric_argument.Variable(name=symname)
            qexpr = numeric_argument.Expression(argument=qvar)
            motionSteps = None
            motionF = None
            if joint.kind == 'fixed':
                # aribtrary motion step of 0 value
                motionSteps = [motions.translation(motions.Axis.Z, 0.0)]
                if joint.kind == JointKind.prismatic:
                    motionF = lambda axis, amount: motions.translation(
                        axis, amount)
                elif joint.kind == JointKind.revolute:
                    motionF = lambda axis, amount: motions.rotation(
                        axis, amount)
                    raise RuntimeError("Unknown joint type '{0}'".format(
                if axis == (1, 0, 0):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.X, qexpr)]
                elif axis == (-1, 0, 0):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.X, -qexpr)]
                elif axis == (0, 1, 0):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.Y, qexpr)]
                elif axis == (0, -1, 0):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.Y, -qexpr)]
                elif axis == (0, 0, 1):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.Z, qexpr)]
                elif axis == (0, 0, -1):
                    motionSteps = [motionF(motions.Axis.Z, -qexpr)]
                    jointMotion = motionF(motions.Axis.Z, qexpr)
                    # The joint axis is an arbitrary versor...
                    # Thus, we first rotate the frame so that our Z axis aligns
                    # with the joint axis, and only then we add the motion of
                    # the joint itself.
                    x, y, z = axis[:]
                    if y != 0.0:
                        rz = -math.tan(x / y)
                        rx = -(math.pi / 2 -
                               math.tan(z / math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)))

                        step1 = motions.rotation(motions.Axis.Z, rz)
                        step2 = motions.rotation(motions.Axis.X, rx)
                        motionSteps = [
                            step1, step2, jointMotion, -step2, -step1
                        ry = math.tan(
                            x / z
                        )  # if z was also 0, another branch above would be executed
                        step1 = motions.rotation(motions.Axis.Y, ry)
                        motionSteps = [step1, jointMotion, -step1]

            poseSpec = PoseSpec(
            self.poseSpecByJoint[joint] = poseSpec
            self.poseSpecByPose[pose] = poseSpec
            self.jointToSymVar[joint] = qvar
            self.symVarToJoint[qvar] = joint

        self.robot = robot
        self.robotFrames = frames
        self.jointPosesModel = motions.PosesSpec(
            name=robot.name + '-joints', poses=self.poseSpecByJoint.values())
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, connectModel, framesModel, posesModel, jointAxes=None):
        Construct the geometry model of a mechanism by composing the arguments.


        - `connectModel` the connectivity model of the mechanism, with ordering
        - `framesModel` the set of the Cartesian frames attached to the mechanism
        - `posesModel` the constant, relative poses between the frames
        - `jointAxes` the versors of the joint axes, in joint frame coordinates

        The third argument is the actual geometric data; this constructor makes
        sure that the three arguments are consistent and therefore can be
        composed as a whole.

        In fact, the poses model stored in this instance is not the given
        `posesModel`. The input poses are always replaced by poses pointing to
        objects of `framesModel`. This is because the frames in the given
        `posesModel` might be simple placeholders. The name of the frame is used
        to establish the correspondence between a placeholder frame and a
        robot-attached frame.

        The `jointAxes` argument defaults to `None`. In that case it is assumed
        that the axis of any joint is the Z axis of its frame. Otherwise, the
        argument should be a dictionary indexed by joint name, with values being
        3-value tuples. Any tuple must represent the 3D joint axis versor, using
        coordinates in the joint frame.

        if not isinstance(connectModel, ordering.Robot):
            raise RuntimeError("An ordered robot model is required")
        rname = connectModel.name
        if framesModel.robot.name != rname:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Robot name mismatch in the connectivity and frames model ('{0}' vs '{1})"
                .format(rname, framesModel.robot.name))

        self.byPose = {}
        for poseSpec in posesModel.poses:
            ignore = False
            pose = poseSpec.pose

            warnmsg = '''Frame '{0}' not found on the given frames-model '{1}', ignoring'''
            if pose.target.name not in framesModel.framesByName:
                logger.warning(warnmsg.format(pose.target.name, rname))
                ignore = True
            if pose.reference.name not in framesModel.framesByName:
                logger.warning(warnmsg.format(pose.reference.name, rname))
                ignore = True

            if not ignore:
                tgtF = framesModel.framesByName[pose.target.name]
                refF = framesModel.framesByName[pose.reference.name]
                path = framesModel.path(tgtF, refF)
                for i in range(len(path) - 1):
                    kind = framesModel.kind(path[i], path[i + 1])
                    if kind == frames.FrameRelationKind.acrossJoint:
                        warnmsg = '''Found non-constant pose in the geometry model
                        ('{0}' with respect to '{1}')'''.format(
                            tgtF.name, refF.name)
                # Rebuild the Pose instance with the frames from the frames
                # model, which are attached to links. The pose instance from the
                # motions model (posesModel) might only refer to named frames
                realpose = Pose(target=tgtF, reference=refF)
                realposespec = motions.PoseSpec(pose=realpose,
                self.byPose[realpose] = realposespec
                #print( realpose )
                #print( poseSpec.motion.steps, "\n\n")

        # We iterate over joints and fetch the predecessor, as the joint_wrt_predecessor
        # is a constant pose also for loop joints.
        self.byJoint = {}
        for joint in connectModel.joints.values():
            predFrame = framesModel.linkFrames[connectModel.predecessor(joint)]
            jointFrame = framesModel.jointFrames[joint]
            pose = Pose(target=jointFrame, reference=predFrame)
            if pose not in self.byPose:
                    "The geometry model does not seem to have information about the pose of '{0}' wrt '{1}'"
                    .format(jointFrame.name, predFrame.name))
                self.byJoint[joint] = self.byPose[pose]

        self.ordering = connectModel
        self.frames = framesModel
        self.poses = motions.PosesSpec(posesModel.name,
        # The last line creates a new PosesSpec model, to make sure we store the
        # model whose poses reference robot attached frames. As said before, the
        # PosesSpec model given to the constructor might have poses that refer
        # to the un-attached frames.

        if jointAxes == None:
            jointAxes = {}
            for joint in connectModel.joints.values():
                jointAxes[joint.name] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)  # default is Z axis
            if jointAxes.keys() != connectModel.joints.keys():
                    "The names in the joint-axes dictionary do not " +
                    "match the names in the connectivity model")
        self.axes = jointAxes
Exemplo n.º 5
def convert( urdf ) :
    Reads the model from a URDFWrapper instance, and construct the corresponding
    models in our format.

    robotName = urdf.robotName
    links  = ODict()
    joints = ODict()
    pairs = []
    children = {}
    orphans = []

    for urdfname in urdf.links.keys() :
        name = toValidID( urdfname )
        link = robmodel.connectivity.Link(name)
        links[name] = link
        children[name] = []
        if urdf.links[urdfname].parent == None :

    if len(orphans)==0 :
        logger.fatal("Could not find any root link (i.e. a link without parent).")
        logger.fatal("Check for kinematic loops.")
        print("Error, no root link found. Aborting", file=sys.stderr)
    if len(orphans) > 1 :
        logger.warning("Found {0} links without parent, only one expected".format(len(orphans)))
        logger.warning("Any robot model must have exactly one root element.")
        logger.warning("This might lead to unexpected results.")
    robotBase = orphans[0]

    for jname in urdf.joints.keys() :
        urdfjoint = urdf.joints[jname]
        name      = toValidID( jname )
        jkind     = urdfjoint.type
        if jkind in JointKind.__members__.keys() :
            jkind = JointKind[jkind] # otherwise, it stays a string (like 'fixed')
        joint     = robmodel.connectivity.Joint(name, jkind)
        parent    = links[ toValidID(urdfjoint.parent) ]
        child     = links[ toValidID(urdfjoint.child)  ]
        children[parent.name].append( child )

        joints[name] = joint
        pairs.append( robmodel.connectivity.KPair(joint, parent, child) )

    connectivityModel = robmodel.connectivity.Robot(
        urdf.robotName, links, joints, pairs)

    # There is no numbering scheme in the URDF format, so we arbitrarily
    # associate code to each link via a Depth-First-Traversal
    code = 0
    numbering = {}
    def setCode(currentLink):
        nonlocal code, numbering
        if currentLink == None : return
        numbering[currentLink.name] = code
        for child in children[currentLink.name] :
            code = code + 1
            setCode( child )

    setCode( robotBase )
    ordering = { 'robot': robotName, 'nums' : numbering }
    orderedModel = robmodel.ordering.Robot(connectivityModel, ordering)

    # FRAMES
    # The URDF does not have explicit frames, so there are no more frames than
    # joints and links; thus the second argument is always the empty list
    framesModel = robmodel.frames.RobotDefaultFrames(orderedModel, [])

    poses = []
    axes = {}
    for joint in urdf.joints.values() :
        # Get the current joint and link (predecessor)
        myjoint = joints[ toValidID( joint.name ) ]
        mylink  = orderedModel.predecessor(myjoint)

        logger.debug("Processing joint * {0} * and predecessor link * {1} *".format(myjoint.name, mylink.name) )

        # The relative pose of the URDF joint frame relative to the URDF link frame
        xyz, rpy, motion_link_to_joint = linkFrameToJointFrameInURDF(joint)

        jaxis = np.round( np.array(joint.frame['axis']), 5)

        logger.debug("Joint axis in URDF coordinates    : {0}".format(jaxis) )
        logger.debug("URDF joint xyz and rpy attributes : {0}   {1}".format(xyz, rpy) )

        frame_joint = framesModel.framesByName[ myjoint.name ]
        frame_link  = framesModel.framesByName[ mylink.name  ]
        pose = primitives.Pose(target=frame_joint, reference=frame_link)
        poses.append( PoseSpec(pose, motion_link_to_joint) )
        axes[myjoint.name] = joint.frame['axis']

    posesModel = motions.PosesSpec(robotName, poses)

    geometryModel = robmodel.geometry.Geometry(orderedModel, framesModel, posesModel, axes)
    return connectivityModel, orderedModel, framesModel, geometryModel