Exemplo n.º 1
class send_action:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.action = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('moveto', MoveToAction, self.new_goal, False)
        self.trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('/trajectory', PoseTwistStamped, queue_size=10)
        self.kill_listener = KillListener(self.set_kill, self.clear_kill)

        self.to_pose = PoseTwistStamped()
        self.temp_pose = PoseTwistStamped()
        self.killed = False
        self.waypoint = False

    def callback(self, msg):
        self.waypoint = msg.data

    def set_kill(self):

        self.to_pose = PoseTwistStamped()

        # TODO --> Verify that all values are at 0

        #members = [attr for attr in dir(self.to_pose.posetwist.pose) if attr.startswith("position") or attr.startswith("orientation")]
        #getattr(self.to_pose.posetwist.pose.position, "x") == 0
        rospy.logwarn('Azi_Drive waypoint kill flag off -- All trajectories at 0: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())
        self.killed = True
    def clear_kill(self):
        self.killed = False
        rospy.logwarn('Azi_Drive waypoint kill flag off -- Waypoints enabled: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())

    def new_goal(self, goal):
        self.waypoint = False
        self.temp_pose = PoseTwistStamped()
        self.temp_pose.posetwist = goal.posetwist
        self.temp_pose.header = goal.header
        self.waypoint_progress = rospy.Subscriber('/waypoint_progress', Bool, self.callback)
        while self.waypoint == False:

        self.waypoint = True


    def over_and_over(self):
        r = rospy.Rate(1)
        if self.killed == True:
            rospy.logwarn('Azi_Drive waypoint kill flag on  -- Waypoints disabled: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())
        if self.killed == False:
            self.to_pose = self.temp_pose
            print self.to_pose.posetwist.pose
            self.to_pose = PoseTwistStamped()
Exemplo n.º 2
class PID_controller:

    def __init__(self):


        Structure gain array for flexible use
        This allows the gain function to access all gains by simple indexing scheme
        Place x and y gains in the first row of the 6x3
        Place x gains in the bottom row
        the i_history array uses this scheme as well

        Gain array layout:

            [  p_x.   i_x.   d_x.]
            [  p_y.   i_y.   d_y.]
            [  0.      0.      0.]
            [  0.      0.      0.]
            [  0.      0.      0.]
            [  p_z.   i_z.   d_z.]


        self.K = numpy.zeros((6,3))
        self.K[0:6, 0:6] = [
            [p_x,  i_x, d_x], # pid_x
            [p_y, i_y, d_y], # pid_y
            [0,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,  0],
            [0,   0,  0],
            [p_z, i_z, d_z], # pid_z

        # Kill functions
        self.odom_active = False
        self.killed = False

        # Create arrays to be used
        self.desired_state = numpy.ones(6)
        self.desired_velocity = numpy.ones(6)
        self.current_state = numpy.zeros(6)
        self.current_velocity = numpy.zeros(6)
        self.current_error = numpy.ones(6)

        self.i_history = [[0 for x in range(1)] for x in range(6)] 
        self.i_history[0] = deque()
        self.i_history[1] = deque()
        self.i_history[5] = deque()
        self.integrator = numpy.zeros(6)
        self.Derivator= 0

        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Used to reset the desired state on startup
        self.desired_state_set = False

        # ROS components
        self.controller_wrench = rospy.Publisher('wrench', WrenchStamped, queue_size = 1)
        self.kill_listener = KillListener(self.set_kill, self.clear_kill)
        rospy.Subscriber('/trajectory', PoseTwistStamped, self.trajectory_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber("pid_d_gain", Point, self.d_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber("pid_p_gain", Point, self.p_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber("pid_i_gain", Point, self.i_gain_callback)

    def p_gain_callback(self, msg):
        x = msg.x
        y = msg.y
        z = msg.z

        self.K[0:2, 0] = [x,y]
        self.K[5, 0] = z

    def i_gain_callback(self, msg):
        x = msg.x
        y = msg.y
        z = msg.z

        self.K[0:2, 1] = [x,y]
        self.K[5, 1] = z

    def d_gain_callback(self, msg):
        x = msg.x
        y = msg.y
        z = msg.z

        self.K[0:2, 2] = [x,y]
        self.K[5, 2] = z

    def set_kill(self):
        self.killed = True
        rospy.logdebug('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())

    def clear_kill(self):
        self.killed = False
        rospy.logdebug('PD_Controller ACTIVE: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())

    def trajectory_callback(self, desired_trajectory):
        self.desired_state_set = True
        # Get desired pose and orientation 
        desired_pose = xyz_array(desired_trajectory.posetwist.pose.position)
        desired_orientation = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(xyzw_array(desired_trajectory.posetwist.pose.orientation))
        # Get desired linear and angular velocities
        desired_lin_vel = xyz_array(desired_trajectory.posetwist.twist.linear)
        desired_ang_vel = xyz_array(desired_trajectory.posetwist.twist.angular)
        # Add desired position to desired state i_historys
        self.desired_state = numpy.concatenate([desired_pose, desired_orientation])
        # Add desired velocities to velocity i_history
        self.desired_velocity = numpy.concatenate([desired_lin_vel, desired_ang_vel])

    def odom_callback(self, current_pos):
        self.odom_active = True
        # Grab current position and orientation and 0 linear Z and angluar X and Y
        # Get current position 
        current_position = xyz_array(current_pos.pose.pose.position)
        current_orientation = numpy.array(transformations.euler_from_quaternion(xyzw_array(current_pos.pose.pose.orientation)))
        # Zero unneccesary elements
        current_position[2] = 0
        current_orientation[0:2] = 0
        # Add current position to state i_history
        self.current_state = numpy.concatenate([current_position, current_orientation])
        # Get current velocities
        current_lin_vel = xyz_array(current_pos.twist.twist.linear)
        current_ang_vel = xyz_array(current_pos.twist.twist.angular)
        # Add current velocities to velocity i_history
        self.current_velocity = numpy.concatenate([current_lin_vel, current_ang_vel])
        # If the desired state has not yet been set, set desired and current as the same
        # Resets the controller to current position on bootup
        if (not self.desired_state_set):
            self.desired_state = self.current_state
            self.desired_state_set = True


    def PID(self, variable):

        # Index in state number we want to access
        state_number = 0
        if variable == 'x': state_number = 0
        if variable == 'y': state_number = 1
        if variable == 'z': state_number = 5

        #self.current_error = self.desired_state[state_number] - self.current_state[state_number]
        #rospy.logdebug(variable + ": " + str(self.current_error[state_number]))
        p = self.K[state_number, 0] * self.current_error[state_number]
        i = (self.integrator[state_number] + self.current_error[state_number]) * self.K[state_number, 1]
        d = self.K[state_number, 2] * (self.current_error[state_number] - self.Derivator)

        # This section will be the FOPID implimentation, but I am still working on it
        if abs(self.current_error[state_number]) > 0: pass
            #i = i * (1 + abs(d))

        rospy.logwarn('P' + variable + ": " + str(p))
        rospy.logwarn('I' + variable + ": " + str(i))
        rospy.logwarn('D' + variable + ": " + str(d))

        # Set temporary variable for use in integrator sliding window
        sliding_window = self.i_history[state_number]

        # append to integrator array

        # If array is larger than 5 items, remove item
        if len(sliding_window) > 5:

        # Set up variables for next iteration
        # Sum only last 5 numbers of intergration
        self.Derivator = self.current_error[state_number]
        self.integrator[state_number] = sum(sliding_window)

        PID = p + i + d
        return PID

    def timeout_callback(self, event):
        self.odom_active = False

    def jacobian(self, x):
        # maps global linear velocity/euler rates -> body linear+angular velocities
        sphi, cphi = math.sin(x[3]), math.cos(x[3])
        stheta, ctheta = math.sin(x[4]), math.cos(x[4])
        spsi, cpsi = math.sin(x[5]), math.cos(x[5])
        J_inv = numpy.zeros((6, 6))
        J_inv[0:3, 0:3] = [
            [       ctheta * cpsi              ,        ctheta * spsi              ,        -stheta],
            [sphi * stheta * cpsi - cphi * spsi, sphi * stheta * spsi + cphi * cpsi,  sphi * ctheta],
            [cphi * stheta * cpsi + sphi * spsi, cphi * stheta * spsi - sphi * cpsi,  cphi * ctheta],]
        J_inv[3:6, 3:6] = [
            [1,     0,       -stheta],
            [0,  cphi, sphi * ctheta],
            [0, -sphi, cphi * ctheta],]
        return J_inv

    def main_loop(self, event):

        def smallest_coterminal_angle(x):
            return (x + math.pi) % (2*math.pi) - math.pi


        # Get linear and angular error between desired and current pose - /enu
        linear_error = self.desired_state[0:3] - self.current_state[0:3]
        angular_error = map(smallest_coterminal_angle, self.desired_state[3:6] - self.current_state[3:6])

        # Combine errors into one array
        error_enu = numpy.concatenate([linear_error, angular_error])
        # Translate /enu errors into /base_link errors
        error_base = self.jacobian(self.current_state).dot(error_enu)
        # Take away velocity from error to avoid overshoot
        final_error = error_base - self.current_velocity
        # Place errors to be sent into main error array
        self.current_error = [final_error[0], final_error[1], 0, 0, 0, final_error[5]]


        # Send error values through PID controller
        x = self.PID('x')
        y = self.PID('y')
        z = self.PID('z')

        # Combine into final wrenches
        wrench = [x,y,0,0,0,z]

        # If odometry has not been aquired, set wrench to 0
        if (not(self.odom_active)):
            wrench = [0,0,0,0,0,0]

        # If ready to go...
        if (self.killed == False):
                header = Header(
                    force = Vector3(x= wrench[0],y= wrench[1],z= 0),
                    torque = Vector3(x=0,y= 0,z= wrench[5]),

        # If not ready to go...
        if (self.killed == True):
            rospy.logdebug('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())
                    header = Header(
                        force = Vector3(x= 0,y= 0,z= 0),
                        torque = Vector3(x=0,y= 0,z= 0),
Exemplo n.º 3
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # Old gains
        self.d_x = 175
        self.d_y = 90
        self.d_z = 60
        self.p_x = 30
        self.p_y = 30
        self.p_z = 40

        #self.d_x = 175
        #self.d_y = 90
        #self.d_z = 90
        #self.p_x = 40
        #self.p_y = 40
        #self.p_z = 100

        self.killed = False
        self.enable = True
        self.odom_active = False

        self.K_d = numpy.array([[self.d_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, self.d_y, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.d_z]])

        self.K_p = numpy.array([[self.p_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, self.p_y, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.p_z]])

        # Averaging parameters
        self.last_average = numpy.zeros(6)
        self.num_to_avg = 75  # At 50 hz this is 50 samples is one second of data
        self.outputs = deque(
            [numpy.zeros(6) for i in range(0, self.num_to_avg)])

        self.desired_state_set = False
        self.desired_state = numpy.ones(6)
        self.desired_state_dot = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state = numpy.ones(6)
        self.previous_error = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state_dot = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state_dot_body = numpy.ones(6)

        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Get tf listener
        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        rospy.Subscriber("pd_d_gain", Point, self.d_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber("pd_p_gain", Point, self.p_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/trajectory', PoseTwistStamped,
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        self.controller_wrench = rospy.Publisher('wrench',
        self.waypoint_progress = rospy.Publisher('waypoint_progress',
        self.kill_listener = KillListener(self.set_kill, self.clear_kill)

        self.z_error = 0
        self.x_error = 0
        self.y_error = 0

        self.dz_error = 0
        self.dx_error = 0
        self.dy_error = 0

    def set_kill(self):
        self.killed = True
        rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' %

    def clear_kill(self):
        self.killed = False
        rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller ACTIVE: %s' %

    def d_gain_callback(self, msg):
        self.d_x = msg.x
        self.d_y = msg.y
        self.d_z = msg.z

        self.K_d = numpy.array([[self.d_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, self.d_y, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.d_z]])

    def p_gain_callback(self, msg):
        self.p_x = msg.x
        self.p_y = msg.y
        self.p_z = msg.z

        self.K_p = numpy.array([[self.p_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, self.p_y, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.p_z]])

    def desired_state_callback(self, desired_posetwist):
        self.desired_state_set = True

        self.desired_state = numpy.concatenate([
        self.desired_state_dot = numpy.concatenate([

    def odom_callback(self, current_posetwist):
        self.odom_active = True

        # Grab position; 0 Z
        pose = xyz_array(current_posetwist.pose.pose.position)
        pose[2] = 0

        # Grab orientation; 0 pitch and roll
        orientation = numpy.array(
        orientation[0:2] = 0

        self.state = numpy.concatenate([
        self.state_dot = numpy.concatenate([
        if (not self.desired_state_set):
            self.desired_state = self.state
            self.desired_state_set = True

    def main_loop(self, event):


        #print 'desired state', desired_state
        #print 'current_state', state
        def smallest_coterminal_angle(x):
            return (x + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi

        # sub pd-controller sans rise
        rot = None
        # Get tf from /enu to /base_link
        #   Since we are dealing with differences and not absolute positions not translation is required
             rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform('/base_link', '/enu',
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                tf.ExtrapolationException) as e:
            rospy.logwarn('Tf exception: ' + str(e))

        if rot is not None:
            # Convert to euler angle ( we only care about rotation about z)
            theta = quat_to_rotvec(numpy.array(rot))[2]

            # Difference in /enu frame
            to_desired_state = self.desired_state[0:2] - self.state[0:2]

            # Convert to base_link
            s = numpy.sin(theta)
            c = numpy.cos(theta)
            rot_matrix_enu_base = numpy.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
            to_desired_state = rot_matrix_enu_base.dot(to_desired_state)
            to_desired_state = numpy.insert(to_desired_state, 2,
                                            0)  # Append a zero for z

            #                                    Note: Angular differences are the same in base_link as enu so no tf required
            e = numpy.concatenate([
                    self.desired_state[3:6] - self.state[3:6])
            ])  # e_1 in paper

            # Convert desired state dot into base_link
            #   angular velocities do not rquire transformation as they are differences (rendering them frameless)
            #   To convert velocites from enu + desired_orientation to base link:
            #       transform to enu: rotate the velocity vector by desired_orientation
            #       transform to base link: rotate the velocity vector by the angle between enu and base_link
            vels = self.desired_state_dot[0:2]
            theta2 = self.desired_state[5]
            s = numpy.sin(theta2)
            c = numpy.cos(theta2)
            rot_matrix_desired_enu = numpy.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
            vels = rot_matrix_desired_enu.dot(vels)
            vels = rot_matrix_enu_base.dot(vels)

            vels = numpy.insert(vels, 2, 0)

            desired_state_dot = numpy.concatenate(
                [vels, self.desired_state_dot[3:6]])

            #print 'Desired_state tf: ', desired_state_dot
            e_dot = desired_state_dot - self.state_dot
            output = self.K_p.dot(e) + self.K_d.dot(e_dot)

            # Apply simple moving average filter
            new = output / self.num_to_avg
            old = (self.outputs[0] / self.num_to_avg)
            self.last_average = self.last_average - old + new

            # Resuse output var
            #print 'Outputs: ', self.outputs
            output = self.last_average

            #print 'Last Average: ', output

            self.x_error = e[0]
            self.y_error = e[1]
            self.z_error = e[5]

            self.dx_error = e_dot[0]
            self.dy_error = e_dot[1]
            self.dz_error = e_dot[5]


            if (not (self.odom_active)):
                output = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            if (self.enable & self.killed == False):
                                      torque=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=output[5]),

                if ((self.x_error < 1) & (self.y_error < 1) &
                    (self.z_error < 1)):

            if (self.killed == True):
                rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' %
                                      force=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0),
                                      torque=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=0),


    def timeout_callback(self, event):
        self.odom_active = False

    def to_terminal(self):
        print "X: ", self.x_error
        print "Y: ", self.y_error
        print "Z: ", self.z_error

        print "dX: ", self.dx_error
        print "dY: ", self.dy_error
        print "dZ: ", self.dz_error
Exemplo n.º 4
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # Old gains
        self.d_x = 175
        self.d_y = 90
        self.d_z = 60
        self.p_x = 30
        self.p_y = 30
        self.p_z = 40

        #self.d_x = 175
        #self.d_y = 90
        #self.d_z = 90
        #self.p_x = 40
        #self.p_y = 40
        #self.p_z = 100

        self.killed = False
        self.enable = True
        self.odom_active = False

        self.K_d = numpy.array([

        self.K_p = numpy.array([

        # Averaging parameters
        self.last_average = numpy.zeros(6)
        self.num_to_avg = 75 # At 50 hz this is 50 samples is one second of data
        self.outputs = deque([numpy.zeros(6) for i in range(0, self.num_to_avg)])
        self.desired_state_set = False
        self.desired_state = numpy.ones(6)
        self.desired_state_dot = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state = numpy.ones(6)
        self.previous_error = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state_dot = numpy.ones(6)
        self.state_dot_body = numpy.ones(6)

        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Get tf listener
        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        rospy.Subscriber("pd_d_gain", Point, self.d_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber("pd_p_gain", Point, self.p_gain_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/trajectory', PoseTwistStamped, self.desired_state_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback)
        self.controller_wrench = rospy.Publisher('wrench', WrenchStamped, queue_size = 1)
        self.waypoint_progress = rospy.Publisher('waypoint_progress', Bool, queue_size = 1)
        self.kill_listener = KillListener(self.set_kill, self.clear_kill)

        self.z_error = 0
        self.x_error = 0
        self.y_error = 0

        self.dz_error = 0
        self.dx_error = 0
        self.dy_error = 0

    def set_kill(self):
        self.killed = True
        rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())

    def clear_kill(self):
        self.killed = False
        rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller ACTIVE: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())

    def d_gain_callback(self, msg):
        self.d_x = msg.x
        self.d_y = msg.y
        self.d_z = msg.z

        self.K_d = numpy.array([

    def p_gain_callback(self, msg):
        self.p_x = msg.x
        self.p_y = msg.y
        self.p_z = msg.z

        self.K_p = numpy.array([

    def desired_state_callback(self,desired_posetwist):
        self.desired_state_set = True

        self.desired_state = numpy.concatenate([xyz_array(desired_posetwist.posetwist.pose.position), transformations.euler_from_quaternion(xyzw_array(desired_posetwist.posetwist.pose.orientation))])
        self.desired_state_dot = numpy.concatenate([xyz_array(desired_posetwist.posetwist.twist.linear), xyz_array(desired_posetwist.posetwist.twist.angular)])

    def odom_callback(self, current_posetwist):
        self.odom_active = True

        # Grab position; 0 Z
        pose = xyz_array(current_posetwist.pose.pose.position)
        pose[2] = 0

        # Grab orientation; 0 pitch and roll
        orientation = numpy.array(transformations.euler_from_quaternion(xyzw_array(current_posetwist.pose.pose.orientation)))
        orientation[0:2] = 0

        self.state = numpy.concatenate([xyz_array(current_posetwist.pose.pose.position), transformations.euler_from_quaternion(xyzw_array(current_posetwist.pose.pose.orientation))])
        self.state_dot = numpy.concatenate([xyz_array(current_posetwist.twist.twist.linear), xyz_array(current_posetwist.twist.twist.angular)])
        if (not self.desired_state_set):
            self.desired_state = self.state
            self.desired_state_set = True

    def main_loop(self, event):
        #print 'desired state', desired_state
        #print 'current_state', state
        def smallest_coterminal_angle(x):
            return (x + math.pi) % (2*math.pi) - math.pi


        # sub pd-controller sans rise
        rot = None
        # Get tf from /enu to /base_link
        #   Since we are dealing with differences and not absolute positions not translation is required
            (_, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform('/base_link', '/enu', rospy.Time(0))
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e:
            rospy.logwarn('Tf exception: ' + str(e))

        if rot is not None:
            # Convert to euler angle ( we only care about rotation about z)
            theta = quat_to_rotvec(numpy.array(rot))[2] 

            # Difference in /enu frame
            to_desired_state = self.desired_state[0:2] - self.state[0:2]

            # Convert to base_link
            s = numpy.sin(theta)
            c = numpy.cos(theta)
            rot_matrix_enu_base = numpy.array([[c, -s],
                                               [s, c]])
            to_desired_state = rot_matrix_enu_base.dot(to_desired_state)
            to_desired_state = numpy.insert(to_desired_state, 2, 0) # Append a zero for z

            #                                    Note: Angular differences are the same in base_link as enu so no tf required
            e = numpy.concatenate([to_desired_state, map(smallest_coterminal_angle, self.desired_state[3:6] - self.state[3:6])]) # e_1 in paper

            # Convert desired state dot into base_link
            #   angular velocities do not rquire transformation as they are differences (rendering them frameless)
            #   To convert velocites from enu + desired_orientation to base link:
            #       transform to enu: rotate the velocity vector by desired_orientation
            #       transform to base link: rotate the velocity vector by the angle between enu and base_link
            vels = self.desired_state_dot[0:2]
            theta2 = self.desired_state[5]
            s = numpy.sin(theta2)
            c = numpy.cos(theta2)
            rot_matrix_desired_enu = numpy.array([[c, -s],
                                                  [s, c]])
            vels = rot_matrix_desired_enu.dot(vels)
            vels = rot_matrix_enu_base.dot(vels)

            vels = numpy.insert(vels, 2, 0)

            desired_state_dot = numpy.concatenate([vels, self.desired_state_dot[3:6]])

            #print 'Desired_state tf: ', desired_state_dot
            e_dot = desired_state_dot - self.state_dot
            output = self.K_p.dot(e) + self.K_d.dot(e_dot)

            # Apply simple moving average filter
            new = output / self.num_to_avg
            old = (self.outputs[0] / self.num_to_avg) 
            self.last_average = self.last_average - old + new

            # Resuse output var
            #print 'Outputs: ', self.outputs
            output = self.last_average

            #print 'Last Average: ', output

            self.x_error = e[0]
            self.y_error = e[1]
            self.z_error = e[5]

            self.dx_error = e_dot[0]
            self.dy_error = e_dot[1]
            self.dz_error = e_dot[5]

            if (not(self.odom_active)):
                output = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
            if (self.enable & self.killed==False):
                    header = Header(
                        force = Vector3(x= output[0],y= output[1],z= 0),
                        torque = Vector3(x=0,y= 0,z= output[5]),

                if((self.x_error < 1) & (self.y_error < 1) & (self.z_error < 1)):

            if (self.killed == True):
                rospy.logwarn('PD_Controller KILLED: %s' % self.kill_listener.get_kills())
                        header = Header(
                            force = Vector3(x= 0,y= 0,z= 0),
                            torque = Vector3(x=0,y= 0,z= 0),


    def timeout_callback(self, event):
        self.odom_active = False

    def to_terminal(self):
        print "X: ", self.x_error
        print "Y: ", self.y_error
        print "Z: ", self.z_error

        print "dX: ", self.dx_error
        print "dY: ", self.dy_error
        print "dZ: ", self.dz_error