Exemplo n.º 1
    def desired_attitude(self,
                         alpha=2 * np.pi / 100,
                         axis=np.array([0, 1, 0])):
        """Desired attitude trajectory

        This function will output a desired attitude trajectory. The controller will use this 
        trajectory in it's computations. The outputs will be the desired attitude matrix and
        the desired angular velocity:

            Rd_sc2int - 3x3 array defining the transformation from the spacecraft frame to the
                inertial frame
            w_sc2int - 3 array defining the angular velocity of the spacecraft frame with respect
                to the inertial frame and defined in the spacecraft fixed frame

        Rd = scipy.linalg.expm(alpha * time * attitude.hat_map(axis))
        Rd_dot = alpha * attitude.hat_map(axis).dot(
            scipy.linalg.expm(alpha * time * attitude.hat_map(axis)))

        ang_vel_d = attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(Rd_dot))
        ang_vel_d_dot = np.zeros_like(ang_vel_d)

        return (Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot)
Exemplo n.º 2
def attitude_land_controller(time, state, ext_moment, dum, ast):
    """Landing controller to just stay pointed at the asteroid

    This function is probably not necessary since many others do the same thing
    # extract the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame
    # compute the desired attitude command
    Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot = body_fixed_pointing_attitude(
        time, state)
    # determine error between command and current state
    eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
    eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
    # compute attitude input
    u_m = (-dum.kR * eR - dum.kW * eW + np.cross(ang_vel, dum.J.dot(ang_vel)) -
               attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
               R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
    return u_m
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_hat_vee_map_inverse(self):
Exemplo n.º 4
    def attitude_controller(self, time, state, ext_moment):
        r"""Geometric attitude controller on SO(3)

        This function will determine an attitude control input for a rigid spacecraft around an asteroid.
        The function is setup to work for a vehicle defined in the inertial frame relative to an asteroid.

        self : dumbbell instance
            Instance of dumbbell class with all of it's parameters
        time : float
            Current time for simulation which is used in the desired attitude trajectory
        state : array_like (18,)
            numpy array defining the state of the dumbbell
            position - position of the center of mass wrt to the inertial frame
            and defined in the inertial frame (3,)
            velocity - velocity of the center of mass wrt to teh inertial frame
            and defined in the inertial frame (3,)
            R_b2i - rotation matrix which transforms vectors from the body
            frame to the inertial frame (9,)
            angular_velocity - angular velocity of the body frame with respect
            to the inertial frame and defined in the body frame (3,)
        ext_moment : array_like (3,)
            External moment in the body fixed frame

        u_m : array_like (3,)
            Body fixed control moment

        Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]

        .. [1] LEE, Taeyoung, LEOK, Melvin y MCCLAMROCH, N Harris. "Control of
        Complex Maneuvers for a Quadrotor UAV Using Geometric Methods on Se
        (3)". arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.2005. 2010, 


        # extract the state
        pos = state[0:
                    3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
        vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
        R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
        ang_vel = state[
            18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame
        # compute the desired attitude command
        Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot = self.desired_attitude(time)
        # determine error between command and current state
        eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
        eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
        # compute attitude input
        u_m = (-self.kR * eR - self.kW * eW +
               np.cross(ang_vel, self.J.dot(ang_vel)) - self.J.dot(
                   attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
                   R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
        return u_m
Exemplo n.º 5
        # rotate the body vector to the inertial frame
        R_b2i = attitude.rot2(lat[jj]).T.dot(attitude.rot3(lon[ii]))

        sen_inertial = R_b2i.dot(sen)
        sen_array[:, ii*den + 0] = sen_inertial

        psi_attract = 1/2 * np.trace(G.dot(np.eye(3, 3) - R_des.T.dot(R_b2i)))

        if np.dot(sen_inertial, con) < con_angle:
            psi_avoid = -1 / alpha * np.log(- (np.dot(sen_inertial, con) - con_angle) / (1 + con_angle)) + 1
            psi_avoid = 11

        psi_total = psi_attract * psi_avoid

        er = 1/2 * attitude.vee_map(G.dot(R_des.T).dot(R_b2i) - R_b2i.T.dot(R_des).dot(G))

        er_attract_array[:, ii*den + jj] = er.T
        psi_avoid_array[ii, jj] = psi_avoid
        psi_attract_array[ii, jj] = psi_attract
        psi_total_array[ii, jj] = psi_total

g = 1 + -1/alpha * np.log(- (angle - con_angle) / (1+con_angle))
eRB = np.absolute(1 / alpha * np.sin(np.arccos(angle)) / (angle - con_angle))

# make sure nothing is plotted beyond the range of our plot
psi_avoid_array[psi_avoid_array > 3] = 3
psi_attract_array[psi_attract_array > 3] = 3
psi_total_array[psi_total_array > 3] = 3
Exemplo n.º 6
def attitude_controller_asteroid(time, state, ext_moment, dum, ast,
    r"""Geometric attitude controller on SO(3)

    This function will determine an attitude control input for a rigid
    spacecraft around an asteroid.
    The function is setup to work for a vehicle defined in the asteroid frame
    and the control input is assumed to be defined in the asteroid fixed frame.

    time : float
        Current time for simulation which is used in the desired attitude trajectory
    state : array_like (18,)
        numpy array defining the state of the dumbbell
        position - position of the center of mass wrt to the asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        velocity - velocity of the center of mass wrt to teh asteroid com
        and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
        R_b2i - rotation matrix which transforms vectors from the body
        frame to the asteroid frame (9,)
        angular_velocity - angular velocity of the body frame with respect
        to the inertial frame and defined in the asteroid frame (3,)
    ext_moment : array_like (3,)
        External moment in the asteroid fixed frame
    dum : Dumbbell Instance
        Instance of a dumbbell which defines the shape and MOI
    ast : Asteroid Instance
        Holds the asteroid model and polyhedron potential
    des_att_tuple : Desired attitude tuple for asteroid frame dyanmics
        des_att_tuple[0] - Rd desired attitude
        des_att_tuple[1] - Rd_dot desired attitude derivative
        des_att_tuple[2] - ang_vel_d angular velocity
        des_att_tuple[3] - ang_vel_d_dot angular velocity desired derivative

    u_m : array_like (3,)
        asteroid fixed control moment

    Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]

    .. [1] LEE, Taeyoung, LEOK, Melvin y MCCLAMROCH, N Harris. "Control of
    Complex Maneuvers for a Quadrotor UAV Using Geometric Methods on Se
    (3)". arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.2005. 2010, 


    # extract the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the asteroid frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in asteroid frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to asteriod frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in asteriod frame

    J = dum.J
    Jr = R.dot(J).dot(R.T)
    Wa = ast.omega * np.array([0, 0, 1])  # angular velocity vector of asteroid

    Rd = des_att_tuple[0]
    Rd_dot = des_att_tuple[1]
    ang_vel_d = des_att_tuple[2]
    ang_vel_d_dot = des_att_tuple[3]

    # determine error between command and current state
    eR = 1 / 2 * attitude.vee_map(Rd.T.dot(R) - R.T.dot(Rd))
    eW = ang_vel - R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d)
    # compute attitude input
    u_m = (-dum.kR * eR - dum.kW * eW +
           Jr.dot(attitude.hat_map(Wa).dot(ang_vel)) - Jr.dot(
               attitude.hat_map(ang_vel).dot(R.T).dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d) -
               R.T.dot(Rd).dot(ang_vel_d_dot)) - ext_moment)
    return u_m