def set_static_intent(self, intent=None):
        if self.sub_intent is not None:
            self.sub_intent = None

        if intent is not None:
            self.intent = colvec(intent)
    def set_static_configuration_ref(self, configuration_ref=None):
        if self.sub_config is not None:
            self.sub_config = None

        if configuration_ref is not None:
            self.configuration_ref = colvec(configuration_ref)
    def __init__(self,
        Class which computes kinematics on an object relative to the robots grip on it and a desired configuration
        :param get_jacobian: a function handle which returns the current objects jacobian, takes no arguments
        :param configuration_ref: the initial reference configuration, this can be updated dynamically
        :param forward_kinematics: a function handle which computes the forward kinematics from a joint array

        if box_joints_topic is None:
            box_joints_topic = 'box/joint_states'

        self.k_conf = k_conf
        self.k_grip = k_grip

        # copy across member variables
        self._frame_tracker = frame_tracker
        self.get_jacobian = self._frame_tracker.compute_jacobian_matrix
        self.configuration_ref = colvec(configuration_ref)
        self.forward_kinematics = forward_kinematics

        # block until we get out first joint update
        self.joints = colvec(
            rospy.wait_for_message(box_joints_topic, JointState).position)

        # set up a subscriber to this joint topic
        self.sub_joints = rospy.Subscriber(box_joints_topic, JointState,

        # placeholder for a reference subscriber
        self.sub_config = None

        self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.optimal_grip_orientation = self.get_grip_transform()

        rospy.logdebug('ObjectConfigKinematics init complete')
    def compute_grip_error(self):
        obj_grip_error = self.optimal_grip_orientation - self.get_grip_transform(
        obj_grip_error[1] = 0
        base_grip_error = self._frame_tracker.compute_transform(
            'base', 'trans3').R().dot(colvec(obj_grip_error))[:, 0]

        grip_diff = np.zeros(6)
        grip_diff[3:] = base_grip_error

        return grip_diff
    def compute_optimal_robot_effector_velocity(self):
        Computes the optimal velocity end effector in order to close the error from the configuration reference

        config_error = self.configuration_ref - self.joints
        # Perform this before grip correction so that appropriate tf frames are published by the get_jacobian call
        config_correction = colvec(self.get_jacobian().dot(-self.k_conf *
        grip_error = self.compute_grip_error()
        grip_correction = self.k_grip * colvec(grip_error)
        rospy.logdebug('\nconfig error     : ' + str(config_error.flatten()) +
                       '\ngrip error       : ' +
                       str(grip_error.flatten()[[3, 5]]) +
                       '\nconfig correction: ' +
                       str(config_correction.flatten()) +
                       '\ngrip correction  : ' +
        return config_correction + grip_correction
    def __init__(self, num_joints, get_object_human_jacobian, get_object_robot_jacobian, joint_angles_topic,
                 configuration_ref, intent, initial_alpha=None, get_initial_guess=None, k_p=1.0):
        self.num_joints = num_joints
        self.get_object_human_jacobian = get_object_human_jacobian
        self.get_object_robot_jacobian = get_object_robot_jacobian
        self.configuration_ref = colvec(configuration_ref)
        self.intent = colvec(intent)
        self.alpha = np.array(initial_alpha) if initial_alpha is not None else self.default_alpha.copy()
        self.k_p = k_p
        self.sub_config = None
        self.sub_intent = None
        self.pub_costs = rospy.Publisher('~costs', Float32MultiArray, queue_size=100)

        if get_initial_guess is None:
            self.get_initial_guess = self._get_config_ref
            self.get_initial_guess = get_initial_guess

        # block until we get out first joint update
        self.joints = colvec(rospy.wait_for_message(joint_angles_topic, JointState).position)

        # set up a subscriber to this joint topic
        self.sub_joints = rospy.Subscriber(joint_angles_topic, JointState, self._update_joints)
    def direct_full_pose(self, pose_vel, neutral_error):
        Directly computes the cascaded pose scenario by directly applying the analytical solution specific to this case
        TODO: The general approach needs to be debugged so that its output for such a setup mimics this output
        :param pose_vel: the reference velocity of the pose
        :param secondary: flag to switch on or off rotational control
        :return: the joint angles for the arm

        # an int which indicates how many of the desired tasks are feasible (between 0 and 2)
        feasibility = 0

        # initialize the velocity vector
        dtheta = np.zeros((7, 1))

        # make sure pose velocity reference is a column vector
        dx1 = np.array(pose_vel).reshape((-1, 1))

        # get the positional Jacobian
        J1 = np.array(self.get_full_jacobian())

        # if it is not full rank then do not invert and just return the current dtheta command and the feasibility
        if npla.matrix_rank(J1, tol=0.1) != 6:
            rospy.logdebug("Feasability: %d" % feasibility)
            return dtheta, feasibility

        # if we got here, the first task is feasible, so increment feasibility
        feasibility = 1

        # get the inverse of the positional Jacobian
        J1p = npla.pinv(J1)

        # add the joint angles which minimize error from this reference
        dtheta +=

        N1 = self.null(J1)

        # project neutral configuration onto the nullspace of pose task
        dtheta2 = multidot(N1, colvec(neutral_error))

        # add the joint angles which minimize error of the second task within the nullspace of the first task's solution
        dtheta += dtheta2

        # return the joint angles and feasibility
        rospy.logdebug("Feasability: %d" % feasibility)
        return dtheta, feasibility
    def __init__(self, limb, rate, cascaded=False):
        self.cascaded = cascaded
        self._neutral_config = NEUTRAL[limb]
        self._kin = baxter_kinematics(limb)
        self._limb = baxter_interface.Limb(limb)
        self._nullspace_projector = TaskHeirarchy(7, rate)
            np.zeros(7), self._kin.jacobian)

        # pretend our initial state was moved to from neutral state
        joint_velocity_command = self.get_joint_array() - NEUTRAL_ARRAY

        # Clamp the joint velocity command so it's within limits for each joint
        joint_vel_scalar = max(abs(
            joint_velocity_command.flatten())) / (MAX_JOINT_VEL * 0.1)

        if joint_vel_scalar > 1:
            joint_velocity_command /= joint_vel_scalar

        # set this command as the last one so if we start in a singularity we get out by
        # moving closer to neutral
        self._last_velocity_cmd = colvec(joint_velocity_command)
 def _update_joints(self, msg):
     # copy across angles into a column vector
     self.joints = colvec(msg.position)
 def _update_configuration_ref(self, msg):
     # copy across angles into a column vector
     self.configuration_ref = colvec(msg.position)
 def _update_intent(self, msg):
     self.intent = colvec([msg.linear.x, msg.linear.y, msg.linear.z])
 def _update_configuration_ref(self, msg):
     self.configuration_ref = colvec(msg.position)
 def effector_movement_cost(self, q):
     return npla.norm(self.get_object_robot_jacobian(np.squeeze(self.joints)).dot(colvec(q) - self.joints))
 def configuration_cost(self, q):
     return npla.norm(colvec(q)-self.configuration_ref)
 def compute_optimal_joint_anlges(self, initial_guess=None):
     if initial_guess is None:
         initial_guess = self.get_initial_guess()
     return colvec(minimize(self.total_cost, initial_guess).x)