Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ligand_OneHotSMILESFeaturizer(smiles, solution):
    OFFTK _will_ add hydrogens to all ingested SMILES, and export a canonicalized output,
    so the representation you get might not be the one you expect if you compute it directly.
    That's why we use RDKitLigand here.
    ligand = RDKitLigand.from_smiles(smiles)
    system = System([ligand])
    featurizer = OneHotSMILESFeaturizer()
    matrix = system.featurizations[featurizer.name]
    assert matrix.shape == solution.T.shape
    assert (matrix == solution.T).all()
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_datasetprovider_exporter_single_tensor_different_shapes():
    When a featurizer returns arrays of different shape for each
    system, one can either choose between:

    A. Pad them to the same dimension with PadFeaturizer,
       and apply the Concatenated aggregator.
    B. Keep them separate and export them with `.dict_of_arrays()`,

    This creates a dictionary of arrays, where each key is
    autogenerated like `X_s{int}`, where `s` is the
    system index.
    from kinoml.core.ligands import RDKitLigand
    from kinoml.features.ligand import OneHotSMILESFeaturizer

    conditions = AssayConditions()
    smiles = ("CCCCC", "CCCCCCCC")
    systems = [System([RDKitLigand.from_smiles(smi)]) for smi in smiles]
    measurements = [
        BaseMeasurement(50, conditions=conditions, system=systems[0]),
        BaseMeasurement(30, conditions=conditions, system=systems[1]),

    dataset = DatasetProvider(measurements=measurements)

    featurizer = OneHotSMILESFeaturizer()
    for system, smi in zip(systems, smiles):
        assert system.featurizations["last"].shape == (53, len(smi))

    arrays = dataset.to_dict_of_arrays()
    X_keys = [k for k in arrays.keys() if k.startswith("X")]
    assert sorted(X_keys) == ["X_s0_", "X_s1_"]
    for X_key, smi in zip(X_keys, smiles):
        assert arrays[X_key].shape == (53, len(smi))