Exemplo n.º 1
def update_qs(uri, new_params, overwrite=True):
    """Helper function for updating query string values.

    Similar to calling update on a dictionary except we modify the query
    string of the uri instead of another dictionary.

    :arg uri: URI to modify
    :arg new_params: Dict of new query parameters to add.
    :kwarg overwrite: If True (default), any old query parameter with the same
        name as a new query parameter will be overwritten.  If False, the new
        query parameters will be appended to a list with the old parameters at
        the start of the list.
    :returns: URI with the new parameters added.
    loc = list(urlparse(uri))
    query_dict = parse_qs(loc[4])
    if overwrite:
        # Overwrite any existing values with the new values
        # Add new values in addition to the existing parameters
        # For every new entry
        for key in new_params:
            # If the entry already is present
            if key in query_dict:
                if isiterable(new_params[key]):
                    # If the new entry is a non-string iterable
                        # Try to add the new values to the existing entry
                    except AttributeError:
                        # Existing value wasn't a list, make it one
                        query_dict[key] = [query_dict[key], new_params[key]]
                    # The new entry is a scalar, so try to append it
                    except AttributeError:
                        # Existing value wasn't a list, make it one
                        query_dict[key] = [query_dict[key], new_params[key]]
                # No previous entry, just set to the new entry
                query_dict[key] = new_params[key]

    # seems that we have to sanitize a bit here
    query_list = []
    for key, value in query_dict.items():
        if isiterable(value):
            for item in value:
                query_list.append((key, item))
        query_list.append((key, value))

    loc[4] = urlencode(query_list)

    return urlunparse(loc)
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_qs(uri, new_params, overwrite=True):
    '''Helper function for updating query string values.

    Similar to calling update on a dictionary except we modify the query
    string of the uri instead of another dictionary.

    :arg uri: URI to modify
    :arg new_params: Dict of new query parameters to add.
    :kwarg overwrite: If True (default), any old query parameter with the same
        name as a new query parameter will be overwritten.  If False, the new
        query parameters will be appended to a list with the old parameters at
        the start of the list.
    :returns: URI with the new parameters added.
    loc = list(urlparse(uri))
    query_dict = parse_qs(loc[4])
    if overwrite:
        # Overwrite any existing values with the new values
        # Add new values in addition to the existing parameters
        # For every new entry
        for key in new_params:
            # If the entry already is present
            if key in query_dict:
                if isiterable(new_params[key]):
                    # If the new entry is a non-string iterable
                        # Try to add the new values to the existing entry
                    except AttributeError:
                        # Existing value wasn't a list, make it one
                        query_dict[key] = [query_dict[key], new_params[key]]
                    # The new entry is a scalar, so try to append it
                    except AttributeError:
                        # Existing value wasn't a list, make it one
                        query_dict[key] = [query_dict[key], new_params[key]]
                # No previous entry, just set to the new entry
                query_dict[key] = new_params[key]

    # seems that we have to sanitize a bit here
    query_list = []
    for key, value in query_dict.items():
        if isiterable(value):
            for item in value:
                query_list.append((key, item))
        query_list.append((key, value))

    loc[4] = urlencode(query_list)

    return urlunparse(loc)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_isiterable(self):
        for item in self.iterable_data:
            tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(item) == True)

        for item in self.non_iterable_data:
            tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(item) == False)

        # strings
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a', include_string=True) == True)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a', include_string=False) == False)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a') == False)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_isiterable(self):
        for item in self.iterable_data:
            tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(item) == True)

        for item in self.non_iterable_data:
            tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(item) == False)

        # strings
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a', include_string=True) == True)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a', include_string=False) == False)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable('a') == False)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(u'a', include_string=True) == True)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(u'a', include_string=False) == False)
        tools.ok_(iterutils.isiterable(u'a') == False)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def send_request(self, method, req_params=None, auth_params=None,
            file_params=None, retries=None):
        '''Make an HTTP request to a server method.

        The given method is called with any parameters set in ``req_params``.
        If auth is True, then the request is made with an authenticated session
        cookie.  Note that path parameters should be set by adding onto the
        method, not via ``req_params``.

        :arg method: Method to call on the server.  It's a url fragment that
            comes after the base_url set in __init__().  Note that any
            parameters set as extra path information should be listed here,
            not in ``req_params``.
        :kwarg req_params: dict containing extra parameters to send to the
        :kwarg auth_params: dict containing one or more means of authenticating
            to the server.  Valid entries in this dict are:

            :cookie: **Deprecated** Use ``session_id`` instead.  If both
                ``cookie`` and ``session_id`` are set, only ``session_id`` will
                be used.  A ``Cookie.SimpleCookie`` to send as a session cookie
                to the server
            :session_id: Session id to put in a cookie to construct an identity
                for the server
            :username: Username to send to the server
            :password: Password to use with username to send to the server
            :httpauth: If set to ``basic`` then use HTTP Basic Authentication
                to send the username and password to the server.  This may be
                extended in the future to support other httpauth types than

            Note that cookie can be sent alone but if one of username or
            password is set the other must as well.  Code can set all of these
            if it wants and all of them will be sent to the server.  Be careful
            of sending cookies that do not match with the username in this
            case as the server can decide what to do in this case.
        :kwarg file_params: dict of files where the key is the name of the
            file field used in the remote method and the value is the local
            path of the file to be uploaded.  If you want to pass multiple
            files to a single file field, pass the paths as a list of paths.
        :kwarg retries: if we get an unknown or possibly transient error from
            the server, retry this many times.  Setting this to a negative
            number makes it try forever.  Defaults to zero, no retries.
            number makes it try forever.  Default to use the :attr:`retries`
            value set on the instance or in :meth:`__init__`.
        :returns: If ProxyClient is created with session_as_cookie=True (the
            default), a tuple of session cookie and data from the server.
            If ProxyClient was created with session_as_cookie=False, a tuple
            of session_id and data instead.
        :rtype: tuple of session information and data from server

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.17
            No longer send tg_format=json parameter.  We rely solely on the
            Accept: application/json header now.
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            * Return data as a Bunch instead of a DictContainer
            * Add file_params to allow uploading files
        self.log.debug(b_('proxyclient.send_request: entered'))
        # Check whether we need to authenticate for this request
        session_id = None
        username = None
        password = None
        if auth_params:
            if 'session_id' in auth_params:
                session_id = auth_params['session_id']
            elif 'cookie' in auth_params:
                warnings.warn(b_('Giving a cookie to send_request() to'
                ' authenticate is deprecated and will be removed in 0.4.'
                ' Please port your code to use session_id instead.'),
                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
                session_id = auth_params['cookie'].output(attrs=[],
            if 'username' in auth_params and 'password' in auth_params:
                username = auth_params['username']
                password = auth_params['password']
            elif 'username' in auth_params or 'password' in auth_params:
                raise AuthError(b_('username and password must both be set in'
                        ' auth_params'))
            if not (session_id or username):
                raise AuthError(b_('No known authentication methods'
                    ' specified: set "cookie" in auth_params or set both'
                    ' username and password in auth_params'))

        # urljoin is slightly different than os.path.join().  Make sure method
        # will work with it.
        method = method.lstrip('/')
        # And join to make our url.
        url = urljoin(self.base_url, urllib.quote(method))

        response = _PyCurlData() # The data we get back from the server
        data = None     # decoded JSON via json.load()

        request = pycurl.Curl()
        # Fix encoding issue related to pycurl bug#1831680
        request.setopt(pycurl.URL, to_bytes(url))
        # Boilerplate so pycurl processes cookies
        request.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, '/dev/null')
        # Associate with the response to accumulate data
        request.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write_data)
        # Follow redirect
        request.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
        request.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 5)
        if self.insecure:
            # Don't check that the server certificate is valid
            # This flag should really only be set for debugging
            request.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, False)
            request.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, False)

        # Set standard headers
        headers = ['User-agent: %s' % self.useragent,
                'Accept: application/json',]
        # This is a workaround
        # apache before 2.2.18 has a bug with Expect: continue headers
        # https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47087
        # curl triggers this by setting Expect: 100-continue headers
        # but putting data into the POST body that it expects the
        # server to process.  Setting an empty Expect: header
        # overrides that.  We should check whether this is still an
        # issue with apache 2.2.18 (or a patched apache)
        request.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers)

        # Files to upload
        if file_params:
            # pycurl wants files to be uploaded in a specific format.  That
            # format is:
            # [(file form field name, [(FORM_FILE, 'file local path'), ]),
            #  (file form field name2, [(FORM_FILE, 'file2 local path'), ])
            # ]
            file_data = []
            for field_name, field_value in file_params.iteritems():
                files = []
                if isiterable(field_value):
                    for filename in field_value:
                        files.append((pycurl.FORM_FILE, filename))
                    files = [(pycurl.FORM_FILE, field_value)]
                file_data.append((field_name, files))
            request.setopt(pycurl.HTTPPOST, file_data)

        # If we have a session_id, send it
        if session_id:
            # Anytime the session_id exists, send it so that visit tracking
            # works.  Will also authenticate us if there's a need.
            request.setopt(pycurl.COOKIE, to_bytes('%s=%s;' % (self.session_name,

        complete_params = req_params or {}
        if session_id:
            # Add the csrf protection token
            token = sha_constructor(session_id)
            complete_params.update({'_csrf_token': token.hexdigest()})
        if username and password:
            if auth_params.get('httpauth', '').lower() == 'basic':
                # HTTP Basic auth login
                userpwd = '%s:%s' % (to_bytes(username), to_bytes(password))
                request.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
                request.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, userpwd)
                # TG login
                # Adding this to the request data prevents it from being logged by
                # apache.
                complete_params.update({'user_name': to_bytes(username),
                        'password': to_bytes(password), 'login': '******'})

        req_data = None
        if complete_params:
            # set None params to empty string otherwise the string 'None' gets
            # sent.
            for i in complete_params.iteritems():
                if i[1] is None:
                    complete_params[i[0]] = ''
            req_data = urllib.urlencode(complete_params, doseq=True)
            request.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, req_data)

        # If debug, give people our debug info
        self.log.debug(b_('Creating request %(url)s') %
                {'url': to_bytes(url)})
        self.log.debug(b_('Headers: %(header)s') %
                {'header': to_bytes(headers, nonstring='simplerepr')})
        if self.debug and req_data:
            debug_data = re.sub(r'(&?)password[^&]+(&?)',
                    '\g<1>password=xxxxxxx\g<2>', req_data)
            self.log.debug(b_('Data: %(data)s') %
                    {'data': to_bytes(debug_data)})

        num_tries = 0
        if retries is None:
            retries = self.retries
        while True:
            # run the request

            # Check for auth failures
            # Note: old TG apps returned 403 Forbidden on authentication failures.
            # Updated apps return 401 Unauthorized
            # We need to accept both until all apps are updated to return 401.
            http_status = request.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
            if http_status in (401, 403):
                # Wrong username or password
                self.log.debug(b_('Authentication failed logging in'))
                raise AuthError(b_('Unable to log into server.  Invalid'
                        ' authentication tokens.  Send new username and password'))
            elif http_status >= 400:
                if retries < 0 or num_tries < retries:
                    # Retry the request
                    num_tries += 1
                    self.log.debug(b_('Attempt #%(try)s failed') % {'try': num_tries})
                # Fail and raise an error
                    msg = httplib.responses[http_status]
                except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                    msg = b_('Unknown HTTP Server Response')
                raise ServerError(url, http_status, msg)
            # Successfully returned data

        # In case the server returned a new session cookie to us
        new_session = ''
        cookies = request.getinfo(pycurl.INFO_COOKIELIST)
        for cookie in cookies:
            host, isdomain, path, secure, expires, name, value  = \
            if name == self.session_name:
                new_session = value

        # Read the response
        json_string = response.data

            data = json.loads(json_string)
        except ValueError, e:
            # The response wasn't JSON data
            raise ServerError(url, http_status, b_('Error returned from'
                    ' json module while processing %(url)s: %(err)s') %
                    {'url': to_bytes(url), 'err': to_bytes(e)})