Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        url = reverse('forums.threads', args=[u'test-forum'])
        self.context = {'request': test_utils.RequestFactory().get(url)}

        self.group = group(save=True)

        # Set up forum_1
        f = self.forum_1 = forum(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.forum_1)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_edit_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_edit_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_delete_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
                   content_type=ct, object_id=f.id, group=self.group,
                   content_type=ct, object_id=f.id, group=self.group,
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_move_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)

        # Set up forum_2
        f = self.forum_2 = forum(save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_move_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_discussion_filter_forum(self):
        """Filter by forum in discussion forums."""
        forum1 = forum(name=u"Forum 1", save=True)
        thread1 = thread(forum=forum1, title=u"audio 1", save=True)
        post(thread=thread1, save=True)

        forum2 = forum(name=u"Forum 2", save=True)
        thread2 = thread(forum=forum2, title=u"audio 2", save=True)
        post(thread=thread2, save=True)

        import kitsune.search.forms

        import kitsune.search.views
        import kitsune.search.forms

        kitsune.search.views.SearchForm = kitsune.search.forms.SearchForm

        # Wait... reload? WTF is that about? What's going on here is
        # that SearchForm pulls the list of forums from the db **at
        # module load time**. Since we need it to include the two
        # forums we just created, we need to reload the module and
        # rebind it in kitsune.search.views. Otherwise when we go to get
        # cleaned_data from it, it ditches the forum data we so
        # lovingly put in our querystring and then our filters are
        # wrong and then this test FAILS.


        qs = {"a": 1, "w": 4, "format": "json"}

        for forum_id in (forum1.id, forum2.id):
            qs["forum"] = int(forum_id)
            response = self.client.get(reverse("search"), qs)
            eq_(json.loads(response.content)["total"], 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        url = reverse('forums.threads', args=[u'test-forum'])
        self.context = {'request': RequestFactory().get(url)}

        self.group = group(save=True)

        # Set up forum_1
        f = self.forum_1 = forum(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.forum_1)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_edit_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_edit_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_delete_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
                   content_type=ct, object_id=f.id, group=self.group,
                   content_type=ct, object_id=f.id, group=self.group,
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_move_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)

        # Set up forum_2
        f = self.forum_2 = forum(save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.thread_move_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, group=self.group, save=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_canonical_url(self):
        """Verify the canonical URL is set correctly."""
        f = forum(save=True)

        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        eq_('/forums/%s' % f.slug,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_watch_forum_then_new_thread(self, get_current):
        """Watching a forum and creating a new thread should send email."""
        get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver'

        f = forum(save=True)
        poster = user(save=True)
        watcher = user(save=True)

        self._toggle_watch_forum_as(f, watcher, turn_on=True)
        self.client.login(username=poster.username, password='******')
             'forums.new_thread', {
                 'title': 'a title',
                 'content': 'a post'

        t = Thread.objects.all().order_by('-id')[0]
                 subject='{f} - {t}'.format(f=f, t=t))
        body = NEW_THREAD_EMAIL.format(username=poster.username,
        starts_with(mail.outbox[0].body, body)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_canonical_url(self):
        """Verify the canonical URL is set correctly."""
        f = forum(save=True)

        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        eq_('/forums/%s' % f.slug,
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_delete_post_belongs_to_thread_and_forum(self):
        # Delete post action - post belongs to thread and thread
        # belongs to forum.
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = thread(forum=f, save=True)
        # Post belongs to a different forum and thread.
        p = forum_post(save=True)
        u = p.author

        # Give the user the permission to delete posts.
        g = group(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(f)
                   content_type=ct, object_id=p.thread.forum_id, group=g,
                   content_type=ct, object_id=f.id, group=g, save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')

        # Post isn't in the passed forum:
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.delete_post',
                args=[f.slug, p.thread.id, p.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)

        # Post isn't in the passed thread:
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.delete_post',
                args=[p.thread.forum.slug, t.id, p.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_move_thread(self):
        """Move a thread."""
        t = forum_post(save=True).thread
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)
        g = group(save=True)

        # Give the user permission to move threads between the two forums.
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(f)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client,
                        'forums.move_thread', {'forum': f.id},
                        args=[t.forum.slug, t.id])
        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        t = Thread.uncached.get(pk=t.pk)
        eq_(f.id, t.forum.id)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_forums_search_authorized_forums(self):
        """Only authorized people can search certain forums"""
        # Create two threads: one in a restricted forum and one not.
        forum1 = forum(name=u'ou812forum', save=True)
        thread1 = thread(forum=forum1, save=True)
        post(thread=thread1, content=u'audio', save=True)

        forum2 = restricted_forum(name=u'restrictedkeepout', save=True)
        thread2 = thread(forum=forum2, save=True)
        post(thread=thread2, content=u'audio restricted', save=True)


        # Do a search as an anonymous user but don't specify the
        # forums to filter on. Should only see one of the posts.
        response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), {
            'author': '',
            'created': '0',
            'created_date': '',
            'updated': '0',
            'updated_date': '',
            'sortby': '0',
            'a': '1',
            'w': '4',
            'q': 'audio',
            'format': 'json'

        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        content = json.loads(response.content)
        eq_(content['total'], 1)

        # Do a search as an authorized user but don't specify the
        # forums to filter on. Should see both posts.
        u = user(save=True)
        g = group(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(forum2)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.view_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=forum2.id, group=g, save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), {
            'author': '',
            'created': '0',
            'created_date': '',
            'updated': '0',
            'updated_date': '',
            'sortby': '0',
            'a': '1',
            'w': '4',
            'q': 'audio',
            'format': 'json'

        # Sees both results
        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        content = json.loads(response.content)
        eq_(content['total'], 2)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_forums_search_authorized_forums(self):
        """Only authorized people can search certain forums"""
        # Create two threads: one in a restricted forum and one not.
        forum1 = forum(name=u'ou812forum', save=True)
        thread1 = thread(forum=forum1, save=True)
        post(thread=thread1, content=u'audio', save=True)

        forum2 = restricted_forum(name=u'restrictedkeepout', save=True)
        thread2 = thread(forum=forum2, save=True)
        post(thread=thread2, content=u'audio restricted', save=True)


        # Do a search as an anonymous user but don't specify the
        # forums to filter on. Should only see one of the posts.
        response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), {
            'author': '',
            'created': '0',
            'created_date': '',
            'updated': '0',
            'updated_date': '',
            'sortby': '0',
            'a': '1',
            'w': '4',
            'q': 'audio',
            'format': 'json'

        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        content = json.loads(response.content)
        eq_(content['total'], 1)

        # Do a search as an authorized user but don't specify the
        # forums to filter on. Should see both posts.
        u = user(save=True)
        g = group(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(forum2)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.view_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=forum2.id, group=g, save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), {
            'author': '',
            'created': '0',
            'created_date': '',
            'updated': '0',
            'updated_date': '',
            'sortby': '0',
            'a': '1',
            'w': '4',
            'q': 'audio',
            'format': 'json'

        # Sees both results
        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        content = json.loads(response.content)
        eq_(content['total'], 2)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_watch_GET_405(self):
        """Watch forum with HTTP GET results in 405."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', args=[f.id])
        eq_(405, response.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_show_new_thread(self):
        """'Post new thread' shows if user has permission to post."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        self.assertContains(response, 'Post a new thread')
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_fire_on_new_thread(self, fire):
     """The event fires when there is a new thread."""
     u = user(save=True)
     f = forum(save=True)
     self.client.login(username=u.username, password="******")
     post(self.client, "forums.new_thread", {"title": "a title", "content": "a post"}, args=[f.slug])
     # NewThreadEvent.fire() is called.
     assert fire.called
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_show_new_thread(self):
        """'Post new thread' shows if user has permission to post."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        self.assertContains(response, 'Post a new thread')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_watch_GET_405(self):
        """Watch forum with HTTP GET results in 405."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', args=[f.id])
        eq_(405, response.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_edit_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Edit thread action - thread belongs to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = forum_post(save=True).thread  # Thread belongs to a different forum
        u = t.creator

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.edit_thread', args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_reply_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Reply action - thread belongs to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = thread(save=True)  # Thread belongs to a different forum
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        r = post(self.client, 'forums.reply', {}, args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_posts_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Posts view - redirect if thread does not belong to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = thread(save=True)  # Thread belongs to a different forum

        r = get(self.client, 'forums.posts', args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        u = r.redirect_chain[0][0]
        assert u.endswith(t.get_absolute_url())
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_discussion_filter_forum(self):
        """Filter by forum in discussion forums."""
        forum1 = forum(name=u'Forum 1', save=True)
        thread1 = thread(forum=forum1, title=u'audio 1', save=True)
        post(thread=thread1, save=True)

        forum2 = forum(name=u'Forum 2', save=True)
        thread2 = thread(forum=forum2, title=u'audio 2', save=True)
        post(thread=thread2, save=True)


        qs = {'a': 1, 'w': 4, 'format': 'json'}

        for forum_id in (forum1.id, forum2.id):
            qs['forum'] = int(forum_id)
            response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), qs)
            eq_(json.loads(response.content)['total'], 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_reply_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Reply action - thread belongs to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = thread(save=True)  # Thread belongs to a different forum
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        r = post(self.client, 'forums.reply', {}, args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_posts_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Posts view - redirect if thread does not belong to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = thread(save=True)  # Thread belongs to a different forum

        r = get(self.client, 'forums.posts', args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        u = r.redirect_chain[0][0]
        assert u.endswith(t.get_absolute_url())
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_discussion_filter_forum(self):
        """Filter by forum in discussion forums."""
        forum1 = forum(name=u'Forum 1', save=True)
        thread1 = thread(forum=forum1, title=u'audio 1', save=True)
        post(thread=thread1, save=True)

        forum2 = forum(name=u'Forum 2', save=True)
        thread2 = thread(forum=forum2, title=u'audio 2', save=True)
        post(thread=thread2, save=True)


        qs = {'a': 1, 'w': 4, 'format': 'json'}

        for forum_id in (forum1.id, forum2.id):
            qs['forum'] = int(forum_id)
            response = self.client.get(reverse('search'), qs)
            eq_(json.loads(response.content)['total'], 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_edit_thread_belongs_to_forum(self):
        """Edit thread action - thread belongs to forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        t = forum_post(save=True).thread  # Thread belongs to a different forum
        u = t.creator

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.edit_thread', args=[f.slug, t.id])
        eq_(404, r.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_public_access(self):
        # Assert Forums think they're publicly viewable and postable
        # at appropriate times.

        # By default, users have access to forums that aren't restricted.
        u = user(save=True)
        f = forum(save=True)
        assert f.allows_viewing_by(u)
        assert f.allows_posting_by(u)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_public_access(self):
        # Assert Forums think they're publicly viewable and postable
        # at appropriate times.

        # By default, users have access to forums that aren't restricted.
        u = user(save=True)
        f = forum(save=True)
        assert f.allows_viewing_by(u)
        assert f.allows_posting_by(u)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_display_order(self):
        """Verify the display_order is respected."""
        forum1 = forum(display_order=1, save=True)
        forum2 = forum(display_order=2, save=True)

        # forum1 should be listed first
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(forum1.name, doc('ol.forums > li a:first').text())

        forum1.display_order = 3

        # forum2 should be listed first
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(forum2.name, doc('ol.forums > li a:first').text())
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_fire_on_new_thread(self, fire):
     """The event fires when there is a new thread."""
     u = user(save=True)
     f = forum(save=True)
     self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
     post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
          {'title': 'a title', 'content': 'a post'},
     # NewThreadEvent.fire() is called.
     assert fire.called
Exemplo n.º 28
def _restricted_forum(permission_code='forums_forum.view_in_forum'):
    """Return a forum with specified restriction."""
    restricted_forum = forum(save=True)

    # Make it restricted.
    ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(restricted_forum)
    permission(codename=permission_code, content_type=ct,
               object_id=restricted_forum.id, save=True)

    return restricted_forum
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_display_order(self):
        """Verify the display_order is respected."""
        forum1 = forum(display_order=1, save=True)
        forum2 = forum(display_order=2, save=True)

        # forum1 should be listed first
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(forum1.name, doc('ol.forums > li a:first').text())

        forum1.display_order = 3

        # forum2 should be listed first
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(forum2.name, doc('ol.forums > li a:first').text())
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_threads_sort(self):
        """Ensure that threads are being sorted properly by date/time."""
        # Threads are sorted descending by last post date.
        f = forum(save=True)
        t1 = thread(forum=f, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)
        post(thread=t1, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)
        t2 = thread(forum=f, save=True)
        post(thread=t2, save=True)

        eq_(t2.id, ThreadsFeed().items(f)[0].id)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_restricted_is_invisible(self):
        """Forums with restricted view_in permission shouldn't show up."""
        restricted_forum = forum(save=True)
        # Make it restricted.
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(restricted_forum)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.view_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=restricted_forum.id, save=True)

        response = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        self.assertNotContains(response, restricted_forum.slug)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_move_thread_403(self):
        """Moving a thread without permissions returns 403."""
        t = forum_post(save=True).thread
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.move_thread', {'forum': f.id},
                        args=[t.forum.slug, t.id])
        eq_(403, response.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_restricted_is_invisible(self):
        """Forums with restricted view_in permission shouldn't show up."""
        restricted_forum = forum(save=True)
        # Make it restricted.
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(restricted_forum)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.view_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=restricted_forum.id, save=True)

        response = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        self.assertNotContains(response, restricted_forum.slug)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_fire_on_new_thread(self, fire):
     """The event fires when there is a new thread."""
     u = user(save=True)
     f = forum(save=True)
     self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
     post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
          {'title': 'a title', 'content': 'a post'},
     # NewThreadEvent.fire() is called.
     assert fire.called
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_is_listed(self):
        """Verify is_listed is respected."""
        forum1 = forum(is_listed=True, save=True)
        forum2 = forum(is_listed=True, save=True)

        # Both forums should be listed.
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(2, len(doc('ol.forums > li')))

        forum1.is_listed = False

        # Only forum2 should be listed.
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(1, len(doc('ol.forums > li')))
        eq_(forum2.name, doc('ol.forums > li a').text())
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_is_listed(self):
        """Verify is_listed is respected."""
        forum1 = forum(is_listed=True, save=True)
        forum2 = forum(is_listed=True, save=True)

        # Both forums should be listed.
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(2, len(doc('ol.forums > li')))

        forum1.is_listed = False

        # Only forum2 should be listed.
        r = get(self.client, 'forums.forums')
        eq_(200, r.status_code)
        doc = pq(r.content)
        eq_(1, len(doc('ol.forums > li')))
        eq_(forum2.name, doc('ol.forums > li a').text())
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_move_thread_403(self):
        """Moving a thread without permissions returns 403."""
        t = forum_post(save=True).thread
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client,
                        'forums.move_thread', {'forum': f.id},
                        args=[t.forum.slug, t.id])
        eq_(403, response.status_code)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_new_thread_redirect(self):
        """Posting a new thread should redirect."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        url = reverse('forums.new_thread', args=[f.slug])
        data = {'title': 'some title', 'content': 'some content'}
        r = self.client.post(url, data, follow=False)
        eq_(302, r.status_code)
        assert f.slug in r['location']
        assert 'last=' in r['location']
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_empty_thread_errors(self):
        """Posting an empty thread shows errors."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
                        {'title': '', 'content': ''}, args=[f.slug])
        doc = pq(response.content)
        errors = doc('ul.errorlist li a')
        eq_(errors[0].text, 'Please provide a title.')
        eq_(errors[1].text, 'Please provide a message.')
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_recent_threads(self):
        """Verify the Community Discussions section."""
        f = forum(slug='contributors', save=True)
        thread(forum=f, title='we are SUMO!!!!!!', save=True)


        response = self.client.get(urlparams(reverse('community.home')))
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        doc = pq(response.content)
        eq_(1, len(doc('#recent-threads')))
        assert 'we are SUMO!' in doc('#recent-threads li').html()
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_empty_thread_errors(self):
        """Posting an empty thread shows errors."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
                        {'title': '', 'content': ''}, args=[f.slug])
        doc = pq(response.content)
        errors = doc('ul.errorlist li a')
        eq_(errors[0].text, 'Please provide a title.')
        eq_(errors[1].text, 'Please provide a message.')
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_perm_is_defined_on(self):
        """Test permission relationship

        Test whether we check for permission relationship, independent
        of whether the permission is actually assigned to anyone.
        from kitsune.forums.tests import forum, restricted_forum
        f1 = restricted_forum()
        f2 = forum(save=True)
        perm = 'forums_forum.view_in_forum'
        assert access.perm_is_defined_on(perm, f1)
        assert not access.perm_is_defined_on(perm, f2)
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_perm_is_defined_on(self):
        """Test permission relationship

        Test whether we check for permission relationship, independent
        of whether the permission is actually assigned to anyone.
        from kitsune.forums.tests import forum, restricted_forum
        f1 = restricted_forum()
        f2 = forum(save=True)
        perm = 'forums_forum.view_in_forum'
        assert access.perm_is_defined_on(perm, f1)
        assert not access.perm_is_defined_on(perm, f2)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_recent_threads(self):
        """Verify the Community Discussions section."""
        f = forum(slug='contributors', save=True)
        thread(forum=f, title='we are SUMO!!!!!!', save=True)


        response = self.client.get(urlparams(reverse('community.home')))
        eq_(response.status_code, 200)
        doc = pq(response.content)
        eq_(1, len(doc('#recent-threads')))
        assert 'we are SUMO!' in doc('#recent-threads li').html()
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_new_thread_redirect(self):
        """Posting a new thread should redirect."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        url = reverse('forums.new_thread', args=[f.slug])
        data = {'title': 'some title', 'content': 'some content'}
        r = self.client.post(url, data, follow=False)
        eq_(302, r.status_code)
        assert f.slug in r['location']
        assert 'last=' in r['location']
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_watch_forum_then_new_thread_as_self(self, get_current):
        # Watching a forum and creating a new thread as myself should
        # not send email.
        get_current.return_value.domain = "testserver"

        f = forum(save=True)
        watcher = user(save=True)

        self._toggle_watch_forum_as(f, watcher, turn_on=True)
        self.client.login(username=watcher.username, password="******")
        post(self.client, "forums.new_thread", {"title": "a title", "content": "a post"}, args=[f.slug])
        # Assert no email is sent.
        assert not mail.outbox
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_watch_forum(self):
        """Watch and unwatch a forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')

        response = post(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'yes'},
        self.assertContains(response, 'Stop watching this forum')

        response = post(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'no'},
        self.assertNotContains(response, 'Stop watching this forum')
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_restricted_hide_new_thread(self):
        """'Post new thread' doesn't show if user has no permission to post.
        f = forum(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(f)
        # If the forum has the permission and the user isn't assigned said
        # permission, then they can't post.
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        self.assertNotContains(response, 'Post a new thread')
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_watch_forum(self):
        """Watch and unwatch a forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')

        response = post(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'yes'},
        self.assertContains(response, 'Stop watching this forum')

        response = post(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'no'},
        self.assertNotContains(response, 'Stop watching this forum')
Exemplo n.º 50
    def test_watch_forum_then_new_thread_as_self(self, get_current):
        # Watching a forum and creating a new thread as myself should
        # not send email.
        get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver'

        f = forum(save=True)
        watcher = user(save=True)

        self._toggle_watch_forum_as(f, watcher, turn_on=True)
        self.client.login(username=watcher.username, password='******')
        post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
             {'title': 'a title', 'content': 'a post'}, args=[f.slug])
        # Assert no email is sent.
        assert not mail.outbox
Exemplo n.º 51
    def test_preview(self):
        """Preview the thread post."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        content = 'Full of awesome.'
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
                        {'title': 'Topic', 'content': content,
                         'preview': 'any string'}, args=[f.slug])
        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        doc = pq(response.content)
        eq_(content, doc('#post-preview div.content').text())
        eq_(0, f.thread_set.count())  # No thread was created.
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_restricted_hide_new_thread(self):
        """'Post new thread' doesn't show if user has no permission to post.
        f = forum(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(f)
        # If the forum has the permission and the user isn't assigned said
        # permission, then they can't post.
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = get(self.client, 'forums.threads', args=[f.slug])
        self.assertNotContains(response, 'Post a new thread')
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_watch_forum_then_new_thread_as_self(self, get_current):
        # Watching a forum and creating a new thread as myself should
        # not send email.
        get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver'

        f = forum(save=True)
        watcher = user(save=True)

        self._toggle_watch_forum_as(f, watcher, turn_on=True)
        self.client.login(username=watcher.username, password='******')
        post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
             {'title': 'a title', 'content': 'a post'}, args=[f.slug])
        # Assert no email is sent.
        assert not mail.outbox
Exemplo n.º 54
    def test_preview(self):
        """Preview the thread post."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        content = 'Full of awesome.'
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
                        {'title': 'Topic', 'content': content,
                         'preview': 'any string'}, args=[f.slug])
        eq_(200, response.status_code)
        doc = pq(response.content)
        eq_(content, doc('#post-preview div.content').text())
        eq_(0, f.thread_set.count())  # No thread was created.
Exemplo n.º 55
    def test_move_updates_last_posts(self):
        # Moving the thread containing a forum's last post to a new
        # forum should update the last_post of both
        # forums. Consequently, deleting the last post shouldn't
        # delete the old forum. [bug 588994]

        # Setup forum to move latest thread from.
        old_forum = forum(save=True)
        t1 = thread(forum=old_forum, save=True)
        p1 = post(thread=t1, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)
        t2 = thread(forum=old_forum, save=True)
        p2 = post(thread=t2, save=True)  # Newest post of all.

        # Setup forum to move latest thread to.
        new_forum = forum(save=True)
        t3 = thread(forum=new_forum, save=True)
        p3 = post(thread=t3, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)

        # Verify the last_post's are correct.
        eq_(p2, Forum.objects.get(id=old_forum.id).last_post)
        eq_(p3, Forum.objects.get(id=new_forum.id).last_post)

        # Move the t2 thread.
        t2 = Thread.objects.get(id=t2.id)
        t2.forum = new_forum

        # Old forum's last_post updated?
        eq_(p1.id, Forum.objects.get(id=old_forum.id).last_post_id)

        # New forum's last_post updated?
        eq_(p2.id, Forum.objects.get(id=new_forum.id).last_post_id)

        # Delete the post, and both forums should still exist:
        eq_(1, Forum.objects.filter(id=old_forum.id).count())
        eq_(1, Forum.objects.filter(id=new_forum.id).count())
Exemplo n.º 56
    def test_move_updates_last_posts(self):
        # Moving the thread containing a forum's last post to a new
        # forum should update the last_post of both
        # forums. Consequently, deleting the last post shouldn't
        # delete the old forum. [bug 588994]

        # Setup forum to move latest thread from.
        old_forum = forum(save=True)
        t1 = thread(forum=old_forum, save=True)
        p1 = post(thread=t1, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)
        t2 = thread(forum=old_forum, save=True)
        p2 = post(thread=t2, save=True)  # Newest post of all.

        # Setup forum to move latest thread to.
        new_forum = forum(save=True)
        t3 = thread(forum=new_forum, save=True)
        p3 = post(thread=t3, created=YESTERDAY, save=True)

        # Verify the last_post's are correct.
        eq_(p2, Forum.objects.get(id=old_forum.id).last_post)
        eq_(p3, Forum.objects.get(id=new_forum.id).last_post)

        # Move the t2 thread.
        t2 = Thread.objects.get(id=t2.id)
        t2.forum = new_forum

        # Old forum's last_post updated?
        eq_(p1.id, Forum.objects.get(id=old_forum.id).last_post_id)

        # New forum's last_post updated?
        eq_(p2.id, Forum.objects.get(id=new_forum.id).last_post_id)

        # Delete the post, and both forums should still exist:
        eq_(1, Forum.objects.filter(id=old_forum.id).count())
        eq_(1, Forum.objects.filter(id=new_forum.id).count())
Exemplo n.º 57
    def test_access_restriction(self):
        """Assert Forums are inaccessible to the public when restricted."""
        # If the a forum has 'forums_forum.view_in_forum' permission defined,
        # then it isn't public by default. If it has
        # 'forums_forum.post_in_forum', then it isn't postable to by default.
        f = forum(save=True)
        ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(f)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.view_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, save=True)
        permission(codename='forums_forum.post_in_forum', content_type=ct,
                   object_id=f.id, save=True)

        unprivileged_user = user(save=True)
        assert not f.allows_viewing_by(unprivileged_user)
        assert not f.allows_posting_by(unprivileged_user)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def test_new_short_thread_errors(self):
        """Posting a short new thread shows errors."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')
        response = post(self.client, 'forums.new_thread',
                        {'title': 'wha?', 'content': 'wha?'}, args=[f.slug])

        doc = pq(response.content)
        errors = doc('ul.errorlist li a')
            'Your title is too short (4 characters). ' +
            'It must be at least 5 characters.')
            'Your message is too short (4 characters). ' +
            'It must be at least 5 characters.')
Exemplo n.º 59
    def test_watch_forum(self):
        """Watch then unwatch a forum."""
        f = forum(save=True)
        forum_post(thread=thread(forum=f, save=True), save=True)
        u = user(save=True)

        self.client.login(username=u.username, password='******')

             'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'yes'},
        assert NewThreadEvent.is_notifying(u, f)
        # NewPostEvent is not notifying.
        assert not NewPostEvent.is_notifying(u, f.last_post)

        post(self.client, 'forums.watch_forum', {'watch': 'no'}, args=[f.slug])
        assert not NewThreadEvent.is_notifying(u, f)