Exemplo n.º 1
 def feasible(self, q):
     #print "checking feasible"
     isfeasible = not inCollision(self.collider, self.robot,
                                  q) and not self.robot.selfCollides()
     print CSpace.feasible(self, q), q
     if not CSpace.feasible(self, q): return False
     return not inCollision(self.collider, self.robot,
                            q) and not self.robot.selfCollides()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def feasible(self,q):
        if len(q) != len(self.bound):
            # print len(q), len(self.bound)
            qnew = q[0:len(self.bound)]
        for i in range(len(q)):
            # print "q", i, q[i], self.bound[i][0], self.bound[i][1]
            if (q[i] < self.bound[i][0]) :
                print "Joint #",self.limb_indices[i],"(",q[i],") out of limits (min:",self.bound[i][0],")"
                print "Changed joint value to its minimum"
                q[i] = self.bound[i][0]

            if (q[i] > self.bound[i][1]) :
                print "Joint #",self.limb_indices[i],"(",q[i],") out of limits (max:",self.bound[i][1],")"
                print "Changed joint value to its maximum"
                q[i] = self.bound[i][1]

        if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
            # print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is out of bounds"
            return False

        # cond = self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb,q)
        # if not cond:
        if not self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb,q):
            # print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is in collision"
            return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def feasible(self,q):

        #TODO: implement me
        #the default simply checks if q is within the bounds
        return CSpace.feasible(self,q)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def feasible(self,q):
     if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
         # print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is out of bounds"
         return False
     if not self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb,q):
             # print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is in collision"
             return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 5
 def feasible(self, q):
     #bounds test
     if not CSpace.feasible(self, q): return False
     #TODO: Problem 1: implement your feasibility tests here
     #currently, only the center is checked, so the robot collides
     #with boundary and obstacles
     for o in self.obstacles:
         if o.contains(q): return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 6
 def feasible(self,q):
     #bounds test
     if not CSpace.feasible(self,q): return False
     #TODO: Problem 1: implement your feasibility tests here
     #currently, only the center is checked, so the robot collides
     #with boundary and obstacles
     for o in self.obstacles:
         if o.contains(q): return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 7
 def feasible(self,q):
     if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
         #print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is out of bounds"
         return False
     qrob = self.robot.getConfig()
     if not self.planner.check_collision_free_with_object(self.limb,self.objectGeom,self.grasp):
         #print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is in collision"
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 8
 def feasible(self, q):
     # TODO: implement me
     # the default simply checks if q is within the bounds
     # check if the q is within the bounds
     if CSpace.feasible(self, q):
         if self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb, q, True):
             return True
             return False
         return False
Exemplo n.º 9
    def feasible(self, q):
        #bounds test
        if not CSpace.feasible(self, (q[0], q[1], 0)): return False

        #get the endpoints of the bar
        p1, p2 = self.endpoints(q)
        #TODO: implement your feasibility test here: the current implementation
        #checks endpoints, but doesnt consider collisions with the
        #intermediate segment between the endpoints
        for o in self.obstacles:
            if o.contains(p1) or o.contains(p2): return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
 def feasible(self,q):
     #bounds test
     if not CSpace.feasible(self,(q[0],q[1],0)): return False
     #get the endpoints of the bar
     p1,p2 = self.endpoints(q)
     #TODO: implement your feasibility test here: the current implementation
     #checks endpoints, but doesnt consider collisions with the
     #intermediate segment between the endpoints
     for o in self.obstacles:
         if o.contains(p1) or o.contains(p2): return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 11
 def feasible(self,q):
     verbose = False#len(self.extra_feasibility_tests)>0
     if verbose: print "Custom CSpace test"
     if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
         if verbose: print "Failed CSpace test"
         return False
     for index,test in enumerate(self.extra_feasibility_tests):
         if not test(q):
             if verbose: print "Extra feasibility test",index,"returned false, returning configuration infeasible"
             return False
     if verbose: print "Passed"
     return True
Exemplo n.º 12
    def feasible(self,q):
        if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
            #print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is out of bounds"
            return False
        if not self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb,q):
            #print "LimbCSpace.feasible: Configuration is in collision"
            return False

        for i in xrange(self.planner.world.numRigidObjects()):
            o = self.planner.world.rigidObject(i)
            g = o.geometry()
            if g != None and g.type()!="":
                if self.planner.vacuumPc.withinDistance(g, .03):
                    return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 13
 def feasible(self,q):
     #TODO: implement me
     #the default simply checks if q is within the bounds
     #print "Called"
     #print q, CSpace.feasible(self,q)
     return CSpace.feasible(self,q) and self.planner.check_limb_collision_free(self.limb, q)
    def feasible(self,q):
        # set robot to given q
        # get joint 55 orientation
        # if rotation is not right, return false

        qcurrent = self.robot.getConfig()
        if len(q) < len(qcurrent):
            if len(self.limb_indices) != len(q):
                return False
                for i in range(len(self.limb_indices)):
                    qcurrent[self.limb_indices[i]] = q[i]
                q = qcurrent

        # self.robot.setConfig(q)
        # Rcur = self.robot.link(55).getTransform()[0]
        # # Rgoal

        # if len(q)>len(self.limb_indices): return False
        # for i in range(len(q)):
        #     # print "q", i, q[i], self.bound[i][0], self.bound[i][1]
        #     # print self.limb, self.limb_indices, i, len(q)
        #     if (q[i] < self.bound[i][0]) :
        #         print "Joint #",self.limb_indices[i],"(",q[i],") out of limits (min:",self.bound[i][0],")"
        #         print "Changed joint value to its minimum"
        #         q[i] = self.bound[i][0]

        #     if (q[i] > self.bound[i][1]) :
        #         print "Joint #",self.limb_indices[i],"(",q[i],") out of limits (max:",self.bound[i][1],")"
        #         print "Changed joint value to its maximum"
        #         q[i] = self.bound[i][1]

        # print 1
        # # self.robot.setConfig(q)
        # # return AdaptiveCSpace.feasible(self,q)

        # print 2
        # if not self.inJointLimits(q): return False

        # print 3
        # self.robot.setConfig(q)
        # if not self.closedLoop(): return False;

        # #check extras
        # print 4
        # for f in self.extraFeasibilityTesters:
        #     if not f(q): return False

        # print 5
        # #check collisions
        # if self.selfCollision(): return False

        # print 6
        # if self.envCollision(): return False
        # return True

        if not CSpace.feasible(self,q):
            print "CSpace.feasible: Configuration is out of bounds"
            return False

        if not self.planner.check_collision_free(self.limb,q):
            # print "ClosedLoopRobotCSpace.feasible: Configuration is in collision"
            return False
        return True