Exemplo n.º 1
def test_when_present_clustered(client_mock, resource):
    result = object()
    apicls_mock = client_mock.CustomObjectsApi
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_cluster_custom_object.return_value = result
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_namespaced_custom_object.return_value = result
    sidefn_mock = apicls_mock.return_value.list_namespaced_custom_object
    mainfn_mock = apicls_mock.return_value.list_cluster_custom_object

    fn = make_list_fn(resource=resource, namespace=None)
    assert callable(fn)

    assert not sidefn_mock.called
    assert not mainfn_mock.called

    res = fn(opt1='val1', opt2=123)
    assert res is result

    assert sidefn_mock.call_count == 0
    assert mainfn_mock.call_count == 1
    assert mainfn_mock.call_args_list == [
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_raises_api_error(client_mock, resource, namespace, status):
    error = kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException(status=status)
    apicls_mock = client_mock.CustomObjectsApi
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_cluster_custom_object.side_effect = error
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_namespaced_custom_object.side_effect = error

    fn = make_list_fn(resource=resource, namespace=namespace)
    with pytest.raises(kubernetes.client.rest.ApiException) as e:
        fn(opt1='val1', opt2=123)
    assert e.value.status == status
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_docstrings_are_preserved(client_mock, resource, namespace):
    # Docstrings are important! Kubernetes client uses them to guess
    # the returned object types and the parameters type.
    docstring = """some doc \n :return: sometype"""

    apicls_mock = client_mock.CustomObjectsApi
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_cluster_custom_object.__doc__ = docstring
    apicls_mock.return_value.list_namespaced_custom_object.__doc__ = docstring

    fn = make_list_fn(resource=resource, namespace=namespace)
    fn_docstring = pydoc.getdoc(fn)  # same as k8s client does this
    assert isinstance(fn_docstring, str)
    assert ':return: sometype' in docstring  # it will be reformatted
Exemplo n.º 4
async def streaming_watch(
        resource: registries.Resource,
        namespace: Union[None, str],
    Stream the watch-events from one single API watch-call.

    # First, list the resources regularly, and get the list's resource version.
    # Simulate the events with type "None" event - used in detection of causes.
    rsp = fetching.list_objs(resource=resource, namespace=namespace)
    resource_version = rsp['metadata']['resourceVersion']
    for item in rsp['items']:
        yield {'type': None, 'object': item}

    # Then, watch the resources starting from the list's resource version.
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs.update(dict(resource_version=resource_version) if resource_version else {})
    kwargs.update(dict(timeout_seconds=DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT) if DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT else {})
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    fn = fetching.make_list_fn(resource=resource, namespace=namespace)
    watch = kubernetes.watch.Watch()
    stream = watch.stream(fn, **kwargs)
    async for event in streaming_aiter(stream, loop=loop):

        # "410 Gone" is for the "resource version too old" error, we must restart watching.
        # The resource versions are lost by k8s after few minutes (as per the official doc).
        # The error occurs when there is nothing happening for few minutes. This is normal.
        if event['type'] == 'ERROR' and event['object']['code'] == 410:
            logger.debug("Restarting the watch-stream for %r", resource)
            break  # out of for-cycle, to the while-true-cycle.

        # Other watch errors should be fatal for the operator.
        if event['type'] == 'ERROR':
            raise WatchingError(f"Error in the watch-stream: {event['object']}")

        # Ensure that the event is something we understand and can handle.
        if event['type'] not in ['ADDED', 'MODIFIED', 'DELETED']:
            logger.warning("Ignoring an unsupported event type: %r", event)

        # Yield normal events to the consumer.
        yield event