Exemplo n.º 1
def test_creation_for_temporary_errors():
    error = Exception()
    outcome = HandlerOutcome(final=False, exception=error, delay=123)
    assert not outcome.final
    assert outcome.delay == 123
    assert outcome.result is None
    assert outcome.exception is error
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_creation_for_permanent_errors():
    error = Exception()
    outcome = HandlerOutcome(final=True, exception=error)
    assert outcome.final
    assert outcome.delay is None
    assert outcome.result is None
    assert outcome.exception is error
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_creation_for_results():
    result = HandlerResult(object())
    outcome = HandlerOutcome(final=True, result=result)
    assert outcome.final
    assert outcome.delay is None
    assert outcome.result is result
    assert outcome.exception is None
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_activity_error_exception():
    outcome = HandlerOutcome(final=True)
    outcomes: Mapping[HandlerId, HandlerOutcome]
    outcomes = {HandlerId('id'): outcome}
    error = ActivityError("message", outcomes=outcomes)
    assert str(error) == "message"
    assert error.outcomes == outcomes
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_set_awake_time(handler, expected, body, delay):
    origbody = copy.deepcopy(body)
    patch = {}
    state = State.from_body(body=body, handlers=[handler])
    state = state.with_outcomes(
        outcomes={handler.id: HandlerOutcome(final=False, delay=delay)})
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id'].get(
        'delayed') == expected
    assert body == origbody  # not modified
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_asap_takes_the_least_retried(mocker):
    handler1 = mocker.Mock(id='id1', spec_set=['id'])
    handler2 = mocker.Mock(id='id2', spec_set=['id'])
    handler3 = mocker.Mock(id='id3', spec_set=['id'])

    # Set the pre-existing state, and verify that it was set properly.
    state = State.from_scratch(handlers=[handler1, handler2, handler3])
    state = state.with_outcomes({handler1.id: HandlerOutcome(final=False)})
    state = state.with_outcomes({handler1.id: HandlerOutcome(final=False)})
    state = state.with_outcomes({handler3.id: HandlerOutcome(final=False)})
    assert state[handler1.id].retries == 2
    assert state[handler2.id].retries == 0
    assert state[handler3.id].retries == 1

    handlers = [handler1, handler2, handler3]
    selected = kopf.lifecycles.asap(handlers, state=state)
    assert isinstance(selected, (tuple, list))
    assert len(selected) == 1
    assert selected[0] is handler2
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_store_success(handler, expected_retries, expected_stopped, body):
    origbody = copy.deepcopy(body)
    patch = {}
    state = State.from_body(body=body, handlers=[handler])
    state = state.with_outcomes(
        outcomes={handler.id: HandlerOutcome(final=True)})
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id']['success'] is True
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id']['failure'] is False
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id'][
        'retries'] == expected_retries
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id'][
        'stopped'] == expected_stopped
    assert patch['status']['kopf']['progress']['some-id']['message'] is None
    assert body == origbody  # not modified
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_store_result(handler, expected_patch, result):
    patch = {}
    outcomes = {handler.id: HandlerOutcome(final=True, result=result)}
    deliver_results(outcomes=outcomes, patch=patch)
    assert patch == expected_patch
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_creation_for_ignored_handlers():
    outcome = HandlerOutcome(final=True)
    assert outcome.final
    assert outcome.delay is None
    assert outcome.result is None
    assert outcome.exception is None